Forums / In game politics / Excalibur Nap-breakers

Excalibur Nap-breakers
22:39:54 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Slave:

I logged in, and suddenly I saw this:

  • 22:02:19: Fearless lead by Dark Slow attacked and took over Arhyer. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans and 0 Nazguls in the battle.
  • 22:04:22: The Troops lead by Mr. The Letter III attacked and took over Ogiliath. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans and 0 Nazguls in the battle.

    And we CLEARLY had a NAP, from in the beginning of this era. I moved my armies from my cities to attack others, then they popped up and took my cities.

    Excalibur is a noobish, unhonourable kingdom. Do NEVER NAP tham, cuz they will break it without ANY warning. They are sick, they wait till all my armies are gone, and then they strike.

    Hate them, like I hate them now.

23:32:33 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Shep:

Yes, this is one of the reasons they were killed off in Zeta so quickly

00:02:15 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Knight Hunter:

as much as i think nap breaking is, its out weighted for my dislike for u so well done excalibur :)

00:11:18 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:

Did you even talk to them before you posted this? Sounds like you hadn't even cleaned the crap out of your pants before you posted.

00:36:10 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Ambrose:

Well, they are clear to break NAPs with whoever they want. Its okay to break NAPs.  But they must remember, breaking NAPs will lower credibility, thus is why they are gone from Zetamania so *beep*ing fast *beep* *beep* orange veiny hardons *beep* faggot *beep* *beep* pussy *beep* *beep* on nigger ice.

00:36:10 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Ambrose:

Well, they are clear to break NAPs with whoever they want. Its okay to break NAPs.  But they must remember, breaking NAPs will lower credibility, thus is why they are gone from Zetamania so *beep*ing fast *beep* *beep* orange veiny hardons *beep* faggot *beep* *beep* pussy *beep* *beep* on nigger ice.

03:11:21 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

First of all i would like to say we DID NOT break the nap first

  • 14:05:29: Your Dead II lost a battle against Coops lifeguards from Mr. Coops. We lost 1 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages, 0 Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 14:05:29: All troops in Your Dead II have died!

  • 03:12:43 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    Second:. Mr. Stryke Was preparing our one of citys after that attack.  what do you expect us to do? let your *beep*s run wild.

    03:19:36 Apr 23rd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

    *!Cough!* Newbs *!Cough!*

    03:23:11 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    Ty, Praetoriin :P

    03:48:06 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Nicolas:

    How about asking what's going on before attacking. Brute force isn't always the smartest way to go.

    04:21:43 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Don Cherry:

    First of all i would like to say we DID NOT break the nap first

  • 14:05:29: Your Dead II lost a battle against Coops lifeguards from Mr. Coops. We lost 1 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages, 0 Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 14:05:29: All troops in Your Dead II have died!

  • Is this some sort of joke?... Losing a scout shouldn't be grounds for ending a NAP.

    04:23:54 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    Read the Second Post after that \*beep*.

    04:25:43 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Don Cherry:

    Prepping a city with what?... another scout?

    04:25:51 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    Doesnt matter we politly asking The leader to stop accepting all the newbs on this world. He refused and continued to grow is size. accepting newbs form all around that were about be conquered. Slave being one of them.

    04:34:55 Apr 23rd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

    So from what appears here is the story in my opinion.....

    1.  Dead II a scout owned by Mr. Dark Slow was near or possibly prepping on a city owned by Mr. Slave.  This scout was most likely sent into an area that was outside of LoS for Mr. Dark Slow.
    2.  Mr. Slave kills Dead II, the afore mentioned scout, thinking it was an act of aggression.  Mr. Slave does not ask Mr. Dark Slow to move the scout first, just kills it.
    3.  Mr. Dark Slow retaliates along with Mr. The Letter III and takes two (2) of Mr. Slave's cities.  Mr. Dark Slow does not IGM Mr. Slave asking "why did you kill my scout?".
    4.  Not ONE of these players IGM's one another to see what might have been going on.

    All this over a dead scout that most likely hindered city growth, and no one talks to one another to clear things up, they just go on the offensive.  Just goes to prove what I say all the time "No ONE ever breaks NAP's, the other guys do" as the truth is always a matter of perspective.

    So as I said "*!Cough!* Newbs *!Cough!*"

    04:40:21 Apr 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


    last tim ei checked Slave was doing pretty well...

    or at least until just recently...

    Still a Scout is no grounds...

    NAP breakers are unhonorable, and there are loop holes around that type of crap but thats only to disband the kd and start a new one with a different name...


    speeking of NAP breakers...

    Shinobi Empire??? *cough* *cough*

    it was an eras or two back but still...

    it reeks of No control and Dishonor

    04:42:22 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    um Slave didnt even KILL my scout omg read the god dam info supplied before u make posts.

    04:44:16 Apr 23rd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

    Well your correct, so I stand corrected, Mr. Coops killed the scout, not Mr. Slave, sorry for not posting that correct information.

    I am still sure the rest of my opinion still holds.

    04:47:55 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    The scout was not near any AoA city either. It was just killed by a passing army.

    07:13:01 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Anonymous:

    Well let me clear this matter up for ever1.

    First if any attack was made on excal, Dark should of messaged me but instead they lunch a full scale attack on AoA. That scout could of been killed long before coop joined us. Its no reason to break are NAP/MAP anyway. This is very dishonorable of you guys.

    I sent a message to excals leader and its vice(letter) about this matter but got no reply, so i ordered my members to fight back at all cost. I also sent a message to a old friend on mine in excal, he was the only person who replied to me.

    Now this is what it looks like to me.

    Excal has no body to fight(should not NAP every1 on the body next time), so they break are NAP/MAP in hopes of taking are undefended cities in a surprise attack. Its not working out like you hoped is it?

    Do i need to say more?

    "Doesnt matter we politly asking The leader to stop accepting all the newbs on this world. He refused and continued to grow is size. accepting newbs form all around that were about be conquered. Slave being one of them."

    What the Fuuck? You never messaged me about this and its not your business who i accept anyway. Wait i messaged you about slave, but you still attacked him. We worked it out and everything was good until now.

    07:41:21 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    1. You never sent me any message only my vice.
    2. Your accepting *beep*s that we were fighting.
    3. My scout was killed long after Coop joined your kingdom.
    4. You left our kingdom in the last world after swearing loyalty for 1 era.  Death to those who betray us.
    5. Always expect the unexpected Lesson shall taught to you.

    So just cry more.

    07:43:36 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Slave:

    Excal are unhonourable. I really am pissed of you guys now, you could've messaged me before attacking... I did nothing wrong to you guys.

    08:23:40 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Anonymous:


    1. I did, you just never replied. I messages Letter the most b/c you never reply.
    2. Slave was the only one and i didn't know you guys was fighting him.
    3. Even if that so its just a scout, if you start a war and break NAPs over that then you will not make it to far in this game.
    4. I said i would help you guys for a little bit, i never said anything more then that.
    5. True, but it makes me sick when you can't even trust your allies or even the people you help.

    This just show how dishonorable you and your KD is. I hope RL starts killing your @ss, how would you feel about that?

    09:41:14 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Antman:

    excal didnt you noyice that stryke left the city, "HIGH", alone after.

    You (4/22/2008 8:06:09 PM)
    what are u doing?
    The NAP
    Mr. Stryke [AoA] (4/22/2008 8:59:59 PM) GOOD BAD
    just wanted to check the troops number :)
    You (4/22/2008 9:25:02 PM)

    12:29:14 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Slave:

    Haha Dark Slow, you say I'm a newb that was going to be conquered? I don't think so, I was winning that battle against Excal... you sick piece of trash

    13:18:12 Apr 23rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

    Okay, I'm only posting in this thread because I'm an irl. friend of Mr. Slave.

    first of all: Slave, don't insult them, this'll lead to nothing else other than the war getting worse. This also goes for other people, Slave has been trained by me personally and I take insult if you dare calling him a newb.

    second of all: Could anyone PLEASE post the NAP terms so this could lead to something?

    third of all: there is no third, I just thought it'd sound cool.

    13:41:04 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    lol there was no terms.

    15:11:04 Apr 23rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

    there was no terms.. Why on earth were there no terms?

    15:32:15 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Slave:

    Because we thought it wouldn't be necessary I think...
    Just don't attack each other :P
    Sorry Lewatha, I let you down :(  Now spank me!

    15:33:12 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Slave:

    Mr. Death Controller [Excal] (4/23/2008 12:22:21 AM) GOOD BAD
    wtf was it something is it something i said?
    You (4/23/2008 7:34:11 AM)
    No, you guys attacked me without any warning! NAP-BREAKERS
    Mr. Death Controller [Excal] (4/23/2008 2:26:15 PM) GOOD BAD
    ok looks like well have to take out u lesbians :)

    15:34:25 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Slave:

    He insults me, and laughs with the NAP-break.
    We're talking about a super-über newb
    God damn, I hate you guys.

    18:36:44 Apr 23rd 08 - Ms. Zulikha Bouchtati:

    Slave, respect for ya!
    Death... how can slave be a lesbian, if he is a Mr. ??

    18:41:00 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Antman:


    22:26:07 Apr 23rd 08 - Dark Slow:

    its just liek how can men ahve babies?? well  that guy in the states is having a baby :P

    23:00:18 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Gilgamash Leich:


    02:27:26 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Nicolas:

    Just like always, fight first, ask questions later.

    07:54:21 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Antman:

    dont check the forum if you should fight; then if you can ATTTACK

    00:18:46 May 4th 08 - Mr. Slave:

    son of a *beep*es!

    00:53:00 May 4th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

    So from what appears here is the story in my opinion.....

    1.  Dead II a scout owned by Mr. Dark Slow was near or possibly prepping on a city owned by Mr. Slave.  This scout was most likely sent into an area that was outside of LoS for Mr. Dark Slow.
    2.  Mr. coop kills Dead II, the afore mentioned scout, thinking it was an act of aggression.  Mr. Slave does not ask Mr. Dark Slow to move the scout first, just kills it.
    3.  Mr. Dark Slow retaliates along with Mr. The Letter III and takes two (2) of Mr. Slave's cities.  Mr. Dark Slow does not IGM Mr. Slave asking "why did you kill my scout?".
    4.  Not ONE of these players IGM's one another to see what might have been going on.

    All this over a dead scout that most likely hindered city growth, and no one talks to one another to clear things up, they just go on the offensive.  Just goes to prove what I say all the time "No ONE ever breaks NAP's, the other guys do" as the truth is always a matter of perspective.

    So as I said "*!Cough!* Newbs *!Cough!*"

    You broke NAP over a scout that was didnt think to message them or anything?

    10:48:48 May 4th 08 - Mr. Slave:

    1. Dark slow didn't had a scout prepping on my cities
    2. I didn't said that coops must kill that scout
    3. True, they start to attack me and i didn't know why, I send the a letter why they were attacking me cuz i had no idea why, and they didn't send back, so i start to attack to (my armies were far away, so all the help came to late)
    4. I told everyone in the kingdom :P

    10:50:42 May 4th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

    excal never last long, they got owned seriously last era
    and dark slow is a nub

    21:33:01 Mar 20th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

    WOW back in my days of a mister. and i was still wise back then.

    Mr. Duke Kathandarion

    21:47:12 Mar 20th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

    lol.. you were a nub then and your a nub now

    11:26:34 Mar 21st 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

    Griffith....atleast i aint a multi :)

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