Forums / In game politics / Fantasia - Pussy fest?

Fantasia - Pussy fest?
16:26:54 Aug 28th 07 - Lord Oya:

i heard of a big assed alliance going on again this is you peoples problems? stop allying each other all the time just to take out the same people, gets borring and if what i heard is true some old friends of mine better do some warring after the goal of this alliance is met....otherwise i will be very very dissapointed, not how i taught/lead any of you to play

16:35:16 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Mushashi:

and what would be new about that?

16:35:52 Aug 28th 07 - Lord Oya:

that would be my point eh :)

16:57:55 Aug 28th 07 - Duke Ranfaf:

Oya if I were you I wouldn't be talking............or did you forget last era?

16:59:26 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

Pussy Fest?

that is false advertising!

16:59:31 Aug 28th 07 - Lord Oya:

forget what? yeah we allied zeon sure........but unlike the rest of you i didnt ally everyone :)

so sssh you

17:04:36 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Wow, another alliance:P Shouldnt be surprised oya, it seems to be happening every era....

Cant speak for everyone else, but carnage has been too busy figthing for survival to become a part of any kind of alliances, either that or we're just not popular enough:P

17:05:27 Aug 28th 07 - Duke Ranfaf:

No on likes us =(

18:29:07 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Mushashi:



18:43:38 Aug 28th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

Pussy fest? Let me tell you: my nation is the 11th most powerful, and it looks like we r gonna be warring with Zeon (2nd most powerful) and Music (6th most powerful).  idk when we were in Zeta, it was Shen An Calhar, Corsiars, Destiny, and My KD versus everybody else in all of the world. I wanna see a big massive war like the one that was going on last era in fanta, not just big kds taking over little ones, its soooo boring boooooo.

19:29:05 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Last era, Starta. Music vs the whole map. Zeta pussies!

19:42:15 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

:D:D last era , starta , Zoidbergamania vs all map :d but disbanded and then music vs all map ;)

19:54:10 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Houston:

Last Era Mantrax Was dominated by a 50 + member Kingdom known as Luna Wolves.

19:58:40 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Relictor:

"Let me tell you: my nation is the 11th most powerful, and it looks like we r gonna be warring with Zeon (2nd most powerful) and Music (6th most powerful).  "

unlucks :P

anyway, it isnt a pussy fest, the fighting is just a bit slow :P 

20:01:57 Aug 28th 07 - Duke Mielo:

Mr. Mushashi


8/28/2007 6:29:07 PM



Bert ... it's pretty obvious there won't be any naps no more if you guys have napped the entire world yet ...

20:58:53 Aug 28th 07 - Lord Crom:

which kind of alliance do you mean,one comparable to the one that killed us (abydos) 2eras ago?

21:07:23 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Ataka:

i believe that is what he means.

21:21:58 Aug 28th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

hehehe LOL funny treath oya.

BTW u dont know a thing about our Nap policy. i wil give u 3 guesses on how manny kd's we are naped whit.

21:34:51 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Sun:

let me have a try, any actually good top kd except db lgc and carnage?

21:43:43 Aug 28th 07 - Lord Oya:

thats the point i would like to know :)

would suck if you guys really have gone against what you all said was crappy playing....honestly i expected wars between nemesis and bow, and others etc...but i guess im on the bad side now so i shouldnt know or be able to say such bad things eh?

22:13:10 Aug 28th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Mr. Mushashi


8/28/2007 6:29:07 PM



he didnt say anything about MAPs!!

muahahahaha ;)

22:17:30 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I also expect some wars, but I just returned from hvacation and am still pretty inactive and still in protection, so don't expect me to war any1 :).

But I am sure you didn't talked about me :).

So I wish you good luck Oya, if you are right, you will need it :b

22:44:32 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Farmer:

I was also expecting some wars, didnt expect the gangbang from BoW,ZEON and Music to happen all this soon though. Got *beep*ed three ways and now my butt kinda hurts

So if u want to know all about gangbanging........

23:40:11 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Razios:

well then, is this going to be a two sided war. LGC and their allies against everyone else. Let the bettttttiiiinnnggggg begin!

23:48:24 Aug 28th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

I was expecting something totally different when I read the topic title..
Now I'm slightly disappointed.

01:32:04 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Obiwancanoli:

Last Era Mantrax Was dominated by a 50 + member Kingdom known as Luna Wolves.

It was dominated by LW without any NAPs, but at no time did we have anywhere near 50 members.  I believe we had 28 at one point but that was the most we had all era and it dropped to around 22 I think.

01:38:10 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

Jester only has one NAP, dont yell at us Oya!!!! (i know we are too small to count, but still!)

03:06:53 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Archias:

Last Era Mantrax Was dominated by a 50 + member Kingdom known as Luna Wolves.

I believe we had about 28, way to suck :), and also see that only about 14 or so were truly active.... but once again it's mant. nobody cares

05:00:44 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

is Zeon, BoW and Music allied?

05:08:11 Aug 29th 07 - Lord Senturu:

yes they are

05:13:08 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

Mr. Spoon


8/29/2007 12:29:05 AMLast era, Starta. Music vs the whole map. Zeta pussies!

Music eh? You guys don't have the right to speak about last era, you got killed in Fanta, came to Zeta and got killed there, and then u went and conquered the new player world oooohhhhhh so special.

Besides, that kd Special Forces, it was like 17 cities in it thats it, and you couldn't even succeed in taking them lol.

05:15:26 Aug 29th 07 - Lord Epyon:

what are kingdoms supposed to do when they die in one world?

dee dee dee! they go to the next one DUH!

if you wanna talk about Fant Pussies then what about the fact that noone had the balls to cast arma last era? ;D

06:25:45 Aug 29th 07 - Duke Drakos:

By the time some of us could cast Arma the age already had less time to go then if Arma was cast. So it was pointless.

06:31:38 Aug 29th 07 - Duke Ranfaf:

BoW & ZEON I would watch your backs if I were you. You never know who Music might recruite from you and back stab.........again........

06:56:32 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Spoon:



I can say penis without it getting *beep*ed!


Gilth- Lmao xD

10:25:52 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

nothing against Music, but I see no point in leaving a kingdom like Zeon or BoW :)

10:29:09 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Nobiggie:

maybe u should start a kd and call it "Pussy Fest"

11:33:54 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

I like pussy...

15:10:51 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Penises and pussies go together well.

16:42:55 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

i like pussies that go well with other pussies

16:58:34 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

Duke Ranfaf


8/29/2007 6:31:38 AMBoW & ZEON I would watch your backs if I were you. You never know who Music might recruite from you and back stab.........again........

Spoon already penised you, though I would like to ask which Kingdom we backstabbed? And don't start about that fake Condinho mistake. A Kingdom can't backstab another one if they have hostile relationships.

17:06:25 Aug 29th 07 - Lord Oya:

none of you have any penis's now stop hijacking my thread before i rub salt water into your eyes!!!

17:10:41 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

You hijack our channel, we hijack your thread :p
out of curiosity, where are you getting the salt water?

17:12:45 Aug 29th 07 - Lord Oya:

its from swiftys armpits....after aloooong look in the mirror...i know that gets him all hot and bothered

17:31:48 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Seloc:


FF vs Music, BoW and Zeon

3 guesses who won.....

17:37:04 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

There was FA,FF and other smaller kingdoms so don't think that FF were attacked by all forces.

18:18:06 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

As far as I know, Zeon never actually attacked FF as they were still too far away. Likewise, BoW hung back somewhat though Brashen, and later others, did move against some few remaining FF cities to the east. I'd say the start of the war was pretty much 1 on 1 Music vs FF, and by the time Brashen actually reached his targets it was already clear enough to me who would win. So, congrats to Music for a very well-deserved victory.

Oh and Seloc, isn't deciding to join FF -now- a bit of a lost cause? ;)

18:26:28 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

...and btw you likewise overlook the fact that BoW was also at war with Jester. Nearly overlooked it myself, lol.

18:33:20 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

call this a pussy fest, MY god farts hasent even spoke yet!

20:11:12 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

hes on mantrax now, thats why!

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