Forums / In game politics / Felix Legions (next era)

Felix Legions (next era)
23:57:38 Oct 8th 08 - General Manna:

I am looking for someone to be king with me as vice, i have a named picked out for the king and one for myself. mail me if you want to be king or say so here and we will talk about it.


also you are welcome to join, we might need another vice, it depends on how many players we will have.


also the king will get to choose which world we play on.

00:19:05 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:


00:42:06 Oct 9th 08 - Ms. Holly:

What is the name of the king?

01:37:34 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:


02:49:36 Oct 9th 08 - General Manna:

Marcus Aurelius

03:02:57 Oct 9th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

It is sad a girl cannot become the Leader..

How about your flag? Is it attractive? :)

03:15:07 Oct 9th 08 - General Manna:

i'm still looking and never said a gril can't be leader, i can get a queen name if need be.

03:19:55 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Mozart:

Were you strong in the next era? Anyways, I'll interested to try a new kingdom, and this sounds nice, a new kingdom.

03:20:12 Oct 9th 08 - General Manna:

queen name is Faustina Aurelius

03:24:38 Oct 9th 08 - General Manna:

18:13:37 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

hmmmmmmmmm.Well i think you not being King is good.then when you hop they wont disband,

18:44:33 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*becomes king...disbands...laughs evilly*

but yeah...what would keep someone from acting like Mr. niceleaderguy and disband the KD halfway through the era for kicks? :p

19:41:39 Oct 9th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

because it'd be a waste of time on some random lower world?

21:36:20 Oct 9th 08 - General Manna:

because i am looking for a real leader, some one to step up and show the rest of us how it is done.

22:31:53 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

then why wouldn't you join a kingdom?

22:41:15 Oct 9th 08 - General Manna:

hmmm, because this way i can make one and learn an easier way than being bossed around in another kd and actually have some say so in what is going on and what is to happen.

22:53:16 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

General Manna


10/9/2008 9:36:20 PMbecause i am looking for a real leader, some one to step up and show the rest of us how it is do

General Manna


10/9/2008 10:41:15 PMhmmm, because this way i can make one and learn an easier way than being bossed around in another kd and actually have some say so in what is going on and what is to happen.

these two kinda contradict eachother.
first, you want a good leader that steps up for his cause, though you do not want the same leader to order you arround for that cause. (a leader that does what he wants to do, does order people arround, coz without anyone doing it, it wont be done)

second you wanna learn, but in the same time have a say in whats going on (if u haven't learned it yet, it isnt wise to have a say in whats going on)

third, vices don't really have a say in anything, atleast..not in my kingdom. they just take it over in my absence, and I ask them for advice, ofcourse if they convince me they're advice will be put into action. beside that they also make war plans, take care of members, diplomacy and other stuff..
but do remember that the king mostly has the final say in things, so if u don't want anyone above yourself, that will tell you what to do. why do you want a king then??..just a symbol?? someone who you can manipulate in the background?? :)..well, i've said enough.

ps, i really much appreciate the work my vices do for me (so..i hope i didnt offended one of you)

23:48:56 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

gally is lying, i really pull the strings in the Kingdom, gally is only king as he makes us nice cookies

12:34:25 Oct 10th 08 - General Manna:

i never went the leader not ordering me around, i'm talking about if i joined another kd, i wouldn't want anyone else telling me what to do except leader.

i didn't make decisions, i meant just be able to say what i think about what ever thing comes up and be heard.

02:28:05 Oct 14th 08 - General Test Run:

i'm still lookin, if no one wants to be king/queen, then i will take my only offer up.

03:07:59 Oct 14th 08 - General Test Run:

ok i have a leader maybe, now i need some players. you don't have to be great just some exp. we will prob be going to fant.

03:30:13 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Mpesh:

i might join

03:43:04 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Manna, good luck in your kingdom.

What I said still stands though, if nothing works, there's always a place for you in my KD.

06:11:07 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Wow, did nobody else notice Kath post?....

Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer


10/9/2008 12:13:37 PM
hmmmmmmmmm.Well i think you not being King is good.then when you hop they wont disband,

Talking about disbanding......And multiing....and poor leadership...and poor strategy.... and, well you get the point......

Edit: I hope you learned some things this era Manna :-/ Good luck to you and your kingdom though :-) I wish you the best of luck.

12:35:54 Oct 14th 08 - General Test Run:

yeah i won't need to much for the kd, just for me.

also about that hoping thing, i only hoped once at the start of an era, so that is old try updating your info and say something else ;)

03:53:56 Oct 15th 08 - General Test Run:

come on people, i still am looking for some players :D

13:24:11 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

I'll be king! :D

20:09:15 Oct 15th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Talking about disbanding......And multiing....and poor leadership...and poor strategy.... and, well you get the point......

I didnt disband i moved world....I didnt multy....and you claim poor leadership and strategy whilst knowing nothing about our leader ship OR strategy.people like you make Fuzzy (a good KD) look bad.

21:56:28 Oct 15th 08 - General Test Run:

how did i make fuzzy look bad? all i did was leave them at start of era.......

04:51:12 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Not you Dummy lol.Rubyian.or atleast i thihnk rubyian is in Fuzzy.I aint got nothing against you calm down lol.

22:08:10 Oct 16th 08 - General Test Run:

lol, my bad i was like wtf?

15:28:44 Oct 20th 08 - General Test Run:

come people, you don't have to be the best on here to join, just mail me if you want in or if you have any questions.

15:35:26 Oct 20th 08 - Mr. Partypooper:

Mr. Rubyian


10/14/2008 6:11:07 AMWow, did nobody else notice Kath post?....

Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer


10/9/2008 12:13:37 PM
hmmmmmmmmm.Well i think you not being King is good.then when you hop they wont disband,

Talking about disbanding......And multiing....and poor leadership...and poor strategy.... and, well you get the point......

Edit: I hope you learned some things this era Manna :-/ Good luck to you and your kingdom though :-) I wish you the best of luck.

LOL, that's right on it!!!!!!

16:04:22 Oct 20th 08 - General Test Run:

.... ok?

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