Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 94

Fantasia 94
16:05:29 Sep 14th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

The spawner has got to know that there is plently more map than this when dropping KDs in lol

18:13:24 Sep 14th 23 - Mr. Overhill:

What a cluster F. 

06:54:14 Sep 15th 23 - Mr. Cryrone:

Any chronomancers up in this?

21:02:47 Sep 15th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

I wander how many bt he bought this era, real sick mind this guy.

Mr. Cryrone (9/15/2023 6:37:42 PM)GOODBAD
this time we wont be leaving so early! you can enjoy us hunting you guys down all era!
You (9/15/2023 8:28:22 PM)
Have fun, i dont care
Mr. Cryrone (9/15/2023 8:33:26 PM)GOODBAD
farm up some tree for me if you can, I'm running low

21:22:02 Sep 15th 23 - Mr. Cryrone:

It's easy for a novice chronomancer to misjudge how much tree he needs to cast his time magic.

22:55:40 Sep 15th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

whatever cyrone is doing, it sounds like it's working

00:09:57 Sep 16th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Ancient Ancient):

This is hilarious. One era pdc used over 70 BTs in an OOP war...that they still lost. In fact, pdc uses so many BTs he should be renamed "BTC". That's fine. It's good he supplements Zetas income and he's not good enough to play without using BTs, so if he needs them to be competitive, that's a-ok. Just amusing that no one in zerks ever mentions that, yet the literally one era (self admitted too btw) someone uses BTs against them they come out crying and whining.

With zerks, every accusation is an admition. They can't imagine anyone is so much better than them through pure skill alone because they have to cheat to try and be even half as good.

That's fine my grouchy kob, we'll put you out of your misery soon. Just like 2 eras ago. Just like last era. Just like next era, and the eras after that. You are the wind beneath my wings. My sunshine on a cloudy day. You are the reason we exist <3.

I wander how many bt he bought this era, real sick mind this guy.

Mr. Cryrone (9/15/2023 6:37:42 PM)GOODBAD
this time we wont be leaving so early! you can enjoy us hunting you guys down all era!
You (9/15/2023 8:28:22 PM)
Have fun, i dont care
Mr. Cryrone (9/15/2023 8:33:26 PM)GOODBAD
farm up some tree for me if you can, I'm running low

05:51:57 Sep 16th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

Game spoiler

12:37:33 Sep 16th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

seems Cryone, Newby and crown prince Louis are the same person and probably ancient ancient ancient also

12:59:27 Sep 16th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Hrothgar):


seems Cryone, Newby and crown prince Louis are the same person and probably ancient ancient ancient also

That's a wild accusation considering they're all very different people

Having talked with each of them on multiple occasions and even voice chatted on discord with some, I can confidently say that they're not the same person lol

13:01:56 Sep 16th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):


13:02:42 Sep 16th 23 - Mr. Newby:

What an interesting imagination.

13:04:06 Sep 16th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

Kob has has the title of "grumpiest VU player" for years now, and, as much as he likes to accuse Konstant/Cyrone etc, has long since proven to be far superior to them in jumping to wild conclusions based on a variety of baseless assumptions.

13:09:32 Sep 16th 23 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Isn't people jumping to conclusions how we got into this in the first place. Konstant had a whine and then threw a hissy fit when he was ignored?

13:12:12 Sep 16th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

If you look at it that way, Kob truly learned a lot didn't he

though didn't it start with kob and fred making up shit about Imp BT usage all those eras ago, when it was only aloy+fred+hanky who did? when Kob was the only one even playing in berserkers

13:14:35 Sep 16th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

At least i never bought bt ever

13:17:20 Sep 16th 23 - Mr. Newby:

Yeah but you only complain when enemies do, but say nothing when your own team does. And most of the time you're wrong about us buying bt's. 

18:07:43 Sep 16th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Hrothgar):

Also no one is proud of you for not buying Bonus Turns. 

18:17:40 Sep 16th 23 - Lady Leilah:

Its good to see people still friendly in VU after all these years :lol:

19:46:03 Sep 16th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

Stupid idiots

20:27:43 Sep 16th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

10/10 argument

someone bring back PDC, atleast racism is funny to read

20:49:51 Sep 16th 23 - Mr. Cryrone:

Can any expert chronomancers tell me if reverse time magic is possible? I would like to go back in time, instead of forward in time, to stop my split personality alter ego Newb from taking over EZ CAP town (some random zerker city) so I can enjoy the dopamine rush under this pseudonym! I would also like to use reverse time magic to stop detective Kumbuttscam exposing my dark secret! Oh no!

21:40:02 Sep 16th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Lady Leilah:

Its good to see people still friendly in VU after all these years :lol:

I'm just living my life out here. 

22:00:22 Sep 16th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Ancient Ancient):


seems Cryone, Newby and crown prince Louis are the same person and probably ancient ancient ancient also

It's ok my friend - I know a lot of older folks have a hard time keeping track of who is who. It just comes with that age, my dear Kobby. 

That said - can you imagine how tiring it would be to be everyone who is supposed to be my multi? Newb, Jasper, Loius, Cyrus, Percy, Kal, and probably another half dozen. I'm honoured you think I have the time and capacity to "be" 12 different people many of whom are playing in different KDs across multiple worlds at a very high level. Some of those people even pre-date my own arrival to VU by 5-10 years. The dedication to not only pre-date "myself" AND to continously role out new people over the last 2 years would be highly impressive. 

This episode shows that the solution to housing crises all around the world is just to live rent free in someone's head, and I have AT LEAST 5 choices!!

23:39:04 Sep 16th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Hrothgar):

Konstant is the definition of bootstrapping. If he can do the work of 12 people over 10 years, so too can you

02:21:45 Sep 17th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

I can 100% guarenteed that Kal/Sable is not his multi. I introduced the guy to the game.

But I guess I could also be a multi... 🤔

02:23:02 Sep 17th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Despite this spawn in being a complete cluster F, it's fun. Been awhile since I've had an OOP fight like this. Last one I had was against BF a couple eras back and boy they're frustrating to fight OOP. 🤣

03:41:11 Sep 17th 23 - Mr. Bling Fcukr Too:

Hanky's my bitch

10:52:57 Sep 17th 23 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

LOEL “Lady”

I’m tempted to land & buy 70 BT’s just to speak to Bling😈🤪😘

12:32:08 Sep 17th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Child Elf):


How do we know we’re not all the same person? Having a terrible mental health history and experience. More reasonable than perkonnewbjasp being all one.

 (Literally been a vox call with all of them at the same time, and he was nice as Percy, but as Jasper he’s a tool)

13:18:01 Sep 17th 23 - Mr. Bling Fcukr:

I love it when u talk dirty to me Hanky

01:20:35 Sep 18th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Does noone on this map know how to native their resources? 

01:51:11 Sep 18th 23 - Mr. Professorpicklerick:

19:20:35 Sep 17th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Does noone on this map know how to native their resources? 

OH! OH! I do! I know how even though I have been away from the game for ages LOL

07:12:08 Sep 18th 23 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):


There was a time when Zerk and Mad alliance was ruining the game for numerous players. 
You guys even threatened to ruin the Valhalla thing that people had running.

There is a reason group of players start eras to fight you guys then quit after you guys are done. You reap what you sow.


Game spoiler

07:32:45 Sep 18th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

You have a fucked up mind

08:58:10 Sep 18th 23 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Not even playing, so I could not be more objective.

Plus I started the game in Music with Kool and you, so you could say you guys taught me how to play. Aside that in 2013 you claimed you don’t know how to landdrop.

You (7/5/2013 8:32:46 PM)
I was told you are veteran player, so I wanted to ask you 
Can you please tell me what is the amount of buildings I should reach and after that save up gold to build the town all in 1 tick?
Sir Kobuskann (7/5/2013 9:11:39 PM)GOODBAD
Never do that, but it is wise to build about 3k houses and after that fill it up with mines, productivity will not drop so fast then.
Or if you have spare pezz in your arms you can transfer them to your new city
You (7/5/2013 9:31:56 PM)
I am actually talking about 90k cities.
My city Dark Spawn is 90k city...
So I am asking how many buildings should I build to
And then save up to build the rest to 90k in 1 tick :)
Sir Kobuskann (7/5/2013 10:01:34 PM)GOODBAD
dont know

09:45:53 Sep 18th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

Dont know anybody with the name Dark sperm

10:34:07 Sep 18th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

so grumpy

16:34:29 Sep 18th 23 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskann):

Childish behaviour

The Ancient Ancient Ancient (9/18/2023 12:35:26 PM)GOODBAD
Did you quit your little zerkiepoos?

Your master isn't going to like that.

16:49:16 Sep 18th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

yet constant insulting and cursing isn't childish behaviour apparently

17:05:43 Sep 18th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Ancient Ancient):

Please Don't Cry Kob...on second thought, Please Cry.


Childish behaviour

The Ancient Ancient Ancient (9/18/2023 12:35:26 PM)GOODBAD
Did you quit your little zerkiepoos?

Your master isn't going to like that.

17:15:51 Sep 18th 23 - Dark Lord Anewbis:

Dishes it out but can't take it. Fits in perfectly with most of north America. 

02:21:34 Sep 19th 23 - Percy (Sir Kled):

@ Moff: Nothing beats that voice call last era I played on Val with y’all 😂😂 

03:47:11 Sep 19th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Child Elf):

Man. That was sweaty. You and your seven other personalities watching me fuck up a chain, but then come back from the fuck up and still get the slaughter. 

05:37:06 Sep 19th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Glorfindel):

Fuck that shit was pure gold watching moff go to murder town on live stream and fuck it up the whole way 

12:33:13 Sep 19th 23 - Percy (Sir Kled):

End of the day, he still wrecked his target more than he wrecked himself, so it was a good day! Definitely a top tier moment though lol

Also, @ Zerks, PDC explicitly stated things like “I will end this game” and “I’ll make sure it won’t be fun for anyone anymore”. You really didn’t think people would step up and stop that, specially when people left/stopped playing because of it? Game may be dead, but people do genuinely enjoy playing it still. 

Dark Spawn summed it up nicely: you reap what you sow.

23:35:12 Sep 19th 23 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):


Pics or it didn't happen. :P
But seriously, A, no recollection of that, and B, Konstant and his Multi's are far more Toxic than PDC ever was.

Also, PDC didn't even land, so all they're really doing is spending money to kill me off more quickly, which seems like a waste of money, cause I do that myself pretty fast anyways.

@Konstant, Cyrone, Newby, whomever. I've landed again, come get me. :P

23:53:20 Sep 19th 23 - Mr. Bling Fcukr:

I love it when u talk sexy time @JLT

00:03:27 Sep 20th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

hold up hold up
"far more toxic than PDC ever was"?
I guess you missed the part where he's a raging racist against white people? I'd argue that's far, far worse than any dumb in-game drama

00:08:26 Sep 20th 23 - Mr. Newby:

PDC declined me entry to Berserkerz because I know Konstant, that's pretty toxic. probably doesn't help that I'm white and he's given his opinion on that matter.

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