Forums / In game politics / GOTF recruits era 40

GOTF recruits era 40
12:09:04 May 26th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

Guild Of The Fallen

Kingdom Banner

Name: Guild Of The Fallen
Members: 9
Created: 3/30/2009 8:06:53 AM
Leader: Guildmaster Chade


This KD might be described using four words:


We are back in Armageddon, and ready to hunt down!!!!

Former Brothers and Sisters of the Guild are welcome to rejoin in the search for honorable glory!!!

Applications from former members of the Guild, experienced players (give us details for "eras played", "kingdoms played within", "previous known names") and invited players (in this case please state in your application "Invited by ........... "



12:13:51 May 26th 09 - Sir Struddle:

rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hiiiiiiiiiiiii guys :D

12:21:37 May 26th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

good luck! :D

12:36:20 May 26th 09 - Mr. Pure:

good like

13:06:35 May 26th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

Sir Struddle


11:13:51 May 26th 09
rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hiiiiiiiiiiiii guys :D

I see that you dont like spending time in one kingdom for more than 1-2 eras, mate ;) lol

Hello to you too :)

13:17:19 May 26th 09 - Sir Struddle:

they made me sign a contract when i joined i'm stuck with them for foreverz :D

15:14:40 May 26th 09 - Mr. Chicken And Fries Taste Good:

Well i guess i will wish you luck. I was with BOW and I was known as Reaper at one point then i stopped playing in and out of eras then I came back and I am call Chicken and Fries.

Not sure about all the kingdoms I was in but I won't call myself experienced since I am not really good with trolls yet.

15:39:49 May 26th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

yeah man, i remember you :) Why dont you come and try with us this era?

11:05:02 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Sir Struddle


15:17:19 May 26th 09 they made me sign a contract when i joined i'm stuck with them for foreverz :D

Chade i copied the IRC chat we had

Struddle (~Struddle@9D040E70.AE216293.A496DF55.IP) has joined #SK
ChanServ sets mode: +oa Struddle Struddle
Struddle is now known as Struddles
* &Struddles tackles Slade
<&Struddles> HI SLADE!!!
*~Slade licks Studdles
<~Slade> STRUDDLES!!!!!!!!!!
<~Slade> What are you doing next era?
<&Struddles> If i have enough member i will be keeping Dynasty
<&Struddles> And if i dont get enough members im going to Guild of the Fallen
*&Struddles sighs
<&Struddles> Again
<~Slade> Come to RVL :D We can have dance partys all night :D
<&Struddles> But Chade asked me first
<~Slade> So, im cooler then him
<&Struddles> Yeah i guess you are right
<&Struddles> I am kinda getting tired of joining them
<&Struddles> Its always the same thing over and over
<&Struddles> Restart OOP war... Die
<&Struddles> Restart again war... Die
<&Struddles> Restart yet again, war and Die
<&Struddles> None of them know how to play
<~Slade> LOL!
<&Struddles> And they are pretty *beep*y
<~Slade> So you will join?
<&Struddles> Yep
<~Slade> YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*~Slade lick's Struddles

And you see he not only lied about thew contract he said you were nubs

That was a joke, GOTF are a great kingdom, all new players who want to learn should total go there :)

GL Chade :)

11:13:00 Jun 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Well i guess we will have to come down on RVL even harder then :p.

11:24:58 Jun 6th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

Slade, thanks for that my friend...i guess ppl are not the things they are saying....Struddle will never be a part of the Guild again!!!! I can swear on that....I have just felt so disapointed.
Once again thank you very much my friend!!

11:27:11 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Happy to help Chade :)

AND WHY SHMEH!!! i thought we were friends :(

11:27:46 Jun 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

That was a joke, GOTF are a great kingdom, all new players who want to learn should total go there :)

a joke by you or struddle?

11:43:43 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

by me

11:49:56 Jun 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

But he did actually say that stuff? Because if so i agree with all what Chade says in the World Wars thread.

11:51:04 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

ok maybe i shouldnt make jokes.

Chade... Kaze(nooooooob) look at my post again and high light the lot.. you will see this at the bottem

That was a joke, GOTF are a great kingdom, all new players who want to learn should total go there :) <-- but in really small letters and in another colour, it was just a joke i didnt want to get struddles in trouble :(

11:52:21 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Junior Guildmaster Shmeh


13:49:56 Jun 6th 09

But he did actually say that stuff? Because if so i agree with all what Chade says in the World Wars thread.

He never said that FFS!

you poeple are ghey

I wrote that out.. the entire thing

11:57:29 Jun 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Saying its a joke could also mean that you disagree with what you said Struddle said, or it could mean Struddle did say that but when he said it he was joking, etc.... thats why i asked dumbass.

12:07:24 Jun 6th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

Lord Bishop, forgive me man lol No offense.

12:08:09 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

or if you wernt such a *beep* joke could me... SO ONE WASJOKING I FAKE THAT WHOLE THING!!

you know what faking is right Shmeh.... ofc you do

12:12:37 Jun 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

No idea what you just said, didn't make a bit of sense.

12:14:40 Jun 6th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

Funny how you can edit posts to make your not-so-enjoyable life seem not so sucky. Good luck on that bro

12:26:41 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Mr. Kaze


14:07:24 Jun 6th 09 Lord Bishop, forgive me man lol No offense.


And yes it didnt make any sense... sorry i shall re type it :P

If you werent such an *beep*, It was a joke could mean. I fake the inter thing.. i wrote it from scratch... not one word there is even remotely true.

12:35:42 Jun 6th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Kaze


12:14:40 Jun 6th 09 Funny how you can edit posts to make your not-so-enjoyable life seem not so sucky. Good luck on that bro

it's called a censor...  g3t a life is made into forgive me.

I repeat : know what you're getting yourself into before you start talking.

12:37:47 Jun 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

So basically you just said im not a *beep* because you say if a wasn't such a *beep* it could mean that and seeing as it did mean that i must not be a *beep*.

Well done you just clamped yourself.

12:48:39 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

the beep = !diot

12:51:12 Jun 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

I don't care what the beep is it works for whatever word ;).

17:47:46 Jun 6th 09 - Sir Struddle:

*sighs and kicks Slade*

Chade you know me better than that and you know I hold the Guild with upmost respect and I've been the one of the toughest and hardest to kill in our Guild for quite some time and fighting kingdoms more powerful then us was always fun and I never complained about the wars we were in.  I never said any of the things Slade wrote he was just trying to make a joke and failed at it completely.  The Guild actually never came up in that conversation.  The conversation was more along the lines of what I was going to be doing with Dynasty and (I didnt want to make it public at them time) whether or not I had cancer and was going to be going in for treatment.  (I dont btw I got my results a few days ago and it isnt cancer so I'm extremely excited.)

But as for the Guild I had some of my best era's learning and making friends in there and I would never on my life speak badly about it.  The things I learned in that kingdom still follow me today and I still hold them close to me.  Chade if you truly do not wish for me to return to the kingdom ever I understand completely.

Float me a message at some point Chade.  I miss talkin to you.  And congrats on getting engaged.  Tell me when the wedding is and I'll do my best to make it :)

As always I love ya,
<3 Struddle

17:52:46 Jun 6th 09 - Lord Bishop:

sorry struddles

/me licks Struddles

14:00:07 Jun 8th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

Sir Struddle


16:47:46 Jun 6th 09
*sighs and kicks Slade*

Chade you know me better than that and you know I hold the Guild with upmost respect and I've been the one of the toughest and hardest to kill in our Guild for quite some time and fighting kingdoms more powerful then us was always fun and I never complained about the wars we were in.  I never said any of the things Slade wrote he was just trying to make a joke and failed at it completely.  The Guild actually never came up in that conversation.  The conversation was more along the lines of what I was going to be doing with Dynasty and (I didnt want to make it public at them time) whether or not I had cancer and was going to be going in for treatment.  (I dont btw I got my results a few days ago and it isnt cancer so I'm extremely excited.)

But as for the Guild I had some of my best era's learning and making friends in there and I would never on my life speak badly about it.  The things I learned in that kingdom still follow me today and I still hold them close to me.  Chade if you truly do not wish for me to return to the kingdom ever I understand completely.

Float me a message at some point Chade.  I miss talkin to you.  And congrats on getting engaged.  Tell me when the wedding is and I'll do my best to make it :)

As always I love ya,
<3 Struddle

I did that msg to you, MY FRIEND.....

Slade - faith will punish you man!!!

14:26:30 Jun 8th 09 - Lord Bishop:


20:46:10 Jun 10th 09 - Lord Silvanus:

Im coming back next era guys.

22:55:38 Jun 10th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

That's good to hear bro

23:12:18 Jun 10th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

Lord Silvanus


19:46:10 Jun 10th 09
Im coming back next era guys.

You know that you are always welcome ;)

08:31:08 Jun 11th 09 - Lord Silvanus:

lol kaze your right its good to hear with me having the biggest army in mantrax and third about to be first army in arma. :)

08:54:13 Jun 11th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Lord Bishop


12:08:09 Jun 6th 09 or if you wernt such a *beep* joke could me... SO ONE WASJOKING I FAKE THAT WHOLE THING!!

you know what faking is right Shmeh.... ofc you do

> the joke sux ... slade

04:07:50 Jun 12th 09 - Mr. Shadow:

you should tell meh whats in  your army Silvanus =3 i wants ta kno.

and sir struddle you goin to ever come back to the guild? assuming chade goes back on above promise. ive heard good thing about you.

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