Forums / In game politics / Fant 96

Fant 96
14:01:24 Nov 25th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Commence. No Zerkerz, Imp seems disbanded. The clan is here, who will win?  Will SDS pull off a threepeat? Find put 2 months from now!

21:19:33 Nov 25th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Who the heck are the Ducky people? I've never seen any of these names before. 

21:44:05 Nov 25th 23 - Princess Yasmina:

Better known as "the clan"   :O

18:27:50 Nov 26th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Yeah, I never saw them even back when I played very frequently.

We're they ever in any of the larger kingdoms?
What eras did they start in? 

20:20:10 Nov 26th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord George Thee Bedd Thief):

uther man we've literally played in the same KD before

01:02:59 Nov 27th 23 - Percy (Sir Percy The Scientist):

Move to Fant doing the same thing we’ve always done, immediately confuse the other half of the playerbase who hasn’t played Val once in the past 10 eras :P

New kingdom and theme each era, with names matching the theme.

13:53:34 Nov 27th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

I didn't see you in there. But I'll admit that I didn't look very hard. 
Glad to see you back around. 

15:02:35 Nov 27th 23 - Phat (Lord Broken):

Uther is the guy who shows up to a friends house and welcomes them into their own home even though they’ve not left in weeks. 

05:29:54 Nov 28th 23 - Prince Mirelurker:

Clan are type of people to get offended if people do not know them.

11:26:18 Nov 28th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Noa):

Not a worry for us because apparently Jasmina has poked so much fun at us that we even got people who don't know us at all throwing us shade on the forums now

Jas look at this, what did you do

19:29:05 Dec 2nd 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

I didn't realize that Jack Daniels never left. 
Shows how much I pay attention.

15:47:11 Feb 1st 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Hey so is the whole of Fant tired of not killing us yet? This Era started in November for Zeta's sake

07:54:53 Feb 2nd 24 - Mr. Bling Fcukr:

No, because whoever cast dragons put the whole map onto defensive positions, and dragged the era out. May as well cast arma, because no one is going on the offensive till March at least. This is what happens when fcking rocket scientists launch dragons without thinking how its going to change the dynamic of the game.

11:58:05 Feb 2nd 24 - Konspyre (Captain Noa):

Theo has done this before, ~2 years ago, and the kingdoms playing back then all agreed on a kill-on-sight.
Good lesson to relearn for next era.

12:50:09 Feb 2nd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Mr. Bling Fcukr:

No, because whoever cast dragons put the whole map onto defensive positions, and dragged the era out. May as well cast arma, because no one is going on the offensive till March at least. This is what happens when fcking rocket scientists launch dragons without thinking how its going to change the dynamic of the game.

This sounds like you *are* tired of not killing us

14:33:16 Feb 6th 24 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

"for Zeta's sake" rofl

09:47:11 Feb 1st 24Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Hey so is the whole of Fant tired of not killing us yet? This Era started in November for Zeta's sake

23:31:08 Feb 12th 24 - Mr. Mad Aloysius:

Most people who acted high and mighty sometimes believe what they wanted to believe without even thinking about it. 

Message from Lord Uther Pendragon


Lord Uther Pendragon (2/13/2024 5:25:48 AM)GOODBAD
Nice gifted cities you go there. 
You (2/13/2024 6:22:38 AM)
Gifted? Your Troll guy took it from LDK and I killed your troll and got this on your troll’s retreat. Are you insane?

Ask your troll member what happened… you’re hopeless. :(

03:32:41 Feb 13th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Our troll took 3 large cities from Skir. A 90k. A 57k and a 78k

You took them all back fair and square. But if I was duchy I'd be be miffed about it if we were allied and I'd declare war on you if we weren't. 

Regardless. They were gifted to you. Our troll (relatively new player) took them, didn't raze them and then left them undefended (or not defended enough. So was definitely still a gift lol

04:37:51 Feb 13th 24 - Mr. Mad Aloysius:

I was hoping that they will negotiate with me to give it to them, but since the era is dragging, nothing happened.  

06:04:41 Feb 19th 24 - Mr. Zaneth:

The map lasts 88 days and nobody decides to cast Arma and try to win that way? Is casting Arma frowned upon?

07:48:35 Feb 19th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

No one is happy with the current state of the map, so casting arma doesn't really help anyone is my assumption. 

18:50:35 Feb 20th 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Ancient):

When there are so many factions of equal-ish strength, and no one is dead, casting arma even this early (as in no one is dead) is a cheap move.

20:40:07 Mar 11th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Arma stopped? Whats the update on the world? Estimate of next era start?

20:55:48 Mar 11th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

One of the 9 people (I assume) that voted not to have arma captured the city. The war continues. 

21:16:53 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Bling Fcukr:

cast again, so bored out of my mind

03:32:21 Mar 12th 24 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

I expect to be able to recast before the Weekend

Dark Spawn:

Arma stopped? Whats the update on the world? Estimate of next era start?

05:52:36 Mar 12th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

I was really excited to hop on Fant 😫

06:04:22 Mar 12th 24 - Spartan Briarheart:

Everybody wanna meet in the middle of the map and Duke it out... no magic? Strongest army takes it all??

06:05:21 Mar 12th 24 - Spartan Briarheart:

We can build brackets if yall want and go one at a time

06:06:50 Mar 12th 24 - Spartan Briarheart:

To simplify we can just screen shot armies lol

07:31:57 Mar 12th 24 - Professor Picklerickprofessor:

Id be down for that. Whoever is the last one, their kingdom gets auto era win and gets to consume the other players.

10:30:22 Mar 12th 24 - Mr. Bling Fcukr:

Lets just Post HOH's and sciences and call end to era.

16:43:42 Mar 12th 24 - Phat (Grand Moff Vraxen):

We could just have the world end, then we wouldn’t need to screenshot anything?

18:19:13 Mar 12th 24 - Spartan Briarheart:

You gonna cast arma?

22:57:21 Mar 12th 24 - Phat (Grand Moff Vraxen):

Nawh. That’s ain’t for me. 

23:57:02 Mar 12th 24 - Mr. Grendel:

Exactly why I tried to get everybody to just end it... tired of playing this crap

18:39:05 Mar 14th 24 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I should be able to cast again but the last time I did it it cost me ten positions on the leaderboard when an irate individual decided to go rogue.

How do I know that certain someone or kingdom won't simply do it again? 

19:01:46 Mar 14th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Casting Armageddon from Inactive upon Armanow with 34% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. We lost 46579 Illusionists and 189 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

20:16:58 Mar 14th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Who is the twat that voted no

20:28:37 Mar 14th 24 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):


Who is the twat that voted no

That would seemingly be *twats*

22:03:09 Mar 14th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Wrecked the city. Figure it out on your own then. I'm burning all. 

00:24:32 Mar 15th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Jesus Christ you're more of a child than the people voting no lmao

00:30:24 Mar 15th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

from what i can tell in thread

yall realize you just did a cold war that ended in nuclear destruction right 

its a video game if it comes to that yall being to precious over number go up

you play this game your old have balls

04:20:57 Mar 15th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):


Jesus Christ you're more of a child than the people voting no lmao

Another keyboard warrior. Awesome. You fit perfectly with jasper. Hold hands with him. 

06:05:58 Mar 15th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

hey fuck you im drunk enough to resemble that 

06:06:58 Mar 15th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

i dont even play fant i val ery other 6 months

12:40:53 Mar 15th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):



Jesus Christ you're more of a child than the people voting no lmao

Another keyboard warrior. Awesome. You fit perfectly with jasper. Hold hands with him. 

Not sure how my statement makes me any more or less of a keyboard Warrior than you calling for the twats that voted no but go off king lmao

14:38:13 Mar 20th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

"Commence. No Zerkerz, Imp seems disbanded. The clan is here, who will win? Will SDS pull off a threepeat? Find put 2 months from now!"

I was so naive lol

17:25:56 Mar 23rd 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

122 days and people are not really complaining about arma that much. Because nobody actually died and everyone is kinda still playing?

17:51:46 Mar 23rd 24 - Professor Picklerickprofessor:

SDS died (put up a good fight though). All that is left is MAD and scatterings of Duchy.

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