Forums / In game politics / Fantasia countdown.

Fantasia countdown.
23:18:21 Jul 8th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
ZoneThe Twilight20Mr. Fordius128
LGCLegacy19Mr. Roxbury100
SHEOLSheolic Empire27Mr. Diomedes96
DBDark Blood19Sir Oya96
MusicMusic20Mr. Gilth67
FFFreedom Fighter18Lord Scientist58
HHeaven13Duke Argyle40
HavocCarnage15The Architect40
PKSPeacekeepers13Sir Grim Darkhammer39
AngelsAngels11Sir Dead Oralive31
HVCHavoc18Mr. Whoop25
BBoo8Mr. Spook24
FearFusion9Mr. Orchydus21
WoLWolves of Lithuania21Duke Vytautas Didysis15
NEBCNEBC3Mr. Arkantos13
ISThe Istari 2Mr. Stones Throw7
jpgcrazy apple11Mr. Dragon5
BlueAtlantis3Ms. Minerva3
TDSThe Devastators10Mr. Bloody Sabbath III0
AoDArmy of Darkness7Mr. Ruck0

23:22:50 Jul 8th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

So starting this era is 357 players spread out on 20 kingdoms.

And then im not counting the kd less players.

I wonder how many will be alive in a couple of weeks.

I created this thread just so we can keep easier track on the action through the era and see whenever a kingdom been killed of.

(+ its also so I can keep track on what kingdoms actually started because in the end of the era I can often forget the names oof new kingdoms I been part of killing)

23:26:59 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

This is a good idea, we can keep a constant count of players and KDs plus wars. Its gonna be fun keeping a kill count :). Of course eventually this is gonna become flamebait.


 One last thing, This is actually a pretty darn good number for fantasia.

01:52:49 Jul 9th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

I'd say and look how many new ones their are currently. Of course some of those starting on Fant did it on accident. Well time to wing it and see how long we live :)

02:25:11 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

Seems like this is gonna be a good era. I mean, OOP is gonna be pretty crazy. Wonder how many kingdoms will survive that.

02:25:30 Jul 9th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Yea it was when looking over our future enemies and new allies I noticed how many people there were, and though that with so many there will be alot of kingdoms killed and I just felt I had to share my discovery.

08:30:42 Jul 9th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Carnage at 15 ?

Wow, taken another slip :/

And good luck too Ford's new kingdom , cool name too ^_^

10:03:04 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i think you dint count right there i think your about a hundred above the number of players.
its around 250

13:09:20 Jul 9th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Wops thanks mate.
I counted right I think but I did Type wrong.

But of course the correct number should be 257

17:50:08 Jul 9th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

and i'm not one of them :(

22:39:26 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross The Mad:

Does natives also count, first player allready said good bye to his first starting place...

22:41:17 Jul 9th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

How do you know how many players done that already?

Do you have a hack that reveals the whole map? :p

23:21:30 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross The Mad:

no I am just speaking of the one who is no more fighting my armies :D

So you can say 257 - 1  :D

00:43:57 Jul 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

subtract 10 from that list so its 247

02:20:39 Jul 10th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Why justin Theres 264 players maybe that should be add 7.

02:20:39 Jul 10th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Why justin Theres 264 players maybe that should be add 7.

03:04:49 Jul 10th 08 - Mr. Ocastra:

I beilive he is speaking of The devastators not being on fant.

04:10:21 Jul 10th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

well the number might even increase until we are up and running wars and all fronts of the map.

But is Devastators not on fant :( that meen one less kd to feed on.

06:35:03 Jul 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Ya ocastra is right. Me and Sabbath arent bringing a bunch of new players to get slaughtered their first era. We are going to train them on Starta if it ever opens

09:53:10 Jul 10th 08 - Mr. Naerey:


12:41:23 Jul 11th 08 - Duke Schneizel:

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
SHEOL Sheolic Empire 28 Mr. Diomedes 106
Zone The Twilight 22 Mr. Fordius 100
LGC Legacy 19 Mr. Roxbury 78
DB Dark Blood 19 Sir Oya 73
Music Music 20 Mr. Gilth 56
Havoc Carnage 17 The Architect 32
PKS Peacekeepers 13 Sir Grim Darkhammer 31
B Boo 10 Mr. Spook 25
WoL Wolves of Lithuania 22 Duke Drakos 24
H Heaven 13 Duke Argyle 24
Fear Fusion 16 Mr. Orchydus 24
Angels Angels 11 Sir Dead Oralive 22
FF Freedom Fighter 17 Lord Scientist 13
NEBC NEBC 3 Mr. Arkantos 12
jpg crazy apple 13 Mr. Dragon 3
Blue Atlantis 3 Ms. Minerva 2
TEW The Elven Warlords 2 Mr. Eddfat 2
swat SWAT 2 Ms. Nina 1
SF Suomenniemi 2 Mr. Taika 0


erm btw... it would be better if you started a Fantasia Herald (world news about the wars happening) instead of just a count... you can keep the count... just add the news ...

01:35:09 Jul 12th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

News you say,
Well the biggest surprise ever is that LGC and DB started fighting each other.
Can you believe that DB meeting LGC on a battle field.

Ohh wait thats just the same old news as the previous two eras.

So for me to talk about that would not really be news.
But anyway we have started a head on fight were DB have taken a town we built to close to their core.
When they tried to press on the attack we killed most of their troops.
They start reinforcing the area we start reinforcing the area.
We both manouvre around each other trying to find some weak spots that neither would be likely to find since its probably the two kingdoms with highest amount of active experienced players.

So basically thats what I knew of whats going on.

04:30:27 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

Well a one on one war between DB and Legacy should answer a few questions and shut some people up.. Lets hope it stays one on one..

12:52:26 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

you never know what might come out of the Twilight Zone...


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13:04:54 Jul 12th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

are you in twilight as well?

13:10:32 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

dunno ask highscores.
(really hope il be no1 and not 2 after 10 ticks or so)

13:11:15 Jul 12th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Mr. Dalak The Forlorn


7/12/2008 6:30:27 AM
Well a one on one war between DB and Legacy should answer a few questions and shut some people up.. Lets hope it stays one on one..

I say Free For All !!!

Mr. Dreadlord


7/12/2008 3:10:32 PM
dunno ask highscores.
(really hope il be no1 and not 2 after 10 ticks or so)

But you are sixth?

13:12:52 Jul 12th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

lol, what happened to your precious carnage? ;)

13:15:38 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

who is this?
well actual nothing happend to carnage witch was the problem for a while.
thats why most of us left.

13:17:55 Jul 12th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

a pain in the ass :)

13:51:25 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

is this the end for carnage?

15:16:27 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

duuh all thats left are inactives

15:29:01 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Brashen, post some more news. I'd like to hear of this so called battle thats happening. I thought the armies were meeting for tea and biscuits?


16:57:16 Jul 12th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Mr. Dreadlord


7/12/2008 5:16:27 PM
duuh all thats left are inactives

It's not nice to talk like that about your previous Kingdom...

P.S. : Given the fact that "inactive" is considered a foul-word in VU-language :p

18:13:15 Jul 12th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

yay! nothing like landing tagless right in the middle of the DB/LGC war! :)

I see big lgc merge with reinforcements....

18:35:14 Jul 12th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Soccer, you're doing quite the travelling, aren't you? :)

Swedish Chef Brashen


7/9/2008 3:09:20 PM
Wops thanks mate.
I counted right I think but I did Type wrong.

But of course the correct number should be 257

By the way Brashen, I summed it up again (your first post) and it turned out to be 267 :p

20:15:00 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

see weirdgrivi its No. 1
btw are u in sheol i havnt seen u mutch lately.

20:20:48 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Atreides:


So, how's the wars going?

22:05:47 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

Final countdown tarara tararam tararam the Final Countdown . :)

22:25:53 Jul 12th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

ya, weird...............been a great summer, but i have missed VU! 2 months in italy, then a week in new york. finally back home and ready to slaughter again ;)  i think lgc will be my first target, swifty has always loved bending over for me ;)

00:32:22 Jul 13th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Mr. Dreadlord


7/12/2008 10:15:00 PM
see weirdgrivi its No. 1
btw are u in sheol i havnt seen u mutch lately.

It is now but I was right at the time :)

Anyway, I have been here but under another name :p

03:34:08 Jul 13th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Lord Weirdgrivi
were have you been I not seen you in ages.
And here I was about to try to reinstate a old short LGC tradition that the last ranked LGC member have to have Weirdgrivi but then did not pu*beep* since it was not really fun if we are not fighting you.

Nice to see you back.

But about the numbers you should not count the 10 devastators since they dont play on Fantasia. so we are both right depending on what facts we use.

Mr. Harry The Crazy
well I moved out a small army but for the first time since the betas I did not go hard on magic sci right away and Abbadon used my favorite OOP strategy and played semi mage against me(though not so good like I do it early era since he only freezed and locusted my army and did not manage to RoF it.)
Then I went away all day to day and turned over command and now we moved a merge against them.

Though Harry you might not be getting this fresh news in the future since that might be giving away stuff but this early things change so fast depending very much on what sci strategy people use and how willing and able they are to adapt to whats going on in the wars around them.

04:22:14 Jul 13th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

i never adapt.

05:50:59 Jul 13th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Really soc.

And here you just join DB.......
two scary kd´s around and instead of not adapting going solo you join the one of them that are taking in new players :P

06:01:01 Jul 13th 08 - Mr. Your Multi:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
SHEOLSheolic Empire28Mr. Diomedes6089
ZoneThe Twilight22Mr. Fordius5571
LGCLegacy19Mr. Roxbury4086
DBDark Blood20Sir Oya3798
MusicMusic21Mr. Gilth2972
PKSPeacekeepers13Sir Grim Darkhammer1943
BBoo12Mr. Spook1811
WoLWolves of Lithuania19Duke Drakos1512
HavocCarnage17The Architect1310
AngelsAngels12Sir Dead Oralive1104
HHeaven12Duke Argyle839
NEBCNEBC3Mr. Arkantos571
FFFreedom Fighter16Lord Scientist478
HIMHis Infernal Majesty1Mr. Your Multi100
BlueAtlantis3Ms. Minerva82
TEWThe Elven Warlords2Mr. Eddfat66
jpgcrazy apple13Mr. Dragon14
SFSuomenniemi2Mr. Taika8
swatSWAT2Ms. Nina5

06:10:24 Jul 13th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

"Nice to see you back."

You must be one of the few :p As I said, I was here under another name, can't believe it hasn't reached your ears :p

And watch out, last time I checked Harry The Crazy was DB. I might be mistaken though...

06:36:19 Jul 13th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

Swedish Chef Brashen


7/12/2008 9:50:59 PM
Really soc.

And here you just join DB.......
two scary kd´s around and instead of not adapting going solo you join the one of them that are taking in new players :P


quiet offered me oya as a sex slave...........don't tell me you could resist that! plus, I always enjoy going up against legacy.............. :)

13:37:15 Jul 13th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

I could easily resist that. in LGC we got swiffers as our sex slave what can be better then that.

13:42:42 Jul 13th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Swedish Chef Brashen
7/13/2008 1:37:15 PMI could easily resist that. in LGC we got swiffers as our sex slave what can be better then that.
Even a two legged, hearing impaired iguana on a stick would be better then that.
Especially if you throw in a bucket of fudge and a box of chinese proverbs smeared on greasy spring roll paper.

Brashen, our sex slaves > your sex slaves :->

14:19:29 Jul 13th 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Hehe grivi, yeah you know I am :P

Aww brashen, news! Must have more news!

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