Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 65 Dead Fecks

Fantasia 65 Dead Fecks
16:53:12 Sep 27th 19 - Lord Caedus:

Looking forward to the new era! 

16:55:40 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

So am I.

Its a new era, let it begin
Its untold favor, were walking in
Your word was spoken, and we believe
You pour out blessing, we recieve it

Pebble Blue.

18:14:09 Sep 27th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

6 eras of domination in a row, 6 eras of bling yapping like a dog with no bite to back up his bark

The lack of competition on fant has become tiresome, its clear that bling and his cohort will never actually be a real threat, some of the smaller kds have potential but it seems the only way to have a real fight would be to fight ourselves.. So thats what we are going to do :D 

Abydos is going to disband and spread out, I will take a break for the era and a few of us are going semi active but i wish any new kds good luck and any Abydos members good luck in new homes.

(inb4 blings kd hides in a corner and finally wins an era and comes back here to trash talk about how he is the goat)

18:58:36 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Bane:

Not sure what you going on about Osi. In 15 years, you have NEVER beaten me 1 on 1. Last era you had 3 weeks of pure farming, and I smacked your bitch army like it was a joke. You are a little bitch, who hides behind a group of semi decent mages. In a 1 vs 1 with no mages, I wipe the map with you everytime.

19:10:28 Sep 27th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Lol you bragging about bouncing half of my army once? Shows how small time you really are haha

*edit if you have been trying to fight 1v1 for 15 years it's no wonder you suck, it's not a 1v1 game lol

19:14:47 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Bane:

yeah it is. Its one of me, then 1 of you abyfucks, then another abyfucker, and another abyfucker. Which is why you all get your asses handed to you when you not hiding behind Binh or Roxy or Bogdan.

19:16:10 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Bane:

In fact you are so bad some era's, I've actually had to literally chase you across 3 maps you run away so fast.

19:29:49 Sep 27th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

Bling is so cute.

19:35:10 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Bane:

Here's Josh hiding out on .. wait for it.. the Talents map lol.

84.Dark Prince Stirlin of Revelation
Total land: 556692Battles won: 81Cities captured: 43
Total killed: 285254Science lvls: 25Total troops: 85238
F: 16%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 26%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 48%M: 0%

Bran hiding out on Valhalla
112.Mr. Bran of Chocolate
Total land: 278796Battles won: 53Cities captured: 33
Total killed: 1.1 MillionScience lvls: 23Total troops: 123756
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 96%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Roxy hiding on Starta
124.Mr. Roxbury of Revelation
Total land: 284995Battles won: 22Cities captured: 11
Total killed: 72991Science lvls: 22Total troops: 878146
F: 33%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 62%N: 3%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Binh hiding on Starta
203.Sir Binh The Tiny Hafling of Revelation
Total land: 114018Battles won: 0Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 62Science lvls: 12Total troops: 184636
F: 12%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 80%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Lewatha hiding on Talents
349.Pirate Lewatha of Abydos
Total land: 53298Battles won: 5Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 332Science lvls: 8Total troops: 33746
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 95%M: 0%

Random hiding on Talents
388.Mr. Random of Abydos
Total land: 15282Battles won: 3Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 128Science lvls: 10Total troops: 9374
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 93%M: 0%

Hanky hiding on whatever A was again
193.Mr. Hanky Panky of Spaghetti
Total land: 941Battles won: 19Cities captured: 9
Total killed: 63875Science lvls: 31Total troops: 1
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 27%T: 0%M: 0%

I hunted everyone of you fucks down and left you running. Bunch of bitches

2.Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire
Total land: 2.3 MillionBattles won: 623Cities captured: 390
Total killed: 4.4 MillionScience lvls: 34Total troops: 780590
F: 2%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 21%N: 21%V: 38%A: 17%T: 0%M: 0%

19:55:46 Sep 27th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Aww having to go so far back must suck for you bling. We only have to look at the last 6 eras ^^

19:59:00 Sep 27th 19 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

What KD wants to take on an old timer (last played 2014) that wasn't that great to begin with and wants to get back to playing at a mediocre level but will give it the good ol' college try?

Me... I'm asking who wants to take me..

20:04:07 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Bane:

Message Cao. Cease to Exist

7 eras ago Osi. Go do one you waste of space. Your strongest race killed by my weakest race
22. Dark Lord Mileyosiris of Abydos (Halfling)
Had 118,800 land, 0 troops and 21 science points. Killed 446,195 soldiers, won 34 of 57 battles and captured 18 cities.

8. Mr. Kinky Fecker of The Fecking Feckers (Troll)
Had 456,408 land, 335,989 troops and 12 science points. Killed 751,810 soldiers, won 30 of 36 battles and captured 21 cities.

20:33:41 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Stardust Collector:


6 eras of domination in a row, 6 eras of bling yapping like a dog with no bite to back up his bark

The lack of competition on fant has become tiresome, its clear that bling and his cohort will never actually be a real threat, some of the smaller kds have potential but it seems the only way to have a real fight would be to fight ourselves.. So thats what we are going to do :D 

Abydos is going to disband and spread out, I will take a break for the era and a few of us are going semi active but i wish any new kds good luck and any Abydos members good luck in new homes.

(inb4 blings kd hides in a corner and finally wins an era and comes back here to trash talk about how he is the goat)

We could remember those eras when Aby got beaten again n again... n Again. Those eras where Aby didnt have Bogdan, Stewie n Jelly like players. 

Yes, You cant brag bout winning in rows when you put players like Bogdan or Binh on your DECK. You put them aside, then we'll see how long Aby lasts :P

20:54:44 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Dakarta ur welcome to join our kingdom. 

The underdogs it's fun and we can use people with experience. 

20:55:01 Sep 27th 19 - Mr. Bane:

Osi forgets to mention the 7 era's before that, they were completely annihilated

23:51:57 Sep 27th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

"Yes, You cant brag bout winning in rows when you put players like Bogdan or Binh on your DECK. You put them aside, then we'll see how long Aby lasts :P"

But bling keeps saying he is the best player. He literally just said he chased us all to other maps so why can't you win?

Either way nothing I said is untrue, you can't really provide any real threat or competition so we are splitting up 

01:36:42 Sep 28th 19 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Wow can you two get a room and make out. 

Your spamming and taking my shine away. 
So who is interested in becoming an immortal. Eternal life etc.

Please don't all rush at once.

06:37:13 Sep 28th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

Never once said I'm the best, just looking at all y'alls facebook pages though and I can tell you I'm defo the sexiest. How the fck do any of you ugly fucks get laid?

08:37:35 Sep 28th 19 - Lord Caedus:

Dekota - you’re welcome in albatross. 

11:05:24 Sep 28th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

6 eras back, 6 wins, good run ♥

14:49:54 Sep 28th 19 - Sir Sliekas:

I looking for kingdom too.

14:56:45 Sep 28th 19 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Sliekas come join us at immortals.

It's a fun place to be with new and exp players.
You'll enjoy ur stay there. 

14:57:22 Sep 28th 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sladen):

What's the point?

Bogdans just gonna solo you all.

18:13:42 Sep 29th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

18:15:10 Sep 29th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

you got a big pussy

18:17:38 Sep 29th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

18:20:46 Sep 29th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

that's a big, rotten pussy, gotta take care of that shit else Josh wont want to show you his miniature schnauzer 

18:31:45 Oct 3rd 19 - The Real Josh (Prince Aldwyn):

Well bois! Solid cluster fuck!

We got

Cease to exist VS Underdogs VS Cryptic

Albatross VS Gladiators

and Mads allowing their lunacy to subside over in the corner alone.

18:52:20 Oct 3rd 19 - The Real Josh (Prince Aldwyn):

Mr. Scipio Africanus (10/4/2019 4:50:30 AM)GOODBAD
no, u just in the way. just another player i need to walk through to get to the next average player.

Fucking suck on that dweebs! A bling compliment!!

00:19:27 Oct 4th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

For you to be an average player would require some serious improvements. Firstly, living on a criminal colony doesn't help you. You have as much chance in gaining said skills as Venz has in becoming pretty.  Just another goose stepping nazi motherfecker

00:27:05 Oct 4th 19 - The Real Josh (Prince Aldwyn):

Sit down blong, The damage is done, compliment given! 

No backpedaling for you!

00:37:04 Oct 4th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

dude, living upside down is having you seeing shit. stand on your head, then you be the right way up.. damn upsidedownmotherfucker.

00:12:58 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

Have Gladitwats and Mad farmed enough yet cause I got a swinging dick to smack you homocunnts with .. hope I didnt interrupt the snoozefest you fudge packers got going on with each other

01:22:18 Oct 8th 19 - Percy (Sir Inception):

Not sure you’re aware, but we’ve been fighting since OOP and already killed Albatross. That’s why we have someone higher on most fearsome than even you :P 

08:21:43 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

No ones more fearsome than me... in fact Spartacus sounds like some kind of fucked up gay hippie yoga position you do while drinking fat free soya diarrhea latte's

10:19:19 Oct 8th 19 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Spartacus Reborn):

I wonder how Spartacus sounded to Caesar and the Roman Legions, if you know some history, Bling.  

10:34:16 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

Scipio Africanus the Great would have wiped the floor with them.

Caesar hadn't taken over in Rome yet, and was still a senator. He was still in his 20's when the Spartan uprising took place, and had yet to begin his campaigns in Gaul or Britain. It was Crassus and Pompei who put down the uprising, crucifying 30k of you worthless individuals along the Appian Way, before throwing all their children and wives into the sea.

10:43:36 Oct 8th 19 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Spartacus Reborn):

I wasn't sure you've heard of Crassus, therefore did not mention about him, Bling. Pompei did close to nothing against the uprising, apparently. 

10:46:31 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

Pompei was senior consul in Rome at the time, so while he did very little, Crassus reported directly to him.

By contrast, Scipio destroyed Hannibal and the Carthaginians by the age of 25, then conquered North Africa for Rome.

10:49:00 Oct 8th 19 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Spartacus Reborn):

Who said Scipio was not a great general?  Did I say Scipio sounds like a gay?

10:50:27 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

No, but the Spartans were defo gay. Fking queer little dress up gladiators. Now I know why you fudge packers chose them as a kd name.

10:51:17 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Scipio sounds pretty lame.
For napping or cease firing 1 of the smallest kds in fant.
Than always bragging about other things. 


10:52:10 Oct 8th 19 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Spartacus Reborn):

you sure Scipio didn't enjoy young dudes? 

11:01:13 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

@pebble blue ... you named yourself after a blue stone. I have no problem warring anyone, Venz Josh and I slugged it plenty, while I walked through you lot with very little effort

11:04:03 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

@Gladiatorul he never kissed any of them, might have sodomized a few but hey ho, when in Rome .. Gladiators however were well known little bitches who loved to kiss and cuddle each other after their friend had his arms and legs ripped off

11:04:56 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

@Scipio dude you've been crying in the 2 era's that I've been playing this game.

About everything and nothing really. Than you just do exactly what you yell at others for. Your just a hypocrite and like a little child who's candy got stolen.

You won a few battles. You think you must be great now right. 
Yet you nap the smallest kingdom just to focus on others. Than you gonna cry about MAD or that other kingdom soon again.

So stop behaving like a child and just play the game. 

11:08:19 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

@pink pebble

Sometimes the greatest battles aren't the ones you have fought, but the ones others think you fought. Venom sent a message which I would publish, but then he'd have to go join the fudge packers in Spartatwats as another homophag I need to bitch slap

11:17:38 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

And yet again you show how much of a kid you are.

You pretend to be an adult but behave like a little kid all the time in the forums.
Aren't you getting tired of urself? Pink Pebble you must be a funny man. No wonder your wife left you she couldn't handle the jokes I suppose. 

But than again I'm done talking to a kid when it's an adult conversation.
It's my fault that I've lowered myself to ur level. But start behaving to ur age would make it more comfortable for the people around you and for this game aswell.
Cause all that crying in a thread and putting feathers up ur own ass from ur mouth alone is getting ridiculous. Enjoy the era we'll meet again. 

Better not cry much more this era. Good luck. Owh also stop making excuses.

11:22:06 Oct 8th 19 - Mr. Scipio Africanus:

@gay pebble .. I left her, if you gonna try get really personal, I found a cute 22 year old Italian girl more fun.

As to the rest, never bothered reading but these tell you how the era has played out.

11:23:23 Oct 8th 19 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Spartacus Reborn):

@ Bling - well, let's be honest, neither you or me know who were more ggay oriented: the Gladiators or the members of the Roman Legions.

Whatever their orientations was, I find very childishh of you to call us these names.  You find it hard showing people around you some respect? 

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