Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 59
Fantasia 59 | ||||
21:17:26 Nov 6th 18 - heroix (Mr. Heroix): Era 59 discussion. | ||||
21:18:42 Nov 6th 18 - Mr. Kinky Fecker: Josh is still a twat. | ||||
22:20:25 Nov 8th 18 - Mr. Silverthing: Back from 10+ years ago to get just as trashed as last time bois | ||||
22:30:35 Nov 8th 18 - Mr. Seabrook Jolly Pirate:Mr. Silverthing: You ain't gettin' trashed this time. Pirates will rule seas n soils. | ||||
22:36:16 Nov 8th 18 - Mr. Edi The Troll: Priestess and Ideas of Atlantis are no longer banned and they returned? Thats cool! | ||||
18:55:03 Nov 9th 18 - Mr. Silverthing: I vaguely remember Legacy being a big kingdom for pretty much all the eras I played back then, any of those people still around and kicking? | ||||
21:41:00 Nov 9th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: I killed them all. Their skulls make up part of my collection | ||||
23:19:38 Nov 9th 18 - Mr. Silverthing: Damn man, ice cold. | ||||
23:24:29 Nov 9th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: A few are still around. Abydos on fant, one or two in MAD, a few in forgotten warrior twats | ||||
19:32:08 Nov 10th 18 - Pirate Lewatha: Did someone say pirates? | ||||
19:36:52 Nov 10th 18 - Mr. Silverthing: No I said 'Join a kingdom accepting new members' Is there enough room for 3 pirates in this realm? Igniz seems some need to be removed already | ||||
20:41:03 Nov 10th 18 - Mr. Seabrook Jolly Pirate: Pirates? Aye, we be Pirates. Removin' us! Ye can nah scuttle a Dead Pirate, can ye? Ye all jus' natters like monkeys. Ahoy Ignis, Ye couldn't woo a bucket, ye slack-jawed, sorry dullard! ... Walk the gangplank! I'll strap a cannon to yer bootstraps an' send ye to Davy Jones, ye rotten, yellow-bellied swindler! ... Where's the grog?! | ||||
22:39:35 Nov 10th 18 - Mr. Silverthing: what he said i guess | ||||
22:41:34 Nov 10th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: Zeta wont give us boats, which kinda makes you lot pointless. | ||||
23:08:46 Nov 10th 18 - Mr. Seabrook Jolly Pirate: Zeta won't but Cloutier will. Here there be Pirates. | ||||
23:13:18 Nov 10th 18 - Mr. Seabrook Jolly Pirate: This kd didn' made fer vu. Pirates can fool ye, can nah they? | ||||
04:58:41 Nov 11th 18 - Captain of That One Army: | ||||
05:07:36 Nov 11th 18 - Mr. Igniz Tuskeye: Me War, me good. Feck everyone. | ||||
06:53:04 Nov 11th 18 - Mr. Seabrook Jolly Pirate: Ahoy, We Pirates ne'ver lose or visit Davey Jones' locker. How can ye scuttle a Dead Pirate again, fancy? Our new Crimp be still Learnin' 'n make Mistakes, which ain't unusual, thus we lost. But nay shame on Losin', he'll learn from it. We Dead Pirates will be back someday. We jus' needs t' call Davy Jones 'n fall aft this Era. Dance wit' Jack Ketch, ye vile, traitorous sea dog! ... Hoist the anchor! 'tis time t' return 'n let Davey Jones know wha' happened. | ||||
13:55:37 Nov 11th 18 - Mr. Silverthing: I was purely following orders, I feel if I had my own way we wouldn't be in this situation but never mind. Is this like, single nazgul attacks to go over walls and take out production while gaia spamming? It's been too long. | ||||
14:36:31 Nov 11th 18 - Sir Edi The Mage: Naz do not go over walls, but fact is blockers do not block in this game. | ||||
15:09:56 Nov 11th 18 - Mr. Silverthing: Na I meant when attacking, they ignore walls if it's purely Naz army correct? | ||||
15:19:25 Nov 11th 18 - Sir Edi The Mage: Yes that is true The extra prep time others must spend does not apply to pure Naz armies | ||||
18:03:25 Nov 12th 18 - Mr. Davey Jones Daa Witty Capn:Mr. Igniz Tuskeye: Yo ho, Ye think ye're as smart as a barrel of bilge! Yer nothin' but a barnacle stuck to the stern of a garbage scow, ye scabrous, scabby whelp! ... Garr! An' ye Seabrook, Ye couldn't get me any treasure! Ye feculent, cowardly cuttlefish! Hoist the anchor! ... Me comin' 't Fant. Arrrrgh... | ||||
18:04:50 Nov 12th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: Pirates not very good at fighting on land, as is evident. | ||||
22:18:50 Nov 13th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito): Who needs boats, Alba doesn't ! ![]() | ||||
22:33:57 Nov 13th 18 - heroix (Conqueror Heroix): The river is ankle-deep. | ||||
23:09:23 Nov 13th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred): Lol half the alba armies now aiming for the river, I thought we left those kind of players in the past | ||||
02:26:06 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Uwer: It seems Water Bender. | ||||
05:28:52 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Davey Jones Daa Witty Capn: Shave me belly with a rusty razor! We pirates need boats nah y'all land crimps. I'll eat yer parrot an' drink yer rum, ye scabrous, weak-kneed scalawag! ... Arrrrgh! ... Where's me rum gone? | ||||
05:30:54 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: Dont worry, Osi cant fight on land or water | ||||
05:36:30 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Igniz Tuskeye: What about air?:) | ||||
06:10:55 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: well I think I've called him an oxygen thief on a few occasions | ||||
06:36:53 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Igniz Tuskeye: Now that you mentioned it, I have also noticed that. Truly a an unbeatable expert. | ||||
07:12:38 Nov 14th 18 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius III): Osi can't fly either - but he can send in dragons (I remember an era onValhalla 1½ year or so ago). | ||||
09:48:31 Nov 14th 18 - Lord Caedus: | ||||
10:50:02 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Bogdan: Caedus I think you should rephrase that a bit, something more accurate would be, "I just like to abuse bugs, Bug abusing is my favorite part of a war". | ||||
11:08:17 Nov 14th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Paddler): To be fair tho, alba were near solo'd by you last era bogdan and wiped OOP by me and hankers the era before that, Id be scared of alba to :p | ||||
12:03:18 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Bogdan: It's not about being scared, last era was in a way a special case because I was lucky with some adventurer findings. I've noticed alba has quite a few decent players, the problem I was mentioning was about the tactics they are using, showing their character (unfortunately in this case, it is something they are lacking). | ||||
12:28:28 Nov 14th 18 - Captain of That One Army: I won't lie... I was under attack at three different cities and I was like: "Where you guys going??? Q_Q" | ||||
13:01:24 Nov 14th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Hirohito): Bonus turns will solve all your problems. | ||||
13:43:15 Nov 14th 18 - Strawberry (Ms. Strawberry): We never ever attacked solo untagged players in any era until they are powerful enough to defend themselves and starts attacking us or he rejects our offer to join the kingdom. | ||||
14:23:50 Nov 14th 18 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius III): Not much has changed since I started playing this game. Join Silicon Knights or we kill you. I really got p.ssed playing this game for the first time and then getting such an "offer". | ||||
21:21:45 Nov 14th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: And Josh is still a twat | ||||
06:40:40 Nov 15th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: Horus is a big fecker.. no wait, thats not right, Horus will be the biggest fecker. wait, ermm. So Horus will be the chief person to feck.. grrr.. Horus is taking over as leader of feckers | ||||
14:36:11 Nov 15th 18 - HorusPanic (Sir Panic): my first action as leader it to declare all other kingdoms are a lower caste and need clean up my toilets b/c i've had the runs since i ate a bunch of spicey food last night | ||||
21:41:38 Nov 15th 18 - Captain of That One Army: Aya... For the last couple days its felt like Abydos has had a hard on for me... | ||||
02:18:58 Nov 20th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Paddler): How goes that farming being that alba wall Feckers? First era you strapped with an OOP war and you open your mouth for an alba load? Must say im not suprised. | ||||
02:26:23 Nov 20th 18 - Mr. Feckerd: Well, you didn't want to fight us, so we came to fight you. Buttsucker | ||||
03:06:53 Nov 20th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Paddler): Well unlike you were were gonna go straight though alba to get to you. But i guess napping and walking though their core works just as well. | ||||
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