Forums / In game politics / End of Rebirth

End of Rebirth
00:08:17 Dec 27th 09 - Lord Overcome:

Due to inactivity (specially in leadership), Rebirth will disband tomorrow.

Rebirth has existed for 1 year now and we have had alot of fun.

A special thing about Rebirth is the loyalty of the members, witch has been a vital requirment to get in, and that has caused many of us to share tight bonds and become very good friends in this game.

I therefor want to thank everyone that has been in Rebirth, helped it grow and succeed. Thanks for the good times.

I also want to thank those who have been good allies and those who has given us fun battles worth remembering.

00:15:12 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

So long guys, remember Dark and Light, AoA, and Glats are all recruiting! Though if their is any possible way why not make some of the active members leaders? I always liked your guys banner.

00:17:51 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:



I'm glad to have fought by you guys in a number of era's, and I have made a fair many friends from Rebirth.

I'm sure I'll see the Rebirth banner up sooner or later though.  GL Rebirth players, you know that there are many of you who are welcome in our Kingdom.

There has been a few turbulence between BoW and Rebirth, but I'm still sad to see you leave :(

And wow there are already a lot of KD's trying to recruit Rebirth players, seems like you did a good job in getting valuable players Overcome ;)

00:18:57 Dec 27th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

 ^^^ talk about jumping on someones grave

Goodbye Rebirth!

00:22:05 Dec 27th 09 - Lord Thomaas:


This is a sad moment... sad..

I had great time in there when I was there, and the people in there are great people and teamplayers.

I wish them all the best of luck in their time in VU. Hope I can see you guys later and play with or against you all later :D

00:29:24 Dec 27th 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:


You can not advertise your kingdom in someone elses topic.

00:33:05 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

good to fight you guys - I am sure I'll see a re-birth sometimes in future eras

00:34:58 Dec 27th 09 - Princess Aisha:

Ah, I did not expect this...
I am sorry to see Rebirth disbanding, it was a great Kingdom.
I had lots of fun in there, all the members were great and I still consider you all great friends :)
Still I think Rebirth didnt have to disband, there were still people that are active there.. You know why I had to leave, but thats another story.

Good luck to everyone in your new Kingdoms. :)

00:47:02 Dec 27th 09 - General Zondervan:

aww :/ well best luck to you all. and you know you all are welcome with me! (well kat)

00:47:09 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

Join AoA but until it opens join MAD.

00:48:07 Dec 27th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

Farewell Rebirth,

You were the greatest of allies and one of the most trustworthy Kingdoms that I have ever dealt with.

I want you to know that any applications coming from Rebirth Members will be accepted and welcomed with open arms.

00:51:36 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Coolcat:

shaame to see Rebirth go. :(

00:58:52 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

Duke Pesty Bear


23:29:24 Dec 26th 09

You can not advertise your kingdom in someone elses topic.


Two things its SamuAl and secondly are there rules against that??

01:06:05 Dec 27th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

yes, because you're off topic....

01:07:24 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

Oh well, sorry : D

01:10:02 Dec 27th 09 - General Gokken:

I would like to thank everyone for the nice words =D

I would also like to thank all former and current Rebirth members for a good time together (even with all my evilness :P)
I know that the spirit of Rebirth will live on in most of its former and current members, and thats comforting for me.
I wish all Rebirth members the best of luck in the future and i hope i get to play with or against all of you at some point. =D

I would also like to thank all our allies this era and earlyer eras for some good times working together.

And last i would like to thank all our enemys for a great time and alot of fun =D

Again thanks for alot of fun =D

- General Gokken

01:18:48 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

NO, if you can make some active members leaders. You guys have too many good people to just let them scatter. It will create a mess of things >_> i liked it much better when i saw rebirth and was able to go well they have blah blah blah.

01:40:18 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

sorry to see you guys disband, i would rather see the active players take over and you guys carry on.

02:27:33 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Skinnyvinny:

this is very sad, i enjoyed Rebirth and all their players.  we got off to a rocky start but we pulled through in the end.  i will miss you all.

03:07:54 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Vallaroaxe:

My hands, they clap in light of this event.

Good luck.

04:40:18 Dec 27th 09 - Lord Sky:

I'm so sad to hear :( Best of luck to all of you, you're all excellent players :)

05:07:11 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Cadmus The Valiant:

Best of luck in your future ventures, members of Rebirth.

05:26:35 Dec 27th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Sad to see you guys go!  I had a great time playing with you all! 

06:04:39 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

This is a sad moment in VU history. I have never encountered a dishonorable player from Rebirth and for this reason i would have gladly fought along side of you all. I do not wish to walk on your grave by inviting you all to join The Federation but i do it because i strongly believe that this kingdom was the Elite of VU.

best of luck to you all

where ever you may roam

06:06:06 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Koss:

yea this is almost as sad when legacy disbanded

06:11:27 Dec 27th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

Good luck with your future endeavours, Rebirth :)

06:11:34 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Binh The General:

Bye rebirth. See you around in a few eras then :D

06:16:04 Dec 27th 09 - King Charley Deallus V:

Mr. Koss


00:06:06 Dec 27th 09
yea this is almost as sad when legacy disbanded
Nowhere near as close, but it is sad when a KD that has been a contender disbands.  Legacy had been around a lot longer and had a much larger impact...

08:49:18 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Aussie:

Good luck guys look.:)

10:10:21 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Rijstwafel:

Sad :( It was great playing in Rebirth and i'm proud to have been with you for 2 and a half era, I wish you the best of luck in wherever your hearts lead you :)

10:27:40 Dec 27th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Too bad, it's been good fighting you guys, and I was actually looking for revenge next era, but I suppose revenge will have to wait. :P

11:50:09 Dec 27th 09 - Clown Penguin The Filipino:

so no ass slaughter from overcome?

13:08:19 Dec 27th 09 - Lord Rexar:

What is Rebirth?

Rebirth is not just a word or a is within us - all of us who played in that kingdom. Rebirth is still living inside us!!! We, the leadership of Rebirth, decided that it is time to take a break, but this does not mean that we will be off forever :) We will come back strong again. I would like to thank all the people, allies and enemies, of respecting Rebirth and saying to nice words about it. In my heart the bonds that Overcome mentioned will stay strong even now, whichever kingdom we are in.

13:09:21 Dec 27th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Best of luck guys

Rebirth will be missed

13:21:43 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Gonads The Rager:

Its always sad to see an established kingdom disband. Goodluck to all its members for the future.. 

15:03:41 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

good luck guys,

was great fightin against you... hope to see you guys come back soon

16:19:17 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

yeah i hope too

17:30:19 Dec 27th 09 - Lord Middle Earth:

I liked it tho be in there... I really gonna miss you all!

this will be the end of Middle Earth =(

18:05:58 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Rebirth will be missed :D ...

but im sure after some time ill see a topic called (Rebirth of REBIRTH) :D

18:10:51 Dec 27th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

LOL probably true Basio

20:59:54 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Gastrace:

well at least next era will start off good. no Rebirth

21:19:11 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Koss:

yea when lagacy disbanded i teared up

King Charley Deallus V


23:16:04 Dec 26th 09
Mr. Koss


00:06:06 Dec 27th 09
yea this is almost as sad when legacy disbanded
Nowhere near as close, but it is sad when a KD that has been a contender disbands.  Legacy had been around a lot longer and had a much larger impact...

14:59:18 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I was only a short time in rebirth, but the moment I joined I felt at home, I would have gladly stayed in rebirth if I hadnīt had obligations to SIN. I am sure that Rebirth will come back, there where so many great players and leaders in it, that will at some point want to be part of that great community again.

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