Forums / In game politics / Fu** em!

Fu** em!
22:33:45 Sep 16th 08 - General Zondervan:

JOIN *beep* EM!

you got someone you hate or very much dislike then join me and we will kill them together!

22:35:05 Sep 16th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

accept looks like heaven will be beeping you pretty soon....

22:36:08 Sep 16th 08 - General Zondervan:

looks like i don't give a crap anymore what any one thinks except those in my kd, so *beep* EM! :)

01:57:35 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

This is your what 5th KD this era? Dont join this guy, he'll just leave you.

03:29:32 Sep 17th 08 - General Manna:

i didn't leave anyone *beep*! watch your *beep*ing mouth!

SK- they started leaving to join others or just left and didn't respong to messages.

Fuzzy- all ready explained and that is no longer a concern.

DeD- they suggested a merge not me, so we were going to vote, but it seems they had no communication and didn't even respond or vote. and those that did vote (2) didn't care either way. so we disbanded.


so next time before you say something you better know what your talking about first.


and this is my 4th, not 5th. stupid nub can't even count.

03:37:14 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

General Manna


9/16/2008 10:29:32 PM

SK- they started leaving to join others or just left and didn't respong to messages.

Now why does that remind me of when I was in it? Oh yeah...because it was going down the hole -_- *applause for Slade* ☺

07:07:36 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

haha, you switched again ;)

Fuzzy - well, he joined us..and left us after looking at everything in our forum, and giving us the impression that he would stay. ofcourse I still think ur a traitor. But ur actually a traitor three times already this era :). I think u didn't had fate in fuzzy, and u were just a little member, so when ur old friends of Sk asked u back and said u could become King. u just couldn't resist, could you? ;)

Sk - you were too scared of all the ppl from MAD that were going to attack you. to safe yourself you disbanned it and joined DeD

DeD - unoftunately, ppl still kill you, even if you switch Kd's.. so you joining DeD didn't stop anyone to take over ur city's, but what happens now.. DeD's main core is like surrounded by huge army's.. our General start getting scared again. when it gets too much he disbanns so he can betray the trust that all those members gave him again.

Well, I know which award i'm gonna give you :D

07:49:35 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

General Manna


9/16/2008 7:29:32 PM

i didn't leave anyone *beep*! watch your *beep*ing mouth!

SK- they started leaving to join others or just left and didn't respong to messages.

Fuzzy- all ready explained and that is no longer a concern.

DeD- they suggested a merge not me, so we were going to vote, but it seems they had no communication and didn't even respond or vote. and those that did vote (2) didn't care either way. so we disbanded.


so next time before you say something you better know what your talking about first.


and this is my 4th, not 5th. stupid nub can't even count.

It seems i have hit a sensitive spot : )

I wasn't sure whether it was 4th or 5th, but either way it is too much to be able to defend your reputation.

Has this KD disbanded yet btw? ; )


08:20:05 Sep 17th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

it has disbanded and he resigned.

08:21:00 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen


9/17/2008 3:20:05 AM
it has disbanded and he resigned.
This new kingdom? O_o

09:17:42 Sep 17th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

>_< what other kingdom would i be referring to charley?  >_>,

12:35:11 Sep 17th 08 - General Manna:

Sir Gallyon


9/17/2008 1:07:36 AM
haha, you switched again ;)

Fuzzy - well, he joined us..and left us after looking at everything in our forum, and giving us the impression that he would stay. ofcourse I still think ur a traitor. But ur actually a traitor three times already this era :). I think u didn't had fate in fuzzy, and u were just a little member, so when ur old friends of Sk asked u back and said u could become King. u just couldn't resist, could you? ;)

Sk - you were too scared of all the ppl from MAD that were going to attack you. to safe yourself you disbanned it and joined DeD

DeD - unoftunately, ppl still kill you, even if you switch Kd's.. so you joining DeD didn't stop anyone to take over ur city's, but what happens now.. DeD's main core is like surrounded by huge army's.. our General start getting scared again. when it gets too much he disbanns so he can betray the trust that all those members gave him again.

Well, I know which award i'm gonna give you :D


SK- they all died i was by myself, ask them. so it was for the kd.

Fuzzy- yes i couldn't resist. i'm not a traitor. (i didn't give out anf info now did i)

DeD- members in the kd asked for a merge because we had no communication and only 4 of us were reading the forum. So we had no plan and they don't even respond to waypoints.



18:42:18 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

I can't argue Zonder's csae regarding his other points but I do not believe he had any other option but to disband DeD.

20:29:05 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

General Manna


9/17/2008 12:35:11 PM
Sir Gallyon


9/17/2008 1:07:36 AM
haha, you switched again ;)

Fuzzy - well, he joined us..and left us after looking at everything in our forum, and giving us the impression that he would stay. ofcourse I still think ur a traitor. But ur actually a traitor three times already this era :). I think u didn't had fate in fuzzy, and u were just a little member, so when ur old friends of Sk asked u back and said u could become King. u just couldn't resist, could you? ;)

Sk - you were too scared of all the ppl from MAD that were going to attack you. to safe yourself you disbanned it and joined DeD

DeD - unoftunately, ppl still kill you, even if you switch Kd's.. so you joining DeD didn't stop anyone to take over ur city's, but what happens now.. DeD's main core is like surrounded by huge army's.. our General start getting scared again. when it gets too much he disbanns so he can betray the trust that all those members gave him again.

Well, I know which award i'm gonna give you :D


SK- they all died i was by myself, ask them. so it was for the kd.

Fuzzy- yes i couldn't resist. i'm not a traitor. (i didn't give out anf info now did i)

DeD- members in the kd asked for a merge because we had no communication and only 4 of us were reading the forum. So we had no plan and they don't even respond to waypoints.

haha :D, I've always loved arguing with you. you just admitted u became a traitor. Official statement, Traitor : 'Someone who joins a hostile(ya you guys were hostile) kingdom while the era has started (ya it started for 2 ticks:p)  dirty powersearching guy with a bad reputation!

oh, even if everyone dies..that still doesnt give u a reason to disbann it :p.. I mean, if Fuzzy would restart on Starta or something, we would have to die first right :p.. and well, even if we were to do that, I wouldn't disbann.. I mean, every Succesfull kingdom has died once.. if you disbann then..then it'll never become succesfull ;p

22:15:49 Sep 17th 08 - General Manna:

to bad DeD never really was my kd nor was SK :)


also everyone sees a traitor differently. :)

23:19:04 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

FU *beep* em 2 General Manna 0

Still around... For whoever said they disbanded

23:28:24 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen


9/17/2008 4:17:42 AM
>_< what other kingdom would i be referring to charley?  >_>,
Jeez Phoenix, I simply went to the KD page and found him -_- so idk what KD you were referring to -_-

03:52:36 Sep 18th 08 - Mr. Kilroy Moistbottom:

04:08:24 Sep 18th 08 - General Manna:

lol, i got that name off of a dominoes

04:33:57 Sep 18th 08 - Duke Slade:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/17/2008 5:37:14 AM
General Manna


9/16/2008 10:29:32 PM

SK- they started leaving to join others or just left and didn't respong to messages.

Now why does that remind me of when I was in it? Oh yeah...because it was going down the hole -_- *applause for Slade* ☺


Charley see how about you *beep* off you god damn Nub

see it wasnt my fault i had to move it wasnt my fault that SK died it was PJ <----- Can you read that *beep* face PJ!!!!!!

how about you Drop it and just shut your mouth your a stupid little Nub also a hypocrite

"Shake your a nub and all you do is run your mouth"


04:59:59 Sep 18th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus: did you not notice the smilie? I was joking you tool -_- I know it wasn't your damn fault O_o jeez you think all the times we argued about it you would finally realize that...and who are you calling a nub?

06:22:34 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

FU*beep* em3General Manna1

Three whole members already o.O I'm guessing none of them read these forums or something... If all of SK was dead, you should have just restarted on a different world instead of merging.... Thats not even an excuse.... Now instead of still being the leader of Sk with only a claim that your a traitor, you are now a king for the 3rd time this era and the first 2 kingdoms are now gone. You don't deserve to run a kingdom, you don't have the skills for it. With your language and undependability you don't even deserve to be a vice. I hope to see your new kingdom fail and die as soon as possible and I hope that everyone will know to no longer join any kingdom that gives you a leadership role.

08:17:57 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Ouch... BURRRRNNNN!!!!

12:40:14 Sep 19th 08 - General Manna:

Mr. Rubyian


9/19/2008 12:22:34 AM

FU *beep* em 3 General Manna 1

Three whole members already o.O I'm guessing none of them read these forums or something... If all of SK was dead, you should have just restarted on a different world instead of merging.... Thats not even an excuse.... Now instead of still being the leader of Sk with only a claim that your a traitor, you are now a king for the 3rd time this era and the first 2 kingdoms are now gone. You don't deserve to run a kingdom, you don't have the skills for it. With your language and undependability you don't even deserve to be a vice. I hope to see your new kingdom fail and die as soon as possible and I hope that everyone will know to no longer join any kingdom that gives you a leadership role.


call me what you want i know longer care because i know what i am and what i am not. and everyone makes mistakes they regret. i think one of mine was joining fuzzy, because you guys are the ones you talk about me when others just move on about it. so i think either your jealous or your just plain out retarded, you choose you know which you are.

and technically this is MY first kd this era, SK i was leading for someone else (also i didn't want to go to lower world), DeD i woke up one worning and they left and i was leader and with that i had to take charge and did by getting me a vice that would help out. so we me and him sent out mails posted in the forum and we got 2 responses. so THEY decided to disband and i said yes.

and you hope my new kd fails and dies. watch us rule! we are at war with SK and will kill them. we will not fail because we have communication and players that won't leave us. SO WATCH US RULE!

22:03:36 Sep 19th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

´´to bad DeD never really was my kd nor was SK :)


also everyone sees a traitor differently. :)´´

why do I NOT agree with that?? :p perhaps coz U were king of SK and DeD, and everyone excepts u, seems to think ur

22:55:19 Sep 19th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Kill SK =D

23:27:45 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Onkus:

SK's goin down, don't worry. and Rubyian, I'm not letting any kd I'm in fail, so prepare to see 3 members take over the entire map.

00:02:24 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

I have nothing against General Manna or you Onkus, just stating the facts :-/ I haven't been in personal contact with either of you and have no part in the leadership of any kingdom so this is just a personal statement.

If Manna/Zondervan has already given up on 2 kingdoms and left them he does not deserve to have any part in the leadership of another kingdom. The fact that he left both of them is a reflection of his personal character and quality as a player, and should be taken into account but thats not what I'm saying. Since he has already given up on 2 kingdoms, he doesn't deserve to lead another one until he has proven himself again. Letting him create, lead, and destroy kingdoms over and over isn't right, it just shows an immaturity and a drive for power and success. He needs to start over as a regular member and work his way back up instead of continually trying to leap to the top because he thinks he's good enough to be king. Whether or not he is good enough needs to be proven as a regular member, not as the leader of 2 failed kingdoms. He has so far shown nothing but failure at everything he has attempted this era including diplomacy, recruiting, leadership, strategy, and survival. Until he can prove that he can do all of those things successfully, he should not lead another kingdom. Correct me if I've stated anything wrong, but I think that that pretty much covers everything without a direct flame.....

00:30:29 Sep 20th 08 - General Manna:

i understand what you mean, but this time i will redeam myself, trust me i will.

also i didn't fail at everything this era, i did have diplomacy covered and even strategy, but without communication there is no use of strategy.

and not to sound dumb or anything but i didn't fail at killing myself, getting killed, killing 2 kds, not telling info about fuzzy, and prob more (just not very important stuff). :)



also i didn't give up on DeD.

08:38:37 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Vonhugenschlong:

Wow, new guy here what in holy hell did I get myself in the middle of lol.

Anyhoo, gluck to everyone....gonna need it.

08:52:29 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

I like that banner btw ;p

07:19:24 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Kakanas:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/17/2008 8:59:59 PM did you not notice the smilie? I was joking you tool -_- I know it wasn't your damn fault O_o jeez you think all the times we argued about it you would finally realize that...and who are you calling a nub?


ummm you i think XD

07:22:33 Sep 24th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...*hits Kakanas over the head with a large trout*

Silence underling!

22:30:18 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

 "I think either your jealous or your just plain out retarded, you choose you know which you are."

Well, i'm pretty sure they aren't jealous ; )

16:41:15 Oct 3rd 08 - Duke Elliott:

*slaps everybody with a big, wet trout*

17:18:13 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:


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