Forums / In game politics / Fant Count

Fant Count
05:18:46 Oct 23rd 08 - Duke Ozai:

Soooo who will be going to Fant...

05:38:02 Oct 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Not questioning your intelligence or anything....but did you miss the "fantasia next era" topic that is like...been going on for a few days now?  Has like over 70 posts?

05:40:17 Oct 23rd 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

wow... mr. penguin started that thread.. not slade...

05:49:48 Oct 23rd 08 - Duke Ozai:

Nope didnt see it, i couldnt be stuffed looking for one so i took the lazy option and made a new one :P

05:52:43 Oct 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Looks like you get the option of being called a complete 1diot for not seeing it in the top 5 topics in the forum...

06:02:50 Oct 23rd 08 - Duke Ozai:

get fuk charley i look for it and it was about 10 threads down on my Screen

06:26:38 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj:

Lord Charley Deallus


10/22/2008 9:52:43 PM

Looks like you get the option of being called a complete 1diot for not seeing it in the top 5 topics in the forum...


forgive me u nub...

06:50:51 Oct 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

lol your calling me a nub? Go blow and him would make a nice both like blaming people for sh*t they didn't cause instead of looking at yourselves.

I am sorry that the next generation of people, who are too lazy to look btw, are going to be runnin the world...or living with their mother.  If you are too lazy to look...idk how you can even play VU...

06:55:26 Oct 23rd 08 - Duke Ozai:

OMFG you calling him a suck up.... Pfffft what about you and Sci you had your head so far up his ass you were kissing his stomach...... and yes i did blame you then i Apologized like 30 million times... but no you cant just drop a subject

07:08:12 Oct 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Me and Sci? Who are you? Septim? He said that sh*t about me because I stopped sp@mming.  I wanted to save RPing so I joined up with Sci to help the RP forums.  We founded the Academy to help people learn how to RP.  I still suggest you take the grammar course which is headed by Sci.  How about you go and say how much of a great supporter you are some more when you don't do sh*t. 

I brought up that incident because both you and Utkarsh were the main ones who blamed me and you always follow each other around, kissing ass.  He sticks up for you when you were wrong in the first damn place! Him calling me a nub has got to be the dumbest thing ever.  He has no proof to back up his g@y remarks.

07:46:03 Oct 23rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj


10/23/2008 6:26:38 AM
Lord Charley Deallus


10/22/2008 9:52:43 PM

Looks like you get the option of being called a complete 1diot for not seeing it in the top 5 topics in the forum...


forgive me u nub...

Lmao, just because slade is too lame to read the 5 top topics doesn't mean everyone who does read them needs to g3t a l1fe

07:47:56 Oct 23rd 08 - Duke Ozai:

............... like i said Lew i looked for the thread it was ten threads down.. no way i would of seen it

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