Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Age 8

Fantasia Age 8
14:50:31 May 9th 11 - Mr. Barny The Late Starter:

The new age has begun and in 48 ticks players will begin to settle cities.

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Insane Killers8Mr. Grimedeath6364
Dark Side25Mr. Binh The Chieftain100
Mad and Dangerous25Mr. Aloysius88
Hex25Mr. Hanky Panky84
EVOLUTION16Mr. Blings Immense Penis60
Relentless10Mr. Sprout36
The Great Duchy of Lithuania6Mr. Stogas Ant Galvos24
THC5Mr. Jmullet20

This is a list of all kingdoms that have more than 5 players. It looks to be an interesting era, with Darkside/Hex/MAD all sitting at around 25 players.

17:36:46 May 9th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

good luck to all the kingdoms. I hope rl will not be in our way. :)

17:56:42 May 9th 11 - I am Tha Master Wanker:

Well good luck Fant kd's. I wont be playing on this world anymore.

01:33:00 May 10th 11 - Mr. Barny The Late Starter:

I look forward to seeing how kingdoms/players will react to the updates this era.

04:47:33 May 10th 11 - Mr. Louis Pocho:

what updates? i cant find them :(

04:59:24 May 10th 11 - Mr. Pure I:

Lol don't  kid yourself. There are no updates...

05:02:56 May 10th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

18:43:37 May 9th 11 - VU Admin:

These updates are sheduled for when Fantasia ends, about 3-6 weeks from now.


Weaken Army of the dead. Improve fog, Ghost Warriors and Control Time.


When armageddon is cast, each kingdom get the option to vote if the round should end or not.

If >50% vote YES, the era will end right away. If >50% vote No, armageddon will end.

If not enough kingdoms vote, the era will end anyway when arma count down to zero.

Different worlds

We'll make the worlds more different. If you have any more ideas...


  • Merges and great walls


  • Only new players (and guides) allowed.

    Clearly not :D

12:40:31 May 10th 11 - I am Tha Master Wanker:

After this era ends (Age 8) there will be updates Luis.

17:07:28 May 10th 11 - Prince Mithras of Arunun:

^^ everyone be at peace so we can cast arma really quickly and get the updates? :P

23:06:44 May 10th 11 - Mr. Brewer:

lol i totally agree with that

23:35:55 May 10th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

eh, I'm not sure the new arma system is any less flawed than the current....

05:22:22 May 11th 11 - Mr. Barny The Late Starter:

The new Armageddon system is the worst part about the updates, it's even worse than people prolonging the era with the spell.

05:27:12 May 11th 11 - Mr. Drunkasheckthistime:

idk about that it allows us to choose if we want people to be dicks about arma and tell them haha go f yourself if you want to cast it within the first 3 weeks

05:35:43 May 11th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

it can also open up forms of abuse where people whore for the win and end it instantly.... 

06:40:41 May 11th 11 - Mr. Barny The Late Starter:

20:27:12 May 10th 11 - Mr. Drunkasheckthistime:

idk about that it allows us to choose if we want people to be dicks about arma and tell them haha go f yourself if you want to cast it within the first 3 weeks

It's completely viable to get level 9 magic 10 or 12 days into the era on a populated world (Fantasia/Mantrax). The era can end INSTANTLY, and that is why this is such a terrible change. There is no warning to it, the era can be going fine one minute and then the next it's over. It doesn't matter how many kingdoms approve of the Armageddon going through, the fact that a world can instantly end without warning is a terrible game mechanic.

20:27:12 May 10th 11 - Mr. Drunkasheckthistime:

idk about that it allows us to choose if we want people to be dicks about arma and tell them haha go f yourself if you want to cast it within the first 3 weeks

Zeta has never implemented updates with good anti-abuse mechanisms in place. When he implements Greatwalls you can be sure as hell that you will be able to crosswall them just like people did before many years ago, and there are still a plethora of known bugs that have not and will not ever be fixed.

You can bet that the "Democracy Armageddon" can and will be abused. Inactive kingdoms voting, multi-kingdoms, ect.

11:46:02 May 11th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

so, hope everyones prepared for a boring farming era..

please tell me where you have all landed?

14:38:54 May 11th 11 - Mr. Louis Pocho:

im on  the east...

14:45:07 May 11th 11 - Mr. Barny:

02:46:02 May 11th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

so, hope everyones prepared for a boring farming era..

You bet I am!

16:45:40 May 11th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Kingdom of Hearts II 7 Mr. Eddo 100
Mad and Dangerous 27 Mr. Aloysius 10
Hex 27 Mr. Hanky Panky 6
Relentless 11 Mr. Sprout 4
Crazy Apple 4 Mr. Thraenn 3
Dark Side 24 Mr. Binh The War 2
Insane Killers 8 Mr. Grimedeath 2
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 2 Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Really Lazy 1
Barbarians of the Burning Ice 4 Mr. Borborygmos 1
The Great Duchy of Lithuania 5 Mr. Bebaimis Kovotojas 1
Encrypted Fate 1 Mr. Lolface 0
Anarchy 1 Toaster Struddle 0
Cannabis 1 Mr. Pesci 0
Akatsuchi 2 Mr. Estucheon 0
Mr God of War 1 Mr. Csclittleshatta 0
JIHAD 1 Mr. Terrorist Yumamy Laik Diq 0
Nom Nom Nominion 1 Fire Lord Yarlin With Rug Burn 0
Drain The Beans 1 Mr. Teticle VII 0
Zona Oeste 4 Mr. Louis Pocho 0
Horus Rules 1 Mr. Jellybane 0
Hidden Shadows 1 Mr. Ctopha 0
the b team 1 Mr. Sacreo 0
Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire 1 Mr. Moregoth 0
THC 5 Mr. Jmullet 0
EVOLUTION 11 Mr. Blings Immense Penis 0


i love the way this looks! =) no opposition

17:10:39 May 11th 11 - Mr. Pure I:

^^Can nearly guarantee they wont finish the era on a high note

20:42:47 May 11th 11 - Mr. Edd The Reborned:

you still have ur grudge over me don't u?

21:07:42 May 11th 11 - Mr. Supa Siik Wittit:

KOH going to take over the map &win this era! Harrah for Israel!!

22:29:31 May 11th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

14:45:07 May 11th 11 - Mr. Barny:

02:46:02 May 11th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

so, hope everyones prepared for a boring farming era..

You bet I am!

please pull something out your arses and please tell me you got something more interesting than just two players above us

22:30:04 May 11th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

want this to be an interesting era.

it's looking a little more promising but not the best

we want warrrrrr :D

23:03:30 May 11th 11 - Mr. Barny:

"^^Can nearly guarantee they wont finish the era on a high note" -Pure

Of course KoH won't finish on a high note, everyone knows that MAD, Hex, and Darkside are the real contenders this era. Every other kingdom is just food. That said, if any of the big 3 kingdoms NAP or put themselves in a position where 2 are only fighting with the 3rd, the era will be pretty stupid.


"please pull something out your arses and please tell me you got something more interesting than just two players above us" - Hanky Panky


Maybe we have more than 2 players up there or maybe those are just the 2 players that didn't follow the spawning instructions and both ended up in the wrong part of the map. Hell, maybe it's all part of our sooper sekret plan to topple Hex! (Is that pulled out of my ass enough? :P)

00:19:14 May 12th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

just give me something worth fighting for, spawn the rest with them

2 players isnt enough to feed on to make it worth training troops, may as well still farm lol

can't wait for next era, i hope to god he makes the map smaller. thats alll i bet on every era, :/ my hopes get crashed every era :/

00:46:16 May 12th 11 - Mr. Acerf The Freak:

lol i love it how u assume we will just hand our cities to you ^_^

errr. yeah dont train just keep farming, dont mind us here.

02:44:39 May 12th 11 - Mr. Pure The Archfiend:

Edd why would I have a grudge? :L But pretty much what Barny said sums it up.

08:21:05 May 12th 11 - Mr. Barny:

15:46:16 May 11th 11 - Mr. Acerf The Freak:

lol i love it how u assume we will just hand our cities to you ^_^

You nor any other weaker kingdom will just "hand your cities over" to the big kingdoms, but in the end that is what it will essentially amount to.

There is no way that the smaller kingdoms are going to last until the era ends. They are essentially non-factors, Hex/MAD/Darkside would be better off feeding off of kingdoms like "Crazy Apple" than they would be NAPing them.

MGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Hex26Mr. Hanky Panky229
Mad and Dangerous28Mr. Aloysius124
Dark Side23Mr. Binh The War100
Crazy Apple6Mr. Thraenn55
Relentless10Mr. Sprout47
Kingdom of Hearts II2Mr. Eddo30
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame2Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Really Lazy24
Barbarians of the Burning Ice4Mr. Borborygmos23
Anarchy1Toaster Struddle6
Zona Oeste4Mr. Louis Pocho4
Insane Killers8Mr. Grimedeath3
The Great Duchy of Lithuania5Mr. Bebaimis Kovotojas2

This is a list of all the kingdoms on Fantasia. I didn't list the 13 kingdoms that actually no longer exist.

The kingdoms in Red are the only kingdoms that actually matter. At the end of the era it will be these kingdoms left standing and the era will be defined by these 3 kingdoms fighting one another.

The kingdoms in Orange are kingdoms that are going to rapidly decline in power % compared to the kingdoms in Red. Like the kingdoms in Green, the kingdoms in Orange exist solely to feed the 3 important kingdoms. At best one of these kingdoms will piggyback onto one of the bigger 3 kingdoms (See: Relentless clinging to Hex/MAD last era), but their eras will all probably be defined why which kingdom/player ended up with all of their cities.

The kingdoms in Green are barely even worth mentioning, they are complete non-factors.

10:54:26 May 12th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

Barny, your harsh! :D

11:57:46 May 12th 11 - Lady Venus Willia:

The truth is harsh Aloy :D

14:25:52 May 12th 11 - Mr. Karacs Avatar:

Hey now, that all sounds really harsh :(

14:28:11 May 12th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

Stay away from my sister!

17:45:02 May 12th 11 - Mr. Louis Pocho:

heeeey, i dont wanna be green!

17:48:40 May 12th 11 - Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Really Lazy:

At least im Orange!! I must be really important to some one

19:30:28 May 12th 11 - Mr. Kobold IV:

Maybe all the orange teams should just gang up on one of the red teams so they can feel important too

21:17:07 May 12th 11 - Mr. Louis Pocho:

red are comunist! they are the bad guys!

21:39:03 May 12th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

your just jealous ;)

21:47:40 May 12th 11 - Puppy Thinks Barny Mean:

The green and orange could merge into one large kingdom of crap brown!!

22:16:49 May 12th 11 - Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Really Lazy:

Im totally important though! I'm the highest ranked none Hex player on Fantasia.... That means i matter..... right?

23:01:12 May 12th 11 - Mr. Barny:

13:16:49 May 12th 11 - Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Really Lazy:

Im totally important though! I'm the highest ranked none Hex player on Fantasia.... That means i matter..... right?

It means I will get bigger cities from you this era than I did last era :)

03:45:55 May 13th 11 - General Who:

What about us kdless?

03:58:54 May 13th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

your clearly ghay if your KDless XD

15:35:31 May 13th 11 - Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Really Lazy:

Yay Barny!! I'll save my cities just for you.

19:07:57 May 13th 11 - Mr. Louis Pocho:

i am raising my cities just for barny... please dont take  my cities, barny will be angry

23:18:10 May 14th 11 - Mr. Louis Pocho:

Zona Oeste vs Hex

:O Am i orange now?

23:32:55 May 14th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

no you are less then green now, or you will be ;)

00:06:27 May 15th 11 - Mr. Edd The Reborned:

we are still orange!

10:09:49 May 16th 11 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Why wont any of you buy my stone!

10:47:31 May 16th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

We want no ginger stone!

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