Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 88

Fantasia Era 88
16:52:46 Sep 19th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):


17:52:29 Sep 19th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ahura Mazda):

Fanta seems really bustling for the first time in 3-4 eras =D


19:09:35 Sep 19th 22 - Jarl Ivar The Boneless:

What's the % that a multi is in there somewhere lol

19:37:59 Sep 19th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

What's the % that someone CLAIMS someone else is multi-ing?



also 100% if Ivanwhore plays lol

20:25:41 Sep 19th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

What sort of Shady Shit will Berserkers do this Era?

I see an Ivanwhore

21:00:15 Sep 19th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

The Illuminati is willing to accept the unconditional surrender of our enemies right here and now if you all collectively concede that we have won the era already:

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Illuminati6Prophet Hanky Panky100
Imperium10The Ancient Ahura Mazda42
Berzerkerz8Death God Please Dont Cry21
Team B5Mr. Ashikaga Takauji17
Seven Deadly Sins2Mr. Homunculi13
Mad and Dangerous3Mr. Aloysian10
Brotherhood of the Wolf11Mr. Drakoz4
Viking1Prince Charmer4
Order of the Dragon5Dragon Prophet Theophilus1

00:23:16 Sep 20th 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

They call me Ivan and I’m the best..

I cheat and scam just like the rest..
They all just whinge and then they cry..
There hoping and praying me for me to die..
But as im still here I ain’t going away..
Just keep being bitches im here to stay..

00:25:03 Sep 20th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Zakum):

I'm here for Blood only.

00:47:49 Sep 20th 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

I’m here for the multi cause!!!  Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do!!

01:06:26 Sep 20th 22 - GEO (Ms. Jenna Tailya):

im just here for the cookies

04:17:10 Sep 20th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

im just here for the banter

10:46:42 Sep 20th 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

I like this version of Ivanwhore better. I will offer this Ivanhoe one of my many daughters hand in marriage. I offer you Olga.

16:40:11 Sep 20th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Give him Gertrude or Gretchen instead

18:27:47 Sep 20th 22 - Mr. Lvanhoe:

i Am ThE rEaL iVaNhOe

19:17:51 Sep 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

You’re going to need more men you guys

19:18:26 Sep 20th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I’m like a pigeon 

I just walk all over the board & just shit over everything in my way😂

20:08:12 Sep 20th 22 - HorusPanic (Darth Panyx):

anyone want to go to the park with my scouts?

20:10:35 Sep 20th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

I sincerely have my doubts that you are truly Ivanho

Imperium is a 10-man Kingdom.
Ivanho can field up to 12 Ivanhos at any given time.

00:25:53 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Sorry you can keep your so called daughters .. they look like a cross between a dwarf the blob and shrek… pass!!

01:01:55 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

They absolutely do not 'pass', they are extremely masculine.

They would have given you VERY tough sons.
Tough but very ugly.

Your loss.

01:03:09 Sep 21st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ahura Mazda):

Cyrus - you must keep all of your ugly wives and daughters so that they may feast on the blood of serkz (again).

02:14:46 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Imperium needs a new K member.
I nominate Lord Konstipated.

02:26:26 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Inferium needs a harem for Konstant and cryones daughters.. he seems quite keen to have a go at em.. sort of keep it in the family along with thier discord bots!!!

03:16:23 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Perhaps if Cyrone's Knights cared more about military operations and less about 'plunder' he would have fewer daughters and fewer enemies

03:38:48 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Lawrence:

Illuminati are bullies. They are bad people.

Chief Trogdar (9/19/2022 7:50:20 AM)GOODBAD
Is this max 200k?

Join Illuminati with me so we can be allies.
I will help you kill Berserkers if you do, otherwise we will be enemies and Illuminati will attack Imperium.

The choice is yours- I would very much like to fight alongside you.

Chief Trogdar (9/20/2022 11:04:12 AM)GOODBAD
Vikings are not friend as they have no merged into us- let's both have some defenses ready (2k GT and a few troops)

Chief Trogdar (9/19/2022 7:52:11 AM)GOODBAD
I will stop messaging you after this but let me explain my position:



04:01:51 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

its true im an evil bully

04:04:04 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

wtf lol

Wish I would have known the guy who joined the kingdom was going to leave and presumably betray/attack us for being 'mean bullies' LOL

Character news

18:37:26 - Lawrence has left your kingdom!

04:05:45 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

What a lame excuse to backstab and ruin the era

Great Work Lawrence You Got Me!

18:37:15 Sep 20th 22 - Mr. Lawrence:

You are all bullies. I hate bullies.

Chief Trogdar (9/19/2022 7:52:11 AM)GOODBAD
I will stop messaging you after this but let me explain my position:




04:07:02 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Definitely planned to betray me before leaving KD

Awesome stuff Lawrence, love to see it.

Why even join in the firstplace? You read the message and then still joined.
You dropped a city right on top of me just to backstab me.

This was planned:

Most Powerful Cities

Mr. Lawrence

04:07:56 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Leave it to the guy who lionizes Lawrence of Arabia to backstab

I apologize for telling you exactly what I was going to do then doing it like Ned Stark? and using all-caps while I did it?

I dont know...

Feels like I invited a noob to join the kingdom, he read my message then joined, then he dropped a city right on top of my mine and pumped a bunch of troops just to leave the kingdom right before OOP and using the message as an excuse

cool stuff Lawrence we're all proud of you

05:01:43 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Lawrence:

I wanted peace and focus elsewhere. Your kingdom could have been friends with me. You bully me and made me join your kingdom. 

Chief Trogdar (9/20/2022 7:11:49 PM)GOODBAD
You are such a loser pretending you didnt read my message and plan to backstab the kingdom all along

next time dont even join a kingdom you pu$$y

Chief Trogdar (9/20/2022 7:04:24 PM)GOODBAD
Why even join just to backstab?

05:05:54 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Wait this Lawrence guy is my multi how can he send and receive messages unless I write them? Do I have MULTIple personality syndrome!! Lololol

06:14:36 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Lawrence you read my initial message AND STILL CHOSE TO JOIN THE KINGDOM AND BACKSTAB

go cry about being bullied online somewhere else you dumbass

Please Dont Cry Little Baby!

Nobody cares.

Walk away from the screen or cry somewhere else

Nobody knows you and nobody wants to read your bitch tears

Cap my city (very easy considering your backstabber advantage) and/or move along.

Backstab your kingdom and move along, I apologize for inviting you.

13:04:43 Sep 21st 22 - Jarl Ivar The Boneless:

Lawrence is clear multi lol

14:12:29 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

Ask Team B about this player that's selling gold at 1.5g! I wonder what they have to say about this guy?! It's almost as if he did something extremely dishonorable to that kingdom last era and got kicked from the KD and killed! I wonder if the real Ivanho is playing this era guys! Anyone know? Anyone know which character(s) Ivanho is playing? I really wonder guys! Such a mystery!

14:15:08 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

Hey guys what if we played an era where everyone in Imperium buys my stone for 1.5 gold all era! Wouldn't that be so fun playing against a guy that has an army of 75k swordsmen at the turn OOP?! I wonder why no one thought of this unbelievable strat! I'm so smart guys! I'm almost as smart as Ivanho who has been doing this for a very long time! Damn I'm so smart and clever to think of this amazing strategy!

14:26:30 Sep 21st 22 - Jarl Ivar The Boneless:

can we go 1 era without blowing the forum up?

14:28:25 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

can we go 1 era without market feeding and muli-accounts?

14:28:57 Sep 21st 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Mortalis):

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

14:36:45 Sep 21st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Zakum):

Miley Cyrone

14:44:28 Sep 21st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Zakum):


15:09:25 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Now now crying one don’t get MAD… or you might go BZERK!!! You might even let down your TEAM.. hate is one of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS!! Lololol

16:38:28 Sep 21st 22 - Edi (Mr. Eddius):

They invite me

I train some troops to defend…
Come back online see kicked

Todays news
Hanky Panky kicked you from the kingdom!

No word or anything
Somethings rotten in that kingdom
Yeah they might say I am multi?
I clearly stated who I am, that I am not Eddie from Relentless…
After being around for quite some time, new players will know me better than the old Eddie

You all just need to chill and stop ruining the forums…

16:56:48 Sep 21st 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Mikey cycrone😂

Also Eddie

I kicked you because your activity is one login a day

I didn’t invite you

One of of our players did

If you can find your spark again

You can join again

Are you the old Eddie that I know?

You don’t sound like him

17:10:54 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Lawrence:

See? They are bullies. They backstabbed Eddius.

17:11:19 Sep 21st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

This one is for my good friend Lawrence, hater of bullies:

17:24:14 Sep 21st 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I’m the baddest of us all

17:53:58 Sep 21st 22 - Mr. Lawrence:

You backstabbed your kingdom last era half way through the era. You are terrible hypocrite. 

17:54:05 Sep 21st 22 - Miyamoto Musashi (Mr. Ashikaga Takauji):

Not in for all the flaming but we fended off 2 multi or should i say 2 ivanwhore. And  sudden this "undefinded" came in build rainbow in every city and dont answer to call to move army. 

And he is selling all stuff at a price that warrant feeding. We kick him like we kick the rest of the ivanwhores. Just wonders who buying all that overprice fakes 

18:40:00 Sep 21st 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Can y’all teach me how to play?

I really don’t know how to compete with pros😂

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