Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Age 10

Fantasia Age 10
14:38:37 Dec 9th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

BF just arrived on Fant - lots of city's spread out - but is the any war? and were is it?

14:56:21 Dec 9th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

What is 'the any war'?

15:04:53 Dec 9th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Think the bit you missed was "were is it?"

15:17:55 Dec 9th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

but is the any war? and were is it?

I think you missed 'half the words' in your sentence there ...

15:33:51 Dec 9th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

I think you understand the Q. why not just answer it if you can?

15:38:45 Dec 9th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobish Hammer):

Because your question makes no sense.... lol

15:53:13 Dec 9th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):

I concur.

Are you asking if there are any wars?
Are you asking how a war in particular is going? :P

16:02:04 Dec 9th 11 - Mr. Ezisaghey:

babies come from the flying stalk

20:02:38 Dec 9th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still):

Ah, can't get it to work eh? Worry not, I'll sell my services to Katey. You remember the price, right?

12:15:02 Dec 10th 11 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:

haha you guys are so evil...we can all tell hes asking are there any wars on fant...if so where?

14:08:47 Dec 10th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Thank you  Sir Justanius Fontainius for cutting through the childish gibberish, now are the any wars? if so were - all I see is farming and soon lots of bootem feeding. Have lots of scouts out and about.

15:31:36 Dec 10th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):

Obviously your scouts are giving you false reports.

15:55:31 Dec 10th 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):


12:57:33 Dec 11th 11 - Stirlin (Mr. Ezisaghey):

his scouts are as bad as his writing skills

16:17:53 Dec 11th 11 - Legend (I am Willie The Wanker):

Jill are we going to play farmville?

13:07:35 Dec 12th 11 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

no what we do hamish is all us big kingdoms nap each other and attack the smaller kingdoms we hear thats how it goes on other worlds like val :P there was these 2 big kingdoms on there that napped eachother and then attacked all the smaller ones like a pair of big bullies :) trying to think of their names now .......... rain....b...o.w. and ... damn cant think maybe black flag knows them ?

22:02:47 Dec 16th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

What's going on (correct me is am wrong) 

  • Lgc is fighting everybody
  • Hex is friends with MAD and fighting Lgc
  • MAD is fighting lgc, Relent and frends with Hex
  • Relent is fighting Lgc and MAD
Black Flag is doing Rabbit impressions this era (with sharp teeth)

Did I miss anything?

22:40:51 Dec 17th 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Impending Gang Bang):

Do Relent wana kick any more of their high land players? Did this Ciara chara only go for a few days inactivity too before being kicked? We kept Zond in our KD for over 30 days despite Aloy being in our core and getting plunder off him, come on guys, what you doing, really?

06:27:08 Dec 18th 11 - Sir Jondrus Kitty Kicker:

haters gonna hate

09:06:07 Dec 18th 11 - Canucks (Mr. Tormented Soul):

feeding and still cant beat us

18:57:09 Dec 18th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Next era, Black Flag will be fighting the wining kingdom from this era and we will have only one kingdom as a MAP. We are recruiting - the kingdom has a cap of 10 members.

15:21:52 Dec 19th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

Farmers get kicked.

15:59:55 Dec 19th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

herp-derp derp

16:46:37 Dec 19th 11 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Seer):

"Farmers get kicked."

Did leadership message them to train troops? Considering you are auto accepting newbies into the kd. Not all newbies know what is good and what is bad.

I'll say you only have right to kick and feed on them if they directly disobey that order to train troops.

Otherwise, Relentless is just using newbie recruiting as a way of easy semi-legit feeding.

16:53:15 Dec 19th 11 - Princess Aisha:

Binh I was a member of Black Flag, left them after the end of era because Hamish looks when his members are active and after realising when they sleep he kicks them and takes their cities over night. He masks it over with they were inactive so we kick them, even when I joined them they had sign "inactives will be eaten", but the definition of inactives is quite vague, only they understand it. He does keep the actives ones, as he told me to take over another members cities over night, he told me that himself, that is how they work. I refused to do so of course... I do not know why people keep joining that kingdom as he was doing that for a very long time.

17:32:25 Dec 19th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still):

In addition to that, they farm all era, hide behind mass NAPs and then goes and hits war-torn KDs once they're mostly broken, going for cheap spoils. Yep, Black Flag has always been a fantastic KD.

21:42:33 Dec 19th 11 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

The trolls really are out feeding today.

Some tidbits for them...

* We have a limit of 10 players, so we give people a chance if they don't take it they are kicked and eaten. 

* We left the world of Valhalla as many of the kingdoms last era were weak and the only good kingdom we were friends with - so time to move on - last era was a wast i agree, but we are loyal to our friends so better to move on than stay and get bored and bloated. 

* Moving on we have slimed down, so if you wont to join a honourable and active small kingdom (knowing you will be eaten if you are useless) then sign up now.

21:52:34 Dec 19th 11 - Stirlin (Mr. The Real Stirlin):

* We left the world of Valhalla as many of the kingdoms last era were weak and the only good kingdom we were friends with

dont nap the hard opponents?

02:50:09 Dec 20th 11 - Stormy (Ms. White Rose):

<Moving on we have slimed down>


11:09:50 Dec 20th 11 - Mr. Zombie:

So i dont know where i been all era but i JUST FOUND OUT THAT MAD AND HEX HAVE A NAP considering half of there core is sharing. Nubs :P

Oh yea and freddy, im dieng to find where your army is, no gags if i die :P

18:29:18 Dec 20th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:


Did you see my 90k city? You said we are sharing each other's core.


20:31:57 Dec 20th 11 - Mr. Derfel:

My Kingdom will be moving to Fant Next era. Beware dirty MAD

21:33:26 Dec 20th 11 - Mr. Zombiezz:

Well aloy since i seem to be very close to you guys. I do know what i see and what i dont seee :P I can see clearly that the core is completly shared :P

00:52:38 Dec 21st 11 - Mr. Kasakasz The Unstoppable:

we r not dirty :o we has water :o

06:35:55 Dec 21st 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

Zombie... that's only the tip of the shared core. You should look for my 90k city near Fred's 90k, first.

07:46:37 Dec 21st 11 - The Kaze (Mr. Agony):

* We left the world of Valhalla as many of the kingdoms last era were weak and the only good kingdom we were friends with

dont nap the hard opponents?

We weren't, the leader asked me to help him lead his kingdom and bring it up. We grew strong, very fast, especially when we warred IRS oop, even though it was only 3 of us fighting them.

As to the NAP, I actually wanted to have a good friendly war with BF, most of us did.. but our leader told us not to as he has had good relations with BF since the previous era when our KD was even smaller and weaker and BF helped the KD out (at which time I wasn't part of the KD)

09:27:36 Dec 26th 11 - Mr. Zombie:

"Dont napp the hard opponents?"

^ Thats something MAD and HEX dont understand :P

And aloy im the NUB?

Your character Mr. Zombie has won 14 battles, captured 10 cities and killed a total of 3278954 men and women

What you have?

12:38:57 Dec 26th 11 - Mr. Derfel:

your a nub because you use the fearsome list to try to proove how good you are :P every good player knows it doesnt matter how many men you kill (could be some massive shit army) or how many cities you take (could be crappy undefended cities taken after a core is broken open)

What matters is what city you take what armies you kill and when you do it.

you could be top of the fearsome list but i could break a core open by taking a blocker and killing the top HoH army.. who would be more useful :D Dont get me wrong im sure your a decent enough player but never use the hoh to proove it :D Reputation is everything ^^

12:48:38 Dec 26th 11 - Canucks (Mr. Tormented Soul):

he did kill good armies killed 1 freds army and another troll army in city,and 1 dwarf hordes

12:52:52 Dec 26th 11 - Mr. Derfel:

he may well have done all the things i said :D but then why not use that to boost your e-peen :D

13:07:04 Dec 26th 11 - Mr. Warlock:

He is a nub, he is MAD.. nuff said ;)

13:20:31 Dec 26th 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Impending Gang Bang):

Yeah...He is MAD ;)

I agree though, most fearsome is no show off, but the troops he's killed has been very useful to our KD. It's also interesting to see that nobody else is getting any kills apart from LGC players. Might it be we don't waste our armies like our enemies/walk our armies into our own slaughter? Mayhaps that's why we're the strongest KD on Fant.

17:56:45 Dec 27th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

wilber rattling his mouth off again.

18:15:07 Dec 27th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

You're the strongest KD on the map cause you put a spell on your troops to make them hotter.  Our soldiers have no choice but to be distracted, and then BAM.  It's such a shame you are taking advantage of such a bug.

19:28:03 Dec 27th 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Impending Gang Bang):

16:56:45 Dec 27th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

wilber rattling his mouth off again.

Who are you? I see you're most fearsome worthy for sure, walking around taking and losing originally Relent undefended cities constantly :D

19:44:51 Dec 27th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

only cause i decided to farm for the era, else u'd all be dead already

19:52:14 Dec 27th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still):

20:36:28 Dec 27th 11 - Mr. Warlock:

I lol'ed at *farming for the era*

even the biggest w*ore of all time (dworflock) aint farming for a whole era lol

22:20:30 Dec 27th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobish Hammer):

12:44:51 Dec 27th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

only cause i decided to farm for the era, else u'd all be dead already

I've obliterated....sooo many armies from you this era. Like... so many. I'm not counting the shitty armies you're sending now for no other purpose than to boost your HoH rank (btw, maybe if you combined all these armies up and put them in one place, you'd give us trouble...:D), I'm talking about in the Fcukoff area where you sent like 3 500ks to get slaughtered..... I don't know what you think you're talking about, but if that was your attempt to farm up, it was a horrible

00:24:14 Dec 28th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

my 4 hordes are on the way from the south, have no fear. your shitty little armies are a joke so far.

and yes, i logged on once a day to farm and blocker fill, and would have chose another race but dwarf if i wanted to fight, but since u lot are so shit at what you do, i may just be tempted to burn all, restart as my chosen race and come kick you all over the map again, you bottom feeder noob twats

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