Forums / In game politics / Embassy of the RDR

Embassy of the RDR
02:37:13 Nov 3rd 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Embassy of the Russian Democratic Republic. Now Open.


  • The Russian Democratic Republic is a Socialist Democracy in which the people directly elect all representatives, up to the leader himself
  • All people are equal, no matter what religion, race, or preference
  • The current President of the RDR is Gennady Mikhailov
  • The RDR was formed after the Arma of Amon Hen, when Gennady Mikhailov's People's Revolutionary Guards overthrew Tsar Aleksandr Romanov
  • All people are allowed to apply for citizenship to the RDR
  • The RDR is currently the most powerful nation in Zetamania. 
  • The Socialist People's Liberation Front of the Russian Democratic Republic (SPLF-RDR) is the only legal political party. All citizens are automatically a member.

The Russian Democratic Republic was formed during the chaotic times of Armageddon.  Former Tsar of the Russian Empire, Aleksandr Romanov, attempted to re-assume the monarchy and re-establish the Russian Empire, however, unhappy peasants and workers led by Gennady Mikhailov, the son of a serf, revolted and formed the Russian Peoples Liberation Front. They removed Romanov from power, abolished the monarchy, and assassinated all former nobles, including the Tsar himself on multiple counts of treason, laundering, and mass murder.  Gennady Mikhailov and the Russian Peoples Liberation Front Commissariat Council then established the Russian State of Workers and Peasants, which soon, after assuming political structure, became the Russian Democratic Republic.

This is the international embassy of the RDR, open to the public and for other international leaders to address any subjects they desire to within. All messages will be answered by either the foreign ambassador or myself, depending on the content.  Have a nice day.

16:05:43 Nov 5th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

RDR Russian Democratic Republic 42 Sir Gennady Mikhailov 85


a bit overdoing it....

07:30:29 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Trenton:

keep your friends close and your enemies closer

07:38:28 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:


  • The Russian Democratic Republic is a Socialist Democracy in which the people directly elect all representatives, up to the leader himself
  • All people are equal, no matter what religion, race, or preference
  • The current President of the RDR is Gennady Mikhailov
  • The RDR was formed after the Arma of Amon Hen, when Gennady Mikhailov's People's Revolutionary Guards overthrew Tsar Aleksandr Romanov
  • All people are allowed to apply for citizenship to the RDR
  • The RDR is currently the most powerful nation in Zetamania. 
  • The Socialist People's Liberation Front of the Russian Democratic Republic (SPLF-RDR) is the only legal political party. All citizens are automatically a member.
  • RDR is currently the largest KD in VU.
Don't flame because it's true. I'm just stating the facts.

07:59:49 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Trenton:

yeah they are not very good.

08:02:02 Nov 11th 07 - Duke Epyon:

Peter the Great was crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;D

08:02:46 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Spud:

Milks crazy,

"Milk, your so crazy."

10:44:06 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

and thanks to them dr is getting thank u russians

15:44:12 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Abu Yusef:

orcanius you really think your strong , wait till you betrayed DR , i know you big betrayder , you betrayded in your first era

omg your gonna lose even if we lose all our cities in the south

20:42:55 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

what do you mean IF you lose all the cities in your south you already have!!

22:53:38 Nov 11th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

hey is betrayer and betrayed. we are strong. we ARE loyal. WE dont have internal problems and revolts like u do.

23:01:23 Nov 11th 07 - Duke Borazon:

rofl, did u just say DR is strong?

23:03:48 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Fish Pants III:

no his keyboard is jewish and CON is DR on his keyboard

23:49:35 Nov 11th 07 - Sir Trenton:

haha thats a good one

05:23:55 Nov 13th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

hahaha funny...i am a SHE not a he...never heard of a male rhiannia before. and DR is strong...those who have fought us know the truth...the opinions of others are not important

12:48:31 Nov 13th 07 - Sir Laticus:

I have fought you in 3 of my eras so far and pwned you all 3 times! You are not good at all.

15:34:18 Nov 13th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

who r u?

15:41:10 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Brinsbane:

it looks like he is Sir Laticus to me

18:09:19 Nov 13th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

i mean what kd?

18:11:40 Nov 13th 07 - Duke Borazon:

Why don't you check the top ten? (zetamania of course)

18:35:09 Nov 13th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia: u r consequence, i dont remember fighting consequence before this era at least not the eras i have played in...and so far we have not really been paying much attention to you as we are mostly focusing on russians at the imho...your boast is rather empty.

18:36:47 Nov 13th 07 - Duke Borazon:

Yeah, you haven't fought Consequence before because its our first era.  Do you remember Luna Wolves?  (before everybody left)

18:47:48 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Might:

Consequence was on Mantrax last era.

20:50:53 Nov 13th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

Sir Laticus


11/13/2007 4:48:31 AM
I have fought you in 3 of my eras so far and pwned you all 3 times! You are not good at all.
let me put it this way...what kingdoms were u in when u owned us...and i assume u were talking about the last 3 eras?

21:19:16 Nov 13th 07 - Duke Borazon:

That Consequence only had like 1 of our current members so i dont really count that

21:22:25 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Ivainius:

42 members......

21:47:12 Nov 13th 07 - Sir Trenton:

lol rdr is falling... members leaving to join the cause... dr and US are wiping them out though I will agree that mr. ovan did put a damper on my income with a nice strike but i still am advancing put through the core... and have met very little resistance

06:55:08 Nov 14th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

hmmm...i vaguely remember the name luna wolves, but i think that was talked about concerning the era before i joined, so you have not fought us in the last 3 eras.

14:15:33 Nov 14th 07 - Mr. Bogdan:

trenton weren't you in rdr before?

15:15:01 Nov 14th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

yes he was...and he is doing a great job of ruining them....i think he is on their top ten list of hated enemies by

16:04:50 Nov 14th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

I remember Luna Wolves in Era 27, they were top in Mantrax I believe.

17:31:55 Nov 14th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

ye didnt like em there stuck up eachother a$$'s as well as there own and by the way laticus last time u and i met dr killed u

22:51:08 Nov 14th 07 - Sir Trenton:

top ten ... i promise... I'm # 1 on their hate list

23:11:34 Nov 14th 07 - Duke Borazon:

lol, Justanius is just mad because LW pwned DR

02:17:39 Nov 15th 07 - Sir Archias:

ye didnt like em there stuck up eachother a$$'s as well as there own and by the way laticus last time u and i met dr killed u

Are you kidding me!?

I mean seriously you were such a terrible fight I decided to go to fant. for a challenge..

Two of our members (though the two best) scared DR into anarchy like rdr this era, you're a nub, justan so don't insult my KD mates who could own you by themselves...

02:42:32 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

So DR accepted a traitor from RDR? lol, funny names. DR, RDR, almost the same! yay!

Anyways, back to what I was saying, imo, that's low and dishonorable...and if you need to do that, I can't have a very high opinion of you.

03:09:12 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Milovich:

Through the eras Luna Wolves has changed its name numerous times, however one thing has always stayed the same... They have always won. -- Milovich, Historian

03:13:19 Nov 15th 07 - Sir Archias:

milovich - god

borazon - slightly larger god

laticus - hmm demi god

me - that one little girl that cries a lot :(

03:30:45 Nov 15th 07 - Duke Borazon:

lol, but i only worship one god (ZeTa)

04:22:26 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Cat:

im fighting dr and ptuttin up a good fight agaisnt dr.

04:22:40 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

The 2 eras I was with luna wolves they completely dominated anyone on the map.

05:16:08 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Anubis:


05:18:01 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Anubis:

RDR fight Jumper they would flog u

06:03:32 Nov 15th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

excuse me, but we havent accepted anyone who left rdr...just because trenton left them and is now his own kingdom, btw, does not mean he is a member of Dark Riders.

13:01:09 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

those who left RDR weren't just doing it spontaneously; it was planned out a full week in advance before we revolted and started the revolution. Hence the name of the KD.

16:53:54 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

hahahaha LW pwned dr...wer not that nuuby u mean preds pwnd dr

18:37:24 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Brinsbane:

i like our banner its the sign of anarchy (overthrowing the government)

18:44:16 Nov 15th 07 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Mr. Justanius Fontainius X


11/15/2007 3:53:54 PM
hahahaha LW pwned dr...wer not that nuuby u mean preds pwnd dr
we didnt really pwn you guys

19:03:51 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Zateb Kazim:

death to all governments! liberation for all

22:35:25 Nov 15th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

i am does the crown of thorns and the three spikes, that represent christs crucifiction, symbolize the overthrow of government?

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