Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 20

Fantasia 20
03:50:12 Jul 2nd 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Vain):

i'm surprised i started this thread.
I'm also honored that LGC thinks our new KD (even though its an old KD brought back to life) is such a threat. And Im happy we got such a good crew together. and happy to be part of the leadership.
 I hate this map, but i am glad to be part of this era as i feel like it will be a honorable one and has already been a good fight on all sides.
MAD seems to be putting up a better fight than i thought they would considering their start. its was fortunate for LGC to have thier own boo....area and unfortunate that we are split and scattered. Idk whats happening in the lower west boo...area. hope it is a good fight there as well.

03:59:49 Jul 2nd 13 - Mr. Ignis al Maldoran:

yeah the old map would have been alot better :)

04:59:58 Jul 2nd 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Vain):

they rotate every era

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