Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk

Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
12:57:34 Jan 26th 13 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron Destroyer of Worlds):

I thought i would aptly name the thread this time, as the third era of Awesomeness was not sounding so awesome.

So... Now for the big questions.

Who is killing who this era?

Can Fordius survive again?

Will Immortals survive the first week?

Can Feckers survive their first full era as a Kingdom or will they split like so many before them?

And I guess the true Question;
Who shalt win?? Beothuk Evil Ops, Legacy or will MAD craw out from the rock they've been hiding under and score a big, if unexpected win?

These Questions and more will be answered, after a short message from our sponsors....

Do we have any sponsors? Zeta, get some sponsors. And some new maps, and maybe another race. I WANT BOATS! (Seriously though, no Boats.)

13:09:29 Jan 26th 13 - Mr. Cyberdemon of Stormy:

1. High chance Beothuk gets killed - very few kingdoms have ever three peated in this game.

2. Fordius is good enough to pull it off.

3. If their crew gets active again, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

4. They will. Bling is <3

5. The ball is round (or oval, where rugby and American handball is concerned). Anything can happen.

And you missed out Relentless, JLT.... :P

13:13:26 Jan 26th 13 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron Destroyer of Worlds):

I didn't forget Relentless, I just didn't think they were worth mentioning.


14:46:06 Jan 26th 13 - Ms. Nicolepwn:

apeiron so rude~

14:50:26 Jan 26th 13 - Duke Chade The One:

Will Immortals survive the first week?

Of course, cause I AM BACK TO FULL ACTIVITY!!!

14:59:58 Jan 26th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

6. Will Apeiron survive the first week? :P

17:22:38 Jan 26th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Will Immortals survive the first week?

What chade said :P besides, we didnīt actually die completely at any point last era, we just had to rebuild, we are immortal after all ;)

17:29:00 Jan 26th 13 - Mr. Nariek The Third:

rebuilt quick enough with some mad goodies i bet :D

17:40:21 Jan 26th 13 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrminator):

Partly that :P

20:05:52 Jan 26th 13 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Dark Knight Rises):

And yet you forgot the most important question: How many Naps will BeoNAP empire make this era to get that "win"?

20:12:36 Jan 26th 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

Well BEO let's hope we get some nice fights this era.

I will be a semi active player, as I just wanna see how the stuff develop this era.

I might even send over scouts to ur core :) 
Please be gentle to them :D and augh get some mages haha :P 

Goodluck guys :D

22:48:19 Jan 26th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops27Ms. Jennaside130
The Immortals17Prince Chade100
Relentless28Mr. Xpumpx94
Legacy24Mr. Mate Dont Mad86
Fecking Fecker7Mr. Bling42
Mad and Dangerous18Sir Aloysius23

22:48:52 Jan 26th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Im sure this will change soon, but a couple ticks in is always fun to see who started early

03:52:16 Jan 27th 13 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron Destroyer of Worlds):

It will change very soon. In less than 50 hours, Lord Aperion: Destroyer of Worlds will commence on his destruction of MAD and all others who stand in his way. Expect the ranks to look something like this within the next 72 hours. 

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops
Lord Apeiron Destroyer of Worlds
Ms. Jennaside200
The Immortals17Prince Chade100
Relentless28Mr. Xpumpx94
Legacy24Mr. Mate Dont Mad86
Fecking Fecker7Mr. Bling42
Mad and Dangerous18Sir Aloysius-1

04:09:28 Jan 27th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Sorry JLT, but Wilber's the best!

07:38:25 Jan 27th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Hah. Who deleted Hom's post :D

14:00:04 Jan 28th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

Dark Prince Stirlin

This is actually unfair considering we only NAPed MAD and Immo this era =(

15:27:18 Jan 28th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Huh? We NAPped MAD and Immortals? I was always under the impression that we were NAPping Legacy only.... I mean, Swifty, Fordius and I are building backup mines in each other's cores just in case....

Damn, should pay more attention to the game :S

18:28:20 Jan 28th 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

For the record we have 1 nap this era and last era we also ended with 1 nap.

We also dont accept new players anymore, the predicted exodus did not take place.

18:34:55 Jan 28th 13 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

03:28:20 Jan 29th 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

For the record we have 1 nap this era and last era we also ended with 1 nap.

It doesn't matter how many naps you ended with, the whole era you were napped with everyone except 1. But thank you for not mass napping like last, at least now the war will be more balanced :P

19:13:21 Jan 28th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

For the record Kobu is lieing. We're NAPed with Immortals, MAD, Feckers and we also have a secret deal with Relentless(if u want the details, PM me and I'll send it to you)

And war is never balanced!

19:32:25 Jan 28th 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

We only had an official nap with mad last era.

Relentless broke there nap
We had a CF with Feckers and no relations with Immortals.

21:36:12 Jan 28th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Kobu is such a liar, Beothuk also had an official MAP with Zeon (under the terms that all Zeonic players join their cowardly kingdom until the heathens are destroyed). This MAP continues this era but as Zeta told me in a dream I had after a 9h porn marathon - we deserve recognition just as well as we deserve rectumnition!

22:12:44 Jan 28th 13 - Legend (I am Legendary):

9h porn marathon? Teach me master!! My previous master never got me past 5h.

22:55:19 Jan 28th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Shuren Rider):

Legend, he knows the secrets!

02:21:37 Jan 29th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

You guys had official NAP with Immortal last era as i saw the messages. (lots of nubs still mark those as roleplay lolol)

04:44:47 Jan 29th 13 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron Destroyer of Worlds):

Beo did? I'm sorry to those Immortals armies I slaughtered then, as recompense, i'm offering Zonds cities.

04:54:10 Jan 29th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

At era start you did. Didnt say it went all era. 

Oh wait, the era before last. My era blurr together >.> 

05:54:58 Jan 29th 13 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron Destroyer of Worlds):

Haha, Era before, we do not deny, our Love for Ohmly is strong. Then again, that era we only had Immortals, I think, they do tend to blurr together.

20:46:56 Jan 30th 13 - Zond (General Cozen):

Fine example of this era so far

pretty much they came at us. like yo im so big, gonna get you. then suddenly it was like. dafuq happened they getting away!

20:55:20 Jan 30th 13 - Ms. Jasmin The Flame:

Hahaha love the pictures
You always find silly ones :D

20:58:57 Jan 30th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

Thats proper programming

22:38:51 Jan 30th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Shuren Rider):

lol, nice one zond, its hilarious.

00:37:21 Jan 31st 13 - Prince Chade:

zond that shows you one thing - dont fall asleep on the plane for too long cause you gonna miss england on saturday mate :D Dont wanna stay in the airport waiting for you for hours for nothing...

00:56:40 Jan 31st 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

hahaha i wont. trust me :D

07:06:07 Jan 31st 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):


01:45:06 Feb 1st 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Why Legacy no accuse Beothuk of NAPfest this era? :(

01:47:02 Feb 1st 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

We finally got over it!

No moar butthurts

01:55:22 Feb 1st 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:


Me want NAPfest accusations! Naooooo!!!

01:57:03 Feb 1st 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):

we are actually waiting for when you guys start to kill us. that way we can complain. its no fun right now! we have lots of memes and zingers lined up for you. do not worry!

01:59:57 Feb 1st 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

So much violance on this world. 

Let's all make peace and start a picnic :)

06:00:47 Feb 1st 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

You guys all better watch out, I'm here now... FEAR ME

06:15:42 Feb 1st 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Will... please... Forget Everything And Retire, OK? :P

06:20:30 Feb 1st 13 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

....yeah, lets be honest here, i probably

09:30:56 Feb 1st 13 - Mr. Kool:

ah good old fear a great kd that one was..

11:30:37 Feb 1st 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol nice :P

19:20:45 Feb 1st 13 - Mr. Palpy Back:

Aisha, Julie, zond, Will- oh all the troublemakers are here ))

and Palpy)

19:35:08 Feb 1st 13 - Princess Blood Rayne:

Troublemaker? Me? Neva!
Aisha is a good girl! :)

Huggles Palpy! Long time no see!

05:11:49 Feb 2nd 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Crap! VU's best player has emerged and decided to enter the fray :(

Naughty Boy

Army Info
Commander:Princess European GloryKingdom Banner
Size:Corps (Around 50,000)
Status:Moving South West

12:47:07 Feb 2nd 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops30Ms. Jennaside137
The Immortals20Prince Chade100
Legacy24Mr. Mate Dont Mad96
Relentless29Mr. Xpumpx37
Fecking Fecker9Mr. Bling20
Trolling Hairy Holes3Mr. Danny Boy The Totally Naked12

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