Forums / In game politics / Era Awards..

Era Awards..
13:18:02 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

please no *beep**

put in the  names you think are the best For this Era

1) Best individual KD -

2) Best Attaker -

3) Best player -

4) Best leader -

5) Worst KD -

6) Worst leader -

7) KD who will rule the world -

8) Most entertaining poster -

9) Worst forum personality -

10) Worst player -

11) Best P&P poster -

12) Best Newbe -

13) Biggest *beep*mer -

14) Most missed retired player -

15) Biggest Farmer -

16) Most clever Player -

17) Most Gullible Player -

18) Best move made by a KD -

19) Worst move made by a KD -

20) Best mage -

21) Worst KD -

13:27:31 Oct 12th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

hmm, I usually do these at era end....


13:34:38 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

ehh never saw it befor xD

13:36:08 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

1) Best individual KD - ....

2) Best Attaker - CXC

3) Best player - General Ezatious

4) Best leader - Mr. Roxbury

5) Worst KD - The Dacians

6) Worst leader - Mr. The Gladiator

7) KD who will rule the world - Fate

8) Most entertaining poster -  Mr. Hanky Panky

9) Worst forum personality - Mr. Samual

10) Worst player - Mr. Samual

11) Best P&P poster - Mr. Spiderman

12) Best Newbe - ME!!!

13) Biggest *beep*mer - Mr. Samual

14) Most missed retired player - Squiddy

15) Biggest Farmer - Pual of pks :p

16) Most clever Player - Mr. Einskaldir

17) Most Gullible Player -

18) Best move made by a KD - PKS you know why xD

19) Worst move made by a KD - DB for spliting there forces and S rushing in to a war with out checking whos behind them first xD

20) Best mage - Sir Epyon if his the main mage for lgc if not then correct me plz


13:47:38 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Batman:

We knew who was behind us :P

15:31:01 Oct 12th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

khalifa, with 3 kd's fighting u how can u not split up your forces?

16:42:14 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Random:

you obviously ignore the other two. geez

17:09:59 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Spetznaz:

Theres so many things wrong in this thread

Too name a few :

  1. Wrong Forum
  2. Wrong Host  { Atm its Lew <3 }
  3. Poor 'Awards'
  4. Host also being 'Unknown' too some
  5. Poor Spelling/Grammer
  6. Bad choices/Comments
I could name more

18:52:16 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

18:58:26 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Pink:

btw number 5 and number 21 are the same

20:51:42 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

i agree with most except da best farmer is hanky thou i regret sayin dat

20:52:14 Oct 12th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

ownage in arma award- Pesterd :-)

20:59:29 Oct 12th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:


I'll wait for Lew's thread to open up... :P

21:09:16 Oct 12th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

lol acting like casting arma is something special <3 the novelty will wear off

21:52:54 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

lol this is not the awards hehe all of you can put down who you think was the best and the worst then if we get that mush plp saying he same name we can cast the real awards...

00:40:25 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

haha even Os knows arma is nothing special:P

01:58:25 Oct 13th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

Dark Lord Osiris


10/12/2008 3:09:16 PMlol acting like casting arma is something special <3 the novelty will wear off

nahh osi just hates me...
hes angry bc we owned him to the core in era 15.. and ever since he cant stop flaming...
he needs a life..

03:16:48 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

  ya this list is way off, but nice try...

04:21:20 Oct 13th 08 - Sir Epyon:

I like whoever made this thread


10:54:30 Oct 13th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i got owned in era 15??

12:22:47 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

this is not awards every one can copy the first list and put the names of who they thing was the best and the worst...

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