Forums / In game politics / Freedom fighters 2?

Freedom fighters 2?
05:09:39 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Momo Wolfe:

there are two freedom fighters, one in valhalla, one in Zetamania and the other in valhalla! they should fight each other!

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Mayhem Project Mayhem 19 Mr. Mayhem 9166
Dark Dark 28 Monarch Vicereine of Wickedness 8101
Yum Spaghetti 13 Sir Spoon 4653
IPF Internal Primates Forever 17 Lord Primate Death 4520
NINJA Shadow Assassins 11 Ms. Jade 2309
FF Freedom Fighters 7 Psychotic Scientist 536
STU StrengthThroughUnity 2 Mr. Allamericanhero 1
HOORAH The Military 4 Mr. Military 0

Kingdoms in Valhalla
KBW Knights of the Black and White 8 Duke Hugues of Sion 57
FF Freedom Fighterz 1 Mr. Stroke 15
BC black chain training program 2 Mr. Koss 4
Under Underworld 2 Mr. Kellstar 3

05:28:35 Feb 17th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Fight !! Fight!! Fight!!

05:29:01 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Mayhem:

....your joking right?

05:51:03 Feb 17th 09 - Demonslayer John Berkeley:

You are that bored?

06:00:03 Feb 17th 09 - Duke Herodotus of Halicarnassus:

Will the clone of FF have a Demonslayer and Septim clone as members?

06:02:11 Feb 17th 09 - Demonslayer John Berkeley:

We obviously had nothing better to we will all make multies and buy titles to go with them.  Then we will confuse the enemy that way.  They will never figure it out...


but then again they have all this time to spare...

19:34:05 Feb 17th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:


Which one do I go with!?





*gets all sweaty*

I'm not ready to make this kind of decision!

*begins slapping himself*

Get a grip, Septim, you've been through worse...

*slams his head into a wall*

C'mon man, you can handle this! YOU CAN HANDLE THIS!

*pulls out a revolver and pulls the hammer back*

I can't take the stress!!!

*aims the revolver at himself, pulls the trigger, and nothing happens*

You're forgetting to load the gun, YOU'RE FORGETTING TO LOAD THE GUN!!!

*loads the revolver, pulls the hammer back, and shoots Berkeley on accident, killing him*

Oh crap...OH CRAP!

*begins slapping himself*

YOU idi0t! YOU idi0t!

*becomes surrounded by police cruisers and a helicopter hovers overhead*

You'll never take me away!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

*pulls the hammer back and shoots a bullet at a cruiser, he is instantly shot by many of the cops and falls to the ground, dead*


*another Septim clone comes*

"Jeeze...what happened here?" he asks.

"That Septim clone went nuts when he learned of an FF clone..." says a policeman.


*eye twitch*


*eye twitch*


*begins the process all over again...*

10:57:18 Feb 18th 09 - Duke Slade:


Nice Septim nice

00:55:48 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Valkyrie:


01:15:08 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Valkyrie:


Scientist has disbanded the kingdom!

:'(    /cry

06:58:09 Feb 21st 09 - Sir Moroten:


no comment...

07:01:48 Feb 21st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

WOW septim...that was nice xD

13:49:32 Feb 21st 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

lol septim

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