Forums / In game politics / Empire Of Napoleon Embassy

Empire Of Napoleon Embassy
20:37:35 Dec 27th 10 - Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte:

This isn't a big kingdom though it will be a kingdom that is around for a long time so I figured it will deserve an embassy. The kingdom information explains what we are about and I would also like to add that we are recruiting at the moment


Empire Of Napoleon

Kingdom Banner

Name: Empire Of Napoleon
Members: 1
Created: 12/27/2010 6:34:09 PM
Leader: Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte

Compare kingdom


-- About Us--
I made this kingdom to honour one of the greatest military tacticians of all time. Originally this was going to be my former kingdom Legion Of Roma, though it is still under some other guy"s control though he is inactive and I can"t use the title. 

--This era--
Some targets for this era
-Have 5- 10 players at the end of the era
-Get overall world domination
-To play fair while having good fun

Accepting players of all experience, just fill in the questions below and send in an application

1. How many eras have you played (If any)

2. What race do you play as, or if you haven"t landed yet, what race do you intend to play as??

3. What area of the map are you located if you have landed already, (I.E North, South, South-East)

4. What kingdoms have you previously played with (If any)

5. Do you have any previous names that may be a significance for me to know about

For relations you can contact myself (Napoleon Bonaparte)
If you have any questions please let myself know and I will do my best to answer them

Napoleon Bonaparte
~~ Samual ~~


If any of you are interested in joining you can let me know in this thread or through a message, I will respond to them both.

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