Forums / In game politics / Gladiator Betrayers

Gladiator Betrayers
04:46:05 Feb 15th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Mr. Draygon (2/14/2010 7:49:16 PM) GOOD BAD
u know that the gladiators betray the fed they let me out of the kingdom so i could attack so thet we could take ur citys without u knowing

04:48:03 Feb 15th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I thought i'd make a thread for itself here so it wouldnt dirupt the Fate Flame.

It doesnt matter if he took ONE of yoru cities because he took a few of our and as he was heading to take them another one of your members was right behind him to take the cities. We tell it as we see it and i honestly doubt the fact that he is lying here.

05:00:59 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

thats bloody dirty. Wouldve been conveinent for some of the members on glads but my question is was it glad behind it or someone else ;p. also i look forward tot he defense.

05:06:50 Feb 15th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

They claim that because they're giving a city to this guy or that hes taking some of theirs now means that it doesnt matter. Though it does. Regardless they are using him to get our cities

05:25:13 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Makedon:

ha ha ha ha.....

now that is Draygons biggest idiocy this era (not that he did not make many stupid things that lead to him be kicked out of Gladiators) and I will be very surprised to see him in any kingdom next era, if you need want trouble take him he-he. But ok lets see what the plan is behind this....

05:38:11 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

@Makedon, really? Because the second I saw him bannerless, he headed to our cities with one of your members close behind taking each city he took from us. I msg'd your KD member about this and never got a reply back.. I wonder why.. *cough*bullsht*. But hey, according to Mr Glad, he's very honorable and wouldnt do such a thing.. lol

05:46:05 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Makedon:

All I can say is that I would like that you had the opportunity to see our threads, but ok this has been blown out of proportions and I don't believe it will stop. Whatever I or anybody says from Gladiators for the Federation will not be true so as I said lets see where this goes. I wont spend time responding to this anymore...

05:46:39 Feb 15th 10 - Duke Random:

well i is common practice to clean up a mess that a rouge KD player has made...

If he attacked within the core then went outside and attacked then its kinda logical that they'd chase him around....

just going to call gladiators out on this one... fed won't shut the fuck up until you post some proofs, so put the rest of CU out of its misery aka make uther shut the fuck up, by posting something solid plz :)

05:49:02 Feb 15th 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

well i is common practice to clean up a mess that a rouge KD player has made...

If he attacked within the core then went outside and attacked then its kinda logical that they'd chase him around....
_______Duke Random


In that case it'd perhaps also be logical that in the spirit of good relations and camaraderie they return the cities that rightfully belong to the Federation.


05:51:06 Feb 15th 10 - Duke Random:

well is it written in nap clauses? if not then they don't technically have too...

but it's common courtesy to give back some cities... not all because its partly your fault for losing them.... but you can't really call glads out on betrayal if all they did was not return cities out of politeness :P

05:55:33 Feb 15th 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

Let me ask you a question purely without any reference to the current situation -

 Because the second I saw him bannerless, he headed to our cities with one of your members close behind taking each city he took from us.


If this combined with Mr. Draygon's letter was something that was to happen to you, what would you do. Rather a swift reaction by Gladiators, wouldn't you say?

06:12:13 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

the only thing i want to know is how come he didnt attack any glads. they were closer after all. just went straight for our cities.

06:23:43 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Not only that, but it looked planned out, especially because the Glad member was only like 2 ticks behind him. They also seemed to have a destined course to attack, and was already sending out a second army along with it, straight in it's path.. and then stopped at the cities he took from us, as did the glad member. Why did he stop going after Draygon when he noticed his plan didn't work so well? What's your backup on this one? He was 'defending your core'?.. as if. Draygon never even prepped on any of your cities. So drop the bs, and grow some nads to admit the new low you've accomplished. Please and thank you =]

06:39:40 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

These stupid kids never learn - if I remember well, you did the same with Fate - a special forum blaiming them for your nonsense.. take the traitor in your KD Uther, if you like and believe what he said.

The traitor is not a Gladiator anymore and it seems to be working very well with you guys - so why are you complaining about?

06:45:07 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Mr. Shadow


15:12:13 Feb 15th 10 the only thing i want to know is how come he didnt attack any glads. they were closer after all. just went straight for our cities.

Shadow, move your protection so the sun can reach you - Darygon's 60k Ams army was killed by us - what you see there moving is just reserves; my city was taken, Makedon blocker was taken and I am training in Glads Eyes as he may want to come to reclaim his cities.

And kid - Grass Licker - which you took while under Gladiator flag could have taken as a war declaration by us (especially because that was build by an ex-gladiator, just before Burning Legion took it) - so shut up all iiddiioottss - we've been hearing you childish screams for too long...

07:10:53 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Message From Mr. Draygon


Back to message list

You (2/8/2010 10:20:28 AM)
where are you going with that?
Mr. Draygon (2/8/2010 10:32:46 PM) GOOD BAD
i was goin to go to beserk killer if were fighting the fed but no body said it was a go
Mr. Draygon (2/8/2010 10:47:59 PM) GOOD BAD
r we going to fight the fed or not cause if not im just going to settel down tell next era cause we ant got time to travel a long distance
You (2/9/2010 6:49:00 AM)
we don't fight Fed we have a NAP with them - unles they attack us
Mr. Draygon (2/10/2010 8:53:28 AM) GOOD BAD
i got told by a friend that the fed was going to attack he dont play but he knows people thet do if that is true we should attack first to give us the better chance


Message From Mr. Draygon


Back to message list

You (2/10/2010 1:20:59 PM)
go back
Mr. Draygon (2/10/2010 10:58:57 PM) GOOD BAD
why did u kick me

Make a reply regarding Die

Send a new letter to Draygon

You see Uther, you look like a fool once more - for how many times this era?

08:00:30 Feb 15th 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

well played Glad.  another fed thread they start and look like asses in the end.

08:54:16 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:

well Uther it seems that two wrongs to you can make a right... why twist it around here?

08:58:14 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

anyone can edit a text or msg. to work in their favor, nice try. but really? 

10:25:54 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Makedon:

Damn, and how did this all start....... just hit [Top]

15:17:22 Feb 15th 10 - Master Windu:

The point is regardless of what oyu have said in the past. The fact that he TOOK the cities and you GLADs took them, especially BLACK TEMPLE, shows that you were using him SOMEWAY and I suggest you give back Black Temple to us.

20:10:31 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Well uther i get along with you but glads seem legit. Like random said it is a courtesy but not a neccesity.

23:54:40 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Falvion:

Well, if you could have resolved this through PM's like men, you bring up another forum thread. This could have easily been avoid through some PM's to an ADMIN or the LEADER of Gladiators. It seems to me, instead of being hellbent on trying to prove that the Gladiators set something up, you could have merely asked what was going on.

Anyways, a NAP is simply a NAP. Bargaining for a city on the forums seems kinda... dumb. Like what Teirdel said, it is a courtesy and not a neccesity. Maybe sending them a fruitcake will heal this all up.

23:59:46 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Acerf:

lol its all because uther has too much time... or sad to say he might be getting senile? O.o

i hope its the first one, and seriously wasn't it you uther who said he's digusted by how forums looks like nowadays? well, you're part of the problem creating topics such as this, with no proof trying to destroy a name of a reputable KD...

00:21:00 Feb 16th 10 - Sir Burninglegion:

Word to that G Doggie shizzle

00:21:34 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Falvion:

Amen to that my brother from another mother.

01:45:19 Feb 16th 10 - Master Windu:

Sir Burninglegion


18:21:00 Feb 15th 10
Word to that G Doggie shizzle


You are so old BL you have no idea.

02:26:29 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

You (2/12/2010 11:44:50 AM)

i appreciate you letting me have my cities back
Mr. Sauldar (2/12/2010 2:20:56 PM) GOOD BAD
no problem, I was only attacking the one who went against our leader and attacked you.
You (2/13/2010 2:48:31 PM)
would you like to move your troops from black temple or you gonna keep that? either way.
Mr. Sauldar (2/14/2010 3:10:17 PM) GOOD BAD
If you don't mind I would prefer to keep it, but I could speak with my Leader and see what he wants me to do if you wish.
You (2/14/2010 9:49:59 PM)
its fine. no problem.


::different message::

Mr. Sauldar (2/13/2010 6:52:50 PM) GOOD BAD
I thought you said only south of Grass licker? are you planning on attacking me as well?
You (2/14/2010 1:08:11 PM)
no thats why i asked. black temple was mine but i wasnt sure if you were letting me have that. i only said grasslicker because it was more important.
Mr. Sauldar (2/14/2010 3:09:03 PM) GOOD BAD

oh i'm sorry I didn't realize.


we arranged for my cities back so you really cant complain about it being dishonorable. im not complaining about my city. i dont mind as you can see above. im just making a point that he never attacked you. and you said somthing about stu making a thread about fate and uther believing him in this thread. stu hasn't posted a word in this thread so hes not saying anything.  and your message shows you were planning to attack us. all draygon needed was confirmation about it.

Mr. Draygon (2/8/2010 10:32:46 PM) GOOD BAD
i was goin to go to beserk killer if were fighting the fed but no body said it was a go

see above

Mr. Draygon (2/10/2010 8:53:28 AM) GOOD BAD
i got told by a friend that the fed was going to attack he dont play but he knows people thet do if that is true we should attack first to give us the better chance

thats exactly what happened. we got attacked and you guys swept up the mess.

03:17:02 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

And kid - Grass Licker - which you took while under Gladiator flag could have taken as a war declaration by us (especially because that was build by an ex-gladiator, just before Burning Legion took it) - so shut up all iiddiioottss - we've been hearing you childish screams for too long...


i talked to the guy who came behind to "sweep up the mess" and he was reluctant to give the cities back though he did decide to. Point being is that hes right next to the cities so he would have known that they were ours.

Also Glad some complaining about me doing this. You were the one that came into Feds promotional thread and started bashing us. If you didnt want me to do it back then you should have acted like the derivative of Acceleration.

Only people with competent  minds will understand that i just called you a jerk.

Point being is that you spoke out against my people on the thread i made to spread the word about us.
So in my opinion you were just asking for me to endlessly bug you for the rest of your life. Quite honestly, now that i think about it, i don't forget things so easily.

Payback to no pulse for killing us off anf getting in our face a era back was pretty much just an era long thing because it really wasn't personal. Though you speaking directly against us is personal.

Regardless of what you say you started it and you asked for it, whether you truly wanted it or not.


03:55:19 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Uther - my Gladiators have honor - because we are a honorable KD - this is why he was prepared to give it back; if you knew that - you wouldn't have screamed here about us planning to take you out - you should be ashamed of what you did, under the circumstances we did not take a city with Fed flag on it, while you did take one

However, hence your people took Gladiator build cities and did not return (neither we tried to take them by force), I was happy for my Gladiator to keep one of his taken cities (who was built by an ex-Fed - Burning Legion) and leave the other - who was build by Gladiator (Somatic), for Shadow to own. At that moment, you have the 'brightest idea' (not the only one) to trust a traitor (not for the first time) and get these puerile accusations; next time do your homework better.

With regards to 'paying back', I wish you good luck - just make sure who you ally (under the circumstances you broke 2.5 NAP out of 3 you had this era - I doubt too many will trust you)

@Shadow -

'and your message shows you were planning to attack us'

read my full message, including my replies -

'im just making a point that he never attacked you.'

what are you talking about? who never attacked me?

04:00:57 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yet you still accuse us of taking one of your cities yet it was ours and they guy it was taken back from agreed.

cant you read?

04:04:48 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Wow Glad

you have no idea.

I broke 1 NAP

I have broken no NAP with you. There was no term saying that we cannot attack kdless that came form your kingdom and you cannot say anything about us attacking your city (which was ours and taking it back) the person in your kingdom was fine with it and i talked to him about it before hand. He himself has more honor in his pinkie toe then you do. Hell he would probably run the kd better.

05:56:00 Feb 16th 10 - Sir Burninglegion:

This kills me that they are argueing over my citys lol... that were robbed =[

08:45:44 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

"while you did take one." trust me if i had wanted to take your cities that badly  i would have left my kingdom and taken them. but alas i dont care. the only reason i respond is because you try to throw mud at my kd with half truths and deception.

"what are you talking about? who never attacked me?" think about it...

"However, hence your people took Gladiator build cities and did not return (neither we tried to take them by force), I was happy for my Gladiator to keep one of his taken cities (who was built by an ex-Fed - Burning Legion) and leave the other - who was build by Gladiator (Somatic), for Shadow to own. At that moment, you have the 'brightest idea' (not the only one) to trust a traitor (not for the first time) and get these puerile accusations; next time do your homework better."

burning legion wreckaged the buildings in those two cities before i got to them. black temple had like 18k mines when i got there and grass licker had not a building. i at least doubled the mines in black temple and rebuilt grass licker. they are as much mine as they are allegedly yours.

btw who is somatic? i looked at the buildings around our core there is no one named that that i can see. do you mean Sauldar? and who is the mysterious traitor your talking about? no one here has broken any agreement with your kingdom.

10:38:00 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

very well said shadow, but this is getting nowhere.. the only thing Glad's come up with as a backup is "We are a honorable KD" yada yada.. Gladiatorul reminds me of King Dragon from Brethren and his conception of what 'honorable' means lol

13:47:43 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Kearn:

Why the *beep* are we even allied with you morons?!

15:04:49 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Acerf:

Lord Uther Pendragon


20:17:02 Feb 15th 10
And kid - Grass Licker - which you took while under Gladiator flag could have taken as a war declaration by us (especially because that was build by an ex-gladiator, just before Burning Legion took it) - so shut up all iiddiioottss - we've been hearing you childish screams for too long...


i talked to the guy who came behind to "sweep up the mess" and he was reluctant to give the cities back though he did decide to. Point being is that hes right next to the cities so he would have known that they were ours.

Also Glad some complaining about me doing this. You were the one that came into Feds promotional thread and started bashing us. If you didnt want me to do it back then you should have acted like the derivative of Acceleration.

Only people with competent  minds will understand that i just called you a jerk.

Point being is that you spoke out against my people on the thread i made to spread the word about us.
So in my opinion you were just asking for me to endlessly bug you for the rest of your life. Quite honestly, now that i think about it, i don't forget things so easily.

Payback to no pulse for killing us off anf getting in our face a era back was pretty much just an era long thing because it really wasn't personal. Though you speaking directly against us is personal.

Regardless of what you say you started it and you asked for it, whether you truly wanted it or not.


wow, so you basically admit here you are doing this out of spite, you just lost even more in my eyes :(

you can all argue all you want, only thing i get out of all this is that most likely we are Nap'd with Federation for the last time...

16:19:53 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

No i admit that had it not been for your fool of a leader not keeping his mouth closed and his opinions to himself then i wouldn't be attacking you guys everywhere i can.

What im doing is called defense through offense because anyone who defends without an offense looses. I am sick of his blabbing in our kd promotions forum and quite honestly i didnt have a problem with him until then.

I AM SORRY GLADS(the kingdom is not bad)

Though their leader stinks to high heaven of idiocy and blatant disregard for allies. The only thing we did was take three cities from you. One of which was approved by the new owner (you want the message because i have it) and the other two which was a member that was leaving your kingdom and decided to go native and let you feed instead of resign and let no one have anything. I would encourage all of the member in my kingdom. If you know you will be gone for the rest of an era in my kingdom. Please resign and do not allow us to feed on your cities. It is a cheap tactic to keep an overall kingdom power % and i disapprove of it. Who's to say that this "Player that had to leave because of RL" wasn't some multi or something used for the very purpose of feeding your kingdom?

you see why i thought it was sketchy? What made it even more sketchy was the fact that you got so offended when we took 2 of them when they weren't even built by you but an ex member. Had it just been a member leaving then you wouldn't have flipped crazy and everything over two cities being taken because first of all he was not under you banner, second of all the cities were on our borders, and third hopefully the player wasn't a multi and one of you didnt build those cities yourself. If he was a multi then i could see how you would get offended because one of you who are currently active likely did build the cities we took, but if he was not a multi then you shouldn't be griping about it because you put no labor into those cities. In Feds i do not gather everything together and say all of this belongs to the kingdom as a whole. If it belongs to shadow then it is his and it will stay that way, if shadow leaves all era i will ask him to resign because it will no longer be his and it was built by him.

I see no logic in your outrage at us what so ever because half of it is lies and to tell the truth i would rather be caught in an honest mistake then in a two faced lie gladiatorul.

16:24:27 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Mr. Kearn


05:47:43 Feb 16th 10 Why the *beep* are we even allied with you morons?!

and honestly Kearn?
Have i personally offended you or called you a moron? All i've done is spoken out against your leader. He spoke against my kingdom and all the people in it. Thats even more personal then speaking out to just me. Had he stopped at calling me a bad leader then that would have been fine because i can absorb that very well, but the second he brought my members into it was when i got mad.

I wouldn't personally insult you or any of your members because i do not talk to many of you. I have known Acerf and a few others from past eras and i know them as good people, and that is why my problem is with Gladiatorul and not the kingdom, because he has attacked my members and that is even something that i wouldn't do. Even to Brethren Forever all of my posts against them were actually towards their leadership, and they went and did the same thing. They insulted the people in my kingdom.

18:23:04 Feb 16th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

This is getting so repetitive...

18:38:59 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

2 days left in the era, its a couple of cities one way or the other. Obviously Gladiators and Fed will not be allies after this era, thats all that's going to come from this, so lets all just forget about it and move on with our lives.

19:19:20 Feb 16th 10 - Master Windu:

I do not speak for those in Feds but I do agree with Lord Cao Cao and how we should just move on. Let next era come along and lets see what will happen then.

21:43:42 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Joebob:

lol how did all this start, dugh a lie can u tell uther

21:46:26 Feb 16th 10 - Master Windu:

No this started when Draygon told me that you guys were using him to take out cities.

22:06:15 Feb 16th 10 - Sir Violations:


22:27:01 Feb 16th 10 - Sir Burninglegion:

i like hugs


and people joining my 3rd world terrorism organization (antifederation) =]

22:30:12 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:


Have i personally offended you or called you a moron? All i've done is spoken out against your leader. He spoke against my kingdom and all the people in it. Thats even more personal then speaking out to just me. Had he stopped at calling me a bad leader then that would have been fine because i can absorb that very well, but the second he brought my members into it was when i got mad.

I wouldn't personally insult you or any of your members because i do not talk to many of you. I have known Acerf and a few others from past eras and i know them as good people, and that is why my problem is with Gladiatorul and not the kingdom, because he has attacked my members and that is even something that i wouldn't do. Even to Brethren Forever all of my posts against them were actually towards their leadership, and they went and did the same thing. They insulted the people in my kingdom

Uther your poor leadership coupled with your lies and bad intentions insulted Gladiators as a KD; take an example this forum... you called us betrayers, while you breaking most of your NAPs in an era, and we none; why do you think Draygon attacked you? he just went crazy seeing how you guys behave.  Believe me, you need determination to be able to keep a NAP with guys like you. VU is watching us now and good leaders would be very selective in dealing with you in the future, believe me.

Now, since your accusations were proved unfounded, I'll move on and look forward to see you in the battlefield in the following eras.

23:05:15 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

once again you say we broke most of our NAPs yet we never broke the one with you...

and we only broke one and that was with FATE and that wasn't even a NAP. It was a understanding.


.25 out of ummm

6 or 7ish NAPs doesnt sound like a majority to me (im guessing at the number because im too lazy to look atm)

This all started because of you Glad, once again if you wouldn't have trash talked your ally then i would have never started doing it back.

Look at Fate, they have plenty reason to trash talk me atm and they pretty much got fed up and that was about it that happened out of game. They came out and said that the situation was bullshit and i agree because that is what it was. You literally put us down in one thread and when i replied to it an explosion of comments came pour in from you and i got defensive.

soo im just going to say i would not like to be your ally again and we'll see how things blow over in the coming eras. I have let this get too far out of hand.

have a nice era end, and i wish the best to my past friends that are in Glads.

00:25:08 Feb 17th 10 - Master Windu:

Lord Uther Pendragon


17:05:15 Feb 16th 10

Look at Fate, they have plenty reason to trash talk me atm and they pretty much got fed up and that was about it that happened out of game. They came out and said that the situation was bullshit and i agree because that is what it was. You literally put us down in one thread and when i replied to it an explosion of comments came pour in from you and i got defensive.

Lol Uther that is sooo funny.

01:28:46 Feb 17th 10 - Sir Burninglegion:

i caught that too


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