Forums / In game politics / Fantasia wars (era 35)

Fantasia wars (era 35)
19:29:37 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

yo yo yo

20:07:16 Sep 1st 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

hey hey hey  ???

20:11:35 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Wilberforce:

Hi hi hi

I take it you want this to be like Fantasia Countdown last era, or mantrax wars... well away we go.

DB Dark Blood 21 Lord Rayo The Deceiver 100
Guard The Immortal Guardians 8 Mr. Achilles 59
WoL Wolves of Lithuania 28 Duke Vytautas Didysis 55
PKS Peacekeepers 29 Sir Dark Overlord 51
RET Retribution 21 Pirate Lewatha 45
LGC Legacy 19 Mr. Roxbury 41
Fate Foundation 21 Sir Feanor 41
S Superheroes 18 Mr. Batman 41
Dacii The Dacians 5 Mr. The Gladiator 7
B Boo 9 Mr. Spook 7
Waga Wagato 2 Mr. Meekas 3
ED Elemental Dragons 6 Mr. Monasotry 2
TRIO The Musketeers 10 Mr. Squiddy 0

20:59:56 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Good luck to you guys on Fant altho im voting for DB =P

21:08:45 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

Superheroes will rule! :PPPPPPP

21:09:06 Sep 1st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

*cough elements*

21:12:49 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Stirlin:

Dark Lord Osiris


9/1/2008 9:09:06 PM*cough elements*

isn't it obvious :P

21:12:50 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

we camed to kill you :)

21:14:19 Sep 1st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Since when was nacho a super hero? just a poor quality film

21:15:45 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Ghost:

ya i turned it off after awhile.

22:35:41 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Yer, Superheroes is basically Elements with Speedos on ;)

07:39:54 Sep 2nd 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Ooops! They're obvious.. ^_^

Just wondering how will they do against DB?

07:41:44 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

get pwned?

07:41:47 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Is that an OOP war ! :O

13:36:48 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

DB ? were is DB?

14:06:44 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Dovydas:

everywere man everywere ;)

14:46:54 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Cyber:

I root for Dacii :) Go Glad Go !!

14:53:17 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Wilberforce:

Mr. Nacho Libre


9/2/2008 1:36:48 PM
DB ? were is DB?

Mr. Dovydas


9/2/2008 2:06:44 PM

everywere man everywere ;)

Well said good sir.


However, DB are also in your heads atm, mind control ;)
Thats what I heard at least, i'm not in DB or anything... the power i posted before i just stole from what someone sent me, yeah thats it... sure.

16:05:06 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:


17:25:00 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

*While activating his Geass, he looks over at Wilberforce*

You will stop bragging about DB and realize that the only mind control is the one I'm using right now. Also, you'll step your game up when playing AE and actually build some defenses! ;-)

17:50:27 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Juggernaut:

 did RET go on a recruiting spree or what, they were small even by Mantrax standards last era. 0_o

18:51:33 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Captain America:

We have several elementals in our ranks. But it is not all of us are ex elementals and it is not the same kingdom. Not the same idea of an kingdom. Not the same kd setup in terms of organization, leadership and players.

Also. This is my first real era!!!!! GL ME!

19:22:53 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Mr. Juggernaut


9/2/2008 5:50:27 PM
 did RET go on a recruiting spree or what, they were small even by Mantrax standards last era. 0_o

Last era was really 'Summer Vacation' era for 90% of kingdoms

As was for Ret, we have only recruiting good people and getting good people back

Crazy Xuaren for example ^_^

19:59:40 Sep 2nd 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Any other important Kingdoms except DB, WOL, PKS, RET, LGC and S?

Does FATE count? And by the way, does its name have anything to do with Asimov's Foundation?

20:24:18 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Binh:

Fate is reincarnation of Carnage i believe.

23:23:04 Sep 2nd 08 - Sir Evans:

so tht'd be a yes then ? :P

23:29:29 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

what about asimov's foundation?

01:01:43 Sep 3rd 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Thought it might be a theme. Using popular names from the Foundation series like Golan Trevize, Mayor Branno, Hari Seldon or Dors Venabili...

That would be kinda nice :)

12:40:35 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Basch:

Gladiator, use the URL link, not that other crap youtube provides

12:50:20 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:


I just chopped the head of the leader of Dark blook kd. I was not born out of my moms belly to get disrespect by nobodys, and same goes for other Dacians, Dark Blood will get slaughtered , If they last 5 more days if they are lucky, and next up is Retribution, and all other  Evil-Satanic-forces of evil kingdoms will be slaughtered

12:58:18 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Gladiator... you are fighting Dark Blood now?

13:00:01 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Wicked Witch of The West:

We need more theme's in Fantasia.

13:09:29 Sep 3rd 08 - Sir Wilberforce:

Mr. The Gladiator


9/3/2008 12:50:20 PM

I just chopped the head of the leader of Dark blook kd. I was not born out of my moms belly to get disrespect by nobodys, and same goes for other Dacians, Dark Blood will get slaughtered , If they last 5 more days if they are lucky, and next up is Retribution, and all other  Evil-Satanic-forces of evil kingdoms will be slaughtered



13:54:56 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
S Superheroes 22 Mr. Batman 100
RET Retribution 23 Pirate Lewatha 96
Fate Foundation 22 Sir Feanor 88
DB Dark Blood 20 Commander Snook 88



OMFG!!!! Dark Blood, what is happening???

14:08:20 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Thodt:

Who expected anything else then them dropping...?

14:36:13 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Pieguy:

Mr. Cyber


9/3/2008 1:46:54 AM
I root for Dacii :) Go Glad Go !!


Daccii will get pwned by the Immortal Guardians.

15:21:42 Sep 3rd 08 - Sir Wilberforce:

Mr. Thodt


9/3/2008 2:08:20 PM
Who expected anything else then them dropping...?


It's early yet, you think scores will stay that way? LGC in 5th, DB in 4th? Pfft

15:26:37 Sep 3rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Sir Wilberforce


9/3/2008 3:21:42 PM
Mr. Thodt


9/3/2008 2:08:20 PM
Who expected anything else then them dropping...?


It's early yet, you think scores will stay that way? LGC in 5th, DB in 4th? Pfft



15:30:03 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Batman:

We are warring Lgc.

15:44:00 Sep 3rd 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

DB just has to figure out which of our four oop wars is the most critical.........nothing to worry about! ;)

16:55:47 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

ofc the dacians are top priority !

20:00:40 Sep 3rd 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

Mr. The Gladiator


9/3/2008 12:50:20 PM

I just chopped the head of the leader of Dark blook kd. I was not born out of my moms belly to get disrespect by nobodys, and same goes for other Dacians, Dark Blood will get slaughtered , If they last 5 more days if they are lucky, and next up is Retribution, and all other  Evil-Satanic-forces of evil kingdoms will be slaughtered


Mr Gladiator, i'll keep this message for 5 days and then i'll slowly stick it in yur ..... and make u eat it ;)

22:02:04 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Mr. Cyber


9/2/2008 8:46:54 AM I root for Dacii :) Go Glad Go !!

Thanks for the encouragements!

22:03:44 Sep 3rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

feel free to stop by Glad. oh and dont forget to bend over and get ready ;)

00:33:46 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Achilles:

come on what wars are going on?

01:01:43 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Thodt:


It's early yet, you think scores will stay that way? LGC in 5th, DB in 4th? Pfft"


You don't know a joke when you read it?

01:19:51 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Meekas:

ok so what are the wars?
S vs Lgc
DB vs Wol
Dacci vs DB

anything else
i see that Pks got smashed
is Fate fighting?

03:07:32 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

pks got smashed? by who?



03:30:14 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Insanedarkness:

pks aint geting smashed **** wrong with you lol

03:46:45 Sep 4th 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

You sure? They were slurring their words and everything...

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