Forums / In game politics / Enlistment for KOC

Enlistment for KOC
16:39:15 Apr 7th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

sum nub posted crap all over the last one..... so here goes.

Kingdom Of Cyprus

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom Of Cyprus
Members: 6
Tag: KOC
Created: 4/6/2009 11:31:36 PM
Leader: Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail


The First Crusades

Chapter one of the chronicles

3 Generations ago a man named Sepelchure Grail , The chosen Knight stumbled a cross a hidden ancient Library. In it he saw entailed the Power of the Kingdom Of cyprus. But he saw something else.
The corrupted parliaments were only allowed to lead due to the death of the king. The fact there was no immediate heir.

The Man Sepelchure Grail was a general. Leader of 30 Knights. He had stumbled across the royal libraries. and in it he found , amongst other wonders , The Cyrian crown , The Royal Pommel , For the sword had turn to dust and the royal lineage. Through studying this with more recent lineage books he traced the Line of heritage to one man. Duke Hughes of sion.

He rode out with his knights, Eager to meet Hughes. Eager to end the civil war that blighted our country. Only to find he had been beaten there. The parliementary forces had beaten him to the King. He then saddled up his men and took leaping run at them.
Out number 31 to 200 He fought. Parrying blows. Slashing through metal and Flesh along with it. Blocking the Parliementary blows. until it was 100 - 31. The 100 Elite Knights vs a group of ragged 19th legion Royal Knights. Sepelchure Grail and his knights were routed. The elites making charge upon charge.

Sepelchure Fleed with his General Dunideman and begged his knights to come with him. They said him escaping with the King was most important.

Grail rode out but the king died in his sleep.
However th epeople declared The Hero Sepelchure King. and in honor the sons of his knights given lordships.

Chapter 2 of the chronicles

The Kingdom of Cyprus , Once a 31 Lord Realm. Kingdom of Cyprus stood firm in the face of danger. It stood firm in the face of all.

And then The elementals came.They murdered every man they came across. The Knights fought valiantly. but the lords were no longer the proud sons of knights they were, They were now the pampered men not wanting to lose there lands. Under whitelight a group of 5 of them joined the Elementals. Picking clean what had once been his allies lands.But the Knights withstood. those *beep*mained fell back. finding peace in the mountains of valhalla. but this would n ot be a lasting peace. Tabula rasa / Abydos ... seeing that KoC could no longer effectively defend itself swooped in. out numbered out fought and demoralized the first crusades ended as the Knights fled to fantasia.

This is a crusader Kingdom.For those who look at our current standing you will see our time so far has not been much of a crusade.

We have not stood As Firm As i would of hoped in the face of our enemies.

Our Lords And Lieges. Our So called Loyal Knights Flee in the face of battle.

But our soul still stands.

We Are recruiting new Lords for A second Crusade amongst the Worlds of Utopia.


18:13:56 Apr 7th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

What happened to all of that funny stuff?  Everyone had a big laugh over it and now those that were not on are missing out on some of the best entertainment of the era! 

18:16:30 Apr 7th 09 - Prince Mielo:

if you want to make jokes go to hangaround ... politics are serial bizz'

19:13:07 Apr 7th 09 - Sir Atomic Pepper:

good luck... again... again

19:22:42 Apr 7th 09 - Duke Random:

mmm who wants to join a multi KD....

19:59:30 Apr 7th 09 - Sir Atomic Pepper:

not me

or me.

20:00:25 Apr 7th 09 - Mr. Bran:

Sir Atomic Pepper


4/7/2009 6:59:30 PM

not me

or me.

theres a difference between mutlying and schizophrenia

20:13:33 Apr 7th 09 - Sir Atomic Pepper:


23:33:23 Apr 7th 09 - Sir Lychee:

He forgot to log on and off in the mean time.

00:05:08 Apr 8th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

The one with all the "info" has been moved to the Hang around!

03:57:30 Apr 8th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Dont join this n0ob....A mon avis, il est la tres n0oby....

10:16:11 Apr 8th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i dont mean to bash any kingdom or anything but am i the only one who sees what the kingdom tag can be announced as?  koc.....   >_>,

10:36:28 Apr 8th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Nah...several of us saw it...

19:46:10 Apr 8th 09 - Demonic Entity:

is this thread flamed yet!?

20:03:33 Apr 8th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

No, Bunch of *beep*s thread is getting top billing right now.

20:26:43 Apr 8th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Kath was banned Shezmu...not really much you can do still.

01:23:47 Apr 9th 09 - Demonic Entity:


MMMmmmmMMMmmmMmmmmMMMMMMUUuuuUUULllLLLTttTttiiiiiiIIIIIIII KIIiIIIiIIiiiiiiillllllllllllLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111Oneeee

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