Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Age 3

Fantasia Age 3
20:37:33 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Mugfack Grudge Bringer:


22:14:42 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Scipii:

Hey Im looking for a kd on Fantasia... I have bout 10+ eras experience, recently took a 2 era break but am now back, and ready to play lol so if any1 needs another member just pm :)

02:16:50 Oct 4th 10 - Lady Penelope Pitstop:

Ohai guys.

02:32:02 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

scipii feel free to apply to Abydos :)

03:15:32 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Good Ass Job:

ohai fant

04:56:33 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Zhuge Liang:

Hello Fantasia! Currently kdless =P

*Note: not Liu Bei of Shu*

05:18:50 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

MAD is accepting new players/kingdomless players who want to feel Fantasia wars and be trained from time to time. Just be sure to be active and participate in our kingdom forums at least once a day.

*Dont spawn yet until you are accepted.

I recommend Abydos too if you dont like us. :p

05:23:16 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Barny The Inactive:

Welcome to Era of Karac #2 =(

10:22:16 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

The Unbreakables are also willing to train new players, but anyone is welcome really :)

16:08:10 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Deathscyther Ignis:

fantassiaaaaa fun

17:32:07 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

Sell some damn tree!

17:39:25 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Yoin:

I'd rather enjoy someone to sell some trees right about now...

00:19:07 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. William Tha Salesman:

i agree....

00:28:31 Oct 5th 10 - Ms. Blueskies:

sold all my trees.

03:45:35 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

22:56:33 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Zhuge Liang:

Hello Fantasia! Currently kdless =P

*Note: not Liu Bei of Shu*

LAWL haha sure but your my main strategist. Could use one over in Relentless.

05:03:08 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Barny The Inactive:

I sold my tree at a generous 4.5 and you picky homos would buy it.

05:13:10 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Barny The Inactive:


I lowered the price for all of you poorlings. Now, it is cheap enough for you plebeians to afford.

06:02:40 Oct 5th 10 - Prince Kevdwayne The Belluine:

Thank you Barny for your nympholepsy of narcissistic drivel.

07:04:40 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Barny The Inactive:

I am going to get my dictionary and think of a response to that.

08:14:08 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

lol :P

20:31:33 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Zhuge Liang:

21:45:35 Oct 4th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

22:56:33 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Zhuge Liang:

Hello Fantasia! Currently kdless =P

*Note: not Liu Bei of Shu*

LAWL haha sure but your my main strategist. Could use one over in Relentless.

Don't forget Guan Yu, your brother, is just as good as a strategist.

04:40:46 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Guan Yuu of Shu:

Hey I am right here lol

07:00:47 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Buddylove:

Guan Yu also is famed for taking Lu Bu's head as well as earning the envy of Cao Cao himself. Of course my knowledge of that era is minimal at best. Im giong to go back to playing Dynasty warriors and own with Zhao Yun. The man who charged into an army to save Lui Bei's First born and emerged unharmed.

08:40:00 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Perfection:

A tip. No one cares about some guys that died ten thousand years ago.

10:29:20 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Pure The Morning:

He is right lol

10:32:03 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

Especially in a thread for fantasia :P

12:39:00 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. William Tha Salesman:

nice... dropping all alone next to 30 relentlesses -.-

17:41:17 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Tenacious:

Relentless are split it would seem so that can't be true :P

18:34:18 Oct 6th 10 - Ms. Thismightnotbelewatha:

What's lame though, is that there's only MAD left with 20 members to actually be able to near match Relentless... Fantasia is getting more deserted every era :/

19:24:46 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

such a shame that there will only be a handful of people around to watch lewatha cheat her way to victory

22:48:07 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Guan Yuu of Shu:

02:40:00 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Perfection:

A tip. No one cares about some guys that died ten thousand years ago.

Wow okay your a nice person.

00:14:20 Oct 7th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

02:40:00 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Perfection:

A tip. No one cares about some guys that died ten thousand years ago.

Another tip...learn history, you missed the time period by a bit.  And by a bit I mean 8 millenia give or take a few centuries :P

01:25:16 Oct 7th 10 - Mr. Schwarz:

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Learn that lesson now and youll save yourself alot of headaches in the future.

*mumble* far from perfection if you ask me.

03:42:58 Oct 7th 10 - Prince Kevdwayne The Belluine:

So......... who's fighting who?

08:43:29 Oct 7th 10 - Mr. Pure:

03:34:18 Oct 7th 10 - Ms. Thismightnotbelewatha:
What's lame though, is that there's only MAD left with 20 members to actually be able to near match Relentless... Fantasia is getting more deserted every era :/

That wont even really be the case cause in MAD we have like over 5 ppl dead

21:06:15 Oct 7th 10 - Mr. Hasdrubal The Fair:

well right now it's basically me versus a whole bunch of anarchy ;) the rest of my kingdom's fighting MAD.

01:43:34 Oct 8th 10 - Duke Random:

I heard relentless napped mad.... and deaths angels :S

02:21:59 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Thrawn The Tactician:

I also heard of no such thing. lol. MAD pretty much backstabbed us, they offered a NAP, then withdrew it after we accepted.

03:50:55 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Guan Yuu of Shu:

It was really stupid. All you need to do is spend sometime debating on whether or not you want the relation then come up with a decision. I think MAD wanted to confuse us so they could take our cites while we were amist confusion. Bad MAD!!!! lol

06:28:34 Oct 8th 10 - King Burninglegion of The Orcs:

Guys can some one post a percentage kingdom page for fantasia


( im kingdomless, so i have no idea who the super powers are)

06:46:19 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Killstone:

Kingdoms in Fantasia



Mr. Killstone
Mr. Xpumpx

99999999 :)

Abydos 13 Mr. Osiris 100
Anarchy 13 Toaster Struddle 95
Death Angels 11 Princess Aisha 90
Mad and Dangerous 20 Mr. Aloysius 79
Dominion 17 Mr. Stormcrow 64
The Unbreakables 6 Mr. Tyrgalon 55
The Great Duchy of Lithuania 11 Mr. Vytautas Didysis 54
iPwN 6 Mr. Zero Cool 40
Drain The Beans 3 Mr. Testicle III 17
Small Kingdom 3 Mr. Adventurer 12
Runescape 2 Mr. Eliteoman 4
Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse 2 Ms. Muffett 2


I am the superpower! alright not really but ill get there :)

08:35:18 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Pure The Morning:

11:21:59 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Thrawn The Tactician:

I also heard of no such thing. lol. MAD pretty much backstabbed us, they offered a NAP, then withdrew it after we accepted.

Report12:50:55 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Guan Yuu of Shu:

It was really stupid. All you need to do is spend sometime debating on whether or not you want the relation then come up with a decision. I think MAD wanted to confuse us so they could take our cites while we were amist confusion. Bad MAD!!!! lol


You guys should know nothing is final until terms have been set up and none of our leaders agreed on any terms so were either neutral or hostile. Im pretty sure any diplomat would say that nothing is finally until both parties agree on terms and nor kd sent terms meaning there was no nap.

12:50:39 Oct 8th 10 - Duke Ohmlyone:

Trying to understand why the KD that is on top is complaining about anything?

13:28:44 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Pure:

On top by far my I add

15:48:50 Oct 8th 10 - Prince Kevdwayne The Belluine:

Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. 
Samuel Johnson 

17:08:20 Oct 8th 10 - Loser Quiet Wilberfool One Nicompoop:

Holy crap!!!

What happened to the most dominant kingdom in the game ever, DOA / Ipwn? The one that got destroyed twice by Fear / Fate only to dominate so completely in their absence last era?

Don't tell me they decided to pull a Fear / Fate?

Where are my fellow losers, Wilbertrash, Quiet Nincompoop and Raistlin-the-TBL-wannabe? Where's Crissypoo?

Where are the hearts and souls of VU!!! WHERE???

17:55:40 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

In the looser corner with the poop heap?

18:14:13 Oct 8th 10 - Ms. Thismightnotbelewatha:

No worries TBL, I'm still hanging around here <3

18:28:04 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:


apparently.. you're the one left. :D

20:05:54 Oct 8th 10 - Prince Kevdwayne The Belluine:

Why is tree so cheap?  This is Fant for Zeta's sake!  

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