Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 92

Fantasia Era 92
13:07:42 May 9th 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion of The Seven Sin):

This era it is my hopes that honor can be restored to Fantasia, with the removal of some bad actors it is now time for this to happen.

In Valhalla there is a world law banning mountain walking and crossing over supposedly impassable land. Essentially.. if a blocker city is closed and appears to block without being grossly misplaced that blocker will not be bypassed. Enemies must play as intended and Crush walls or capture the city.

If a player leaves a significant gap that an army can clearly walk past then that city does NOT block.

This world law is enforced in Valhalla, lets bring it to the main world of Fantasia. This law is enforced by all kingdom leaders, its up to the kingdom leader to enforce the law on their members but if a bad actor goes unchanged then the world responds by erasing the individual.

I hope to see the support of all the kingdoms in the Realm, 

For the Honor of Fantasia!


13:19:11 May 9th 23 - Sir Napoleon The First Imperor:

Why don't we just bring back "Great Walls" in Fantasia! Blockers doesn't work, this will block. Great Wall will be same as in Zetamania but just added to fantasia, that's all. 

13:25:37 May 9th 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion of The Seven Sin):

Stay on topic Napoleon, armies should not walk over mountains, forests etc. 

There can and should be more than 1 honorable World, the poor sportsman ship of doing anything to win has pushed away too many players and we are now a husk of our former self.

14:07:23 May 9th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Guardian of The Light):

Too many people think terrain walking is perfectly fine because zeta hasn't fixed it.

14:12:10 May 9th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Guardian of The Light):

King BurningLegion:

This era it is my hopes that honor can be restored to Fantasia, with the removal of some bad actors it is now time for this to happen.

In Valhalla there is a world law banning mountain walking and crossing over supposedly impassable land. Essentially.. if a blocker city is closed and appears to block without being grossly misplaced that blocker will not be bypassed. Enemies must play as intended and Crush walls or capture the city.

If a player leaves a significant gap that an army can clearly walk past then that city does NOT block.

This world law is enforced in Valhalla, lets bring it to the main world of Fantasia. This law is enforced by all kingdom leaders, its up to the kingdom leader to enforce the law on their members but if a bad actor goes unchanged then the world responds by erasing the individual.

I hope to see the support of all the kingdoms in the Realm, 

For the Honor of Fantasia!


Jasper is a kd leader in Val and he's openly for terrain walking. So this isn't true.

14:30:35 May 9th 23 - Sir Napoleon The First Imperor:

BL i agree with you :) But fant is filled with dishonorable players.

You should make a suggestion thread to bring back "Great Walls" to fantasia. That's only way to block out cores with 100% success. No other way. Admin may Implement this but he won't fix blockers or terrains for sure. 

15:50:15 May 9th 23 - Sir Vytautas Didysis:

Bring back the walls. Because not everyone gonna agree on this block not passing idea. 

15:59:01 May 9th 23 - Sir Napoleon The First Imperor:


16:58:41 May 9th 23 - Percy (Sir Tyr The Valiant):

On the Val stuff, the rules set in place with the Valhalla Training Grounds concept of 2021 hasn’t been in place for quite some time. Most people abide by it if their own volition, but the rules themselves are not in place. What you’re seeing is self-governing :)

As for GW on Fant… never was a fan of GW personally, but that would be an easy-button solution for fixing blockers there. But is that solution worth the diminished play ability? People spamming GWs makes it quite annoying to play, specially since GWs themselves can be buggy. In particular, placing them too close together can effectively make a zone impassable.

18:22:20 May 9th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Guardian of The Light):

Make it to where the walls extend out as far as a 90k would cover so you cant shut off long sections but still be strategic 

20:58:48 May 9th 23 - Mr. Mad Aloysius:

All the righteous ones gonna make a suggestion, let’s listen. 

02:32:56 May 10th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

I'm beginning to understand why your kingdom is named what it is Aloy...

13:36:16 May 11th 23 - Mr. Gem Terengganu:

Terrain walking means to take advantage of a clear mistake of the map, l'll make you two examples in which map design mistakes allows armies to walk over water where in the mind of the "architect" it would not be possible. 

Example 1: 

Example 2: 

We can clearly see that in the previous examples the creator's intention was to design a continuous river, but things went a bit wrong. No one would ever go through those passages because it is clearly cheating. 

Blockers that do not block are completely different. There are two kinds of blockers: those that do their job and those that are not built correctly. 
Let me explain my concept as best I can. 

The map we see is a simplification of a real situation, as would happen in any miniatures game. Real life is not homogeneous and perfect, mountains have side passages, forests are not equally dense, rivers and lakes are not always so deep that no one can ford them. 

We have examples of this lack of consistency of natural elements in everyday life, if you walk or explore areas without paved roads you will notice. There are also examples in history: The Germans through the Ardennes in World War II, the Persians through Thermophilis, and many others. 

A quick observation about cities: Cities with closed gates are meant to block passage, but they are not great walls. Finding a "hole" in a large wall in Zetamania would be a bug and it would not be fair to take advantage of it. 

Finding a "hole" in the side of a city is not cheating, it is just finding a way into the mountains where an army can pass through. As it would be in reality it is not always possible, sometimes it looks like there is a gap but there is not, sometimes it looks like the city is 0 distance from the mountain but it is not. 

I was against this rule in Valhalla and still am in all other worlds, let me know what you think :)

14:06:26 May 11th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Tester The Tested):

Okay, but imagine moving 500k knights through a forest of any density.. 

Or through a tiny mountain pass. 

14:47:04 May 11th 23 - Mr. Gem Terengganu:

@Sable: that is why you cannot move through forests. 

The turning point is that you can and in my opinion you should consider the map as a simple and schematic version of a real situation. So nobody will ever be able to walk though a forest, like in the middle of it.  On the contrary, perhaps, on the side of that forest you can pass because it is not actually a real forest there. 

Blockers that block exist after all, like this one: 

14:50:39 May 11th 23 - Princess Yasmina:

Blockers will work some times, but never all times. Because of terrain that is plotted poorly. There will always be ways to walk around the blocker, and like you say, we should consider it a tactical aspect? I do not think so. 

I always go back to post from 2016 that explains it well. Building a blocker should not be about tactic

03:15:48 Jul 11th 16 - Binh (Mr. Binh Late):

it shouldnt take skills to tell your worker to build its wall to block a gap completely. its more of an annoyance than a show of skill to build a proper blocket. to me skill = tactics/strategy not "build this blocker right damnit"

15:08:25 May 11th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Tester The Tested):

Agreed with Jasmina. We have a vlocker on Fant right now that the city is clipping into the mountain side and there's still space to walk around it for an army. It just doesn't make sense. It's clearly a bug that the terrain was coded incorrectly.

Same on GvE (Zeta) that map has some of the worst terrain edges I've ever seen. 

15:12:43 May 11th 23 - Sir Napoleon The First Imperor:

It's same for a decade. GTs could be a solution but some disagree so it'll be like this. 

18:59:02 May 14th 23 - Mr. Weasley:

How do you get the map to show all the circles?

20:02:11 May 14th 23 - Sir Napoleon The First Imperor:

PC Browser (Chrome) Extension. Heroix uploaded it i think. 

21:15:08 May 14th 23 - Mr. Bronovic:

Follow this link for pc chrome extension for the terrain map (extension name: Vu Map Terrain):

20:00:24 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:

I challenge all Black Chain members to play another era with full squad. You guys suddenly came in out of nowhere, gangbang existing weak kingdoms, and just run away again from vu/ fant! It's not even fair.

Many players like me, Hanky, Karmatic, Trogdar & many more escaped this era because we weren't notified about your return. Scoring a goal in an "empty field" doesn't count.

Now that we're all notified, play next era and proof yourself. We will be there. Besides it was a fast era anyways, think of it like an warm-up era. Don't you run away thinking it's just 1 player, one of us is equal to 10. 

20:56:43 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Sir Sable The Sympathist):

1. Who the french toast do you think you are? lmao

2. We aren't going anywhere.

3. We didn't "gangbang existing weak kingdoms" and I dont know what you mean by running away. We spawned last era in a core with BF, there were 4 of them and around 5 of us at the time, we settled ina s ahred core, warred OOP and MAD attacked us while sheltering Zerks, so we fought them. This era we fought everyone because the era start was so scuffed that it only took Imp and 2 of our members to demolish MADzerkerz. 

Also Hanky got ripped apart and was begging for a NAP with his city names, so like, maybe he's worth 2 players, but I don't think 10, mate. Be reasonable. 

20:59:13 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:

You haven't seen me and Hanky together yet. You wait. We'll see who begs to who LMAO. 

20:59:53 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

I don't beg fam. If I lose fair and square, I lose. Let's see it. 

21:02:17 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:

What do you mean by "if" knob. You already lost if we play. 

21:04:01 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

Feel free to address any of the other points I made. 

21:05:57 Jun 8th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Can already tell that this guy is a shitter

21:06:22 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:

I don't. Just ask your kd mates about me. 

21:06:50 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:


Can already tell that this guy is a shitter

I definitely make people sh1t. 

21:11:03 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

No one knows who you are, mate

21:11:54 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:


Also Hanky got ripped apart and was begging for a NAP with his city names, so like, maybe he's worth 2 players, but I don't think 10, mate. Be reasonable. 

You got it wrong. Picking Hanky alone in his inactive kd? Lol. You can kill a wolf when he's alone anytime. Come back against a wolf pack.

21:12:35 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:


No one knows who you are, mate

That's what i love. You will have no idea before you lose. 

21:14:21 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

Still wondering, 

1. Who are the "weak kingdoms", we "gangbanged" (half our KD was inactive, there was mostly like 6 of us at best at any given time

2. Who are we running from?

21:15:23 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

Also we were going to leave Hanky alone until he rebuilt in LDK's core, but once that happens it becomes pretty clear we can't just ignore him. 

21:18:24 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:

I've no issues what you did with Hanky or previous eras. I'm more than happy if Black Chain plays next era. That's all.

21:22:50 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

Then allow us to make you happy, friend

21:24:19 Jun 8th 23 - Mr. Napoleon Whohunthornypaleswans:

Really enjoyed the chitchat. See you next era. 

21:56:59 Jun 8th 23 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Bandit):

You all are getting off point, 

MAD and Zerkers are finally getting what they deserve, between Imperium and Black Chain we can say goodbye to MAD and Zerks trolling Fantasia with their cheap tricks and 24 hour activity.

22:28:32 Jun 8th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched):

Instead it shall be me, trolling Fantasia with my very expensive tricks and 16ish hour activity

03:14:55 Jun 9th 23 - Mr. Mad Aloysius:

Hail Burninglegion, the righteous one!

06:39:47 Jun 9th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

I don't think they're going away. I don't quite want them to either. I just want people to use good judgement when it comes to blockers. If it looks like it blocks, then it blocks. 

AotD chaining etc is kind of an intentional mechanic I think. 
It sucks for non mages, but I do think that was the intent. 

I don't want people to quit playing a game that they love.
That being said, my personal activity is about to tank. I will try my best to be active and fun to play against, but I have big life events happening in a matter of weeks. 

Everyone just have fun, and a little healthy shit talk never hurt anyone either. 

10:15:13 Jun 9th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

Congrats Black Chain.

  1. Prince Iceworks II of Black Chain (Elf)
    Had 1,362,714 land, 919,604 troops and 29 science points. Killed 2,252,543 soldiers, won 45 of 51 battles and captured 34 cities.
  2. Captain Jaster of Black Chain (Halfling)
    Had 372,074 land, 1,892,890 troops and 30 science points. Killed 200,082 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  3. Mr. Carabas of Black Chain (Human)
    Had 341,101 land, 1,293,273 troops and 29 science points. Killed 178,267 soldiers, won 12 of 13 battles and captured 5 cities.
  4. Mr. Sanoh of Black Chain (Dwarf)
    Had 368,508 land, 808,258 troops and 17 science points. Killed 193,127 soldiers, won 10 of 12 battles and captured 4 cities.
  5. Arkanist Krasabl The Godtouched of Black Chain (Orc)
    Had 882,446 land, 495,141 troops and 23 science points. Killed 1,099,127 soldiers, won 72 of 106 battles and captured 44 cities.
  6. Mr. Burninglegion of The Seven Sin of Seven Deadly Sins (Human)
    Had 390,745 land, 917,941 troops and 35 science points. Killed 96,091 soldiers, won 1 of 15 battles and captured 2 cities.
  7. Mr. Dig Johnson of Black Chain (Dwarf)
    Had 239,131 land, 628,455 troops and 18 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  8. Mr. Homunculi of Seven Deadly Sins (Human)
    Had 265,651 land, 710,991 troops and 35 science points. Killed 146,628 soldiers, won 9 of 18 battles and captured 19 cities.
  9. Spartan Briarheart of Black Chain (Halfling)
    Had 390,377 land, 468,589 troops and 23 science points. Killed 21,529 soldiers, won 0 of 5 battles and captured 0 cities.
  10. Lord Uther Pendragon of Black Chain (Human)
    Had 390,492 land, 660,133 troops and 34 science points. Killed 800,958 soldiers, won 49 of 68 battles and captured 36 cities.
  11. Mr. Declorox of Black Chain (Human)
    Had 318,582 land, 346,722 troops and 22 science points. Killed 184,013 soldiers, won 3 of 4 battles and captured 0 cities.
  12. Princess Yasmina of Black Chain (Troll)
    Had 203,273 land, 470,709 troops and 21 science points. Killed 1,932,128 soldiers, won 22 of 30 battles and captured 15 cities.
  13. Mr. Jellybean Demon of Seven Deadly Sins (Dwarf)
    Had 183,641 land, 491,873 troops and 21 science points. Killed 130,573 soldiers, won 3 of 5 battles and captured 1 cities.
  14. Mr. Sigvalden of Black Chain (Troll)
    Had 257,143 land, 311,011 troops and 11 science points. Killed 251,414 soldiers, won 8 of 12 battles and captured 7 cities.
  15. The Sprout of Seven Deadly Sins (Troll)
    Had 214,657 land, 341,586 troops and 20 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  16. Mr. Mort The Ginger Warlock of Black Chain (Orc)
    Had 179,712 land, 179,899 troops and 23 science points. Killed 117,441 soldiers, won 5 of 11 battles and captured 2 cities.

10:55:57 Jun 9th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jaster):

Napoleon never fails at being funny lol
Gz on the era Ice :D
GL everyone next era!

21:31:09 Jun 10th 23 - HorusPanic (Darth Anxiety):

Black Flag only played with three players this past er … all human…  next era we will use 4 players

22:33:55 Jun 10th 23 - Sable (Sir Sable The Sympathist):

damn, they had 33% growth. that means next era they'll have 5.3 players

01:52:09 Jun 11th 23 - HorusPanic (Lord al Horus):


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