Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Manhunt

Fantasia Manhunt
18:03:46 Jul 16th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Hello people of Fantasia!

I have a rather peculiar request. My situation is that most of my kingdom is dead or have resigned (still dead) and we want to restart on maybe mantrax or starta... But with 2 players on vacation (restarted) and 1 player with broken internet connection, they can't resign.

I ask all of you to kill everyone in Fantasia carrying the Heaven banner (blueish). The players away are Ender, Balle and Fnaze.

Thanks in advance
Duke Argyle of Heaven

19:30:47 Jul 16th 08 - Duke Argyle:

help :(

19:35:45 Jul 16th 08 - Mr. David:

All I can find is one Scout of Ender. Ill send an scout of my own towards it.

19:37:22 Jul 16th 08 - Mr. Ingo Von Lucker:

what if theres a Halfer among them


19:37:56 Jul 16th 08 - Mr. David:

Nothing a few freezes can't fix.

06:00:26 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Sargonnas:

Wooh!! It's hide and seek :]

07:43:02 Jul 17th 08 - Duke Argyle:


Fnaze (orc) is Dead. Congratulations to whoever took out his last thingy :D

Balle is orc and Ender is human, I know you can take em out!

07:50:12 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Ocastra:

ANgels is going to finish Balle.

13:58:17 Jul 17th 08 - Duke Argyle:


Ender is dead!

Balle the fearsome orc is still alive, you better get him before he gets you :P

07:23:04 Jul 18th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Anyone seeing anything owned by Balle? we are hoping to be able to restart within 10 hours...

10:12:20 Jul 19th 08 - Duke Argyle:

I would like to thank all players who helped us in this heavy situation. I want to thank my mother and my father, my sisters and my friends and my parents.

We are now restarted for recruiting in Nirvana, anyone who faces the same crucial death in fantasia is welcomed to join us there.

Have a nice day
Duke Argyle of Heaven

17:31:02 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Holy Paladin:

.... you have a mother and father and they aren't your parents?

17:52:20 Jul 21st 08 - Duke Argyle:

:P though someone would see it XD

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