Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Wars IV

Fantasia Wars IV
00:10:35 May 12th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Apprentice:


00:15:28 May 12th 08 - General Ezatious:


only wars are to played on Risk!!!

00:25:56 May 12th 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:

You already have war in Fant?




i like risk


00:28:37 May 12th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Apprentice:

nope, but I wanna see if i can make an topic with more than 200posts =)

yea love risk to =)

05:55:19 May 12th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

i am at ar with thomas the apprentice.

05:59:34 May 12th 08 - The Dark Knight:

Fantasia is a loving world, we don't fight here, it is simply against our nature.  You must go elsewhere to find the real battle hardened vets...

10:57:10 May 12th 08 - Mr. Thomas The Viking:

so you wanna war soccer? tell me were you are on the map and il come to crush you


13:56:36 May 12th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

sounds fun...

16:23:37 May 12th 08 - Mr. Drunkoldman:

what do you guys think of the tiny mountain bits? you think they give as much bonus as the larger mountains or not?

also I'm looking for a kd on Fantasia, this is my 5th era, if anyone wants an offensive orc who is a fast learner, listens to orders, and logs on often then say so here and I'll message you or something.

16:36:03 May 12th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

ud be my perfect partner to join my kd, dacii, but it's on mantrax though.. and i could help you get even beter too, i have 10+ eras

18:07:02 May 12th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

Yarr lets roam free on the great fantasian plains!

18:10:49 May 12th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

20:21:39 May 12th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

tomas, i'll be waiting in the bottom left of the map. enjoy :)

20:30:41 May 12th 08 - Sir Binh The Raider:

what kd are you soocerinitaly? :)

20:40:15 May 12th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

alone, as usual at the start of an era ;)

22:15:44 May 12th 08 - Sir Thomas The Viking:

il be looking for you soccer

00:19:02 May 13th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

thank god...wanna bet on who lasts longer? u can even have ur kingdom at ur back...

01:14:58 May 13th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

I see Carnage also went on a recruiting spree :P

01:29:49 May 13th 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

as always?

01:30:21 May 13th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

We did try to get you, apparently you were busy doing something... else.

03:25:00 May 13th 08 - Lord Zucox Junior:

what happened with Zeon??? any idea????

06:45:29 May 13th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

they quit ;D because they love so much us all they didnt tell to u ;D

<3 messiah :D

10:42:01 May 13th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

lol xD

Sheol have a very bad start unless we can't see everything properly :D

12:37:08 May 13th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

you can't

13:32:00 May 13th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

We are taking a well deserved vacation. We will come back when walls do. Or next era. Probably wichever comes first.

14:18:38 May 13th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Here you go Messiah!

14:35:11 May 13th 08 - Mr. Solitis Pendragon II:

ummm yeah... ^ WTF scoobie?

14:38:59 May 13th 08 - Sir Thomas The Viking:

Mr. Squiddy


5/13/2008 11:42:01 AM
lol xD

Sheol have a very bad start unless we can't see everything properly :D
you cant see all, but I think trio have a bad start

18:26:47 May 13th 08 - Mr. Apple Pie:

Whys that if we are gona eat you guys?
Id of thought that would give us a boost ;)

Apple Pie 

{ Sexy and Tasty }

13:22:24 May 14th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

sheol vs trio ftw !

21:31:31 May 14th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

Ahw why do you lgc guys hate us so much  :(

23:33:33 May 14th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

hate who?

23:41:12 May 14th 08 - Lord Marche:


23:59:32 May 14th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:


00:35:56 May 15th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

Don't all?

00:46:39 May 15th 08 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

All who ?

00:50:49 May 15th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


00:57:30 May 15th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

Do it?

00:58:25 May 15th 08 - Mr. Zondervan:


01:18:55 May 15th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:



01:27:38 May 15th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Because you all are there?

06:56:31 May 15th 08 - Mr. Rocketace:


06:58:27 May 15th 08 - Mr. Tonganboii:

To my knowledge...
Legacy are they who keep gettin owned :L


12:11:48 May 15th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Your knowledge is limited.

22:20:50 May 15th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

LGC is like greece now.
Talking ooh hercules did this alexander conquerd that :P
now tehy are just like anybody else :).(DB took some grood players  and their activity aint that good ) they just modorate (unless they prove otherwise( i dont mean prove by killing or harming me in any way :P))

22:47:41 May 15th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

They still have a lot of talent, they just seem to have been diluted down a bit. (Individual players aside) I have never liked them but I still have some respect for them.

10:44:41 May 16th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Clamps wrote: "I have never liked them"

Can't stand them myself but that doesn't stop the game always putting me down right next to them. *sigh*

12:18:19 May 16th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

Thou shall love you're neighbour!

12:51:22 May 16th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

i kno!........wer is the love in vu?!

we r always at war n killin our bretherins..............such a shame!

00:55:21 May 17th 08 - Mr. Doublex:

It is really strange, no matter in which kingdom I play, I always have to fight lgc or carnage, or both at once...

It's seldom succesfull, but always funny :D


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