Forums / In game politics / Excalibur Embassy

Excalibur Embassy
06:21:40 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. The Letter:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Excalibur
Members: 5
Tag: Excal
Created: 2/25/2008 12:58:44 AM
Leader: Dark Immunity


Currently Recruiting Experienced and New members.

Salutation from Excal! The Letter speaking.

We are currenly recruiting members for next era, be they old, be they new. We started this era surrounded and are still alive. We may not be that old of a kingdom but we have the experience to teach and to learn. We have the age to grow to the best. We have the abilty to become what we should be!

Join us for fame, respect, and glory.

06:22:37 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. The Letter:

For the hell of it!

13:56:17 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Slade:


me and my Old Kingdom i use to Lead Owned Excal last you Mwhahahaha

20:39:41 Apr 6th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

You (4/6/2008 3:00:25 PM)
A member of your kingdom has broken one of our conditions of our NAP!
Mr. Yggur


4/6/2008 11:18:51 AM Are you joking? NAPed? Since when?!?! I killed/wounded a total of 10k hobgoblins preparing on our blocker from excalibur. They must be friendly with PHX to have even got there!

Crap now I see, we NAPed excal at the start of the era... Well, that was possibly a large mistake on my part.



1. 48 hours notice to end agrement
2. Neither kingdom will attack or prepare to attack on any of our kingdoms armies or cities. (even with the 48 hours notice)
3. Do not build within each others cores.

Therefore my attack was legal, and I'll send the "victim" a message saying so.

Therefore unless they are delt with in a way in which we concider to be adequate the NAP will be terminated, however the 48 hours will still be in place and we will agree the time in which we begin the 48 hour cool down time!
Thank you for your time and sorry of this news!
Natalia Leader of Dark Fires [DF]
Dark Doctor [Excal] (4/6/2008 5:40:41 PM) GOOD BAD
its been broken for awjhile.
You (4/6/2008 7:20:20 PM)
Well it would have been good to let me know the whole 48 hours NOTICE thing is so i know! and can tell my kingdom this news! Your a stupid man you lower world kingdoms have no clue of honour!


This is what this kingdom does, ask us for a NAP then they break it! they are not worth the time and effort you may as well never make an allience with thses people they no nothing of alliences and they go to attack a kingdom which is higher then them to then be put back into place. I will put this kingdom back in their place! In the bloody ground dead!

20:48:16 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. The Letter II:

If you would talk with your members a little more often you would have realized the the NAP was terminated a while ago.

21:29:17 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

And if you were remotely decent, you would notify the Kd leader first.

21:30:48 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Luckfacefreddy:

A chick as leader.. :o

23:54:32 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Slade:



23:57:17 Apr 6th 08 - Dark Doctor:

This is for recruitment only make a new thread if u want to flame.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Excalibur
Members: 5
Tag: Excal
Created: 2/25/2008 12:58:44 AM
Leader: Dark Immunity


Currently Recruiting Experienced and New members.

Salutation from Excal! The Letter speaking.

We are currenly recruiting members for next era, be they old, be they new. We started this era surrounded and are still alive. We may not be that old of a kingdom but we have the experience to teach and to learn. We have the age to grow to the best. We have the abilty to become what we should be!

Join us for fame, respect, and glory.

09:09:38 Apr 7th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

it clearly said embassy at the top so it is an embassy, a place in which i can tell the worlds how good or bad you are, declair war or concider making a NAP with you! depending on what i see here!

10:12:02 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Justanius:

so technicaly they backstabbed dark fires :o

EXCAL ARE *beep*!!...i was just saying how good/bad you are. Go on natalia!!!

12:50:08 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Slade:

Well i dont know

Excal is a Hounorable Kingdom

and they had great members(Well whats left after they jumped Ship to Burnt)

and they never Showed Dishounor in any way to me or Burnt so you people are on CRACK


17:28:17 Apr 7th 08 - Dark Doctor:

Again The nap was canceled well within the 48 hours. We have done no wrong. Plus isnt like we have anything with fight with yet.

19:21:19 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Slade:


Good Luck Dark

20:02:10 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Justanius:

ahh well it was in the choices the ability to break the nap...which shudnt hav been there nat!!!

21:26:08 Apr 7th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

Yes but they didn't give me 48hours so i could not let my kingdom know, telling someone that has very little to do with NAP in chat that you want to break the NAP is not a formal letter telling me! anyway you have broken it and very few of your members actually know it's broken!

What are you trying to do? My trust for you and your kingdom is wayning and i doubt i will never nap you again, me and my vices agreed this was the best type of NAP.

23:39:19 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Excal were friendly with us, yes. but recently, a member of PHX was sent a message saying something along the lines of:
"The alliance is attacking me, do something about it or ill attack you"
Zooger i believe sent it, and he did indeed send an army. its whereabouts now, i dont know. probably dead.
i believed we had a NAP. where in any agreements of a NAP, is military help offered? and a threat to a friend is a wrong thing to do. i also believe WE terminated the NAP, if we havent, i just terminated it :)

00:55:34 Apr 8th 08 - Dark Doctor:

A Nap doesnt indicate that military can not be sent either. it simply states we wont atk Each other doesnt say that we cant help each other.

08:51:10 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Dark Doctor


4/8/2008 12:55:34 AM
A Nap doesnt indicate that military can not be sent either. it simply states we wont atk Each other doesnt say that we cant help each other.

True Dark. But then you have to find a better diplomat than Zooger.... LoL

It seems like Excalibur have to find a new world. Zetamania is too unhealthy for them for the rest of this age I think. 

09:57:06 Apr 8th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

I agree with you Mcmax

12:18:10 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Dark Doctor, you are right, but if you want military help in a NAP, you have to CLEARLY state it in the agreements. as far as im aware, there were no agreements except for peace.

22:34:37 Apr 12th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

HAHA Your Dead you suck!

03:32:55 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Fire Frenzy:

In addition, when you would like to break an NAP telling the members wont help IT WOULD BE OBVIOUS TO TELL THE LEADER. Which in this case you didnt, you assumed that the word would get out but it didnt so it entirely EXCAL's fault.

I 100% Condemn EXCAL's politics...

06:50:55 Apr 13th 08 - Dark Slow:

Didnt say in the Agreement that we HAD to tell your leader or diplomat, just said we had to give u 48 hours notice. Sry your fault you wrote the agreement, we simply agreed to it.

13:53:41 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Fire Frenzy:

lol wdf does that mean?? you gona send a message to an inactive person who hasnt logged on in 5 days???

16:01:49 Apr 13th 08 - Dark Slow:

how do we know he hasnt log in for 5 days? were not in your kingdom. Maybe make the agreement more clearer.

17:40:34 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Dark Slow, if you had any decency, you would message a leader. you bring dishonour to Excal, and ALL who fly Excals colours. the agreements might not have said message the leader, but if you had scence, you would message a leader, and not some random kingdom member you see on the map.i can also guess, because of your empty threats, and stupidity, you have what? 0 allies, oh wait, you died. my bad.

17:58:37 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. The Letter III:

Lets see, we didn't message just some random player with&nb*beep*essage that could potentialy be inactive.

1. We spoke with a vice.

2. We knew he was not inactive because we spoke with him in the chatroom.

3."We agree to a NAP under these conditions: 1. 48 hours notice to end agrement" Does it say "The Leader"? NO, Anyone you give power should be knowledgeable to inform the KD himself that the NAP has been disolve.

Mr. Bruiant befor you call someone stupid, I advise you to look at the words more carfully, or you may just be calling yourslf stupid.

Ms. Natalia, Once again I advise you to chose your words more carfully. For it is you who "suck" on your part-time job.

18:05:42 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Get stuffed Letter and Dark. When you message someone regarding diplomatic relations it is common sense that you message the leader or someone who is appointed specifically for that task.

You were just looking to cause confusion and now... well, lets just say your current state in Zetamania speaks for itself. I don't see the Excal banner anywhere here. =P

18:05:51 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Get stuffed Letter and Dark. When you message someone regarding diplomatic relations it is common sense that you message the leader or someone who is appointed specifically for that task.

You were just looking to cause confusion and now... well, lets just say your current state in Zetamania speaks for itself. I don't see the Excal banner anywhere here. =P

18:15:44 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Thanks Wraith. and as far as i see, they disbanded, and joined ROC. and Letter, what i said isnt calling myself stupid, and i choose my words carefully. if those 1,2 and 3 are the only agrements to your NAP, why didnt you just take all their cities, am i right in saying it dosent breach the 3 terms you made?

18:17:05 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

What the hell?? Excal NEVER joined ROC and would never be allowed in. We just massacred them. =P

18:24:20 Apr 13th 08 - Dark Slow:

Mr. Bruiant

lol i havent made any threats. so how can there eb empty threat, i think your getting a little to carried away with your role, snap back to reality.

18:25:37 Apr 13th 08 - Dark Slow:

wraith the only reason u guys pushed us out, is because u simply had more members. however if it was a 1v1 u wud have been Schooled.

18:31:58 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. The Letter III:

Mr. Wraith, Common sense said that the world is flat, common sense said we are the center of the universe, common sense said that everything orbits around earth. Mr. Wraith, common sense is not common not always right.

Mr. Bruiant, you may not have called yourself stupid but you sure seem that way. 3 things we agreed on, 48 hours to disolve the NAP (which we complied with). 2. no preping on their towns, 3. no building in others core, we did not break any of these rules.

Mr. Wraith. You did not massacre us, seeing as how you had 3 times the members as us, as it stood we took more towns from your kd than you took from ours. you simply reclaimed them from us which do not count in originals.

18:33:33 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

ROC actually "hosts" some RP members (or did when we were at war) - some who doesn't make much "noise" and certainly doesn't make any aggressive stands - but of course they count up.

18:40:35 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Wraith, i was wrong, i confused letter II for panic II.
Dark Slow, i didnt mean you, i ment somebody from your kingdom. he messaged a member of PHX something along the lines of "The alliance are attacking me, do something or i will attack you". he did infact try to attack us. what role is it you assume i fill?
i never said you broke any of your NAP agreements, but in your earlier post, you said
"We agree to a NAP under these conditions: 1. 48 hours notice to end agrement" Does it say "The Leader"? NO, Anyone you give power should be knowledgeable to inform the KD himself that the NAP has been disolve."
that agreement is not exactly hard to break afterall. so it is you who needs to choose better words.

21:24:03 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Like Mcmax said and like I have told you in the past - Alot of our members are new. Alot of them were on the other side of the map. One had technical problems and couldnt transfer units. So in reality we weren't that overbalanced.

00:49:13 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

thats not much of a reason. PHX has alot of new players.

04:19:37 Apr 14th 08 - Dark Slow:

Me choose ebtter words? i didnt even right the agreement. In a world of words make sure your precise for it can cost lifes. now if they asked us to Right the agreement and we made a mistake like that then so be it. This is a war game i dont care if i get killed off, its just another way of learning.

09:19:21 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Then teach your kingdom members not to insult NAPed kingdoms.

09:36:37 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Chuck Norriis:


Burnt Killed you guys last era LMAO

and Sir Slade who the *beep* are you

you never lead Burnt Prince Sprout Was the Leader then Mr Anubis was The Leader

09:42:17 Apr 14th 08 - Sir Slade:

Family History


Mr. Anubis
Lived in Era 31, got 1 heirs (Anubis) and was a member of BURNT
Sir Anubis II
Lived in Era 32, got 1 heirs (Slade) and was a member of  Zeon

Sir Slade
Lived in Era 32. Member of Zeon



fuking chuck norris

14:34:15 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Chuck Norriis:


14:52:27 Apr 14th 08 - Dark Slow:

Bruitant, Make me

17:06:50 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

see, ignornace in its true form.

03:35:28 Apr 15th 08 - Dark Slow:

Dont be jealous. 

09:28:58 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

who would be jealous of such arrogance? :) *cough*

09:50:34 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Ohhh Lord it's hard to be humble - when no-one is perfect as I.......


Naaa, here is the right text (I hope):

Ohhh Lord it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I take me a look in the mirror
I get there a-looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be one hellllll of a man
Ohhh Lord it's hard to be humble
But i'm doing the best that i can.

16:56:47 Apr 15th 08 - Dark Slow:

obviosuly you, your the only one still blabbling on about it, such constant complaint must only mean your jealous, either thats or your a cry baby.

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