Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 60

Fantasia Era 60
20:21:11 Jan 2nd 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Let's see if you can stop me farming for the win. 

16:58:20 Jan 3rd 19 - Sir Swamp Drainer:

Not likely.

05:26:38 Jan 8th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

Everyone is so quiet... can y'all flame eachother?

08:26:39 Jan 8th 19 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Angel):

Aby MAD napped yet?


08:43:22 Jan 8th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

Did Bling quit the game yet? 

09:09:16 Jan 8th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

No, not yet. And thanks for that. Every player counts.

13:44:17 Jan 8th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

No, Uwer tried to kill me oop ;_;

23:16:22 Jan 11th 19 - Sir Swamp Drainer:

So far only Feckers, Alba and Puscifer seems to be fighting. MAD and Aby probly NAPed so they could farm in peace.

08:20:35 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

Sir Swamp Drainer:

So far only Feckers, Alba and Puscifer seems to be fighting. MAD and Aby probly NAPed so they could farm in peace.

Naww is the fecking noob struggling with not being able to farm for 3 weeks before fighting?
It's ok, I dont hold it against you mate, Not everyone can be of Abydos quality, Play hard and get gud and you will find easier ^_^

08:23:27 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Not sure Augh can be classified as a noob you tool.

08:26:46 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

I guess you have never see Aughy play.. dudes trash :p

And he probably is a little rusty so yeaj definitely worthy of being called a fecker noob.

08:27:44 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Famous Josh quotes... "It's like that one time, at band camp, I stuck Osi up my ass"

08:32:20 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):


Everyone inside Aby knows Osi is just a Roxy puppet, If you're gonna quote someone blong its gotta be word for word you muppet.

08:55:11 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

You stuck foxy roxy in your ass?? with osi?? damn. 

08:56:30 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

You wouldn't have TBL in there too would you cause he been missing quite a while.

09:48:05 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

Nah just the swed, I try to avoid the welsh, Their a dirty bunch.

No i believe old mate TBl grew up and out of this game, Something a red neck like yourself wont ever achieve.

10:01:32 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

lol red neck... hahahaha. Lets see, I went to private schools, got 2 degrees, and dont really have to work unless I feel like it. You got dragged up through a failed educational system, your best job was that one time you had a weekend gig cleaning toilets down the shell services, and will never actually own your own home or new car. You dont like the welsh because they didn't want you coming back to their town on that one "overseas vacation" even though leaving your dreary town with its 1 pub with carpets on the floors from 1950 and bad wallpaper, would be deemed a long distance holiday. You can't go back to butlins cause you on their pedo watch list, and the only reason you play VU is because your white trash ass can't afford to play anything else.

10:32:00 Jan 12th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

Bling so cool. 

10:37:50 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Who even goes to Butlins. Haven is where all the cute kids are 

10:39:23 Jan 12th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Grags Doppelganger):

Yeah and the way he writes is so careless!  But he cares so much about us he comes back after telling us all he would quit after last era. (: 

10:39:39 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Clearly Josh isn't as sophisticated at pedophelia as you are Osi.

10:41:57 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Last era ended roughly 4 weeks sooner than most era's last Venz. See most era's all kingdoms fight, but you a nap bitch, so after fighting us, you couldn't fight anymore. So here i am, calling you a little faggot and a pussy bitch. Bitch.

10:47:13 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

The only 2 things that were even close to being right was the town and pubs my dude, That old carpet gives it history mate so dont go dissing on the local watering hole!

He did quit Venomz, This is one of 2000 advanced AI player's created from a code blong wrote in just 15 minutes, Very advanced stuff, fringe tech!

10:51:18 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

dude, chesterfields a toilet. Aint no history in toilets besides piss and shit. And Venomz pickup spots

10:58:16 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

I'v never been to chesterfield, But i have no doubt it smells of piss and shit!

11:07:35 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Well Hanky swears blind that's where you gave him the clap, same weekend you got your mom pregnant. You should chat Lew up, she's easy

11:16:25 Jan 12th 19 - Sir Swamp Drainer:

I can confirm that I am a noob and also very rusty. Especially in my underwear.

Regrettably I lost all the skill I had when TBL stopped playing so now there is nobody that can dry my tears, tell me what to do and whipe my behind after I go to the loo.

Now, how is the intense war between Aby and MAD going? Who will win?

11:19:34 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

lol, Abytwats

Battles won: 3
Battles lost: 5

11:19:36 Jan 12th 19 - Sir Swamp Drainer:

In addition, I'm only with the Feckers becouse Aby wouldn't let me in. Osi was scared to let me in becouse he doesn't like it when someone out-gays him.

11:25:07 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Kingdom Stats

Compare different kingdom against each others.

The Fecking FeckersAbydos

Battles won: 22
Battles lost: 14

Players: 18
Duke Cao Cao
King Justanius Fontainius XLV
Dragonlord Jackdaniels Fecked
Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV
Sir Bidi
Mr. Fecker
Sir Swamp Drainer
Mr. Woodeh
Mr. Ichigo
Sir Horus LXVIII
Mr. Marcus Attilius
Mr. Gravemind
Mr. Shinto
Ms. Tinkerbell
Mr. Eazye
Mr. Silveror
Mr. Satasis
Mr. Bayareascientist

Battles won: 3
Battles lost: 5

Players: 12
Pirate Lewawa
The Stoned <--- wtf dude
Duke Random <-- choose a name already !
Lord Stormcrowe the pedo
Mr. Hanky Panky <-- u done drooling on yourself?
Sir Great Observer <-- Pedo 101
Peasant Sladen the Buttplug
High Warlord Corporate Banker Toilet Licker
Mr. Andlof Hintler <-- only known queer racist
Mr. Bogdan <3
Mr. Carl wishes he was Harry fucking Potter
Dark Lord Osiris the Faggot

11:44:22 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

dont try too hard you lot. seriously lol

Kingdom Stats

Compare different kingdom against each others.

AbydosMad and Dangerous

Battles won: 3
Battles lost: 5

Players: 12
Pirate Lewatha
The Stoned
Duke Random
Lord Stormcrowe
Mr. Hanky Panky
Sir Great Observer
Peasant Sladen
High Warlord Corporate Banker
Mr. Andlof Hintler
Mr. Bogdan
Mr. Carl XVI Gustaf
Dark Lord Osiris

Battles won: 11
Battles lost: 4

Players: 10
Sir Kobuskan
Sir Aloysius XCI
Lord Reddragon Spawn
Archon Breaker
Mr. Fred The Terrorist
Mr. Blue Flame
Mr. Nortkinril
Mr. Uwer
Mr. Revenant
Mr. Slaughter of Laughter

17:34:18 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

tbh i don't let anyone in who doesn't say who they are in the application Augh :P had too many new people join and just go afk after a few days ^^

I recall a few eras where Abydos fought from oop non stop while Feckers farmed in a corner then came in and steamrolled. <3

17:37:25 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Osi, u smoking crack again dude. We dont farm.

17:39:05 Jan 12th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV):

We surely do not! Final!!!!

Your character Battlemage Digitus Tertius IV has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 2 men and women

17:42:29 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

See, from Mc's lips to gods ears

18:22:05 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

Mr. Fecker:

Osi, u smoking crack again dude. We dont farm.

Wow.. You dont farm? You truly are deaf dumb and blind.

18:24:48 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Zeta must be fudging these numbers to clearly hide your ninja's

  1. Sir Swamp Drainer has won 16 battles, captured 15 cities and killed a total of 60960 men and women.
  2. Prince Puscifer has won 8 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 51171 men and women.
  3. Ms. Strawberry has won 8 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 46981 men and women.
  4. Mr. Fecker has won 5 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 28306 men and women.

18:27:51 Jan 12th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):

For the first time in 4 era's, As stated.

18:31:22 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Did osi send ANY army out in the last 9 era's?

Josh you're a moron. Aby has never been able to fight .... EVER. You nap bitches and rely on abusing the mechanics of the game. Which is why zeta is overhauling things.

19:07:02 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Showing kills when the claim was farm  then attack hmm makes sense lol 

19:12:47 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Osi, put out an army this era for a change, since you actually havent in the last 8 eras. Chicken shit bitchfag

19:21:05 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

at least put some effort into your bullshit bling :D You make yourself look like some 12 year old kid (or Trump) with your clearly false claims

Insult me over something i actually do maybe ^^

19:28:25 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

You very good at sucking Josh off, but still never seen an army from you in 8 eras.

19:31:32 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

It makes sense! No wonder Feckers lost last era when you cant even see one of my armies despite chasing and killing it eventually. You should perhaps get an eye test.

Had 310,806 land, 547,563 troops and 23 science points. Killed 1,159,219 soldiers, won 38 of 50 battles and captured 28 cities. 

my question is when was the last era you killed more than 1 million troops? 

19:32:44 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Beating Alba up with slingers isnt an army dude lol

19:37:49 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

Which one of these 9 mighty battles was yours?

Battles won: 4
Battles lost: 5

19:57:24 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Singers as a dwarf? You should inform zeta of this bug I used last era so he can fix it.

19:59:38 Jan 12th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

you were a singing dwarf?? is that even a game function??

20:54:44 Jan 12th 19 - Sir Edi The Great:

Saying Bling and co do not fight oop is foolish. If you want to trash their game, don’t speak of oop stuff, people like bling, horus, cao, ignis are extremely strong oop. If you want to trash Bling speak of late era stuff, when he often falls little bit behind like all early era races. Saying Bling does not fight oop is foolish and makes me think you have no idea what you’re talking about

21:12:46 Jan 12th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Learn to read before you look like you don't know what your talking about 

"I recall a few eras where Abydos fought from oop non stop while Feckers farmed in a corner then came in and steamrolled. <3"

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