Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 37

Fantasia 37
08:34:23 Nov 11th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Will collective returninate?

Will Zeon and CPG finally spawn close?
Is MAD bringing sexy back?
Plague? Plz don't cast it!

10:20:14 Nov 11th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

There was ebola last era, but Sladd found a cure in time.

I hope The Collective returns, people need to have something to do before settling in a CPG vs Zeon slugfest, otherwise it's boring. ;P

Last era MAD seemed to be there just for decoration purposes. It would be interesting if they got more members.

Will Anon surprise Zeon or someone else this era as well? xD

19:29:41 Nov 11th 15 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

Kobu joined MAD, so fear your cities, they will be gone before you know it.

21:16:37 Nov 11th 15 - Legend (I am Legend):

So you got the beer or should we stockpile it for ya?

22:34:56 Nov 11th 15 - Mr. Sunwarrior of The Sun:

Since Relentless is inactive, I will play under the Relentless banner.

01:01:56 Nov 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Karma Chameleon):

I will play with myself if you give me the beer

08:06:47 Nov 12th 15 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

[Verse 1: Coolio]
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left
Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long
That even my momma thinks that my mind is gone
But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of
You betta watch how ya talkin' and where ya walkin'
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but I gotta loc
As they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke
Fool, I'm the kinda g that little homie's wanna be like
On my knees in the night sayin' prayers in the street light

[Hook 1: LV]
Keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise

[Verse 2: Coolio]
Look at the situation, they got me facing
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the street
So I gotta be down with the 'hood team
Too much television watching, got me chasing dreams
I'm an educated fool with money on my mind
Got my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye
I'm a loc'd out gangsta, set tripping banger
And my homies are down so don't arouse my anger
Fool, death ain't nothing but a heart beat away
I'm living life do or die, what can I say
I'm twenty-three now, will I ever live to see twenty-four
The way things is going I don't know

[Hook 2: LV]
Tell me why are we
So blind to see
That the ones we hurt
Are you and me

[Hook 1]
Keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise

[Verse 3: Coolio]
Power in the money, money in the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's running, but half of them ain't looking
It's goin' on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'
They say I gotta learn
But nobody's here to teach me
If they can't understand it, how can they reach me?
I guess they can't
I guess they won't
I guess they front
That's why I know my life is out of luck, foo!

[Hook 1]
Keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise

[Hook 2] (x2)
Tell me why are we
So blind to see
That the ones we hurt
Are you and me

08:10:24 Nov 12th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Fordy Plz

08:17:12 Nov 12th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius	gim jhhgj h fghjjumn  	Fantasia	Dead

Come on Ford, spawn, you know you want to. 

08:19:51 Nov 12th 15 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

Fordy please Don't Leave Me

Da da da da, da da da da
Da da da da-da da

I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many times have I kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?
Da da da da-da

I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces

When my heart is
Da da da-da da

Fordy please don't leave me
Fordy please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Fordy please, don't leave me

How did I become so obnoxious?
What is it with you that makes me act like this?
I've never been this nasty

Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But fordy I don't mean it
I mean it, I promise
Da da da-da da

Fordy please don't leave me
Fordy please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

I forgot to say out loud
How beautiful you really are to me
I can't be without
You're my perfect little punching bag
And I need you
I'm sorry

Da da da da, da da da da
Da da da da-da da
Fordy please, please don't leave me

Fordy, please don't leave me
No, don't leave me
Fordy please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Fordy please don't leave me
Fordy please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Fordy please don't leave me
Fordy, please don't leave me

13:41:25 Nov 12th 15 - Prince Pure The Vengeful:

Anyone else think this map is shite for core planning? Also needs more mountains

13:55:01 Nov 12th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Hate it. Sucks so hard dont know where to begin. 

14:18:43 Nov 12th 15 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

yeah, we should just play desert

15:58:18 Nov 12th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

We all went human so we can build one 200k each and then just sit there.

16:21:12 Nov 12th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Zum Deikun):

Childrens Playground13Mr. Cherry274
Mad and Dangerous11Sir Aloysius LXVIII135
Zeon13Prince Sladen100
Relentless6Mr. Xxpumpxx36
Plague7Mr. Worm31

22:17:26 Nov 12th 15 - Mr. Sunwarrior of The Sun:

07:41:25 Nov 12th 15 - Prince Pure The Vengeful:
Anyone else think this map is shite for core planning? Also needs more mountains

Dwarves will benefit the most from the curved mountains but then can get smacked if an elf planted themselves next to the trees.

09:58:18 Nov 12th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

We all went human so we can build one 200k each and then just sit there.

lol who hasn't done that as an alternative.

02:41:30 Nov 13th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

My rebuttal to my precious ford-o

"Amish Paradise"

As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
But that's just perfect for an Amish like me
You know, I shun fancy things like electricity
At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows
Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... fool
And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that
Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine
Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699

We been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
I've churned butter once or twice
Living in an Amish paradise
It's hard work and sacrifice
Living in an Amish paradise
We sell quilts at discount price
Living in an Amish paradise

A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
I just smiled at him and turned the other cheek
I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell
But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it
An Amish with a 'tude? You know that's unheard of
I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
And my homies agree, I really look good in black...fool
If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears
We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years
But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare
We're just technologically impaired

There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar
Not a single luxury
Like Robinson Crusoe
It's as primitive as can be

We been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're just plain and simple guys
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no time for sin and vice
Living in an Amish paradise
We don't fight, we all play nice
Living in an Amish paradise

Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter
Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise another
Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart?
Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like
On my knees day and night scorin' points for the afterlife
So don't be vain and don't be whiny
Or else, my brother, I might have to get medieval on your heinie

We been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're all crazy Mennonites
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no cops or traffic lights
Living in an Amish paradise
But you'd probably think it bites
Living in an Amish paradise

03:10:41 Nov 13th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

Oops sorry, this one is ford-o

19:35:21 Nov 13th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Eros The Lunatic):

Looks like CPG gets to farm up this time 

20:12:29 Nov 13th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

When is it my turn to farm??

21:14:47 Nov 13th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Finally we can farm!!! But the question is: Can we outfarm Zeon?

22:26:46 Nov 13th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

mute point b/c zeon is not going to farm like pansies

01:47:36 Nov 14th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

Not true, I like pansies, I think I grow a dozen.

07:40:26 Nov 16th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Is death god taking over the world again?

07:52:41 Nov 16th 15 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

07:53:07 Nov 16th 15 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

Dusty old farmer out working your fields
Hanging down over your tractor wheels
The sun beatin' down turns the red paint to orange
And rusty old patches of steel
There's no farmer songs on that car radio
Just cowboys, truck drivers and pain
Well this is my way to say thanks for the meal
And I hope there's no shortage of rain

Straw hats and old dirty hankies
Moppin' a face like a shoe
Thanks for the meal here's a song that is real
From a kid from the city to you

The combines gang up, take most of the bread
Things just ain't like they used to be
Though your kids are out after the Visual Utopian dream
And they're workin in big factories
Now If I come on by, when you're out in the sun
Can I wave at you just like a friend
These days when everyone's taking so much
There's somebody giving back in

Straw hats and old dirty hankies
Moppin' a face like a shoe
Thanks for the meal here's a song that is real
From a kid from the city to you

07:55:41 Nov 16th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Srysly fordy u spammer

09:55:31 Nov 16th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

This has potential to become to most boring era evar.

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Childrens Playground13Mr. Cherry100
Zeon12Prince Sladen The Inactive64
Mad and Dangerous11Sir Aloysius LXVIII59
The Visual Utopia Empire3Mr. Death God34
Masked Men Of Ogun2Duke Sesughte The Lowborn4

14:07:14 Nov 16th 15 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobu):

That because chicken shit vets hide in the biggest kingdom on the map.

14:48:32 Nov 16th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

What kd would that be if I may ask? Surely you cannat be speaking about CPG? Of our 10 players 1/4 are new players, 1/4 are semi active, 1/4 have toddlers and the remaining fourth are certainly not hiding.

I would actually rank the playerskills of the kds like this: 1 Zeon, 2 MAD, 3 CPG (well VUE is #1 but doesnt count coz they are so small). The reason we triumphed last era was pure luck, and this era we found ourselves in a very favourable starting position. Funnily enough I actually spawned close to where MAD core is but decided to take a 24h hike up north before rest of kd spawned, I guess I'm just one lucky SOB.

14:55:11 Nov 16th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

U forget about the inactive mascots

15:50:24 Nov 16th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Also Zeon got skype as a req for playing. We play with the forum and with msgs. Just logged into skype and noticed that Although CPG got a skype chan its just bran speaking to himself. Around 50msgs "hello?" "U there Augh?" "Zeon just breeched jester blockers!!!!!" "hello?" "u thar Love?" "Gyus im drrubnk" etc etc 100% bran nobody else. 

16:01:26 Nov 16th 15 - Prince Pure The Vengeful:

Skype isnt a requirement here and only half our members use it, It just helps if our newer members have questions about anythng. Also Zeon is quite inactive, skill doesnt help if youre only get one or 2 logs a day

16:08:37 Nov 16th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

I only get one log a day, thats the morning wood. Other than that I'm pretty flaccid. Need to go see a doctor, maybe he can prescribe me something.... 

16:20:35 Nov 16th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shylamain):

I only use Skype for nude video chats

16:58:17 Nov 16th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Foo Shizel):

Nostalgia bomb.

Anyone remember Natalya / Natalie.

Corrupted my 13 yr old innocence.

11:25:10 Nov 17th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Hold out MAD, CPG is coming to your rescue.

15:33:16 Nov 17th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shylamain):

bout time, I was getting MADD down here with all these yellow bellies. please send your 5k ponies to bash against binhs 50k ponies.

15:54:25 Nov 17th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Sure thang, just have to train those ponies first coz I've been so busy building mines I've not yet had time to train any troops.

02:58:40 Nov 18th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

Where did you say are your free cities?

09:06:57 Nov 18th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Oh sorry about not telling you the exact location. First you need to travel by boat across the lake and up the river. Then when you see a big tree you stand with your back to it, move twenty paces straight ahead, then twelve paces to your left. You should be standing on a large X, oh and don't forget to bring showels.

12:52:08 Nov 18th 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Yes dig individual holes 2 meters deep in rectangular shape. Make the holes so large that you could sleep in them. Await further instructions.

02:13:45 Nov 19th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

I don't sleep in holes, I fill them.

20:42:10 Nov 19th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

ZEON doing good!

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Childrens Playground13Mr. Cherry100
Zeon13Prince Sladen The Inactive74
Mad and Dangerous12Sir Aloysius LXVIII53
The Visual Utopia Empire5Mr. Death God39
Masked Men Of Ogun1Duke Sesughte The Lowborn6
Ferox2Lord Jesus Left Toe3

02:04:37 Nov 21st 15 - Ms. Grapes And Crepes:

Any kingdom need meat shields? 

02:08:32 Nov 21st 15 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

You're always welcome to join Ferox.

09:03:28 Nov 21st 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

We have MAD as meatshield, but thanks for offering.

22:24:05 Nov 21st 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

So did, MAD and ZEON finally chicken out of their OOP-war and CF? Sure seems like it.

06:30:40 Nov 22nd 15 - Prince Pure The Vengeful:

How? I literally just got killed out of their core like 12 hours ago

07:46:53 Nov 22nd 15 - Mr. Cherry:

Which one of their cores?

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