Forums / In game politics / FANTASIA 100

17:26:05 Aug 13th 24 - HorusPanic (Darth Horus):

It was cool to see it made it to 100 eras

22:00:33 Aug 13th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Naam Van Een Kaas):

Ooh nice, nearly makes me want to play it.

Who am I kidding though the game is basically dead at this point.

07:12:27 Aug 14th 24 - Spartan Fiend:

You all should play so I have more people to KEEL!!

08:57:40 Aug 14th 24 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

100 eras... wow ^_^ nice!

22:29:48 Aug 14th 24 - Xerxes The Great (High King Xerxes The Exhalted):

I feel like that's just more incentive to play, games technically dead but not completely because we are here. And there will come a day that we aren't so might as well enjoy it while we can because there's no other game like VU.

01:32:53 Aug 15th 24 - Stormy (Lord Blue Dog):

What up beeyatches

Uncle Stormy heard it was era 100 so decided to leave the retirement home and rock it like 2004....

Who's still around?

01:34:16 Aug 15th 24 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Slayer):

Hi stormy!!!

06:59:48 Aug 15th 24 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

same people around lol

16:04:03 Aug 15th 24 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Rush with 18510 soldiers awaiting your orders, Sir Kobuskan...

The enemy has 19442 soldiers armed with Steel weapons and strong armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 3% chance winning this battle.

And 6k in his city

19:08:10 Aug 15th 24 - Dark Lord Single Grass Blade:

Seems you're going to die 

02:41:23 Aug 16th 24 - Mr. Isogod:

Hello all!

I am the Arma man. I land here in Fant as a man who readies Arma when the victors are known. I cometh in peace! If you see me, please leave me to my forest dwellings.

Thank you!


05:47:12 Aug 16th 24 - General Dalinar Kholin:


20:28:57 Aug 16th 24 - Woody (Mr. Woodyyy):

Hey stormy!

20:41:16 Aug 16th 24 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp):

Horus and Xerxes and Stormy, feels a bit like the old days!

09:46:06 Sep 1st 24 - Prince Mirelurker:

I was wondering how will semi inactive kingdom deal with an active attacker. Answer: lose half the core :D

15:32:08 Sep 8th 24 - Mr. Isogod:

Hello everyone! I am ready for Arma whenever someone wants it. Whoever is last, let me know!

00:15:15 Oct 26th 24 - Mr. Fcukr:

hanky has itchy balls again.

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