Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 83

Fantasia Era 83
08:21:00 Apr 1st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Strong pre-OOP lead by Imperium, will they manage to beat their 93 day Armageddon Speedrun Record?

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Imperium16The Ancient Noble Gilgalad730
Berzerkerz9Death God Pdc258
The Dutch Rappers3I am Brainpower148
Seven Deadly Sins8Mr. Homunculi131
Mad and Dangerous7Mr. Aloysius118
TROGDAR1Chief Trogdar100
Bandit Kings1Mr. Gongurblast V21
Original Wolf Pack2Maniac Wulfenstien21
Dreadgod4Mr. Fantamos12

08:48:39 Apr 1st 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

They'll be lucky to survive 93 VU days OOP. ;)

08:51:59 Apr 1st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Dwarf OOP vs Kingdom that is stronger pre-OOP than all other Kingdoms combined

my money is on JLT

12:57:27 Apr 1st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Geen grens, geen grens, ik ben in essentie niet per se een slecht mens
Ik heb in essentie niet per se een probleem

Maar ik heb de drank tot de knal zo extreem (pompen)

Geen grens, geen grens, ik ben in essentie niet per se een slecht mens
Ik zie in essentie niet per se een conflict
Maar het is je meisje die nu op de grond ligt (pompen)

16:21:38 Apr 1st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Imperium is aiming for triple digit length this era. 

16:30:30 Apr 1st 22 - al (Mr. al Shabaab):

oops, wrong thread. Imp and Elys have similar flags

19:50:23 Apr 1st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Yea, it's super weird that they do.

22:55:47 Apr 1st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

07:21:38 Apr 1st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Imperium is aiming for triple digit length this era. 

I think they can pull it off. Imperium mages are really strong at everything except the Armageddon spell.

22:55:47 Apr 1st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

It bugged out and doubleposted.

I'm hoping for a 100+ day era.

02:45:59 Apr 2nd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Honestly, Imperium accidently pressed the wrong button last era to get arma. Was just trying to to cast happiness.

09:05:13 Apr 2nd 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Arrogant asshole

09:55:22 Apr 2nd 22 - Venus (Mr. Wizard):

If you win, you get to cast it yourself. :)

18:59:16 Apr 2nd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Kob!! There are children who play this game!! Potty mouth.

11:48:51 Apr 3rd 22 - Venomz (High Warlord Putin Deez Nutz):

Lies, the player base is all ancient relics now, sometimes 1 gets dusted and pulled from the grave, just to have enough 

13:25:22 Apr 3rd 22 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp):

Venz! Come back!

20:49:19 Apr 3rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

I would proudly like to announce that we have finally completely and utterly broken zerks.

Teeth kicked in twice? Check.

Made to sit out the longest era in recent memory? Check.

pdc bt whoring to try and win? Check.

pdc cwying because he lost even though he bt whored? Coming to your VU world soon!! =)

21:07:03 Apr 3rd 22 - Death God Pdc:

Some body is crying so

21:30:08 Apr 3rd 22 - Legend (I am Brainpower):

Hmm hard choices to make...

Sweet or salty popcorn..

21:50:45 Apr 3rd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Caramelized best choice

22:25:05 Apr 3rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Siegfried Fafnir Slayer):

Agreed. Caramel popcorn is literally the best.

23:54:55 Apr 3rd 22 - Phat (Mr. Bastard Son):

Have y'all tried "Chicago mix"? It's like cheddar + caramel in the same bowl!

00:57:54 Apr 4th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Siegfried Fafnir Slayer):

Cheddar and caramel together? I don't know...

It does sound VERY Chicago though.

01:24:09 Apr 4th 22 - Death God Pdc:

genius just used 3 bts and sacrifice a 10k pony army to kill 2k hammers and 5k gaia. lolz

01:29:45 Apr 4th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Read the room pdc, we're talking about popcorn. So unless you have something to add to this very serious and on topic discussion, please don't continue.

01:34:06 Apr 4th 22 - Death God Pdc:

hu hu hu.. mommy. huhuhuhu. i got beaten by my own game.

01:35:16 Apr 4th 22 - Death God Pdc:

The Ancient Noble Gilgalad (3/31/2022 6:33:57 AM)GOODBAD
You know, if I didn't know any better - I would think you...*GASP...didn't want to be my neighbor
The Ancient Noble Gilgalad (4/2/2022 5:09:01 PM)GOODBAD
What is pdc losing last era right at OOP and spending 94 days outside of Fantasia?

Oh , look! You got it right!! Goood job.

Please don't cry.
The Ancient Noble Gilgalad (4/3/2022 12:32:22 PM)GOODBAD
BT Whore. Can't win outright, huh?

Pwease Dunt Cwwyyy
The Ancient Noble Gilgalad (4/3/2022 5:24:16 PM)GOODBAD
How much did you spend? Real world money on a game? skill at all.
You (4/3/2022 5:25:34 PM)
cry baby cry.
The Ancient Noble Gilgalad (4/3/2022 5:26:06 PM)GOODBAD
Like you did the last 3 eras?

You (4/3/2022 5:27:08 PM)
so happy with a win when im on vacation.lolz.
The Ancient Noble Gilgalad (4/3/2022 5:30:57 PM)GOODBAD
Vacation? For 6m+? Someone looost their joooob.

So how do you buy bts with your unemployed self? Are you selling your body? Maybe taking food out of your children's mouth (literally?).

01:56:26 Apr 4th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Our "private" messages.


The real problem? NO MENTION OF POPCORN.

Btw, you never answered. ARE you selling your body for BTs? I mean...if you are, no judgement from me. Just curious since clearly you were on "vacation" for 6m.

02:18:19 Apr 4th 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Why can't we all just be civil? Everyone knows Konstant is a poor loser, a poor winner, and pretty average in the flame stakes as well. Do we really need to re-hash it every era?

02:20:49 Apr 4th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

im rubbin my popcorn on my nuts right now.

caramel with a hint of salt and cheese.

02:31:49 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Gollum):

PDC has done very well fighting vs a half active returning player who hasn't halfling maged in 2 years, and who has worked 24 of the last 48 hours (and works the next 12).  Took my starter city while I slept, too, real genius move there.

Those mass bonus turns have been the difference so far, eh? Just wait until I have some actual time.

02:34:04 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Gollum):

P.S.  I'm kicking your ass on Val too.

02:38:26 Apr 4th 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

The trick is not to leave undefended cities just lying around. Some people might consider it careless.

02:40:26 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Wizard):

Undefended? I have 0 cities Undefended.

02:41:10 Apr 4th 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

A poor defence is as good as no defence. 

02:53:17 Apr 4th 22 - Mr. Kool Dude:

Are you capt morgan? We went inactive in Val due to playing fant.. 

02:54:40 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Wizard):

Hard to mobile defend 5 cities while sleeping vs mass bonus turns, I'll make sure I don't sleep next time and buy my own.

02:55:14 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Wizard):

Pdc certainly isn't inactive on Val 

03:00:42 Apr 4th 22 - Death God Pdc:

Lol. Even  you were 100% active with no bts  u still lost badly too me since 20 years ago.. 

If ur half active. Then lol. I wouldnt know what active is. Lolz.

03:01:15 Apr 4th 22 - Mr. Thorgrim Doomzblade:

Sorry I’m in Aquila wrong world my bad

03:20:15 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Gollum):

I didn't play 20 years ago lol.  I started age 36, sorry. :)

I'll show you active this week, don't worry.  You've had me at half my effort so far.  And again, I haven't played for  few ages, rusty on maging. :)

03:25:46 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Gollum):

And Kool, no I'm not captain Morgan.  I'd have taken all your Aquila cities by now if I had pony rushed.

03:55:20 Apr 4th 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I'm sorry, who builds 5 cities for an OOP war?

04:04:57 Apr 4th 22 - Venus (Mr. Gollum):

Jesus Left Toe:

I'm sorry, who builds 5 cities for an OOP war?

I'm rusty. :)  was a mistake I concede.

04:56:40 Apr 4th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Siegfried Fafnir Slayer):

Yes JLT. This is tradition!!

Plus, I know I'm "eh" in flaming, so I gotta get my practice in.

07:28:45 Apr 4th 22 - Legend (I am Legend):

Wait so nobody likes salty popcorn? Is it some strange Dutch thing again?

08:03:34 Apr 4th 22 - Mr. Gimli Back:

Not that I don’t care about popcorn, but now that the Berzekers-Imperium OOP warring has been discussed, what else is happening on the map? Don’t we have a roving war reporter who can give regular updates?

08:20:05 Apr 4th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

PDC is a plonker ass bitch who thinks he can win with bts. Bitch, you get owned every era, so sit down and keep scratching the two little nuts in your ball sack.

JLT, you getting cranky in old age man. you need to reconsider the bad life choices you made, like playing in a kd with Pedo Does Children. its not a good look to be hanging around with pedo's

09:52:35 Apr 4th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

Er zit weinig kwaad in mij haat in mij koester geen wrok en geen jaloezie
En heb er de baat niet bij kracht niet voor om het je te vaak weer te laten zien
Maar dat is zo vreemd ik doe alleen mij en toch is het gevolg alle mensen in de rij je meisje
Vooraan tieten ontbloot ik weer in de war en jij meteen boos

i do feel like salty popcorn is more popular than sweet in the netherlands but i'm no expert

09:57:52 Apr 4th 22 - Endless (Ms. Envy):

pretzels and beer, popcorn is so preCovid

09:58:42 Apr 4th 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Me? Cranky? You must have me mistaken for another.

I just dream of the good old days, when the sour was my Whiskey and the bitter my beer.

The banter on this forum used to be good natured and humorous, not the spiteful shill we get these days.

I feel we should all work together to ignore Konstants (constant) whining and get back to the proper flaming we used to all know and love.

(on a side note, Salted popcorn is the best type of popcorn)

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