Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 46

Fantasia 46
00:59:58 Jan 8th 17 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Let's get this party started! 

01:04:08 Jan 8th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Uhtred):

No parties

01:06:32 Jan 8th 17 - Lord Caedus:

Bling's an arsehole.... 


02:01:56 Jan 8th 17 - Bran (Mr. Odin The Wanderer):

flames? but you said nothing controversial!

03:13:37 Jan 8th 17 - Mr. Bling:

... and your point?

05:20:04 Jan 8th 17 - Mr. Lala:

I have a polite and honest question.

16:09:05 Jan 9th 17 - Mr. Torone The Corinthian:

everyone..stay out of the top left corner of the map..

16:27:21 Jan 9th 17 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):


16:40:51 Jan 9th 17 - Mr. Lala:

MAD prolly wanna do all their plotting and planning there.

16:41:06 Jan 9th 17 - Mr. Torone The Corinthian:

Cause, its the  best spot

18:55:36 Jan 9th 17 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

Doesn't that mean people "should" flock to that spot and not avoid it? :)

Now.... if you instead say there's a dragon ravaging the spot, maybe I will consider staying out of that spot :P

21:30:56 Jan 9th 17 - Mr. Torone The Corinthian:

Your right. Usually madd gets that spot..and wins 💀💀💀

01:54:07 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

Albatross is top left corner.


02:31:38 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Chronos:

Do not fret Ms. Gwynnestri, I shall send some ponies over oop to help take out the interlopers. What? Who? uhm disregard message. 

12:40:30 Jan 10th 17 - Lord Caedus:

It's for your own good Gwynnestri.

14:00:11 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

The sensetive fellas and albatross are top left corner.
Will post a screenshot of the area when my gt's come in.

14:31:58 Jan 10th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Not Magical):

lol that is funny ;p guy gets MaD cos noone wants CF (and he does not understand that there needs to be fighting for CF) with him and he threatens to post screenshot of map on forum :D this is going to be fun era :D

14:41:49 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Eddie The Great:

Who ever was interested to find out has sent scouts and found us.

Those that are way too far away from us do not have any benefit to this information.
We already know where all other kingdoms are, so not a big deal.

14:51:22 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Thanatos Hand of Death:

Mr. Eddie The Great:

Who ever was interested to find out has sent scouts and found us.


14:54:24 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Eddie The Great:

Yeah this dude is talking a sightseeing tour of our core :)

Commander:Mr. Thanatos Hand of DeathKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Aesir
Size:Scout (1-5)

So Gwyneestry you're just being a fool with your comments :)

15:03:03 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

Sorry I'm new.

Besides you guys should change kd info.
Cause from what I get here in the forums you are more noob bashing than training them. And from what I can read from previous era there isn't much respect for ur kd it seems. 


A competitive kingdom that has many veterans and well versed in training up new players. 

Well respected, honorable and trustworthy throughout all of Fantasia. 

(Currently looking at expanding the kingdom on Mantrax for those that are interested.)

15:50:12 Jan 10th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakasz The Kasakasz):

sir we cannot help You with Your interpersonal skill we only help with the game... dont threaten KD as Your first interaction with it (especially when You are new in it)

15:53:30 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

you I can't even take serious when you adress a miss as sir.

I never said I'm that new I've had played 2 era's long time ago with Adelbert and such. VIKINGS 4 LIFE !

16:08:01 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Eddie The Great:

If you were Tagless looking for a kingdom, we would gladly take you in.

But since you want your own kingdom, we have to respect borders of the kingdom
You were building within our borders...

You (1/10/2017 1:22:32 AM)
Please go south
If you stay in our core we will be forced to kill you.
Ms. Gwynnestri (1/10/2017 1:26:32 AM)GOODBAD
Already contacted ur leaders.
But either way I don't care I'll just post screenshot in forums.

You were told nicely to leave our core, and you responded with threats right away...
We never said anything bad to you, my messages were respectful
Unlike yours:

Ms. Gwynnestri (1/10/2017 2:07:28 AM)
Nah not going to move.
I'll just post the area in the forums when it's denied.
Part of the game and I'll just build full GT's.

You (1/10/2017 2:08:11 AM)
Good luck then

Ms. Gwynnestri (1/10/2017 2:09:14 AM)
Your kd going to lose again don't worry.
okies goodluck

16:29:32 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Bling:

Have no fear, I'll be over to bash Alba shortly.

They will be attempting to NAP and CF the whole map right now to fight you :P

16:40:00 Jan 10th 17 - Sir Justanius Magni Fontainius:

loool I like this guy, plus you dont need to have a cf if he was a solo nub he could stay outside our core and be safe from us. Wouldnt make a cf for a nub tooo long, no need for formal agreements. 

16:42:35 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Edi The Great:

Exactly, thats why I told her to move little bit to the south outside our core

She refused, therefore there can not be any agreements.

16:46:31 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Torone The Corinthian:

Does that mean youll be saving your bts for them or will you be honouring MaD  with another devastating oop? We all know you love oop..anal cancer is supposed to be bad for you..

16:50:31 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

You claimed it as your core while I was clearly there first.

So since when was that your core to push me out ( your just bullying by numbers )
Besides what's the problem I offered you something and indeed I threatend you back with giving out the information of the area. You agreed that it was fine.

Why whine now that I posted it ? You can just kill me off OOP if ofcourse your kd can manage that on their own that is. Maybe you need to make an alliance with the entire map. I am just 1 player don't get what is such a problem about having just that 1 person around.

Anyways enough crying already. Pick up the pitchforks and come at my guardtowers.
Gotta love a full gt town atleast it makes income for the moment. Range soon will expand to max than I'll post the screenshot up. 

16:51:27 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Bling:

Nah, just gonna straight up smack everyone this era.

Donating all my bt's to Binh this era.

16:54:56 Jan 10th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Not Magical):

15:53:30 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

you I can't even take serious when you adress a miss as sir.

true i was too lazy to check but that does not makes my point invalid.

and playing two eras does not even make You a regular player im plaing way longer and still have lot to learn (not from Bling he Blings too much)

16:55:49 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Bling:

Things I've forgotten already, you still have to learn.

17:10:20 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

Kasakasz your point is weird.

Saying that cause of my 2 era experience make me a regular player doesn't say much about the possible skills someone posesses. 

It's how someone accumilate the experience.
When you are good in farming and napping all you don't experience much war experience. When someone wars alot gets more knowledge of fighting and tactical skills. 

So your experience as player doesn't say much to me when all you've experienced so far is hide behind meat. I prolly will die soon cause I'm outnumbered this early but I will come back if ur still alive and than kick your kingdoms ass. Meat.

17:17:21 Jan 10th 17 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax Testing):

Ohh well. Starting position isn't that bad.

Going to test myself using a new race - if I fail, well. I can try again or I can choose to decide: That wasn't good - what's next?!

17:19:18 Jan 10th 17 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

Lol this era looks interesting. This era already started with flames and trolling it seems.

maybe i should just play :D

17:25:40 Jan 10th 17 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax of Mantrax):

Play of course - old fart!!!!!

18:03:02 Jan 10th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakasz The Kasakasz):

my point maybe weird for You cos You assume I never fought

18:13:25 Jan 10th 17 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

you guys done f'cked up the stone market already

18:18:25 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Thanatos Hand of Death:

lol Bling did.

20:16:09 Jan 10th 17 - Ms. Gwynnestri:

Rough Sketch of how it might go.

20:20:02 Jan 10th 17 - HorusPanic (Sir Panic):

the amount of effort that went into this sh!t post is astounding

20:20:59 Jan 10th 17 - SFD (Mr. Hodr The Blind):

i disagree horus i like it :P

20:21:38 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Bling:

especially the little red dude farting fire

20:23:25 Jan 10th 17 - SFD (Mr. Hodr The Blind):

yeah osi's dragon was a nice touch :D

20:28:22 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Thanatos Hand of Death:

Wow nice! She gave lots of time in it.

20:29:20 Jan 10th 17 - Endless (Lady Sweet Gypsy Rose):

Poop, how come I didn't get a rose or something as a pic :)

21:08:07 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Torone The Corinthian:

As mad as she is...and a fellow mapmaker like waterbender...would you be dear and join madd sometime 💙😘😘😘😎

21:19:21 Jan 10th 17 - Mr. Chronos:

Lol. Nice. Era already off to an interesting start. 

00:44:34 Jan 11th 17 - Mr. Tinky Winky:

I agree. You sir should join MAD.

You'll find like minded individuals there!

07:53:15 Jan 11th 17 - Mr. Bling:

An official announcement:

As per Bogdans request, Fking Twathead Fkrs will hereby be known by our new name:

Knights of the Royal Order of Fantasia and Romanian Princes and Other Scallywags but not Farmers like Ford

yes, its a mouthfull, but for short you can refer to us as


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