Forums / In game politics / GDI Embassy

GDI Embassy
20:26:07 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

Global Defence Initiative

Kingdom Banner

Name: Global Defence Initiative
Members: 1
Tag: GDI
Created: 2/12/2008 1:57:34 AM
Leader: Mr. Fox


We aim to protect the weak and fight only those who have provoked an attack upon themselves.

In GDI we aim to train the newer players to the best of our ability, and when they are ready we arrange them Kingdoms within Fantasia.

Do you seek to become the best?
Do you seek to protect the weak?
Do you seek to Fight those that want to destroy the world?

If so, then send a KD application containing the following information.

1, Number of Eras played
2, Favourite Race
3, Style of play (attacking, defensive etc...)
4, What you aim to bring to the KD

If you are new to VU then just explain this in the application and ignore the above.

GDI, Protecting those that need it most.




I asume their will be a lot of flaming, but please keep it to a minimal ;) I won't deny people of their human rights :P

20:29:53 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:


20:32:02 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

revenge shut up rofl.

I was plannin on creating a KD for a few eras :P

20:33:13 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Ya, Im joking  ^^
Good luck  =]

20:35:23 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

i know ;)

and ty ^^

20:42:02 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade:

Good luck Fox.  We won't target you if we run across your kingdom.

20:44:57 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

haha Some 1 Make a KD called Hand Of Nod

And Fight them untill one of the KDs break up


Command and conquer in Visual Utopia

haha nice

20:45:42 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

anyone wishing to join or request a NAP or MAP then feel free to contact me =D

Im more than happy to accept them, but their are some terms ;)

Contact me for information :D

20:46:44 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

Mr. Remenber


2/12/2008 7:44:57 PM

haha Some 1 Make a KD called Hand Of Nod

And Fight them untill one of the KDs break up


Command and conquer in Visual Utopia

haha nice


You can't beat classic command and conquer :P

i was gonna make a brotherhood of NOD KD but i think it suits me more having a GDI styled one :P

20:50:31 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

Yeah C&C! I thought that emblem was familiar. Something told me it belonged paired up with a red one but i couldn't place it.

20:54:47 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:


and btw NOD rules :P

i never liked GDI

but i still wish you the best of luck


20:54:48 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:


and btw NOD rules :P

i never liked GDI

but i still wish you the best of luck


20:56:42 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

i personally prefered the Nod buildings and weapons :P

But whatcha gonna do ;)

having a NOD Kingdom wouldn't work for doing what GDI will be doing ;)

which is ferrying people to fantasia KD's in later eras :P

20:57:30 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Kong:

how about a kingdom of those new alien from the last C&C game

21:21:15 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

but why will you give you memebers away to KDs in fant


well any way i hope you KD does well :P

21:23:37 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

we will be constantly recruiting players who need training ;)

The aim of the KD is to make VU better and make sure memebrs know how to play the game to the best of their ability.

VU doesnt need more KD's competing at the top of the HoH on fant right now, it just needs more experienced players who can make the path to the top of the HoH harder and more fun :D

because without the players up there, whats the point of having the KD's there?

In time when more players have been trained we can then bring in KD's to compete for the top ;)

21:29:45 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:


thats acully a good idea

:P i make a KD befor but still thats a good idea Mr. Fox

21:41:04 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

of course it is ;)

Afterall, I did come up with it :P


Nah but seriously, if any fantasia players are willing to join me each era, im looking for 2 or 3 good players who will join me, different players each era preferably (although i won't deny you if you want to stay), that will help train up players giving them snippets of your wisdom and aiding them in becoming something great.

Of course i don't want you giving away all your secrets because afterall their yours and if you give them away what makes you special? :P

I just want people to come in and give guidance ;)

In a few eras i will organize another KD for zeta and mayb even one for Starta and lower worlds ;)

Lets see how it all works for now though :D

21:43:42 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

haha some is a bit full of them self


well i was a member of Zeon

for 2 eras so i think i might copy if thats ok


21:50:09 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

so i think i might copy if thats ok


21:51:47 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

u wanna use this system within your mafia? =)

if so, then feel free ;)

My aim is to make VU better not hog ideas and such :P

21:52:55 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

yeah pretty much

21:53:51 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

just make sure you credit GDI and me for the idea :o :D

21:54:56 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

haha i will

i will make a post sayin Fox thought of this idea go him


21:56:41 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

hehe ^^

GL with the mafia btw :D

if we end up on the same world in the future jus ask me for a NAP and you'll have it ;) :D

21:59:11 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:


22:06:06 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

what world are you going to because in im Zeta

22:08:35 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Fox:

were gonna stay on mant this era since its still very early :D

22:15:56 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

haha my old Kd is on that world

07:52:36 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:

Preds are basically dead now tho ;)

08:05:54 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

nam that sukes

wel if you in Zeta ne time this era i will happly nap you

08:54:38 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

OMG that kingsdom banner is from command and conquer the oringinal ones!

09:27:55 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Random:

its ok guys! im in GDI! =D

09:34:17 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

yes yes it is Seloc

19:53:00 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:

the original C&C series pwned :D

20:28:27 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Fox!! You ass! You stole my idea! Give me credit for coming up with it one era before you did!

20:45:09 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:


what idea? rofl

if your talkin about the training thing, then it's hardly ur idea ;) it's been around for eras and i was thinkin of makin this KD 2 / 3 eras back ;)

21:15:14 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Then why did you claim it as your idea? Because it obviously isn't since I've been thinking about it for 5-10 eras.

21:29:55 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

could you go cry some were else Sir Lelouch

22:00:57 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:

i was messin if u read into the context of the post :P

22:05:48 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Evans:

jesus lelouch ,,,, its an idea, you cant copyright an idea, however you can copyright a product or a plan and until that time, shut up,

fox has made it happen ....

Sir Lelouch


2/13/2008 7:28:27 PM
Fox!! You ass! You stole my idea! Give me credit for coming up with it one era before you did!
Sir Lelouch


2/13/2008 8:15:14 PM
Then why did you claim it as your idea? Because it obviously isn't since I've been thinking about it for 5-10 eras.


and also , hold on...your stories changed....

22:30:08 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:

of course it is ;)

Afterall, I did come up with it :P


Nah but seriously,

Hence the last line implied it was a joke :P

22:45:08 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

i think its a good idea, and Fox is the right man to do it=)

it will be fun to see how this is going to work=D

22:54:16 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:

aww, that means so mcuh to me bud :P

come join us next Era and help, afterall ur a very skilled player :P

22:55:19 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Argh that banner brings back bad memories, please change it!

23:00:40 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

hehe, sorry;)

i wan't to remain in LDK for a while, i have to see what happends=)

i am assisting leader in LDK and playing on Fantasia, so i feel it would be much to throw away. but if i consider a break, then ill come join you=)

23:21:04 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:

its only for 1 era to show the new players we'll have a thing or two about how to play at a higher lvl :D

I'm not gonna rob yer for ever :D hehe

ask bomfnk if he wants to join us too :P

23:23:35 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Evans:

dont forget old thomas :P

23:40:19 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Fox:

:o i want u back tho Evans :P

00:24:58 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Evans:

awwww :P:P:P

im not dead yet though

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