Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 87

Fantasia Era 87
09:45:54 Aug 7th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Kingdom Banner

Name: Illuminati
Members: 3
Created: 7/17/2022 4:17:48 PM
Leader: Prophet Hanky Panky

Illuminati debut

We here to stay and we’re mean!😂

16:41:24 Aug 8th 22 - Cao Cao (Duke Cao Cao):

Ill be fairly inactive again this era. I can farm for arma, since I think Percy is taking the era off

20:12:29 Aug 8th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

Thank you for making the thread Hanky and thank you for volunteering to do the arma Cao Cao

I volunteer my gaia to the dirt and nazgul to the skies, may they do their part.

20:12:39 Aug 8th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

For the record

I only bought 12 bonus turns because I had to start 12 hours late😂

20:13:33 Aug 8th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

A post whithin  in 10 seconds of each other

Cool aha

20:14:48 Aug 8th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

There’s only me and whoop playing practically

Styg logs in once per day and still only has 400 buildings😂

01:28:24 Aug 9th 22 - Prince Charmer:

What happened to Mad, they used to be 50 member kingdom?

12:55:54 Aug 9th 22 - Mr. Cyrones Mommy:

Hey guys, these "United Newbies" sure do know a lot about the game! Bugs is so knowledgeable for a new player! When I was completely new, I remember making perfect land drops, masking Nazgul counts, using scouts to gain movement out of a city, and a lot more too! They just learn sooo fast these days, don't they?! 

They just learn soooo fast man; crazy! I wonder how Ivanhoe(s) are doing these days? Do you guys think Ivanhoe(s) is doing okay? 

14:07:22 Aug 9th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Cryone's propaganda is starting again

16:19:54 Aug 9th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:


19:48:07 Aug 9th 22 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

Correct, I’ll be backing away from the game entirely starting next Tuesday until September 2nd, so it’s not worth it to drop on Fant this time around. Thanks for being willing to pick up my slack :)

I’m at magic 9 on both Mantrax and Val, so will keep those chars active in case those worlds become ready for Arma. This weekend I’ll start getting a few MUs training for those worlds

00:29:36 Aug 14th 22 - Mr. Cyrones Mommy:

Anyone know if Kobuskan respawned yet? I can't seem to find him down here in Zerks new and improved core!

20:43:53 Aug 17th 22 - Mr. Cyrones Mommy:

Hey guys, REALLY odd that Riki, Alchemy and Bugs wrecked all their buildings at the same time! Isn't that weird guys? Really odd how all three of these suspicious players wreck their buildings all at the same time! I'm sure it's just a coincidence though! There's no way it's Ivanhoe(s) being horrible at the game and playing three characters at once trying to core drop while market feeding (and being REALLY bad at it)! 

Mad props to these three completely new players for learning the game quicker than anyone I have ever seen do in a video game! So skilled! Great job you guy(s)!

07:56:01 Aug 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

You couldn’t take us with your might

So you sent in a swarm of bees

Destroyed over half our core

& somehow I’m still world’s strongest player😂

08:02:45 Aug 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Show’s how OP my new strategy is😂

04:17:10 Sep 4th 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

What’s happening in the west side? Massive feeding taking place. Hahaha

10:29:35 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

No I just left my kingdom because Imperium is really annoying and Hipster sucks

I'll close gates so you see my cities Aloysius

11:10:44 Sep 4th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Baba Yaga):

mad fed a few times and aloy is STILL projecting, sheesh, take a break

12:35:01 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

I think we dont actually know what MAD and Berserkers do

Can we have a CF on the forums between you three ladies?

Way too many toxic people crying in this game (All 3 Kingdoms)

12:51:01 Sep 4th 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Hahaha. Imperium used to be the one shouting and barking for any thing that’s happening here even if it’s all based on their assumption and suspicion. 

Im just trying and giving their own taste of their medicine.

It’s all good now, I can’t imitate how it’s properly done. Hahaha. 

13:49:45 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Aloysius I promised to play with you next era will you still accept me?

I asked Hanky as well but I prefer MAD over the Illuminati, MAD was my first choice.

13:51:04 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

For the record I am still following orders from the Imperium King this era (very ironic LOL) I just can't stand 2 players in Imperium or their cheater Discord Bots these losers should have made a wiki instead

13:53:28 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Can we have a CF on the forums between Imperium MAD and Berskers for like ONE ERA or 48 hours at least?

14:04:25 Sep 4th 22 - Mr. Aloysius:


Aloysius I promised to play with you next era will you still accept me?

I asked Hanky as well but I prefer MAD over the Illuminati, MAD was my first choice.

You are welcome. Just don’t get bored with our goals every era. Lol. 

14:41:44 Sep 4th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Quetzalcoatl):

Projection confirmed.

14:50:46 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Can you guys ever stop?

This vitriol is driving people away from the game

Seeing 3 autistic kingdoms forum-fighting for all of eternity isnt fun for anyone except those involved.

14:51:21 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):


14:52:06 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

PDC is better than Aligreat Barny Binh Cyrus Konstant and Pure combined (ordered alphabetically)

@Aloysius @ Constant if I play with you guys you cant NAP/MAP Berserkers or ill play with Hanky instead

05:07:45 Sep 9th 22 - Cao Cao (Duke Cao Cao):

Y'all ready for arma yet?? Got almost 600k mages waiting for the go ahead

05:28:47 Sep 9th 22 - Mr. Cyrones Mommy:

Not even close. We are in for a long era probably, like the Ryan the Turtle and Fred the Mid era Gaia core dropper era awhile back.

10:14:37 Sep 9th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Ryan is a great player and Fred is disliked for his behavior/low honor score but he beat your ass mid-era with his Gaia spam because as much as we hate to admit it we all know Fred is a skilled player.

You play in a Kingdom with Ryan on Valhalla, show him due respect or at least some love.

10:30:32 Sep 9th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Baba Yaga):

super strat: insult your enemies and banter with friends to the point where nobody can tell the difference. can't lose.

09:03:22 Sep 10th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

I use this Unbeatable Invincible Strategy as well.

It is quite effective when you aren't tagged up with your King.

(Konstant is still my King this era, he may be the greatest Kingdom Leader of all time)

17:09:49 Sep 11th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Crasher):

Seems Imp is using tagless player to stab the enemy in the back, now that is what i call cheating. 

17:23:09 Sep 11th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Baba Yaga):


17:25:47 Sep 11th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Crasher):

Here is the proof

Chief Barnyyyy (9/11/2022 3:04:12 PM)GOODBAD
to B&D

Konstant is still my King this era

17:31:39 Sep 11th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Baba Yaga):

the only thing you're proving is that you never read what he was saying on forums
hence my lol

17:34:55 Sep 11th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Crasher):

Yes Konstant, alias Cryone, alias konspyre

18:00:56 Sep 11th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Baba Yaga):

Yes Ivanhoe, alias Pdc, alias kobuskan

19:14:57 Sep 11th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

I left Imperium mid-era because I threw a tantrum.

I told your King, Hanky, multiple times that I intended to attack him and that I was coming.

The error is on the part of your King, not my King.

You are projecting. 

Imperium does not abuse game mechanics in the way PDC does.
Or the way you used to do with Wolflord Karac.

You are too good at the game to cheat like this.
Imperium is well.
The only abusive thing that Imperium does is use discord bots that are publicly available in the VU Discord.

I will not play with Imperium again, but I can vouch that THEY DO NOT CHEAT.

19:22:00 Sep 11th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

@Kobuskan you are such a little bitch dude. I litterally burned your King's 90k IN FRONT OF YOU how could you NOT know I was going to attack you?

Stop making shit up just to flame Imperium.

You (9/3/2022 3:48:13 PM)
Fair warning we are still at war (you and I) and I have left my loser kingdom mid-era but refuse to attack them or be attacked by them
Prophet Hanky Panky (9/4/2022 1:07:20 AM)GOODBAD
Aha okay

20:09:34 Sep 11th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Crasher):

Thank you for the sneaky unhounorable tagless attacks, show a flag next time. 

I already left illuminate because they forgot to in form me or i did not take your friendly shit serious. 

20:19:52 Sep 11th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

Sorry I was just fucking with you

I didnt do ANYTHING dishonorable.
You are the former cheater, not me or Imperium.

20:50:49 Sep 11th 22 - GEO (Ms. Jennaside):

what is  vu bots?

21:06:10 Sep 11th 22 - Mr. Cyrones Mommy:

It's a Discord bot that does very useful calculations for us. It can calculate the % on an attack every turn after you get at least 1% on it. It can calculate the required OP to slaughter an army. It can calculate your % army vs army based on OP/DP or what units you have. There are tons more functions the bot has as well; it's extremely useful and is definitely a huge advantage. Pretty sure it was put together by Moff, Percy, and Konstant so big shoutout to them for all their work on that because its a real lifesaver and has saved us all a countless amount of time :D!

You guys really should just use Discord. You're playing against people that get a freeze or AotD within like an hour or two of requesting and Discord enables that as well as the bots. No one is cheating over here. We just have a lot of "modern" tools that the cavemen of VU should think about using too. This isn't 2010 anymore. Skype and Facebook Messenger are trash. You don't even need to download Discord guys; you can literally just use it from your browser.

21:40:34 Sep 11th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):


02:46:17 Sep 12th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Flupperpop):

My favourite part...

"The only abusive thing that Imperium does is use discord bots that are publicly available in the VU Discord."

02:49:18 Sep 12th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Darkwing Duck):

The bot can also be sent DMs or invited to any private server. 

The code it runs on is open sourced, if you don’t trust the host(myself) and want to run it yourself. 

03:25:08 Sep 12th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Flupperpop):

As far as the calculators (which is what they really are rather than "bots"). Moff and Percy deserve all the credit for putting it together; I just help field test it.

If anyone wants to learn how to use it, feel free to DM me in discord or tag me in the VU discord.

It's very user friendly.

Can also confirm that it's "safe" to use, as many Imperium members fight each other on other worlds, so it had to be made "blind" so that no one could get a weird advantage.

04:16:35 Sep 12th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

I was joking around a bit with the 'Abusive PUBLICALLY AVAILABLE' part

I like to do a little trolling every now and then but sometimes it's not so obvious when I am being manic and when I am fucking around.

I'm just a silly guy

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