Forums / In game politics / Federation Era XLVI

Federation Era XLVI
06:48:41 Apr 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Last chance...

join or die...

The Federation

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Federation
Members: 20
Created: 12/25/2009 5:05:18 AM
Leader: Lord Uther Pendragon

Well i take that back, we cant kill everyone anymore because of the worlds not being connecting, but still.

I strongly advise joining because i will find a way to kill you even if you aren't on my world.


07:03:22 Apr 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Joining this kingdom will be the best mistake of your life. By the time you will leave you will only know how to play this game with minimum diplomacy and you will then be ruined and will not know how to play like the rest of VU


07:31:09 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

I have to disagree, I've learned a lot more just from being in it. I love this KD and everything apart of it. 


07:37:29 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Selos:

best of luck kaze you've gotten infinitely better at this game then when you first joined i was proud to fight beside and im jealous that the federation has you know i hope they soon realize that you are a high caliber player now

best of luck my friend,

07:44:22 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Likewise koss, I had great people to learn from [you and the others from bio]. I always enjoyed fighting alongside with you and the rest of the old bio members, it was always fun. Who knows, we might be fighting for the same flag again sometime in the future, and kicking some ass again like old times.

Best of luck to you and your whole KD


15:26:04 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Han Solo:

Hey I remember Biohazard. That was a good kingdom except when Dorian Empire killed us off. Well I did not die I actually joined Fruits and Vegetables along with someone else. I cant remember his name but he helped me join them.

22:56:01 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Selos:

you joined fruits and vegetables with kell (now fafnir) that was a fun era

01:49:59 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Luke Skywalker:

It sure was. Loved it cuz i had 100k warlords =) my first 100k army ever. Like seriously no joke. I wonder where fafnir is now.

02:00:56 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Koss:

last i checked he's in the guild of the fallen, me burninglegion and heripy are in antifederation, i lost theo, kaze shadow are in the federation

i lost the rest of the old bio people

02:06:26 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

I am with GoTF now.  Who are you.

02:19:04 Apr 5th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yeah Shadow has appeared to be sort of inactive but i know where his loyalties lie. Though i do not promote low activity i do allow it if you just let me know if you will be inactive.

02:41:26 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Luke Skywalker:

Mr. Fafnir


20:06:26 Apr 4th 10
I am with GoTF now.  Who are you.


sun warrior king or rosahn the black heart

05:47:40 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

I remember you

07:42:34 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Koss:

i do as well you went to dorian empire  who we also ended up warring the very next era along with rebirth and retribution

16:11:56 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Luke Skywalker:

Yeah good times. I loved Dorian Empire. Sir Santa and Sir evans were really cool people. I wonder if they still play.

16:40:00 Apr 5th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yes they do...

or last time i checked they did.
I would imagine that they would still be moving around somewhere.

17:12:24 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Samual The Wise:

I seem to remember hearing of Santa doing something last era so I would assume he still plays, but evan's I do not know about 


18:02:26 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

Yeah what happened to Santa, Evans, and Fox?

20:35:11 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Own Mafia:


12:32:05 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

yeah i was inactive last era. but im back now and rarin to go. gonna be good times.

12:39:28 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

if you are referring to satanclausas then he was in "The Unbreakables" last era, he told me he would join Dendari.

18:00:04 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

Naa this is a different player, unless he changed his name but I don't think it is the same one =P. 

18:22:30 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

oki. Never looked at his history tho.

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