Forums / In game politics / FFA Starta

FFA Starta
19:24:37 Jun 30th 14 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Halfer II):

Is that the plan next era?

19:31:52 Jun 30th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

I hope so

20:56:52 Jun 30th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Guardian Adriel):

Im in,

KH Pleaseeeeee Leave starta haha.

Should already have around 15 players that want the FFA

07:33:00 Jul 3rd 14 - Mr. Heimdall The Friendly Orc:

Fine by me, although this era was pretty interesting. Plus you got to kick our buttt!

21:53:26 Jul 3rd 14 - Mr. Merge The Midge:

OK the is one active multiplayer kingdom left on Starta ((Fire Lord Guardian Adriel)):and they are the one calling for FFA - this kingdom has now started to pray on the existing FFA players... I ask them to disband and put put their armies were there mouths are. And do this now.

14:45:37 Jul 4th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Guardian Adriel):

Dont forget KH Strata, witch we are still fighting.
Cast Arma when you can so we can do this properly next era( Mr. Grass or someone else cast)

And yeah midge copied and pasted your message about it to the kingdom will see if we will disband straight after KH starta is dead, so we can get it started straight away. Even though i would love Arma cast so we don't have to turn on one and other.

06:51:26 Jul 25th 14 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Loner):

This better happen!

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