Forums / In game politics / Fate/PKS/Aurora/Heaven Sucks

Fate/PKS/Aurora/Heaven Sucks
23:18:55 Nov 20th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Yes, they all suck

They can't even beat one kingdom
We just whipped Fate's merge back , with half our core gone due to Heaven
PKS prepping
And Fate pushing in another part of a taken core

And yet we still own them, funny that
You know why, because we arn't nubs
And we have balls

This thread is Sponsored and Inspired by Arzun*

23:22:10 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Ender Wiggin:

Psst...if ur a Ms. I hope you dun have balls... :)

23:24:08 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Dope II:

Obviously it's only because you have Knish.

23:30:02 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Blood Stained Hurricane:

We love Knish :) but not in a gei kinda way and I wouldnt say only him Bran lent a lot of nazzies :P

23:34:21 Nov 20th 08 - Prince Heavensfrontdoor:

najs sloth atleast i will be on top 10 this era and u will be VERI DED !?

23:35:02 Nov 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Ender Wiggin


11/20/2008 6:22:10 PM
Psst...if ur a Ms. I hope you dun have balls... :)
Its ok he doesn't ;)

23:36:34 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Snoppiora:

Hmm, Aurora hasnt even starting attack you yet lol

23:38:27 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Blood Stained Hurricane:

This is revenge that posted he gets confused easily ;)

23:44:58 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Dope II:

Poor Lew she has balls :(

23:46:11 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Blood Stained Hurricane:

Lew he said something bad hit him :)

00:13:39 Nov 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Sir Blood Stained Hurricane


11/20/2008 6:38:27 PM
This is revenge that posted he gets confused easily ;)
Yeah I know it is Revenge...and I keep to my statement ;)

00:26:09 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Knish:

Everybody loves me :)

But actually, I'm just a third tier mage. Probably not even that... 

00:32:40 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Dope II:

People are not loved depending on their skill, otherwise even Zeta would be shouting his love for me from the rooftops.

00:52:43 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

   gratz on bumping one of fates merges , but what about the ones busting in the western blocker?  ah well, be happy while you can :)

01:03:11 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

Revenge, Retribution will be beaten eventually.

Face it, your kingdom is this era's entertainment dish. Everyone is just basically toying around with you guys, taking their time, etc. The Fate merge you bounced probably contained 1/3 of their forces only.

Ultimately, I don't think anyone wants to force Retribution to disband... like my kingdom :P

01:17:24 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Flop:

The Bigger Loser is Septim in disguise?

never seen someone *beep* and troll so much. forgive me :)

01:18:38 Nov 21st 08 - Necromancer Apprentice:

27 days left.. u think we really care about beating u guys fast?? were in no rush..

01:42:44 Nov 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Septim isn't serious half of the time ;) anyone would know that.  Septim doesn't troll last time I checked.  Cobra trolls the best.  No we won't "forgive you" XD

01:46:19 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Pilosa:

Revenge, Retribution will be beaten eventually.

Hah. We have you right where we want you.

gratz on bumping one of fates merges , but what about the ones busting in the western blocker?

Have you checked YOUR blockers lately? Hmm. On second thought, nothing to see.....

01:55:29 Nov 21st 08 - Necromancer Apprentice:

the whole thing is just an ego thread trying to save some dignity by saying they beat one army out of the thousands they have lost "_" congrats

02:24:18 Nov 21st 08 - Sir Blood Stained Hurricane:

I dont count losing cities as armies so we havent lost a thousand just yet ;)

02:32:23 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killstone:


Battles won: 454
Battles lost: 399

Players: 25
Mr. Katsumoto
Mr. Bogdan
Mr. Pilosa
Mr. Zii
Sir Blood Stained Hurricane
Pirate Lewatha
Dark Lord Osiris
Sir Zek
Mr. David
Mr. Dakarius
Sir Bran The Ignorant
Sir Van Dry
Mr. Grim
Sir Gilth
Sir Thomaas
Mr. Knigh
Mr. Killstone
Mr. Luis Funes
Mr. Slave
Mr. Shandar
Mr. Khalifa
Mr. Kilroy Mcsuckybottom
Mr. Knish
Mr. Qassim
Ms. Sloth The Girl


thousands? i see only 399 losses. between all the kingdoms we have fought (PKS Fusion Heaven Aurora Fate Rejects) thats 66.5 losses from each kingdom =P gj guys... *claps* bravo!

heh and heaven still cant take my armory

Heirax & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander: Duke Loren Soth Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Heaven
Size: Corps (Around 50,000)
Status: Camping


gj guys keep trying :) youl lget it eventually

02:38:53 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

But close.


02:53:36 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killstone:

close to a thousand loses or close to taking it? either way no to both :)

04:29:28 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Onomatopoeia:

Killstone, I'll ask it again...DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE *beep* A HYPERBOLE IS?

05:01:27 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killstone:

i do know what a hyperbole is... but i do not recall being asked this a first time.

what is your point?

05:11:31 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Wow, that was really mature to create this thread.... Just cuz your losing doesn't mean you have to whine about it.... And why are you including Aurora...?

Battles won: 284
Battles lost: 173

Battles won: 446
Battles lost: 237


Battles won: 349
Battles lost: 259


Battles won: 397
Battles lost: 408

Battles won: 454
Battles lost: 399

05:38:06 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

I was about to say it, but then Ruby did. Revenge hates us... What's wrong man? its a game, who cares

07:45:37 Nov 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

let me also note that this thread has been created without permission from RET leadership and that it is therefore not RET, but Revenge that is the person complaining and boasting about almost dying...

Though I do agree, FATE probably didn't expect that..

07:54:11 Nov 21st 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Actually, Arzun shouted at me in IRC and said he wanted me too make a new topic
He said If he didn't he would never talk to me again ='{

But the topic has a base, we still havn't been beaten
So bite me :P

And to the people that say Aurora hasnt started , look again nubbies

South east

08:47:59 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Ha ha even Lew isn't taking responsibility for you Revenge ☺

08:51:06 Nov 21st 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

H pwns!! Victory shall be ours!

09:11:40 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Qassim:

LOL stewie actually it was Free who pwns he did most of the work taking most of our mines in that area and Ender helped him out with that and thats probably the only thing H have done right so far against RET

09:34:44 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Knish:

Necromancer Apprentice


11/20/2008 11:18:38 PM
27 days left.. u think we really care about beating u guys fast?? were in no rush..

You care, it's just that you can't rush this... Who would you fight? Let's see how fun it will be farming for the rest of the era, for no other reason but to elect the greatest farmer. (I have nothing against farmers, that's just luck.)

@Mr. Oziiach: Where did you read a complaint, or anything remotely whining in this thread? You're just grumpy... And Aurora did the dirty work for you all, so you could farm for the first 1/4 era. That's why they're mentioned. Fusion died, so they don't get even that. (Oops, not they did...)

15:06:01 Nov 21st 08 - Necromancer Apprentice:

that's exaclty what im saying knish i want it to be a slower war because when its over it just becomes farming the longer u guys survive the longer troops are massed produced so bravo "_", Revenge stop being an *beep*, Emogirl Kudos on disowning Revenge

15:23:11 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:


16:13:37 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killstone:

I am jsut comingm 9into the public forums to talk about this era this last time.

With this post i want to give my congrats to Heaven/Aurora/PKS/Fate for an era well played.

I am not complaining waht so ever I am just going to state how i saw this era play out.

Heaven PKS Aurora and Fate all ended up with atelast a CF with each other (altho its probobly safe to say a NAP) while Ret and LGC started off warring KO and Aurora. Aurora fell due to the 2 v 1 and KO was still being fought when fate started sending armies. Ret and LGC knew that PKS and probobly Heaven would follow them. Ret decided to end the war with KO and have a CF. Then the 4 v 2 began (not counting KO cause i didnt see much from them at all but who knows what they actually did). LGC soon fell (and msotly died) due to the 500k fate merge. Ret saw the problem that was coming and started trainnig troops to stop it while trying to stop PKS and Heaven (both of which who had a 100-200k merge and  ithink heavens was 500k at one point)

Going on the defensive ret was able to gather enoguh troops to defend. After a bit of defensive action, Ret had enough troops to possibly start on offensive on both fronts. We advanced. The merge agaisnt fate ended being beaten back to the defensive, while the merge up at PKS/Heaven hit. PKS and Heaven were weak but side dooring us and threatening to take our mines. Despite the efforts to try and get some people to send troops voer there, no one did. Heaven came in and swept through our mines over there and even some armories. (good job to Heaven btw) While our emrge went up and took some mines from PKS. Due to not being able to get CW we were not able to advance very far through PKS and had to retreat.

I am still holding out in my armory like a few other people are, but in the end i only see a loss.

I want to also give some congrats to the people in Ret and LGC. As far as i could see we kept fighting and we will keep fighting. As far as the war went both sides fought well but the scale seemed a bit unbalanced (not complaining its jsut the way it goes sometimes :) ). I look forward to next era when we can try and proove ourselves again as a better kingdom :)

Again this was not a complaint whatsoever just stating how i saw the era went up till now and giving congrats where it was due.


PS sorry for any grammar or spelling errors i dont want to proof read it haha

17:12:58 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  Fair enough killstone, I always felt like Ret piggybacked on legacy to much, but no one can deny that you're making a good final stand.  see you next era  :)   

   P.S, if we start anywhere near each other I want a one on one oop war. xD

17:19:44 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killstone:

heh ok this is my alst post *is addicted*

We may have needed LGC to help us but if a kingdom has no relations then they will die (unless they are godly at this game) PKS and Fate/carnage have always been NAPed id be surprised if it ever cahnged which is anotehr example of people needing naps to survive.

and id be willing for a one on one but its up to lew :)

and i by the time i finished my last psot i forgot i was gonna say this. But  iwanted to apologize for the flaming i did on the public forums the past couple days. If there are 3 things that really get on my nerves its losing, people gloating or other people bragging about me losing, (yes i know i do it too but it stil lbugs me haha *is a hypocrite*) and my family ;)

but im sorry for flaming and making me seem to think ret is all high and mighty i really dont think that :) there are other good kingdoms out there but Ret has potential which i believe has been shown this era

17:29:05 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Mr. Qassim


11/21/2008 1:11:40 AM

LOL stewie actually it was Free who pwns he did most of the work taking most of our mines in that area and Ender helped him out with that and thats probably the only thing H have done right so far against RET

He recently joined us and is basically coming from a useless income, so he's definately doing well so far

17:42:02 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

Ahem *cough*

Fitesalot, will Aurora be around next era? :P

17:47:59 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

dam, I guess I'll have to fight them in a different kd :)

18:19:49 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

Revenge. You are SO wrong! Fate, Heaven and Pks OWN!
Only Aurora really sucks xD.
We're actually going to sit back and farm for the rest of the era, then just before era ends we're all gonna leave the kd so Impnub can take our cities and win the era. Then we're gonna disband. Sorry guys for making our plan public, but its just such a lame plan!

18:25:42 Nov 21st 08 - Sir Bran The Ignorant:

why arent i surprised?

19:03:41 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

    why would anyone be surprised? you've been predicting it all era, we're going to crawl into our hidey-hole and farm it like it's hot :)

19:23:42 Nov 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Rofl @ Penguin - That was pure awesomeness!

19:27:57 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

:) pwn lol

19:28:30 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

that's exaclty what im saying knish i want it to be a slower war because when its over it just becomes farming the longer u guys survive the longer troops are massed produced so bravo "_", Revenge stop being an *beep*, Emogirl Kudos on disowning Revenge


w8 a mint wernt you defending your alliance with we will break it after ret and lgc are dead and fight each othere hahaha i knew it.... Farm Farm Farm FOR THE WIN!!

19:47:08 Nov 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Penguiiiiin Powa!

20:32:57 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

wtf deleted :(((

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