Forums / In game politics / Flames

22:46:22 Jun 5th 07 - Mr. Fafnir:


Well the one hit wonder is back! but in a different style. Next Era, or possibly this one, I will restart Flames. Yes, the gloriuse Orange banner will be back! As Leader I shall try to make appropriate descisions and teach the newer players how to play better. World domination sounds good, but that's every KDs goal! I also want to know if any of my old members will be coming back.


00:09:33 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Stiltskin:

I thought it was Erica's? : (

01:22:50 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

what a rip off!  nice timing!

04:03:51 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Fafnir:

To clear up any crap
The Second Era of Sparker, the FIRST TIME Flames EVER appeared in VU!
1.Sir FafnirFlamesDwarf1237716
2.Mr. RemigijusFlamesTroll862684
3.Mr. AgamemnonFlamesHalfling777374

06:49:08 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

* flames thread

13:42:30 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

Delete it! Delete it!

13:45:34 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Rei:

fafnir that doesn't prove that you are leader...

and... you again? bets are on again, once again i will bet that you will disband till the second week, history agrees with me, since you never manage to keep the kingdom that long, so i always won till now... wondering who i am? i think you know...

14:10:10 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

hey fafnir its me KK remember me? =D long time no see!

cool that your making flames again

17:13:01 Jun 6th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Your not the real Fafnir! Faker!!! you *beep!*ing fake!!!

17:19:17 Jun 6th 07 - Lord Arzun:

1. Sir Fafnir Flames Dwarf 1237716
2. Mr. Remigijus Flames Troll 862684
3. Mr. Agamemnon Flames Halfling 777374
4. Mr. Kleppe Mafia Rise of --v V v-- Dwarf 633828
5. Mr. Pokemon dont remember anything cool Troll 620512
6. Mr. Malakas Aliens Human 450264
7. Mr. Arma Dark Iron Troll 429939
8. Mr. John Piere Lenard Aliens Elf 409965
9. Mr. Conte Orcolone Kingdom o f Heaven Troll 361697
10. Mr. Kira Yamato Forgotten Warriors Troll 352853
11. Mr. Heaven Kingdom o f Heaven Halfling 331826
12. Mr. Kain Pharaohs of Egypt Elf 314716
13. Mr. Arzun Pharaohs of Egypt Dwarf 313336
14. Dark Lord Sekker Rise of --v V v-- Human 311763
15. Mr. Ass Kicker Rise of --v V v-- Dwarf 305800
16. Mr. Lionheart Dark Iron Orc 287662
17. Mr. Fourteen Forgotten Warriors Human 253837
18. Mr. Greendeath dont remember anything cool Human 233043
19. Mr. Tlomiew Human 231084
20. Mr. Sharpty Dark Iron Human 230982
21. Mr. Ghaarok Troll 207355
22. Mr. Azim Terasija Kingdom o f Heaven Orc 186652
23. Mr. Particulizer The Dirty Rebels Dwarf 182210
24. Mr. Mumuchan Forgotten Warriors Elf 169478
25. Mr. Derwin Pharaohs of Egypt Human 168221

18:38:00 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

alright to see who the real fafnir is i have a question!

what does my nickname stand for and what is my nickname?

whoever answers taht correctly wins

PS. PM me with the answer dont post here

19:08:15 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Fafnir:

1st Condinho, I disbanded because too many ppl left and we didn't stand a chance in Fant.....Rei......also, I beat you=P You got fifth that era, and guess who got first =D. You know what i'm talking about......

Killstone I am guessing you are KK, or Killer King....

19:56:12 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

that is right but you didnt PM it =\ ah well

erica did you know that answer?

20:10:59 Jun 6th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

its nirvana.. any nub kd can get first lol <3

20:22:24 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Rei:

faf don't even remember to see you in fant last era...did you make it to the end? what was your position? 200? i ended in 19th brat... hahaha

20:37:10 Jun 6th 07 - Ms. Emogirl:

poor guy =(


stop flaming him =(

21:03:25 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Rei:

lol, we are good friends, no worries... it's just that he is a huge brat with an enormous ego...with nothing to back it up... and he already made flames like 3 times(or at least he already commanded other kingdoms) and they never last much, not a single one reached 2 weeks!

21:30:35 Jun 6th 07 - Lord Argyle:

Go Flames!!!!!! and good luck Fafnir!!

22:10:12 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Fafnir:

ok.....well now that is over. BTW Creamed mantrax....but after half my players quit....went to other KDs Flames didn't stand a chance in Fant so I disbanded. Also Rei it has lasted like 3 full eras! What are you talking about?

Now BACK TO THE POINT, Flames will be back next era and I hope that some of my old members will be back. Long Live Flames!

23:30:56 Jun 6th 07 - Lord Oogalybooogalyboo:

good luck, and welcome back

00:10:37 Jun 7th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

/me flicks oogaboogaloo with ruberbands

you were supposed to fleym him. : (

07:13:37 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. Draven The Naked:

Flames dominated Mantrax, i should know i was in it :P i hold no grudges against Fafnir (New). We broke up because of internal problems, wasn't his fault and he couldn't control it. We did lose alot of good players, with the way Flames dominated in Mantrax, it would have been interesting to see it in Fantasia. But it wasn't meant to be at that time. Good luck Faf, hope this time it works for ya ;)

07:28:24 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. William II:

its so much easier to own mantrax then Fant.... my DR owned Mantrax to.

08:08:48 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. Phantom Liano:

ye i admit it the owned every city in mantrax truthfully, and dr owned mantrax ofcourse we did

14:19:04 Jun 7th 07 - Prince Tharok Bonecrusher:

DR owned mantrax because they had 80+ members.  When half the starting players are in a kingdom its not that difficult of a feat ;-)  Although as I recall, mantrax was only four blocks when Flames its four times that size, making complete domination a much more respectable accomplishment.

16:02:38 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. William II:

yeah... i know it was hard to handle... but its a good thing we did survive!

21:50:43 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

stop the domination you *beep*s

08:21:56 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Take The Naked:

I would say something here, cept that good man, Draven already said it right 'enuff and much more elegantly than I ever could..

Oh and erica...stay away from draven! He doesn't fancy you :P

21:01:21 Jun 10th 07 - Sir Scientist:

Good Luck
Fafnir you have been the silver lining to Freedom Fighters for a few eras now, good luck with Flames once more. You are a much more experienced and respected leader than I and will do well.

Anyone thinking of joining this kingdom will do themselves well, they will learn the basics of the game and then some. So I would recommend this kingdom to anyone I come across, join him, he is a good leader and a good player...........

20:44:22 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

I'm joining

20:54:35 Jun 24th 07 - Duke Mielo:

wow ... I bet this was the shortest era for flames ;) ... or are you still planning on continuing this

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