Forums / In game politics / Everybody seems to have one...

Everybody seems to have one...
17:01:22 May 18th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

... so i want one too. Period.

Oi, Swiffers, give NAP now! I don't want to feel left out! :->

17:24:40 May 18th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:

I don't get it..

Last round you mass-recruit to a Carnage-esque size (who you vehemently crticised beforehand, for having such a member count), and in addition to that NAP several strong KDs (Trio, Sheol), THEN NAP the only ally LGC has (WoL) to reduce our support in a fight.

We don't complain, you don't complain. The era passes.

So this round, we make improvements in our choice of NAPs, and you start bawling your eyes out on the forums when you find out?

You wind up merchants are so fickle, I can smell the fear from here. Stop making flame bait and we won't need to respond to it to defend our KD. It's pretty shameful you're trying to stir up trouble amongst the same guys you had played for years together with. When you left VU Raist, we were never on bad terms with you. But when you returned, you decided you had to pick sides. Give it a rest. You're boring now.

17:44:19 May 18th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

"So this round, we make improvements in our choice of NAPs"

I'm sorry, but i just have to laugh... :))))))))))

Now on a more serious note (hmmm, serious? With Swiffers the babbler? Damn, what is this world comming to?):

I do hope you turn out to be more lively this era as otherwise all your bravado amounts to nothing substantial and the forums will have to be silent again as you are only barking when you think you have a chance for comming out on top.

I would like to reply to your tooting about mass-recruiting: With the amount of salivating *beep*s you've taken into LGC to offset the loss of many good and active players you are hardly in a position to say anything on the subject, don't you think? (Jet i've taken your towns, and by god you really need to do the tutorial again a couple of times, it might give you an idea what the game is about - and thats just one example)

With that issue out of the way i will hop to the "fear" part and just say that the only thing i fear is that you guys dont come out on top as that would probably mean us having several suicides to answer for. Swiffers you are so predictable it pains us to watch it. You think you have it all figured out so your *beep*yness is flashing again. Where was it last era? Wait, i think we stomped it into the ground along with the rest of your kingdom, right? So tell you what, go and NAP Mantrax and the other worlds too, just in case. Coz the mean DB people are comming and god knows what they are bringing.


Ez, Rox, i thought you said you won't let this guy talk for the KD anymore?

17:51:00 May 18th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

Hmmm, there is one thing i will answer without a pun.
You are speaking about people i've played with. Yep, i played with people who were able to recognise a good foe, who didn't back down from a fight and who were actually dominating along with being arrogant. Now there is only arrogance left and that is just sad. Suprisingly enough (for you ofc) i'm still on rather good terms with most of the guys i used to play with. But as a KD you emmanate a weird message that really doesn't make me regret never comming back.

Perhaps you just failed to recognise the moment that calls for the disband button.

18:27:58 May 18th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

"Perhaps you just failed to recognise the moment that calls for the disband button."

Nice punch line.

On the other hand, I have to say that, ignoring the message of Swifty's post (on which I will not comment as it may be argueable upon) you must admit that at least his tone is less arrogant than before and almost no insults are being thrown upon the conversation partner.

Regarding the NAPs, I can understand Legacy. Assuming the TRIO-DB-SHEOL "trio" would not have changed, their decision is logical in the context of what Legacy has to offer nowadays.

And concerning their new recruits I have to congratulate them on acquiring Lelouch. As annoying as his sarcasm can be at times, he is an excellent player from what I can remember.


18:30:48 May 18th 08 - Duke Epymon:

18:36:13 May 18th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Yo! :-D

18:38:02 May 18th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Swifty, just ignore them. If they wanna talk worthless shit on the forums, let em =)

02:37:26 May 19th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

different lelouch than you werewolf. :)

22:09:22 May 19th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Improvements in NAPs - Napping or being neutral *friendly* with 4/6 of the biggest kingdoms on Fantasia. lol ok Carnage and PKS want to stay neutral with us and play legacy's improved way?

Your only allies last era... do realise that our CF with them served to your advantage, Shiolic killed them. Then they began a march across our territory to your core to rebuild.

Had we not had the CF, your allies would not have made it there, and if they did, it would have been one long march around our core to your which point we would have had you broken...after all, you wouldnta had that WOL city to take over to get your merge into for safety which just prolonged your defeat. So really I cant see how you can even talk about that.

Last round you mass-recruit to a Carnage-esque size (who you vehemently crticised beforehand, for having such a member count), and in addition to that NAP several strong KDs (Trio, Sheol)

Several implies more than 2...what would you have advised... Zeon, Trio, Carnage, PKS and Shio land around us...given the era before Carnage and PKS was #1 target...then we chose between Zeon and Trio as they were both in our immediate area or so we turns out the Zeon members were Assasin Creed members who joined them.

When we have 30 members to take on Zeon, 2 - 30 members KDs plus Legacy you decide to only NAP one person. Yes thats 4 enemies kingdoms simultaneously to your massive 2 KDs. Yes, you had 70% our member base, but take on 50% the opposition.

When we drop to 25, *30 members is hard to organise..good luck carnage =P*, Legacy keeps friendly or atleast agrees to avoid each other with Carnage, Shiolic, PKS and now...Music.

Before Music CF i considered it wise enough diplomacy, a bit pussylike...but now its just silly.

So you face Dark Blood alone, oh not all of us tho. Because Carnage and PKS are also having some fun with us. So u face like 1/3 of DB, if thats all the Legacy of today can handle, then so be it. Im sorry I thought you were capable of so much more. Ill not make the mistake in the future.

And please dont say your fighting Trio, because we have all seen the war between Shio and Trio going on since OOP. You may have encountered them but your not warring them.


So what do you want from DB?

We take on 4 kingdoms all around us simultaneously with 30 members and win convincinly..very convincinly.

Now we take on 3 kingdoms from the top 6 by ourselves simultaneously *so far* this time with 25 members, thats 25 vs 37+21+22. Dont use the inactives crap on us either...we all have our inactive members. 


And Swifty before you come in with your usual reply

'Hush your gums, you dont know anything about we have done this era'

God have u overused that in the past....what exactly have you done? Struggle against Music while Music get hit by Ford from behind in their economy then NAP them.


22:59:25 May 19th 08 - Mr. Oya:


23:04:57 May 19th 08 - Duke Argyle:

we have no nap =D (heaven on mantrax) and it feels good to be outside ;)

00:40:55 May 20th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Nimic ruining the aspect of a thread. Punishment required :p

00:46:22 May 20th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

This must be one of the most coherent things to have come from Nimic ever!

00:53:59 May 20th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

Argyle contact Swifty aka Penis from Walmart for one, dont let yourself being kept from the prize! Claim your birthright! Swim with the current! And above all, never eat yellow snow...

01:43:26 May 20th 08 - Lord Protector Nimonic:

It only ruins the aspect if you're using some puny browser that-is-not-Firefox.


02:12:44 May 20th 08 - General Ezatious:

Raist penor don't try and drag me into your silly flame thread plz

Ali ... find something else to obsess with  kthxbye

05:32:33 May 20th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Some people spend waaaaay too much free time on this game. Get a hobby, or a girl. Girls take up plenty of time. Unless you're already a girl, which if you do get a girl, please post pics/vids. Thanks!

05:38:19 May 20th 08 - Duke Epymon:


06:02:51 May 20th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Ok, now I got a flashy banner which wants me to marry a russian bride.

09:31:52 May 20th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Jet i've taken your towns,

When did you do this? I can't remember ever being attacked by you.

Aligreat: you ask what we want from DB? stop making threads/posts with no substance and fight your battles on the map. Notice you started this thread. Also Ali don't drop down to Raistlin's level, he is not a senior member of your kd that you should be copying.

10:09:53 May 20th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

Struggle against Music while Music get hit by Ford from behind in their economy then NAP them.

I don't want to defend anyone, but to be honest... Fordius only attacked after the agreement with Legacy was already made.

10:56:38 May 20th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

EZ.......right. gr8 post!

Jet - we always fight our battles on the map aswell, just passes a tick change to post in here.


Gilth - if that is true, then your agreement was made long ago, because I saw Ford with one of your cities and one of your members told me in a message that Ford wa*beep*ting you on the 14th *6 days ago - 4 before the thread*.

So either your lying...or just didnt notice yourselves losing cities.... or you guys made the agreement and have been doing a bit of war art with legacy pretending to smack their merges and then clean them from your core.


12:27:23 May 20th 08 - Lord Protector Nimonic:

I agree. It's either those two, or you're smoking too much crack.

12:28:01 May 20th 08 - Lord Protector Nimonic:

"You" being Aligreat. Obviously.


13:18:17 May 20th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

And the forums were sparkling in the lights of a thousand flames...


Ez did i drag you to post? :) Admit it, you just had to :))))))))) *lick*

13:19:13 May 20th 08 - General Ezatious:

"Now we take on 3 kingdoms from the top 6 by ourselves simultaneously *so far* this time with 25 members, thats 25 vs 37+21+22. Dont use the inactives crap on us either...we all have our inactive members. "

Sounds familiar :)) Get used to it mate

13:30:13 May 20th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:


13:36:05 May 20th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

Dreadlord you dont get a say in this. You are probably the whiniest cough insert-euphemism-for-cat-here cough out there :p

Ez, but we are used to it. And we sort of relish in it :)

13:52:30 May 20th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

ok im confused so can som1 explain 2 me wat these ppl are on bwt..........who is napd with lots of ppl?

and who is the one who wants a nap 2?


one more thing.

som1 in lgc has recognised trio as a strong kd..............trio is mentioned in the same company as carnage lgc and db!!!


wow wat is the world coming still though thanks 4 recognisin our abilities i guess we cnt play the underdog card now lol

14:00:35 May 20th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

As u guys can see, Raistlin played this thread much, much better than Fafnir in the other thread.

But Fafnir was at a disadvantage, so its not fair to compare the two ffs. I mean Raist knows how to get under Swiftys skin, they have been friends for a long time.. from back when Raist was an attacker!

16:28:17 May 20th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

Gilth - if that is true, then your agreement was made long ago, because I saw Ford with one of your cities and one of your members told me in a message that Ford wa*beep*ting you on the 14th *6 days ago - 4 before the thread*.

So either your lying...or just didnt notice yourselves losing cities.... or you guys made the agreement and have been doing a bit of war art with legacy pretending to smack their merges and then clean them from your core.

The facts:
Fordius first attack was made on the 17th.
We expected an attack sooner. (could explain the beep in your reply)
Legacy offered the agreement before Fordius' attacked.
I didn't lose a city before the 17th this era. (not to Legacy, not to Fordius)
So whatever city you saw, wasn't build by me.

17:24:28 May 20th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Just to clarify. Fordius attacked us about two ticks after LGC offered us the NAP. We accepted the NAP some while after Fordius attacked. In all other respects Gilth's dates are correct and there was no attack from Fordius before then, and no pact with LGC before then. We were forced into the NAP by Fordius' attack, and by that alone.

Come on, people. Fordius ain't exactly a nubbity player. You try having him up your rear end while fighting LGC...hmm? Think about that a moment.

17:51:03 May 20th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

With a decent amount of nazzies =P

17:51:24 May 20th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

to summerise...

LGC = nap fests
Music = wimps
Carnage = too much sex 37 taking it a bit too far
Sheol = field mouses
DB = on drugs lol
Trio = The in betweeners =)

17:56:30 May 20th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Goth he is good...but he is one player, block him off and dont give him the chance to get initial gains, once u let him get something, thats when his skill in VU kicks in, if you dont let him get those first gains, he will fade away like any player on the offense needs spoils to survive in an enemy core.

Try having carnage and PKS up your ass when your fighting legacy.

It stings just a lil bit more. They got 37inches of hard kok =P

18:01:27 May 20th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

to summerise...

LGC = nap fests
Music = wimps
Carnage = too much sex 37 taking it a bit too far
Sheol = field mouses
DB = on drugs lol
Trio = The in betweeners =)

So Trio is a wimpy napping mouse on drugs with to much sex?
seems like fun :D

19:37:49 May 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yeah i mean its not like Abydos fought mass alliances or the fact lgc has been doing it for like 20 eras Even Phi fought almost the entire map and its definatly not like DB have never had multiple naps so please everyone *beep* and find something less retarded to flame about

19:49:50 May 20th 08 - General Ezatious:

<3 osiris finally on my wave length :)

19:52:46 May 20th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Well said Finwe.
The title of this thread reminds me of the saying, 'opinions are like a**holes - everybody has one'. And in the case of this thread a**hole with an opinion decided he'd like to share it. I guess maybe next time he should keep it to himself.

19:56:52 May 20th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Yes Osi/Ez and it's not like you or legacy havent flamed anyone for their naps or anything of the sort in the past.  Kingdom naps have always been talked about and always debated this thread is nothing new... it just is that certain people have issue when it is them being talked about rather than doing the flaming themselves. There is nothing wrong with the comments except that it isnt you that posted it i assume is your opionion. 

19:59:04 May 20th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

I'm hijacking this thread, the topic now is TITS!

20:01:09 May 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

I generally flamed for repeated mass napping like carnage :) and mine generally had some kind of sarcasm/humour, no nothnig wrong they are just boring pathetic and done to death. At least when i flamed for people mass napping we hadnt mass napped :)

20:03:30 May 20th 08 - Lady Quietone:

yes yes we all know how great you are osi... no one compares abydos was the only kd in the world who ever did anything worthwhile or correctly blah blah blah.... get over yourself really-- you're posts might have been humorious but i dont think you're judge and jury and you can defend legacy all you want the hypocrisy is nice coming from both sides of your mouth :P


wait....was that sacasm? ....hmmm....

20:06:28 May 20th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

20:08:45 May 20th 08 - Duke Epymon:


20:09:04 May 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yes yes we all know how great you are osi... no one compares abydos was the only kd in the world who ever did anything worthwhile or correctly blah blah blah <--- You finally got it!

And for the record im not defending lgc but flaming flamers. And did i not compare Abydos with phi? O.o

20:16:01 May 20th 08 - Lady Quietone:

hehe flame on then osi dude :P

btw..dont ever compare those two :)

20:23:24 May 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

i was happily flaming ali :) hes my friend. if anyone wants to flame me they can stop trying to flame about random crap like naps instead try a point or number of points from the Stuff Osi has done list

The list

1. Smith Sage lgc doom nazgul CT yada yada
2. Being in a big alliance against the smiths (this doesnt apply to members of said alliance)
3. The diplomacy episode with the collapse of Lgc Abydos relations nap breaking allegations
4. Farming
5. Helping Phi a few times
6. being crap
7. the DB/Abydos late era townswap
8. whatever :)

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