Forums / In game politics / Fant 71

Fant 71
10:29:23 Sep 12th 20 - Mr. Fake Bling:

16:43:58 Sep 12th 20 - Mr. Alexander VI:

This was really a great map LAKES... @Zeta can we have this map next era again... Please!


20:00:03 Sep 13th 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Which idiot stopped arma. 

20:07:01 Sep 13th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bonifatius):

Which idiot cast it too early in the first place.

20:15:55 Sep 13th 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Have fun coming 2-3 weeks, i will vote no at next arma cast, maybe i even leave this game.

Bunch of low brain egocentric asssholes

21:16:52 Sep 13th 20 - Mr. Fake Bling:


Which idiot cast it too early... 

22:08:01 Sep 13th 20 - Mr. Joebob The Butcher:

I do believe it was cast early. But once we rushed we made it through y’all quickly. Probably should have ended but maybe y’all should quit feeding PDC and make it more interesting. One player it’s not going to beat us. 

23:03:34 Sep 13th 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Happy farming for the coming 2 weeks, enjoy

23:42:58 Sep 13th 20 - Mr. Joebob The Butcher:

Enjoy pouting. Could have fought harder ^ but you got KO’d by Jasper 😂 your crying about dying but y’all bought into PDC’s scheme and still lose. Maybe try less cheating and more team work might have had a better result 

07:21:30 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Kool:

 what cheating? because you cant do it its impossible? let me tell you drop kicks how its done..i believe bogdan dispelled pdc a few times and automatically pdc recast  am i correct? bogdan even waited a little while and it still happened.. pdc has open at least 4 or 5 tabs 1 of them has already been set up for an mp cast straight away.. because pdc has insane active ( of which i was the same back in the day) all he needed to do was refresh and watch his newsfeed waiting for bogdan to cast.. he then switches to the page with the mp on it and recast that takes only a few seconds.. not hard to do i mean seriously? btw waiting awhile and recasting is one of the oldest tricks in the book and any vet vu player with massive activity will obviously be on the look out for it..

  we have all been playing along time and there are basically no tricks left that have not been seen by us all.. pdc also knows what country bogdan is in so he has a rough sort of guess at when he will be online.. this will obviously only work on the people he knows but its quite easy to find out where most of you guys live because there are only like 40 players left and they are all the hardcore vu players that have been around since forever. opening 3 or 4 tabs im pretty sure most of you guys do this.. its a simple fact you have to sit at the computer all day untill your move is done or your army is safe.. this is something only super active players like pdc will has nothing at all to do about so called scripting..

09:49:54 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Bogdan:

Regarding the time I am on it's not really accurate because that day I had something to do and it like 5 am for me which is way earlier compared to what I usually wake up at. Also the mp was casted back within 2-3 seconds every time. Even if he is at his computer and refreshes every minute, it's nearly impossible. 
But I don't think they were referring to this cheating, I think they were talking about the fact that it seems pdc is fed almost every era so that he can train more. Last era it was visible, this era I guess it was only assumed because of the sciences he ended up having and the nazzies count which was nearly impossible (I'm saying nearly because I guess nobody knows how much he manged to plunder from ce). 

10:00:37 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Kool:

ah ok you know you guys should ask cease about that.. they practically had no defences set when we attacked.. there was only like 2 of us attacking with our mages supporting.. unfortunately i got held up blocking the incoming attacks whilst pdc ripped thier core to shreds.. he obviously got alot.. 

10:21:34 Sep 14th 20 - Exalted Brute Salamon:

its the explicit market abuse with hiked prices on tree and having a kdmate buy it.

10:26:50 Sep 14th 20 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir XIII):

So when I buy everything PDC sells in the Market, that is considered cheating?

Regarding Bogdan's statement about nearly 2 to 3 seconds, its possible if you have a faster browser, In technical perspective, you can have a faster load time if you optimize your browse like clearing browser's cache, remove unnecessary browser extensions, or the response time betwen PDC's computer and VU's server is faster that your PC or whatever you are using, or just have a dedicated browser. 

Also take note VU is an old game, newer browsers are fast and optimize with this kind of game, for my point of view, the player just need to have faster reflexes in clicking and reloading the page.

10:28:37 Sep 14th 20 - Exalted Berserker Salamon:

raising the prices to ridiculous prices then buying them is yes. you are simply funneling all your gold into one player. 

10:30:10 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Kool:

i remember that the tree price going up massively.. tbh i never bought much of it as i thought it was a rip off.. but i do remember alot of people were buying and not just our kdmates..

10:51:13 Sep 14th 20 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir XIII):

As what I'm saying, this is average load time of VU when loaded in Europe.

See screenshot I've provided on that link, the average load time of VU is 718 ms (0.7 seconds)

10:58:37 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Bogdan:

Haldmir I know it is technically possible, but only using scripts, I don't believe this thing with pdc is super active and he clicks refresh 20 hours / day, every second.

15:09:36 Sep 14th 20 - Percy (Sir Cuimn of Kilcummin):

For people’s complaints that we didn’t let the early Arma casters get their wish, you’re ensuring the entire world suffers by voting no now lol maybe don’t try to prematurely end the era then get pissy we did something about. Wait till era is effectively over to cast it (as we did) so we can all get going with the next era.

15:36:06 Sep 14th 20 - Lord Caedus:

Vote 'NO' for Arma - the longer we keep the era going, the greater the chance of Dragon Prophet casting dragons for absolute chaos.

15:38:05 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Kool:

 I did not realise that casting arma early was not allowed? also when the holy guys beat pdc kobs and mavich the era effectively ended there and then.. who were holy going to fight? they had already napped cease the only other kd capable of warring them.. then holy casted plague on a napped cease kd city.. (which i thought was a brilliant move still pissed me off)..  we thought casting arma and would be alot better to do.. a fast death or a slow a slow painful  one your choice..

15:41:49 Sep 14th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Ressart):

"Early" casting of arma is obviously allowed, but at the end of the day the cast was in an attempt to give the win to Nort instead of Holy. Totally within your right to do so, but it's also very much so in Holy's right to not wish the era to end until they secured their win.

If you wanted the era to end earlier to create a "fast death", you would have let Holy cast their own arma since typically the winning KD dictates Arma.

15:51:40 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Kool:

 personally when we cast arma, we were not thinking of who would win the individual era.. we were only thinking about ourselves..we did not care who won the individual award as in our eyes holy had easily won .. your own personal glory had nothing to do with us.. it only after we cast and noticed that the mad guy was first did we start to care about it..

15:56:49 Sep 14th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Faceless One):


But when you cast arma is affects the entire world, and other's reaction to it should be taken into account...unless you're strong enough to deflect their attack. If the arma casting KD isn't strong enough to defend the arma city, and other KD's see it as "too early", then something like this happens.

Like I said, typically the strongest KD (or alliance) dictates Arma cast, and this is exactly what happened this era despite Zerkz best attempts.

16:00:20 Sep 14th 20 - Percy (Sir Cuimn of Kilcummin):

So sounds like you guys had good intent, and no one faults y’all for that. I applaud that reasoning, as I’m for ending an era when victory is assured. Personally despise KDs stalling so they can totally conquer the map, that’s what’s driven many away.

However, in this case, we were not ready as we didn’t have the title secured and there were still formidable enemies who could place highly. We were willing to cast on our own, likely a day or two ago, once we were sure we would have it, but it was cast too early for that to be assured, so we ended your cast to ensure we would have it. 

And now that we are ready to end the era, people with hurt feelings are causing the entire world to suffer another 10 days. I have no issue demo’ing Arma city and recast if people will simply vote yes... let’s get on with a new era and resume the fun!

16:02:27 Sep 14th 20 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir):

"If the arma casting KD isn't strong enough to defend the arma city,"

We can able to defend the arma city if not for that one guy who drop a city near the arma city then Holy Cast Plague on it, then boom, you guys know what happen next.

16:04:57 Sep 14th 20 - Pirate Lewatha:

Pretty hypocritical to say we cannot destroy the arma town but now to say "let's all vote no out of spite"

Sore losers.

16:13:04 Sep 14th 20 - Percy (Sir Cuimn of Kilcummin):

"We can able to defend the arma city if not for that one guy who drop a city near the arma city then Holy Cast Plague on it, then boom, you guys know what happen next."

Sounds to me like you guys couldnt defend the Arma city :P

16:13:58 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Kool:

my friend ryan used to call you lewhinger seems like the name is correct.. we were not angry about the arma city being taken because that is your job to do.. we just werent happy with the way it was done.. 

16:19:49 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Bogdan:

Kool so from your perspective, as you guys see it, it is ok that you guys and mad feed each other and swap cities and the other kds should only fight each other? Interesting perspective. (not that we couldn't have casted the plague without ce's help, it's not like we didn't have ownage option).

16:25:07 Sep 14th 20 - Mr. Kool:

ah yeah actually i totally forgot about that my bad.. 

02:56:09 Sep 15th 20 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Lord Caedus:

Vote 'NO' for Arma - the longer we keep the era going, the greater the chance of Dragon Prophet casting dragons for absolute chaos.

I would have. Unfortunately a water walking horde of dwarves crossed the seas like Moses and I had to detail my sciences. I then was overrun after a few days.

I was hoping to rush it this time but bet on Arma going through on round one so diversified sciences to accelerate points. Although I do not actually know how science points factor in for end score.

Maybe next era.

09:38:40 Sep 15th 20 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Kool:

my friend ryan used to call you lewhinger seems like the name is correct.. we were not angry about the arma city being taken because that is your job to do.. we just werent happy with the way it was done.. 

Incredibly original nickname. 

In any case, you are not upset about arma city being taken? Ask kobuskan how upset you are. 

09:40:59 Sep 15th 20 - Pirate Lewatha:

I will give you a hint.

Sir Kobuskan (9/13/2020 1:57:02 PM)Biggest beep of the era, dont you have any brains?You

17:46:47 Sep 15th 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Not upset, but amazed by the stupidity to make this game more boring then it already is. 

00:06:53 Sep 16th 20 - Pirate Lewatha:

Blame yourself for voting no. 

00:45:12 Sep 16th 20 - Percy (Sir Cuimn of Kilcummin):

I re-cast Arma so we can end the era quickly :)

06:59:19 Sep 17th 20 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Gladiatorul):

So, will this era be extended?

I thought it is going to end soon.

Anyone willing to point out how's fighting who, currently?

08:32:38 Sep 17th 20 - Mr. Fake Bling:


So, will this era be extended?

I thought it is going to end soon.

Anyone willing to point out how's fighting who, currently?

You're in the WRONG thread. Current  ongoing fant era is 70.

08:50:28 Sep 17th 20 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Gladiatorul):

You are kind and helpful Bling. Thank you for the information. 

07:50:31 Sep 21st 20 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Vu crashed? Did holy used scripts again? 

00:50:42 Sep 24th 20 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Is this the proper era?

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