Forums / In game politics / GIRL POWER EMBASSY

01:51:47 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

01:52:27 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

3..2..1.. SHOWTIME!!!

Tonight we present to you 5 luscious women and their backup vocalist.
May we introduce to you

and *noise of cheering crowd of teenage boys and girls and the occasional *beep* man distorts the rest of the introductional speech so we cant hear the name of their backup vocalist mr plastic surgeon*

*the band starts to play*

After shouting a few GIRL POWER!!!'s the girls begin to sing:

La la la la la la la

When you're feeling sad and low
We will take you where you gotta go
Smiling, dancing, everything is free
All you need is positivity

Colours of the world
Spice up your life
Every boy and every girl
Spice up your life
People of the world
Spice up your life

After their very succesfull concert the girls do an interview with a journalist:
J: "So girls what do u do in your spare time?"
S:"Well because we have a lot of spare time lately we formed a Kingdom in a massively multiplayer online strategy game called "Visual Utopia"
J:"MMhh sounds kinda nerdy to me, so what are the rules?"
S: "Well we made up our own rules namely:

* When We Talk You Listen
* We Are The Finest Ladies In The Game !!
* We Are HOT !!  ( yeahyeah 2x )
* The World Is Ours When We Shake Our BumBum !!
* We Can Sing !!

Also we would like to thank our Plastic Surgeon without him.
we wouldn't be looking this good.
Can We Hear A Loud Applaus For Plastic Surgeon !!

*No Spam Here* ( only our kd is allowed to post here ) ( a new thread will be opened to discuss the embassy )

01:59:09 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

All 5 of the superstars will be introduced.
also they will give away a photoshoot.

First Person :

Name:             Baby Spice a.k.a. Emma Buns-ton
Birthplace:       Deventer

Specialty:       1. isn't as sweet as she looks
                      2. Eats cry babies.

I don't think I will ever get tired of wearing pink

01:59:42 Mar 2nd 07 - Sir Senturu:

wait. why cant anyone post here? i mean. this is your embasy isnt it? or are you falsly advertising?

02:01:36 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

Second Person :

Name:             Posh Spice a.k.a. Victoria Beck's man.
Birthplace:       Biatchistan

Specialty:        1. Looks skinny in everything.
                       2. Doesn't need a lot of food.


“I don't know much about football. I know what a goal is, which is surely the main thing about football.”


“I'm not materialistic. I believe in presents from the heart, like a drawing that a child does.”

02:03:13 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

Third Person :

Name:            Ginger Spice a.k.a. Geri Shaggiwell

Birthplace:      Backseat of a Volkswagen

Specialty:        1. Can implode and explode on command.
                      2. Can sing u to death with "my chico latino"
"I never let myself get too angry, or eat on feelings, you know stuffing food down. I find other ways to release my anger"

02:34:58 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Ginger Spice:

4th person:

Name:             Sporty Spice a.k.a. Melanie PP

Birthplace:       Tukkerland *not a nice place to be at*

Specialty:         1. Drinks only Grolsch
                        2. Has a secret language called Tukkers.


I don't want to hurt anybody or be offensive. But I don't want to not be me.
Melanie Chisholm

02:40:30 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Ginger Spice:

5th person:

Name:             Plastic Surgeon a.k.a. The only REAL man ;)

Birthplace:       Unknown, but conceived inside an angry mob

Specialty:         1. Has control over angry mobs
                       2. Sells his enemies organs

"Where did i leave my scalpel?"
-Mr Plastic Surgeon

02:52:09 Mar 2nd 07 - Ms. Ginger Spice:

and finally the 6th person:

Name:               Scary Spice a.k.a. Melanie Browney

Birthplace:         Lutjebroek

Specialty:          1. scares the living shait out of any man
                         2. uses static electricity as a weapon


The way that I live my life is on spontaneity.
Melanie Brown

09:22:26 Mar 2nd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

hmm is there any girls at all in girl power ??? i dont see any unless you guys recently had a drastic operation lol:P

(Edited by Mr. Hanky Panky 3/2/2007 9:22:45 AM)

13:23:26 Mar 2nd 07 - Mr. Plastic Surgeon:

operation??  what do you think is my job?

16:07:33 Mar 2nd 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

You sir, will have your liscence revoked!

21:24:04 Mar 2nd 07 - Mr. Brom:

this kingdom i *beep*


22:10:39 Mar 2nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

pls plastic surgeon we would really like to see the results of your operations :D
(shope me the real deal yeaahh:DDD)

00:51:09 Mar 3rd 07 - Sir Senturu:

mr plastic surgeon. if thats your work, i demand you be fired :)

16:55:43 Mar 3rd 07 - Mr. Donut:

***Enters the Embassy and approaches the Information Desk***

I wonder if you could help, I'm looking for information.  Word has reached me that the one of your number who wears nappies (aka Baby Spice)  was once Fordius the (self proclaimed) warrior.

If this is true, the information I'd like is why he / she is now going round pooing his / her pants?

14:08:03 Mar 4th 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

On 2 March 2007, Ms. Baby Spice addressed Congress to announce that diplomatic relations with Baccus Monks were severed. In a Special Session of Congress held on 3 March, Ms. Baby Spice delivered this 'War Message.' One days later, Congress overwhelmingly passed the War Resolution which brought the Girl Power into the war with Baccus Monks.

while the Spice Girls walk on the podium.
they cheers for the war and have a speech.

The challenge is to all mankind.  Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it.  The choice we make for ourselves must be made with a moderation of counsel and a temperateness for judgement befitting our character and our motives as a nation.  We must put excited feeling away.  Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious assertion of the physical might of the nation, but only the vindication of right, of human right, of which we are only a single champion.

* a loud applaus follows *
people starting to cheer GIRL POWER !! GIRL POWER !!

15:25:20 Mar 4th 07 - Lord Osiris:

If you wanna be my lover you have got to give

Give me all your cities cos thats the way it is..

*shakes ass*

17:23:12 Mar 4th 07 - Ms. Ginger Spice:

Starts singing to Baccus Donkeys

I said who do you think you are?
Some kind of superstar,
You have got to swing it, shake it, move it,
Make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it,
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it,
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it,
Show me how good you are.

17:33:56 Mar 4th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

and people wonder why spice girls don't sing anymore

17:39:39 Mar 4th 07 - Mr. Donut:

It's cos they keep singing the same old song HP - at least Ford does.

I had a Ford once - it, too, was over-rated ;)

17:48:15 Mar 4th 07 - Ms. Ginger Spice:

we only sing evergreens :)

17:55:22 Mar 4th 07 - Mr. Donut:

About people PINE-ing for each other? :p

19:37:36 Mar 4th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:


One of the better puns I've heard.

21:14:05 Mar 4th 07 - Mr. Swifty:

.. gief bucket plx *puke*...

22:17:33 Mar 4th 07 - Sir Mac:

Ford = Found on road dead. Sorry man couldn't resist :P

06:01:00 Mar 5th 07 - Mr. Excelsior Gliendel Calahan:

I can't wait until you guys die.

06:04:36 Mar 5th 07 - Duchess Scary Spice:

will be a long time of waiting then :o

22:59:14 Mar 5th 07 - Ms. Ginger Spice:

<<<<< got her first real J.O.B. today and announces that she will retire to train nubs on mantrax next era, so nubs that will follow my rigorous training regime can pm me or contact me on mirc #vu channel. And I DO mean RIGOROUS!!!

If u join me and learn maybe one day u may even join lgc (all senturus excluded) 


08:01:43 Mar 6th 07 - Mr. Plastic Surgeon:

you'll also want to see me for some facial makeover.  contact my secretary for details. 

21:37:58 Mar 6th 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

Some "deletions" happening in the Girls world?....

22:39:33 Mar 6th 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

VU Admin

3/1/2007 8:20:18 PM
The database crashed due to power failure, but is now repaired and online again.
VU Admin

3/1/2007 8:44:06 PM
Three accounts got lost in the crash, if you are one of those, send an e-mail to with ALL your account details (that you can remember) and the names of your cities and armies.
VU Admin

3/6/2007 9:23:17 PM
The server went down again today and is now up and running.

We have now invested in a power backup system that will be installed soon.
Fra maybe you should read more before oyu going to accuse any1 from something :)

22:44:44 Mar 6th 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

I did not accuse anybody in fact. I just asked what happened...even with PMs to you. So not sure what you are talking about:)? I expect some excuses for your not-nice assertion. Thanks,

22:59:19 Mar 6th 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

Mr. Fra Merluz

3/6/2007 9:37:58 PMSome "deletions" happening in the Girls world?....

"deletions" <-- doesn't that sounds like as some kind of accusation?

why would you add your own questions to a question ?
wouldn't be really logical.

in teh way you made it is a accusation or pointing out your own thoughts

23:52:02 Mar 6th 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

why would you add your own questions to a question ?
wouldn't be really logical.

Some "deletions" happening in the Girls world?....


You normally add a question mark at the end of the question....not sure it is perfect english the way I asked...but your statements dont make sense. Anyway, you can think whatever you want...good luck. 


23:54:23 Mar 6th 07 - Ms. Baby Spice:

Mr. Fra Merluz

3/6/2007 9:37:58 PMSome "deletions" happening in the Girls world?....

that's not a questions it's a statement :P

SOME DELETIONS HAPPENING with deletions jumping out of the line.
my english isn't that great either.

but how you asked wasn't really a question I think :P
but *beep* who cares right ;)

23:57:23 Mar 6th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

I see it as a statement as well, just to add to the cause...

But yea, who *beep* cares....

23:59:21 Mar 6th 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

Is there any deletion happening in the girls world?

My english consultant told me that this is the proper way to ask the question in English. Baby Spice might have a point here;).


00:16:46 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Stark:


Are there any "deletion" occuring in the "girls world"?

00:24:10 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Donut:

Are there any "deletions" happening in the girls' world?

00:28:45 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Stark:

Are there any "deletions" occuring in the "girls world"?

00:28:49 Mar 7th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

*presses the button*

Everyone forgot it..

P.S. : I refrained from spamming here but if you continue this non-sense picking-on-words Fordius, I will have to join in :P

01:04:07 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Demonic Sin:


09:11:48 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Jibbymaster:

LMAO weird i forgot about the button
(Edited by Mr. Jibbymaster 3/7/2007 9:12:02 AM)

14:25:31 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

How could you forget about the button!? That's sacrilege!

19:32:46 Mar 7th 07 - Ms. Ginger Spice:

Mhhh Fra Merluz i can imagine ford read your words that way, i did too. For example if i were to ask u the folowwing:

Hmm can't u guys do it alone? u really need help from Phi against 6 players?

The above could be just a question, but i think it's full with other messages.


20:38:06 Mar 7th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

My dearest Ginger Spice. I know, besides Surgeon General and Fordius who the other four of you are but I don't know which are which.

Nevertheless, I have the utmost respect for all of you but I must ask you to measure your words. That's because your post above insulted the Phi Empire.

We are neither fools, neither ball-less cowards. I have maintained good relations to your Kingdom and will do that in the future too. Nonetheless, the war between us was started by you guys (namely Fordius) when you took one of our towns and burnt the other.

We are in this to defend our honour and not because we have jumped to rescue Baccus.

Hope that's clear so you won't need to flame us anymore. Thank you <3

20:43:42 Mar 7th 07 - Lord Osiris:

lol Weird i like you and all but PHI telling people to watch what they say is stupid when andrei runs around mouthing off at everyone

20:53:49 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Damn and I thought you like us more then these 6 scary "girls".

*moves back in his corner talking to himself* No1 likes me buhhhhhuuhhh although this time I attacked no1 who has not attacked me first... It is so damned difficulty to be popular, but well on the other side, now I can be evil again, it doesn't matter anyway....*calls his friends the drunken hobs*

21:01:01 Mar 7th 07 - Mr. Plastic Surgeon:

*slaps weirdgrivi*
read the entire post of ginger spice and understand the meaning.  I dont think he means any insult whatsoever.

I hope you dont take offense with me slapping you. lol
*slaps weirdgrivi*

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