Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 38

Fantasia 38
02:22:12 Dec 28th 15 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Bring it oon!

17:38:47 Dec 28th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Zeon disbanded?? =(

Binh come play with CPG ;P

18:16:11 Dec 29th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster):

why? then everyone would be in one KD

02:41:10 Dec 30th 15 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

If any of the lesser kingdoms would like to discuss becoming a vassal state of Ferox, feel free to send me a message. Can't guarantee I'll read it, but it can't hurt your chances of survival.

09:59:59 Dec 30th 15 - Mr. Josip Broz:

Considering we're down to 7 players this era; expect us to send you something JLT. Also, we can't manage without Brannybranbran.

13:02:34 Dec 30th 15 - Princess Aisha:

LOL Josip Broz
Where are you from Josip? :D

15:47:25 Dec 30th 15 - Mr. Josip Broz:

I'm in the resistance movement, working myself up to a cool nickname.

19:42:06 Dec 30th 15 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

WTF happened to Zeon? it used to be like the greatest kingdom. I guess their god has lost all his powers. 

p.s. You suck alot of shaft, CP informed me that Ferox is much better at it ;)

00:28:34 Dec 31st 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster):

Bah, it's down to just the best players and Juan :-)

And JTL, I accept your vassalhood cash or check only, I don't accept credit at this time.

03:41:38 Dec 31st 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster):

Man that elf loop hole I found is working great! I'm 5th already!

06:47:04 Dec 31st 15 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

My Troll loop holes must not be as good as your elf ones :P

Most Powerful GroupsMost Powerful Rulers

Mad and Dangerous
Sir Aloysius LXIX

Lord Jesus Left Toe

Sir Ajax

Childrens Playground
Sir Cherry

Prince Pure The Vengeful

Mr. Worm

The Native People
No kingdom

Mr. Uninhibited

Mr. The One And Only
Childrens Playground

Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster

Sir Ajax

Mr. Fred The Terrorist
Mad and Dangerous

Your character Sir Ajax is the 5th most powerful ruler in Fantasia

06:48:05 Dec 31st 15 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

my halfer loopholes are the best

06:49:15 Dec 31st 15 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

There's no other real halfling here thats why :P

07:01:06 Dec 31st 15 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

Lol, oh shiet :) 

12:38:58 Dec 31st 15 - Mr. Josip Broz:

Zeons God is all powerful, what they lack is their Messiah, but one day he will surely returninate.

13:22:00 Dec 31st 15 - Sir Cherry:

Returination is a wonderful act. Its a real health boost that brings all thoose good salts back into the body where it belongs.

17:32:35 Dec 31st 15 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia):

And the native people take an early lead:

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. The Native People has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 19 men and women.

18:40:58 Dec 31st 15 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

They're pretty badass, they've been fighting since 2 hours after city settle.

20:10:57 Jan 1st 16 - Bran (Ms. Brannigans Law):

i think MADs got some explaining to do!

20:29:51 Jan 1st 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

They got a taste of Tumatauenga right now and can't be explaining anything with their mouth that full. lol :P

21:48:26 Jan 1st 16 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade IX):

Nah, too busy with the New Year's celebration. Been out for two days, when I log in, I'd lost all of my cities.. :)

That's why I really wanted the Arma was casted way earlier last era. OOP during holidays is really troublesome to those people who prioritize their family and friends during holidays than to lurk in their gaming.

21:55:50 Jan 1st 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

New year and new era goes toghether like peas in a peapod.

04:02:53 Jan 2nd 16 - shyers (Mr. Shyerclause):

Pfft, you just need better time management.

10:26:58 Jan 2nd 16 - Sir Aloysius LXIX:

Just a game. No need to time manage.

13:01:16 Jan 2nd 16 - Jenna (Mr. Billy Warcloud):

get a life you losres :P

15:26:06 Jan 2nd 16 - Hentai Great:

Vu is life. 

17:58:48 Jan 2nd 16 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster):

I ment, time manage your life. 

10:40:33 Jan 4th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:


16:51:13 Jan 4th 16 - Mr. Almarand:

I'm quitting VU again as my schedule will be too hard to find time for the game. I really want to play but it is really inevitable to leave. I'm leaving all the KD I'm in and let those who want the spoils take it all. Thanks to all. See you all again when I'm free to play. :)

17:31:00 Jan 4th 16 - Mr. Juicy Loops:

Jlt is a terrible backgammon player... Flame

20:23:05 Jan 4th 16 - shyers (Mr. Shyerclause):

but he is a good back door player!!!.......or so I've heard

08:13:01 Jan 5th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

My Backgammon strategy is flawless, thankyou very much. I do often get unlucky dice rolls though.

Your mother has never complained about my backdoor antics either shyers.

13:47:04 Jan 5th 16 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster):

That's what I'm saying, be careful though, my dad has been hiding in the bushes with an ak-47.... But I think he is waiting for the mail man, he is very upset that his garden gnome went missing and he is very racist.

23:17:42 Jan 5th 16 - Jondy (Sir Jondrus Glowtana):

So.......who's fighting? The native people?

00:12:07 Jan 6th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Zeon is fighting pretty hard. They struggled but still managed to take those tagless cities.

02:20:20 Jan 6th 16 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster):

I'm a bad mofo. Not sure if you knew that

07:46:41 Jan 6th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

CPG is having a field day of an era as usual, we fought ourselves to a tough but inevitable victory against the terrain to find working blocker placements(at worst we are 3/4) and 90k spots. In the battle of small-wood-by-mountain I successfully defeated a large cluster of pixels to gain that all-important 90ker planted. Unfortunatly a rogue non-elf Ferox player backstabbed me and took it so its no longer a 90ker.... We've since settled our score with him too.

16:26:30 Jan 6th 16 - Binh (Mr. Binh Dinh):

omg these are all super exciting news!!! Keep it coming guys!!!

Meanwhile in my part of the world. My orcs are busy breeding with each other like crazy. I might have a problem of OVERPOPULATION on my hand soon.

18:39:55 Jan 6th 16 - Mr. The One And Only:

Use a tissue paper and u should be fine.

23:48:10 Jan 6th 16 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia):

Fantasia is the active world right? I feel like I picked the wrong world.

00:25:23 Jan 7th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Totally active. You should see all the building i'm doing. :P

07:20:36 Jan 7th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

Alri, Fantasia is like a zombie. It's a seemingly alive, slow moving and stupid husk of what it once was.

13:23:02 Jan 7th 16 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyly Shying Shyster):

Oh snap..... If zeta would ever change the worlds back to how it was when I started and force us all into one world again.......

01:47:38 Jan 15th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I declare War on MAD, their cities will all be mine. They have the option of surrendering and I will let them live. If not, I shall slaughter them, their women, their children and their children's children.

Resistance is futile.

08:15:01 Jan 15th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

I also declare War on MAD, their cities will all be mine, or JLT's.... They have the option of refusing me and I will probably not be able to force their surrender. If they do surrender however, or if JLT have weakened them sufficiently for me to be able to just walk in and have my way with them I shall slaughter them and their men, the rest shall live but under the most gruesome circumstances(think child labour, child soldiers, child pron production, pregnacy etc).

Resistance will probably work.

08:29:06 Jan 15th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):


I have no intention of attacking MAD or any of their subsidiaries. I just wanted to start some banter up before they are all dead.

08:50:34 Jan 15th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:


I have all intentions of attacking MAD and all their subsidiaries. I just wanted to make that clear and start some banter before I am all dead.

11:16:27 Jan 15th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

So, anyway. stacked MAD is killing Zeon/Underdawgs while evil Ferox with many players is attacking (unsuccessfully) poor inactive CPG. MAD is looking stronk, but we still have our secret weapon, wich we will detonate if we are hard pressed to do it. We don't wan't to, but we will use it.

19:22:15 Jan 15th 16 - shyers (Mr. Shyerclause):

Killing? They took one city

21:28:58 Jan 15th 16 - Lord Reddragon Burned:

Lots of untagged people in this map, hope they keep playing next era. I dont want to be the only noob :(:

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