Forums / In game politics / Era of MzzeryEra of Betrayal

Era of MzzeryEra of Betrayal
07:19:17 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

There sure does seem to be a bunch of it. Specifically on Zetamania. What's up with that?

07:58:22 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Goldsie:

The human race is a dark, decadent and malevolent cesspit.

08:01:42 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

^ that's depressing

I like humans :D  especially Endless hehe.  Is Pure on Zet? O:

08:19:25 Jan 2nd 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

I agree with goldsie. that is the reason humans are feared so though,  we can be the pinnacle of evil then the next minute for no reason we can be a savior or angel. all in all humans are flux's in my book. Neither good nor evil but a bit of both. No more one thaan the other, however depending on our situation forces us to exact what the situation needs. this then creates bitter individuals who through social influence and personal perception are then sub conc. are more likely sway their hand one way or another. Hence a hero or villian is born.

Lame mans terms, the situation in zetamania is most likely because one person betrayed someone and it created a domino effect.

08:28:08 Jan 2nd 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

nah. you are overthinking things. The betrayers of zetamania is a normal effect of a kd being completely pwned to the ground. It just means that we gotta kill wannabe moviestars with a pokemon tag instead of with a planet holywood tag now instead. 

Personally i dont understand why they think they are going to get killed any less just becuase they swap tags arround. The end result is going to be the same anyways.

09:14:49 Jan 2nd 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

Lol, i was meaning to overthink things to give my post some bulk. Gives something for others to read while they wait for ticks ;p. However though, even false hope is hope. If they switch they are hoping to survive even if they know they wont. just part of being human.

11:27:01 Jan 2nd 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

We switched to a different kingdom because the majority of the leadership was inactive. The switch was organised, not a betrayal. We will continue to fight as we have as the same group of players, but with a more solid, active leadership behind it.

That and if we die we have somewhere to restart, rather than just respawning on zetamania next to HiV again.

11:33:40 Jan 2nd 10 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

but your guys are about to die on nirvana :S makes no sense , on nirvana your stuck between two enemies , you cant go north as the map isnt open , and south is a mountain , under that the same kd trapping you on the west......Great place to respawn (Y) lol

11:53:28 Jan 2nd 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

Mr. Sable The Black Blade


06:19:17 Jan 2nd 10 There sure does seem to be a bunch of it. Specifically on Zetamania. What's up with that?

Didn't see who posted the thread before...You can't really talk about betrayal, as you happen to be a vice in a kingdom which let in traitor in.

11:54:53 Jan 2nd 10 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

not to take sides , but also , most of federation betrayed kingdom of cyprus , and ran away , some joined elementals , when they attacked us so....

12:13:21 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Unban Dropkick:

@ Arthur Dent, pure is on valhalla :O

18:03:44 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

No. We never betrayed KoC. Sepulcher Grail was not a very good leader, and so we negotiated with him and split the kingdom. And, just because we let in a traitor who deserted only because the leadership sucked ass doesn't make me a traitor. I was merely pointing out the facts that humans are fickle. All of us. You can act tough and pretend to be all high and mighty, but we all have our flaws, and I don't see why harboring someone who despises bad leadership is any flaw of mine, or The Federation's for that matter.

18:53:56 Jan 2nd 10 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

dont lie to me , i am sepulcher grail , and there was no bloody negotiating

20:18:18 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

K drop, thank you ;)  You gonna kill him then?

21:51:32 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

not to take sides , but also , most of federation betrayed kingdom of cyprus , and ran away , some joined elementals , when they attacked us so....

Also, if you remember correctly, Uther himself MADE KoC and handed it over to you like, halfway, through the war with elemental. Only one or two people even  switched sides to elemental, while the rest of the core members of KBW, (which is what KoC started out as) resigned and started over on a different world. So, my left one. Suck it.

21:58:24 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Duke Mithras Harrison Ford


05:27:01 Jan 2nd 10 We switched to a different kingdom because the majority of the leadership was inactive. The switch was organised, not a betrayal. We will continue to fight as we have as the same group of players, but with a more solid, active leadership behind it.

That and if we die we have somewhere to restart, rather than just respawning on zetamania next to HiV again.

Also, just because it's organized doesn't make it okay. Is premeditated murder okay because it's organized? No. I think it's worse, no? Yes. You. Dumb. Now.

22:17:28 Jan 2nd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

This is fully true

Kath had a crusader kingdom of Sorts and KBW was next to them (led by me).
When elementals attacked we decided to merge so i made the banner, and the kingdom description (the original ones) and made the kingdom. Half a week after this i had RL problems so i gave Kath the kingdom (or Sepulcher Grail as he was called then).


Those of you in Planet Hollywood who are accusing MM of betrayal need to do the same to these nubs in Pokemon because their reasons for leaving were the exact same as MM's reason.

I questioned him on it and he said he wanted reliable leaders who wouldn't get banned and who would be active.

thats that

23:24:22 Jan 2nd 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

Also, just because it's organized doesn't make it okay. Is premeditated murder okay because it's organized? No. I think it's worse, no? Yes. You. Dumb. Now.

Your post betrays your complete and utter ignorance.

A/ Random was a leader in the kingdom last era, and has strong ties with the leadership and B/ It was on the order of the kingdom's leader (recieved via msn) that we switched to another kingdom, for the reasons I stated in my last post.

furthermore, we are still here fighting. We haven't all resigned and run off to a different world, if we had I could understand that people would not approve. However, as it stands we have done nothing wrong

EDIT: Saw uthers post. Us joining pokemon is completely different- it is the whole kingdom and it is on the leader's orders, not on their whim while the leaders are inactive. Monstrosity left on his own and began attacking his former kd mates.

23:42:36 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I don't really see how we're about to lose... O.o

00:12:16 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

uther you handed the kd over to me the day you made it as pre arranged , you only made it as i had already made 1 that era

03:28:15 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

You didn't resign? Because I see several ex-Planet Hollywood cities that now belong to the native people... That sounds to me like resigning, no?

06:16:44 Jan 3rd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I remember owning and running the kingdom for a good 3 or 4 days and then handing it over to you when i had RL problems and no one in that kingdom betrayed KoC other than one guy who swapped over.

Hell the only person in my current kingdom that was in KoC that i can remember is Sable and Master and both of them left like i did when we died. Do not call me a traitor or any of my people because i have (multiple times) not attacked you due to our history when i could have easily done so.

Also last era in Nirvana when no one wanted you in their kingdom i accepted you only to see you leave and create a new kingdom and get killed.

I do not accept people labeled as traitors because they give me some sort of temporary gain or anything, i accept them because this is a game and they lik eall other diserves to be able to play in a kingdom with others and quite honestly i try and treat everyone in my kingdom as equals. We all have say on anything that happens and what goes so under this i do not believe i am in any danger of anyone betraying me.

and seriously

do you all want to honestly call him turning on his kd mates not fair when it is a war thats being fought?

Im just saying this is a war game, and if he wants to leave a kingdom and join another because he believes it is a smarter choice then so be it. Though there will of course be consequences this doesnt mean it should be held longer then it should be.

Under NAP conditions i cannot shelter him and try and save him or his cities, but this doesnt mean that he cant restart in my kingdoms core fresh.

I do not complain with any conditions or policies that HIV wants to take against him but if they extend it past his current cities and to new ones he builds under The Federations banner to start anew then there will be a problem. That in itself would be denying an ally to restart because the second his old cities are taken he will then become a full member of my kingdom and should be protected by our NAP agreement.

once again do what you will but please do not overextend your boundaries into new cities that he builds.

im sorry if i seem to have an agry tone in any of this... i am tired and just got back from a long day of work so i am naturally cranky


09:58:47 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

Those of you in Planet Hollywood who are accusing MM of betrayal need to do the same to these nubs in Pokemon because their reasons for leaving were the exact same as MM's reason.

me and mithras the only active members of the kingdom made the choice to get everyone to switch....secondly it was pretty much an order from hanky...unlike what monsteristyman did...i dont recall me or any of the leadership asking him to leave the kingdom and attack his old kingdom mates

10:17:12 Jan 3rd 10 - Duke Random:

Those of you in Planet Hollywood who are accusing MM of betrayal need to do the same to these nubs in Pokemon because their reasons for leaving were the exact same as MM's reason.

Get your head on straight you retard.

Hanky and Bling were banned, They're still the same fucking KD just under my rule now. I'm leading the players who want to join me and post oop war respawn on a non-rape world to get back on their feet.

I took the players in as a favour to bling and hanky. I was the fucking leader of the kingdom last era, and they trusted me in their 'down time' to take care of their precious.

DON'T try to smear shit over us because you took in a scum traitor who left his KD for an ENEMY and directly attacks his old kingdom.

dick move uther.

p.s this is my official statment.

11:13:09 Jan 3rd 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

Mr. Sable The Black Blade


02:28:15 Jan 3rd 10 You didn't resign? Because I see several ex-Planet Hollywood cities that now belong to the native people... That sounds to me like resigning, no?

...You really need to grow some brain cells. Really.

People who resigned were the ones who had been completely destroyed eg. all cities taken except an armoury, no resources no troops, and no way to get more resources. Then naturally you would resign. But the majority of players have not done so, and have kept fighting, because they still have the income and troops to do so. When the switch was originally made no one had resigned, it has only been since as more cities have been taken.

12:19:55 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Shadow:

a traitor is part of the game. if you guys don't like traitors so much then make it an update so that they cant attack former kingdoms and likewise. i think you guys are mad because you thought no one would turn on you and when one did you weren't prepared for it. we didn't pick him up because he was a traitor. we picked him up because hes a good player. and the fact that hes taken your cities without retaliation from your kingdom proves it. with or without leadership you should be able to kill one man especially if he was in your KD. 

12:49:01 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Seann William Scott:

wow shadow, u really are that dumb? Retaliation is kinda hard when ur getting overrun by mostly HIV and in a lesser amount Gladiators. Its hard having to fight that much and still have spare troops to send at a traitor. (spare troops would assume we would be winning, and quite frankly....i kinda doubt that)

12:54:51 Jan 3rd 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

As seann said, all our troops are tied up fighting HiV and gladiators, we simply didnt have any to spare. monstrosity man came out with a load of troops right next to our cities when our armies were further forward and we were unable to send any back because if we did HiV would take the cities those armies were defending

We weren't planning on having someone turn traitor, funnily enough, so we didnt leave troops further back.

a traitor is part of the game. if you guys don't like traitors so much then make it an update so that they cant attack former kingdoms and likewise.

As you said, it is a part of the game so the game mechanics shouldnt be changed to stop them attacking their former kingdom. Turning traitor however is violating the trust you were given when you joined the kingdom to stick with that group of players for that era. The result of turning traitor should always be that they are not accepted into any other kingdom, but killed if a kingdom comes across them.

Accepting a traitor in my mind makes the kingdom's leadership just as guilty as the traitor himself.

13:02:58 Jan 3rd 10 - Princess Aisha:

I think it would not be good to take away the option to attack your former Kingdom, its a part of the game and taking it out would be a mistake.
The thing you have to work on is on recruiting, dont allow everyone in your Kingdom and this will not happen. Its not easy to join more serious Kingdoms with strict recruiting requirements.
Its better to prevent then to cure...

13:09:34 Jan 3rd 10 - Lord Fuelled Byy Lsd:

True Aisha, but does that mean you don't give new players a chance just because they're new and you don't know them? That would just lead in circles :\

And Mithras is right, acceptance of traitors from enemy Kds is just as bad as actually doing the act. You're harbouring and protecting someone who should have waited till at least death if he wanted to change Kds.

13:53:45 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Shadow:

wow shadow, u really are that dumb? Retaliation is kinda hard when ur getting overrun by mostly HIV and in a lesser amount Gladiators. Its hard having to fight that much and still have spare troops to send at a traitor. (spare troops would assume we would be winning, and quite frankly....i kinda doubt that)

if my cities were going to be taken anyway and a traitor started killing my mates id attack them. as said in dragon age. "flank often, history wont remember how flashy your failed frontal assault looked." to that general theme do something worth remembering (teaching a lesson/ making example of) rather than how your troops failed to defend your cities. 

what did you guys expect him to do after he left. just sit there and be killed? of course he attacked. im more then sure you guys would have attacked him anyway.
also me saying to change updates was me being sarcastic, just in case you didn't notice.

14:17:58 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Shadow:

True Aisha, but does that mean you don't give new players a chance just because they're new and you don't know them? That would just lead in circles :\

you always have a chance to have a traitor with new people. or even old ones for that matter (but more rare). but after they leave and protect themselves they should essentially stop playing the game? 

And Mithras is right, acceptance of traitors from enemy Kds is just as bad as actually doing the act. You're harbouring and protecting someone who should have waited till at least death if he wanted to change Kds.

how is it just as bad? we did nothing wrong. he attacking our enemies and not our allies (which want to kill him btw). and for protecting him. who are we protecting him from? enemies? or the kd that threatens to break a nap to kill him?

the fact that this is still being talked about is interesting enough. yeah hes a traitor, suck it up and move on. life isn't fair why should this game be any different?

14:25:03 Jan 3rd 10 - Lord Fuelled Byy Lsd:

Don't get me wrong, those are just comments... I couldn't care less as to what happens =p

Its bad because you showed him that its possible for him to act in such a way and still find himself as a member of a Kd. If a dog ruins your sofa, do you encourage it and give him a treat? 

"suck it up and move on. life isn't fair why should this game be any different?"
I agree on that much, haha! ;)

14:35:27 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Shadow:

Its bad because you showed him that its possible for him to act in such a way and still find himself as a member of a Kd. If a dog ruins your sofa, do you encourage it and give him a treat? 

your right i certainly dont. i hit him with a newspaper put his nose in it so he knows what he did. but i dont kick him out of the house for good and let him fend him for himself.

14:41:47 Jan 3rd 10 - Lord Fuelled Byy Lsd:

Of course, "it" has to learn through trial and error. Now if the "dog" wasn't originally yours, do you adopt it just because "its" been made homeless?

19:37:16 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

I had a cat that was kicked out. Yes I adopted it. =P

19:41:14 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Chee Cat:

"You cannot teach an old dog new tricks, instead make use of the ones he has learned, and the ones he has not." essentially, they may be traitors yes however all of them have some reason for betraying the kingdom they were in. it is your job as a leader instead to not only note the fact that they have performed a dishonorable move but instead, learn from it and make sure you are not going to repeat the same mistake. in this way you can learn from the 'tricks" they have not learned and improve your own status among their rankings. Then it is your job to make use of the tricks they have picked up and use them to the max effect. In this way a positive relationship can develop  between you and the leader, soon developing not a respect and trust between a kingdom leader and subordinate, but between friends.

19:58:11 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Trust is a very valuable commodity, worth far more than gold.

21:57:31 Jan 3rd 10 - Master Windu:

Sir Lazuras of Acre


18:12:16 Jan 2nd 10
uther you handed the kd over to me the day you made it as pre arranged , you only made it as i had already made 1 that era

Lord Uther Pendragon    


00:16:44 Jan 3rd 10
I remember owning and running the kingdom for a good 3 or 4 days and then handing it over to you when i had RL problems and no one in that kingdom betrayed KoC other than one guy who swapped over.

Hell the only person in my current kingdom that was in KoC that i can remember is Sable and Master and both of them left like i did when we died. Do not call me a traitor or any of my people because i have (multiple times) not attacked you due to our history when i could have easily done so.


Uther just owned you, Kath.


22:09:08 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

how did he own me ? just by contradicting me? , and uther when was this ? ive never been near you since that happened except on nirvana , when i got killed because apparently one of YOUR alliance said i couldnt stay were i was....

22:18:25 Jan 3rd 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Lord Uther Pendragon    


00:16:44 Jan 3rd 10 I remember owning and running the kingdom for a good 3 or 4 days and then handing it over to you when i had RL problems and no one in that kingdom betrayed KoC other than one guy who swapped over.

Hell the only person in my current kingdom that was in KoC that i can remember is Sable and Master and both of them left like i did when we died. Do not call me a traitor or any of my people because i have (multiple times) not attacked you due to our history when i could have easily done so.

On a side note, he said "only person" singular, and listed 2 people...

Carry on :D

22:27:26 Jan 3rd 10 - Master Windu:

Sir Lazuras of Acre


16:09:08 Jan 3rd 10
How did he own me? Just by contradicting me?, and Uther, when was this? I have never been near you since that happened except on nirvana, when I got killed because apparently someone from YOUR alliance said I could not stay where I was....

Well thats your problem not ours so you can not blame us at all. After KoC, he had RL problems like he stated. He was gone for about five eras before coming back. Thats why he was not near you. Besides, I told him about you and your stupid decisions you had  made during the times I was in your kingdom. Oh and I took the liberty of correcting some of the things you typed down.

23:08:12 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Omg Windu's a grammar Nazi, Nazi Jedi!

23:08:58 Jan 3rd 10 - Master Windu:


Lol Arthur ur sooo funny!!!!!!!!!

23:16:04 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Sarcasm- Hard to use over the internet.

23:41:13 Jan 3rd 10 - Master Windu:

Dude I know I was just saying that is funny. Chill man!!

01:04:45 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

lol, I'm just kidding.

Anyhow, any new "betrayals"?  I got one ;)

04:53:12 Jan 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

You mean how i parked your sister last night Arthur? Look in the mail box, i left you a video of it!


just messin' with you man

04:56:31 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

... OMG!  That's why she was up so late!  not cool man :/

04:57:39 Jan 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yes that era in Nirvana was the first era that i had ever been back since KoC.

Quite frankly you didn't have to leave the kingdom because they asked me if they could attack you because you had just joined and i said no but then you left to fight.

Dont get me wrong Kath i am not in any way trying to disrespect you i am just saying that we did not betray KoC and none of the ones who left to go to the enemies side are in my kingdom. Like i said though KoC was my creation (i have original PDF's of the original banner and everything.) so there would have been no reason for me to betray and destroy a kingdom i made or condone such actions by having the people that did so join my current kingdom. All i remember is that when a lot of my past members found out that i was leaving they desided to part ways because i wasn't ruling anymore.

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