Forums / In game politics / Fantasia End of Era Awards

Fantasia End of Era Awards
14:40:43 Aug 19th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Hes Binh Swearing Again):

Time we brought this back


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:

The WMD Award for most Destructive: 

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: 

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: 

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: 

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: 

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army":


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: 

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: 

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: 

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: 

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": 

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

14:51:17 Aug 19th 13 - Mr. Ignis Moraigish:

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Fecking Fecker

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Poodles From Hell

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Knights Templar

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: 

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Pink Legacy


The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: HARD ONE :p

15:49:14 Aug 19th 13 - Mr. Fmbest:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: MAD

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Pink Legacy for sure. Fighting the 3-4 surviving KDs at the same time and being so ruthless about it.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Immortals, think they died easily OOP to Poodles. Relent too? Did they play this era? Can't remember.

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Poodles (new KD)

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Pink Legacy, everyone else was less than 10% of us, and would of been even less if era continued. Don't think there would of been a player left alive on the world except LGC if era went for another week.

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Feckers

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": N/A


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Binh Ladinh (Incognito Mr Bond himself)/Elsin

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Zond (despite you casting plague several times), Roxbury/Fries/Eli/Binh/Mel, props to all our mages (don't think I missed any). Don't know of any other mage in the world that did much.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: That Sofa guy (you could of had a pretty good army, and with AoTD been a real pain but your swarms were a semi-nuisance), Binh Ladinh/Venomz/Elsin

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Conspyre and his 42 RL day farmathon, aka inactivity. Perhaps Warlock too for farming from his OOP war death. Perhaps Wilbad (me) for whoring win. Perhaps Salamong and his extended whoring time ;)

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: All of Pink Legacy

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: N/A

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sofa wasn't keen on returning cities to his allies. Perhaps him? Alternatively, anyone else who didn't return cities or try to help their KD survive.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Fries, I guess. Attacker and mage. 

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Wilbad

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: N/A

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: None really on Fant, but I'd consider Wilbad or Swifty for this award.

18:46:32 Aug 19th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Dark Prince Hes Binh Swearing Again


13:40:43 Aug 19th 13

Time we brought this back

LGC wins first era in about 8~.


The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: LGC

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: LGC

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Any of LGC

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Wilbad, if TBL is back.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: LGC leadership for being allowed to farm so long.

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: LGC leadership for kicking me.

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Wilbad. Pretends he goes to football matches.

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Pls. DoI need to even say it.

18:47:06 Aug 19th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

TL;DR version LGC farmed while everybody kicked the shit out of each other. They moved in for the quick and easy kill against the weakened and divided kds.

Gr8 winners. Clap clap clap.

23:05:18 Aug 19th 13 - Mr. Mielo:

Things haven't changed around here :)

23:39:50 Aug 19th 13 - NazT (Mr. Sofa Awesome):

09:49:14 Aug 19th 13 - Mr. Fmbest:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sofa wasn't keen on returning cities to his allies. Perhaps him? Alternatively, anyone else who didn't return cities or try to help their KD survive.

Just to clear things up, I returned cities every chance I could, unless the player was totally inactive, and by the last week no one was playing or responding to messages. the last 36 hours I only returned to one person, because no one else was playing. surviving to get your name on the list is easy make some scouts, when I lost my main army only a week before end of era did I quit? no. if they cant try in the smallest way why should I try for them? if that makes me a traitor then break out the noose.

02:17:58 Aug 20th 13 - Mr. Freely Bored:

End era, majority of Poodles literally gave up. 

There was no recognizable KD to return cities to. 

06:39:14 Aug 20th 13 - Ms. Faith:

Congrats lgc on the win .

06:56:29 Aug 20th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

"The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Immortals, think they died easily OOP to Poodles. Relent too? Did they play this era? Can't remember."

It was actually a really close OOP war that lasted a long time.  But yeah they won.

07:15:55 Aug 20th 13 - Mr. Paperthickk:

 The OOP war with Immortals was very close as Arthur Dent stated. In fact the OOP war took so long that by the time it was over, LGC was already marching onto our "core" or lack there of.

Our players learned alot from fighting Immortals, and in that regard I would like to say that as far as the Bushido award for most honorable, i would like to place Immortals. (However I had no contact with MAD so i can not compare).

To all the kingdoms that took place in Fantasia. I would personally like to thank each and everyone of you for making last era very fun and interesting (not easy to accomplish on the desert map).

12:39:06 Aug 20th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrminator):

It was indeed one long oop war, poodles almost all orc setup was hard to fight :P

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