Forums / In game politics / Funny score system

Funny score system
00:37:35 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Buildings:1.3 mil (94% in Starta)
Nazz: about 40k
MUs: about 300k
Hammers: 200-250k
Gold & Stone: about 100mil
Kills: 2mil

Placed number 60 - the scoring system obviously needs to be revised. It incourages farmers of Fanta, only - and not the fighters - and this is mainly a fighting game.

00:38:51 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

This is 59th place - he he he

Mr. Festess of Foundation
Total land: 158400Batles won: 5Cities captured: 3
Total killed: 465Science lvls: 14Total troops: 26648

00:42:12 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Prised:

LOL yeah I had 40k naz fought 50 battles took 33 cities lost 6 battles all era had the #2 army on hoh and had only one real city most of the era BECAUSE IM AN ORC. What we learned is join an alliance like Ret, farm like a mad bastard, most importantly be a halfer or a dwarf. you will suck in the game but you will OWN THE LEADERBOARD lol.

00:43:26 Mar 28th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

94.Sir Metal of Elemental Sanctuary
Total land: 0Batles won: 156Cities captured: 98
Total killed: 120240Science lvls: 13Total troops: 0
F: 3%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%
M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

00:44:33 Mar 28th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

95.Mr. Yoh
Total land: 0Batles won: 0Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 0Science lvls: 0Total troops: 0
F: 14%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

00:44:45 Mar 28th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

work that out...dont play at all

00:48:17 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

Glad, the real people that matter know what you did, and THAT is all that matters. I agree you deserve more credit for the dominance...but for now you have to settle for 60th.

00:48:42 Mar 28th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

98.Mr. Fire of Fruits and Vegetables
Total land: 0Batles won: 0Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 0Science lvls: 0Total troops: 0
F: 5%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

00:48:44 Mar 28th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

its simple. if your not on fant forget the hoh because your map isnt important.

00:53:11 Mar 28th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Finwe...go shag a rugpile or do something useful.  EVERY players contribuion to VU is important

01:07:13 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Prised:

at this point im glad im quitting we got backstabbed by a nap and wiped them, absolutely dominated them and razed their entore core and most of their secondary core yet despite the fact that we owned them and warred right OOP we still were beaten in the rankings because they started on fant, LMAO ah well they can console themselves with that after being owned i guess.

01:08:52 Mar 28th 09 - Endless Delight:

Has anybody even read how the game is scored? if they did then this thread would not exist :p

04:21:49 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

noo - it must be a bug or something - look at no 95 - no builings & no army all together - you can assume then nothing is in Fanta; I still had about 50k buildings in Fanta - so probably I was higher ranked than those with lower no of buildings in Fanta;

even though - this is very poor scoring system - not because I am no 60 (dont care too much) - but how can you get 150k buildings & 266k troops stronger overall than 1.3 mil buildings wherever there are?

11:29:25 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:

it shows those players werent nuubt bashing....they took it onto the biggest and most fearsome world and i was gonna say your land drop must have put you down.....but u hav millions of buildings so forget it lol

12:47:00 Mar 28th 09 - Divine Sepelchure Grail:

Dark Lord Finwe


3/27/2009 11:48:44 PMits simple. if your not on fant forget the hoh because your map isnt important.

I think thats a really dumb comment. Fant KD's were warring with NON fant KD's also. Fant KD's that died were warring in lower worlds. imho ALL WORLDS had atleast one Fant level KD on them warring so .... explain why the rest of the worlds arent important?

i chuckled a bit also cause you spent this whole era on valhalla.

12:48:11 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 99% T: 0% M: 0%

The different world ofc...

12:49:23 Mar 28th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yes i spent the whole era doing nothing on valhalla and that makes the map less pointles? Fant is the only map that counts because its the ONLY map you can win on. the other maps have always been less important and the lowest ones are little more then a chance to mess around doing nothing.

12:52:22 Mar 28th 09 - Divine Sepelchure Grail:

O dw i thought you meant that players on worlds other than fant are irrelevant to the game and such.......

13:01:09 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Iridium:

Sir Justanius Fontainius


3/28/2009 10:29:25 AM

it shows those players werent nuubt bashing....they took it onto the biggest and most fearsome world and i was gonna say your land drop must have put you down.....but u hav millions of buildings so forget it lol

Not really... It shows the players who didnt leave Fant and whored... Most fighting on Fant stopped way before the end of the era.

Still, Fant should give the most score but currently the scores are screwed up...

Human63.Mr. Rix
Total land: 0 Batles won: 50 Cities captured: 32
Total killed: 44495 Science lvls: 17 Total troops: 0
F: 51% M: 0% Z: 22% S: 24% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
This guy is ranked higher than the majority of the players when he is (litterally) dead. No troops, no land, nothing..

15:53:02 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Prised:

I got a kick out of the fact that we wiped Rebirth out, absolutely destroyed them took their cities, Razed their core yet three of the guys I personally wiped out got higher scores than me. very strange scoring system.

16:26:03 Mar 28th 09 - Duke Drakos:

Fantasia should not give the most score. Thats pure bs now with this multi map and assigning of Kingdoms.. No one had the option where they started, so the worlds should of been scored more evenly. BoW would of chosen Fant or Mantrax, not Starta.
 Starta was an open map from day one, along with Fantasia. They should of been scored accordingly.
 We have a member that had 800k elites, over 560k land, #2 HoH ruler on Starta, and was 7th or 8th HoH ruler on Nirvana at game end.
 We all figured top 10, maybe top 20, he gets scored down around 100. Thats just pure crap.

17:24:51 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Moroten:

very strange I was ranked 3rd or 2nd most Powerfulest Ruler and some of my kingdom mates passed me.... :( and i was ranked 118.....

17:37:32 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

"Placed number 60 - the scoring system obviously needs to be revised. It incourages farmers of Fanta, only - and not the fighters - and this is mainly a fighting game."

11.Mr. Killstone of Retribution
Total land: 20125 Batles won: 61 Cities captured: 48
Total killed: 133288 Science lvls: 16 Total troops: 395902
F: 100% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%


i didnt farm and i amde it to 11 :) becuase of troops

Sir Prised


3/28/2009 9:53:02 AM
I got a kick out of the fact that we wiped Rebirth out, absolutely destroyed them took their cities, Razed their core yet three of the guys I personally wiped out got higher scores than me. very strange scoring system.

hunter (number 1 rebirth guy) as well as other rebirth players had 90k cities on fant so get your facts straight before opening your big mouth

17:40:05 Mar 28th 09 - Ms. Jade:

Yes having cities on Fant makes you score higher.

18:03:08 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Holismoli II:

I think everything that you do in the game should have a score attached regardless which map you are on such as:
> Number of troops
> Total land
> Number of Kills
> RoF Kills
> Freeze
> Etc
And then maybe award a higher % on the score based on what Map you area are on such as:
+ 50% for Fantasia
+ 35% for Matrax
+ 20% Zeta

Something to that effect.... 

18:07:46 Mar 28th 09 - Ms. Jade:

It's true some of us elfs have a huge number of rof kills but they don't count towards our total kills.

18:08:46 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Reddragon VII:

them im glad that i builded one city the last 12 ticks jsut in case of dark attacking my last city. And congratulations to Prised, your the traitor number one of vu.

18:20:00 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

good idea holismoli but instead of number of troops it should nubmer of total OP/DP (cause orcs have strong troops but not many of them) and have MUs count as a few points too

and number of kills is ahrd becasue of the merges and stuff you would need to distribute it between everyone in the merge based on how much OP/DP they contribute to the  merge (so if i have 50% of the op/dp of the emrge i get 50% of the kills) and iagree with the map thing if half your score comes from fant then it should count as mroe than the toehr half so if you had 1 million normal points half on fant and half on mantrax then it should be 500k points for the half on fant and maybe like 90% for mant so 500,000 * .90 for mant = 450,000 so instead of the normal 1 mil poitns youd have 950k because some of it was on mant or soemthing along those lines

PS excuse my typos =P

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