Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era of Awesomeness 2

Fantasia Era of Awesomeness 2
14:47:30 Dec 14th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Mothership Deathlaser):

Its time to...

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!


May the best napermaper win!

lol jk XD

14:56:34 Dec 14th 12 - Mr. Bono:

Why dont we all nap and hold a farming contest

00:28:11 Dec 15th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Cause everyone knows they couldn't beat me in a farming contest.

05:35:09 Dec 15th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

Tyr you kinda.. stole my thunder... 

06:40:16 Dec 15th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

Princess George Michael (12/13/2012 3:37:28 AM)  GOOD  BAD 
I figured I'd message you and congratulate you on doing so well this era. If it weren't for you, Freddy and Ohm we may have gotcha before Beo finished with MAD! ;)

Every era I see you, you seem to do so well and if you ever wanted to join the dark side (come on, it's really cool.... we have cookies!) an application to Legacy would definately be accepted. We've gone through a recent restructure and reshuffle, and a player of your calibre would be welcome within our close knit rank of friends.


06:57:45 Dec 15th 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):



09:03:17 Dec 15th 12 - Mr. Iceworks The Wiz:

lol?! what is this? he missed out my name...  LOL!

11:22:17 Dec 15th 12 - cxc (Sir Micxic):

So all Wilber says is that they are short in active players and need some fresh meat urgent.

Tbh I don't wonder, last era was a real disappointment for me.
Lgc had only strong OOP attackers (those who were active) and nothing to back them up for the second part of the era.

Beating them so easily felt some kind of wrong :(.

Well this era I will be more inactive as well, maybe this way we are more ballanced :D.

So have fun every1 :b.

11:37:26 Dec 15th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Mothership Deathlaser):

Yeah thats what we (Immortals) kinda relied on, we knew they had a lot of halfers that would be obsolete in the late era :)

And sorry electric, just had to do it :P

13:12:29 Dec 15th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

its ok gays, im back 

lgc will rock again for half an era

13:44:28 Dec 15th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Durbans):

aaand the other half? :P

01:16:01 Dec 16th 12 - Prince Chade:

the other half is on me mate... :D

10:19:30 Dec 16th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

You mean us (as in Immortals) :P
There is no "me" in the Immortals, only "us" ;)

13:16:18 Dec 16th 12 - Ms. Beautiful Brunette:

actually there's no "us" in "immortals" either.

13:48:04 Dec 16th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

I think you missunderstood what I meant with that :P

01:10:46 Dec 17th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

there is mort though

02:30:26 Dec 17th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

12:40:16 Dec 15th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

Princess George Michael (12/13/2012 3:37:28 AM)  GOOD  BAD 
I figured I'd message you and congratulate you on doing so well this era. If it weren't for you, Freddy and Ohm we may have gotcha before Beo finished with MAD! ;)

Every era I see you, you seem to do so well and if you ever wanted to join the dark side (come on, it's really cool.... we have cookies!) an application to Legacy would definately be accepted. We've gone through a recent restructure and reshuffle, and a player of your calibre would be welcome within our close knit rank of friends.

Damn... the one era I cannot play, Wilberforce decides to stamp his authority as the true leader and main strategist of Legacy.... :(

04:01:52 Dec 17th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

Where is beo and Mad on the map?

04:10:29 Dec 17th 12 - Zond (Mr. Koi Poi):

take a nap in the other corner

04:38:43 Dec 17th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

i just got off from my nap!

17:18:51 Dec 18th 12 - Mr. Lost Without Looser:

[scared and confused] who´s fighting who and when is TBL coming back? [/scared and confused]

06:25:15 Dec 19th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

why is there like no talking on here... LGC is beating Immortals... well more of raping and we are taking it hard up the ying yang.

not sure what Beo or Mad is up to.

06:26:09 Dec 19th 12 - Zond (The Lover For You):

Beo is setting up arms under us (LGC) and attacking. MAD.. prob naped and they farming away :P 

07:12:06 Dec 19th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

your in LGC... Very surprising.

07:14:42 Dec 19th 12 - Zond (Mr. Legends Kunt Smells):

My lovers Legend and Stewie are in LGC... i had no choice but to join when asked :/

07:18:47 Dec 19th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

Well i hope you have alot of fun this era, same goes to all of LGC.

07:22:44 Dec 19th 12 - Zond (Mr. Legends Kunt Smells):

I always have fun! Hope you have fun as well ^^ elsewhere ofc.. here u dont seem to be having fun 

08:07:02 Dec 19th 12 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Runner):

LGC must be desperate

10:09:59 Dec 19th 12 - Legend (I am Legendary):

But Zond I never wanted you in lgc.

10:33:16 Dec 19th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

lgc is desperate, were scraping the barrel of vu!

10:36:39 Dec 19th 12 - Pure (Sir Pure):

19:33:16 Dec 19th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

lgc is desperate, were scraping the barrel of vu!

We've even got Wilbur :(

10:46:01 Dec 19th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

wilber is the face of the kd, the cum stained icon we all know and love

12:02:11 Dec 19th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Haha XD

15:03:38 Dec 19th 12 - Zond (Mr. Legends Kunt Smells):

03:09:59 Dec 19th 12 - Legend (I am Legendary):

But Zond I never wanted you in lgc.

u didnt have to want me :D

16:06:14 Dec 19th 12 - Mr. Body Issues Moorely:

Can I just clarify, we did hold extensive talks with Beo in order to try trade Wilb for TBL at the end of last era, but talks fell through at the 11th hour when Beo insisted that they wouldn't take Wilb if we took TBL.

17:21:44 Dec 19th 12 - Mr. Lost Without Looser:

Liar! Thats not at all how it went down! You have both TBL and Wilb this era and Beo is thus lost =( =(

17:24:45 Dec 19th 12 - Mr. Lost Without Looser:

17:44:29 Dec 19th 12 - Electric (Electric Pink Box):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Legacy21Mr. Body Issues Moorely265
Beothuk Evil Ops22Ms. Jennaside200
The Immortals25Electric Pink Box100
Mad and Dangerous17Mr. Aloysius93
Relentless21Mr. Xxxpumpxxx90
Black Flag3Mr. Hamish The Third8

06:17:07 Dec 22nd 12 - Zond (Mr. Legends Kunt Smells):

Fun fun world. Maybe one era we can have free for alls instead everyone vs one. Might be a of fun for the other side instead just us ;) 

04:15:58 Dec 28th 12 - Pure (Sir Pure):

This question goes out to the Beo players.

Do you guys actually enjoy being in a kingdom that naps all kingdoms but one?

13:53:40 Dec 28th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Sir Ryan The Archion XVIII):

Oh, do they beat us now in NAP whoring?

17:57:42 Dec 28th 12 - Mr. Lost Without Looser:

What are we to do now that TBL has taken a break?

18:20:42 Dec 28th 12 - Mr. Body Issues Moorely:

We don't have Devi or Binh, but you don't see us using their absence as justification for mass NAPing. :p

In all seriousness though, I know there's a lot of disgruntled members in Beo who have announced they're considering leaving Beo next era because of the shameful decision to mass-NAP each era.  If you are one of those people and are interested in joining a warring KD, send me a msg and we'll consider any applicants closer to next era.

18:22:31 Dec 28th 12 - Legend (I am Legendary):

Dont do it!! He eats ya alive if you fail.

18:31:09 Dec 28th 12 - Mr. Body Issues Moorely:

If that were true, then there would be nothing left of Wilbad :p

18:33:30 Dec 28th 12 - Pure (Pure Slowty Mcslow Slow):

03:31:09 Dec 29th 12 - Mr. Body Issues Moorely:

If that were true, then there would be nothing left of Wilbad :p

Come to think of it, I haven't really seen much of Wilbad :^)

18:38:10 Dec 28th 12 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

Who cares if someone places as scaredy cat or a brave warrior.

everyone relies on their own skill and react(Relations) to that :P 

I just wanna have fun punch in some skulls or my skull being punched in :D
All equal fun :D

WAR !!! To the batmobile !!!

22:08:24 Dec 28th 12 - Mr. Lost Without Looser:

This is actually the first era we have more than one NAP(and the second era we are a KD). In heinseight we should have just warred MAD oop, but we felt sorry for them and were not counting on you not napping anybody. We are however greatness in the making and now that we've dropped Danny and Stewie we are again on the path towards becoming the greatest kingdom ever. 

And also, the only shameless thing in here is LGC recruitment tactics. Ohh, and LGC as a whole. Except Fordi. He rocks.

22:34:18 Dec 28th 12 - Mr. Lovescam:

Thank god we dropped danny and stewie.

I sent application to LGC once and once only. They didnt let me in because they thought i was a spy and im not spy. Shame on you people!

Im going back to farming now. Howdy dudy!

22:43:55 Dec 28th 12 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Runner):

To be precise, we have 2 naps.

Decision was made because of lack activity on our side due to Xmas holidays.

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