Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Age 11

Fantasia Age 11
22:12:28 Feb 5th 12 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

The age has just started.
We have to wait 17.94 more days/ticks before being able to settle.

"Your charactor Mr. Hanky Panky is the 2nd most powerfu ruler in Fantasia." - Remember that.

Go easy on me ;)

22:59:58 Feb 5th 12 - Mr. Sausage Soldier:

predictions for this era:

  • LGC NAP everybody and whore to #1 again
  • MAD multi like usual
  • everybody else don't matter

23:38:49 Feb 5th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):

Hanky what are you doing around, mr inactive.

05:44:02 Feb 6th 12 - Mr. Dustan:

MAD multi like usual


07:31:57 Feb 6th 12 - Mr. Farroud:

everybody else don't matter

didnt like !!!

11:27:17 Feb 6th 12 - Mr. Onix The Defender:

wait you mean multi naps or multi accounts cos im confused ? ]:>

12:23:29 Feb 6th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade V):

We're done at multi accounts from long time.

We're for multi NAPs for 2 era decades already.

Multi accounts can't move if we are offline, unlike multi NAPs can protect us even if we are sleeping soundly. :)

14:08:48 Feb 6th 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

i'm gonna play in BF and it looks like we are in a lot of cross-hairs

16:45:47 Feb 6th 12 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Wilber I shall slap stirlin for not telling me he was playing, tell him this.

I shall kill him then leave the game again.

17:15:29 Feb 6th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

i returned last era, while you was still playing assen

17:33:28 Feb 6th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):


17:34:02 Feb 6th 12 - HorusPanic (Ms. Elf):

The Native People has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 267 men and women.

Above the law of protection!

21:48:19 Feb 9th 12 - William Shitfaced (Mr. Will Get More Sleep):

Sooo.... Whats going on?

22:19:55 Feb 9th 12 - Mr. Dovahkiin:

Not much. Killing Dragons. Shouting. The usual.

03:21:39 Feb 10th 12 - Electric Magneton:

who is shouting...

20:56:01 Feb 11th 12 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Mr. Popachu of Avalon):

Dovahkiin is the dragon born from oblivion magneton , its what he does in game lol

22:33:04 Feb 11th 12 - Osiris the new guy (Mr. Finwe):

you mean skyrim right? :P

22:37:48 Feb 11th 12 - Mr. Onix The Defender:


had to do it ;P

22:46:56 Feb 11th 12 - Electric Magneton:

oh gawd i didnt even notice the skyrim connection... lol

00:19:36 Feb 12th 12 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Mr. Popachu of Avalon):

I call the entire 6 games oblivion lol probably because oblivion was the first one i played 

00:21:49 Feb 12th 12 - Legend (Mr. Hankys Lover):

I like big boobies!! You like 2 yes?

00:30:56 Feb 12th 12 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune The Thane):

6 games? lmao kath... there are FIVE.

00:34:35 Feb 12th 12 - Duke Red Eyed Pikachu:

I know I like boobies Legend.


04:46:10 Feb 12th 12 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Mr. Popachu of Avalon):

Arena , daggerfall , battle spire , morrowind , oblivion , skyrim .... pretty sure theres 6?

10:26:53 Feb 12th 12 - Mr. Dovahkiin:

Actually,  there are 5 "The Elder Scrolls" games. Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind (the best one), Oblivion, and Skyrim.

There are 2 other games that are Action/Adventure games, not really RPGs, they are "An Ender Scrolls Legend: Battlespire" and "The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard"

Also, there are 3 "Elder Scrolls Travels" games for moble/cell phones.

So if we're counting ALL the games then there are 10.

11:35:05 Feb 12th 12 - Mr. Muammar Gaddafi:


11:36:18 Feb 12th 12 - Mr. Bling:

shhhhhhhhh... damn homoghey fool twatheads! speaking all this gay shyte!

12:23:09 Feb 12th 12 - Electric Magneton:


12:23:09 Feb 12th 12 - Mr. Onix The Defender:

i only know that morrowind ( the first i played and the best) was the elder of scrolls III so oblivion is 6

12:26:41 Feb 12th 12 - Mr. Dovahkiin:

Oblivion came after Morrowind. :P 3 then 4

18:05:01 Feb 12th 12 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

LGC deaded...

18:07:40 Feb 12th 12 - Osiris the new guy (Mr. Finwe):


18:22:48 Feb 12th 12 - Legend (Mr. Hankys Lover):

Finwe go back to your batcave thanx.

18:46:02 Feb 12th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Bubbles):

Tbh if you guys don't kill us there's something wrong. We're surrounded, being attacking by several KDs and are on the defence.

But then again, the Relent-HEX-MAD alliance fails usually. I'd be ashamed if I was in HEX tbh. Even when Hanky was at the helm they had some success and actually warred. Nowerdays with Freddy as leader it's just....snore. For all the big talk there's always little tabgible action. Perhaps this era with Hanky back they may be able to do something!?! Perhaps not...

I mean we got Swifty as a handicap, not to mention the amount of wars and the positioning.

Come get me *yawn*

19:20:38 Feb 12th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

itll be a long era, they cant even take advantage of a situation well...

22:27:45 Feb 12th 12 - Electric Magneton:

theres a nap?

06:56:45 Feb 13th 12 - Electric Magneton:

whats going on with 


08:44:43 Feb 13th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade The Little):

Ha? Alliance? As far our council concerns we don't have any relations with Hex and Relent. So you were just assuming?

10:58:00 Feb 13th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

dont need to have an official nap to gangbang

11:37:53 Feb 13th 12 - Mr. Onix The Defender:

that proves only that ur not attacked with 100% force from any of that kds

11:58:05 Feb 13th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade The Little):

Oh, so your putting yourself down like Wilber, Stirlin?

13:07:39 Feb 13th 12 - Electric Magneton:

you are right... stirlin you dont need to be sleeping for us to take advantage of you.. but the possible side effects could be dire... years of bumps.. 

btw... I always was under the assumption that real men didnt complain... even if they are getting all their holes filled... 

13:58:32 Feb 13th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Boooyyyy):

Not sure why people think anyone is complaining. I certainly don't. I'm mearly stating that I pity people who gang bang the same KD era after era with no success.

14:11:49 Feb 13th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

^^true statement

14:13:53 Feb 13th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Bubbles):


*I certainly aren't


I guess I should proof read things from now on :P

17:23:12 Feb 13th 12 - Mr. Gloom Aloysius:

let's just say we like to attack HEX too, but LGC is in the way. :D

I dont know why LGC was in the middle of map this era, either. :))

17:50:27 Feb 13th 12 - Seloc (Mr. Seloc of Troy):

05:56:45 Feb 13th 12 - Electric Magneton:

whats going on with 



:( he be giving me grief that's what :P

18:25:54 Feb 13th 12 - Canucks (Lord Canucks):

08:23:12 Feb 13th 12 - Mr. Gloom Aloysius:

let's just say we like to attack HEX too, but LGC is in the way. :D

I dont know why LGC was in the middle of map this era, either. :))

lets just say we have swifty in our

18:41:20 Feb 13th 12 - Mr. Wang Love:

fruck off

legendary king!!!!!!!!!!!! of lgc

18:46:20 Feb 13th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

great tactician aswell, by placing us in the middle we can hit everyone!

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