Forums / In game politics / GAY Embassy(Fantraxmaniartana)

GAY Embassy(Fantraxmaniartana)
22:27:19 Jun 12th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

    For all the new players, I'm making a kingdom just for you! I'll pick the most annoying and most power-hungry of all of you, the one that thinks they are the best at everything they do, when really they suck at everything, especially this game.

Once the hundreds of you join, I'll leave the kingdom and let you rule it on your own!

A few necessities if you wish to apply:
-Make only rainbow cities, and do not be anywhere near a bonus source.
-Message all veterans or more experienced players in you surrounding area with threats and taunts.
       Ex: "I am the most powerful player ever, bow before me, or I will destroy you."
-Train only level 1 units.
-Be extremely inactive.

And anything else to be an overall terrible player!

We're taking up to 150 members, because I know how many of you are out there!

Come on and join in the FUN!

22:29:42 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Miles:

When do I apply?

22:30:36 Jun 12th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

Applications open up the minute this era is over and I can start a new kingdom!

00:56:36 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

can i join?

02:14:07 Jun 13th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

No, Soccerjester, I'm afraid not...

You don't fit all the requirements, you don't actually make the rainbow cities, you just take them away from people who qualify for this kingdom and are too lazy(no offence, so am I) to destroy the buildings in them to make them purebreds.

03:25:34 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I want to join :D

03:58:54 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Dovydas:

Asko for Mr. Deadguy, he should fit here most.

20:04:58 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

where do i sign!!! Q(o\/oQ)

c'mon world!!!

23:30:37 Jun 13th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I'm glad so many of you are supporting this movement.

It is very important that we pass the word to all arrogant new players.

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